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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Oh f*ck the anti-flourine mob finally got their way in Prince George about a decade ago. A couple years later dentists were reporting such a surge in cavities they needed more dentists. How cavities reached epidemic proportions on the reserves within one generation... Yep over sixty years of the anti-science dullards griping about socialist doctors stealing their precious body fluids...
  2. I was disappointed when they went from Clinton to the Dimwit Bush, pleased again when they had someone as classy and eloquent as Obama and then.... the GOP said hold my beer and doubled down on dimwit with a totally deranged sociopath. Newsmax must be seething to have to report Biden isn't on his deathbed.
  3. It has consequences. That's what these guys are really bawling about, they want 'freedom from any consequences". And you still can call Trudeau a fat lesbian. Or a Nazi a Communist and a Dictator all at the same time. Just like how I can call Trump a rapist and a fraud, and do. The difference is that if Trudeau wished he could sue for slander or libel. Trump can;t because it's true. I could even say that about Trump at a MAGA rally if I'm stupid enough to think I'm constitutionally protected from flying tomatoes, bottles or possibly bullets.
  4. That actually is more democratic than electing from an either/or choice.
  5. Can you think of any democracy anywhere in the world where a political party trying to win election would stand solidly with a candidate with even 1/10th the amount of scandal attached?
  6. No it made those already opposed yell so damn loud they've influenced too many otherwise sane people. Thank you Facebook, Twitter, etc
  7. Bullshit to that! You do realize those people you saw on the news with that problem are there because it is news. Which by definition means it's something new or uncommon. "People" are not paying the lion's share for heart conditions, move to the USA and you'll sure as hell find that out fast. Women wanting birth control; that's your real problem isn't it? Loose women, teenage sluts that don't even need their parent's permission. Plus the fact it's universal... Mr Bawl about discrimination is against universality, Mr X makes a living why should he not pay? "Good that Poilievre is surging ahead in the polls. There is hope" Hope for what? That he'll take away programs? Not that it would help you achieve one iota of that in BC
  8. Oh FFS you live in BC!! Seniors already have Pharmacare. I pay like $20 every 3 months for diabetes meds. And you've paid taxes for years and not got that benefit, now you're griping about getting more for tax your money. You just want to whine like an American about taxes benefiting your neighbour. Go reread your Bible for that "render unto Caesar" bit.
  9. Fact of the matter is that everyone always says B.C. no one ever says the whole name out except for people who don't live here. Or on some 'official' document, no one else even writes out 15 letters when 2 will do. Or when you meet a stupid border guard that asks where your from and thinks you said DC, looks at your BC license plates goes doh! then asks what town and when you answer Vancouver says Vancouver Warshington?... when he works at a crossing hundreds of miles from there and can literally see the highrises in Vancouver Canada from where he's standing.... You're right, I've learned a little of the local dialect to understand a bit, but holy shit their written lingo has more triangles and upside down numbers than vowels. My kid would taunt his Scot grandmother mimicking it: Gramma buy us cann dee. You too want sung ghee (jerky). How lots of (whatever)... He could mimic lingos well as a kid. They thought it was cute using the Scot one, having zero clue he was mimicking Fat Bastard from Goldmember.....
  10. Could you possibly make a more petty observation? Those groups are a MAJORITY of the population and what's covered is a START of a pharmacare policy. And you'd literally shit bricks if they started with free drugs only for sickle cell anemia wouldn't you? And maybe have a case for your allegation. Whining for the sake of whining because the Libs&NDP did it... go sit in the corner with Danielle Smith and put the hat on.
  11. Singh admits the deal is mainly just a diabetes and contraceptive deal for now So it only benefits 50% of the population that uses the pill and >5 million diabetics. Not you the non-diabetic man, so you're totally opposed. And dental and pharmacare have nothing to do with the shortage of doctors or hospital wait times, that's another issue entirely.
  12. If you're confused by what that is, look it up. Somewhere other than on this forum....
  13. If you think police presence is required in schools you must be too dim to realize your society has already collapsed. Move to Gaza or Sudan where it's safer.
  14. Be suspicious of the FBI, not the one trying to keep all the witnesses from testifying. Do you watch Law & Order and scream witch hunt on behalf of the perps too?
  15. Welcome to the forum where everyone who walks like a racist and talks like a racist will swear on a stack of Bibles that you are the racist.
  16. None of you are dumb enough to think the Libs did the bare minimum to meet the agreement to keep NDP support and that anything actual will happen without their re-election. M.O.F. should they win a majority, things will proceed at a glacial pace regardless without the NDP booting them in the arse. Whereas if the Tories win, they'll swallow the distaste and public anger in stride and can it; that's their policy and platform. Besides, with them cutting off the very revenue sources that funds them they'll go back to cut, slash and RAISE income tax on the middle class.
  17. And then he won't have to pull out of NATO. The partners will all turn on him. Give the USA it's own taste of "Regime Change". yeah others can all 'dream' too!
  18. So Gator shows us he's one of those 1953 'real men' who thinks drag queens and trannies are a "danger" to women and children. Education, enlightenment or actually knowing one are all 'too woke' for them to stomach....
  19. It was nice for a couple weeks when he wasn't the Number One story on the news. Hell, even in Canada the whole Cdn Olympic hockey team could've died in a plane crash and for so long Trump would've done something so outrageous, so objectionable the crash would be the #2 story.
  20. Oh get back to the Jesus section you troglodyte. You can start a YouTube channel and be the Christian Nationalist alternative to Mrs Betty Bowers
  21. Only to someone so incredibly dimwitted they don't know what's obvious to anyone who stayed awake past Grade 6. Or to others too dumb to ask WTF truckers and Judicial Activism even have to do with each other. Asides from truckers being pigeonholed to avoid using the term rednecks.
  22. It really says something about you if the govt is proposing a way to make prescriptions more affordable and you're against it. Are you so damn wealthy it doesn't matter to you? Are you simply a jerk that doesn't want someone else to benefit? Or are you an combination jerk that is willing to pay more than you have to just to ensure not one penny of it benefits someone else? Or a hypocrite bawling about govt inaction on food and shelter but the deficit is more important than health? Or a Danielle Smith with only one anti-Ottawa song in your head and nothing else?
  23. When he f*cked E Jean Carroll against her will and managed to only be liable in a civic trial. Among about 25 other allegations. Aided by toxic males so disgustingly deplorable they think poking their dick into a woman without her consent or by intimidation is not rape. Like just what kind of person says sex assault allegations by 25 women, 91 criminal indictments, & many, many frauds can even remotely be 'witch hunt, persecution, all lies' and not be either stupid all the way down to their bones or just a plain scumbag?
  24. Too many conspiracy theories from watching TV. They get royalties from CBS so their FBI shows can say we tracked him in 3/10ths of a second buying a Coffee Crisp at a Canadian university. Grab your guns and let's roll ! and people will buy it like they do the CIA satellites that can look up your skirt and see what brand of canned beans are in your basement storeroom. Coming 2025: NCIS Victoria, because Esquimalt is too hard for Amricans to pronounce. Gunning down evildoers running renegade quinoa growing operation on Saltspring Island. NCIS jurisdiction because land owned by Vietnam riverboat deserter.
  25. Queen Victoria named it. Columbia referred to Columbus's new world. It was also the disputed Oregon Territory. The northern part was called New Caledonia, the south Oregon. The 1846 Treaty divided it along the 49th. France already named an island colony New Caledonia, Colombia in S America was already established so she picked British Columbia as the name in 1858 when established as a British colony. Kept that name when it merged with the Colony of Vancouver Island in 1866 and joined Canada in 1871. Then it wasn't a colony anymore so other than historically the 'British' hasn't meant anything since. But we could give it some unpronounceable name that looks like it was typed on a keyboard with no vowels and too many punctuation marks in keeping with today's renaming conventions.
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