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Everything posted by herbie

  1. So point out how it hasn't. Others have pointed out the tons spent on greener projects. You gonna believe the money will be spent on green initiatives when that tax isn't even collected? When they've sworn to govt spending cuts? Private enterprise will go green out of the goodness of their hearts, eh?
  2. Democrats are the liars? Did they rent a non-union auto plant for a day and fill it with supporters who didn't work there or even in the auto industry waving Auto Workers For Trump placards? Hold up border reform and swear to God they're not? No, it's the GOP that's lost any sense of ethics or morals.
  3. If 'anything' always boils down to huge megaprojects that affect land use, almost impossible should be the norm. If you want to dig up or cut trees on someone's traditional territory without giving them a say don't even think about it. It's not 1953 anymore.
  4. No solution,eh? Good Tory, good boy! It's all the other guy's fault but we can't offer a solution either.
  5. Wah wah Trudeau blah blah. Why don't we just refuse all refugees until it's convenient for us blah blah dream on that there's some magical solution. Like some politician who'll be proud to turn the country into a World Pariah, build refugees camps on Ellesmere Island to hold them in while their cases are reviewed....
  6. I don't burn flags, but I did almost want a Trumpy Bear when I learned they had a secret compartment with emergency toilet paper inside.
  7. Maybe I'll save any coins I get with Charles III on them... if I ever see one... A guy told me once that every single person who gets cancer dies. Just like every single person who gets "born".
  8. Yes more people should. 60 years late is better than never.
  9. Left? You say that as if it's an insult. As unsurprising as how people who think they're merely conservative are so limited in vocabulary they can only use the adjective "left" to describe anything they disagree with. No wonder those people love the guy whop loves the uneducated. When left is right and right is wrong, it's time to decide which side you're on.
  10. We're seeing the argument that teaching children something exists is brainwashing them into doing it, same as the tired argument that sex ed encourages kids to have sex. That hiding (or denying) it from them prevents it or makes it go away. "Children" are not getting these options simply because they ask for it, the extremely few that do go through many hoops, panels, assessments and almost all with the consent of the parents. The entire concept that it's "to protect children" is utter nonsense to pander to the extremely few loud unsupportive parents who simply want to say NO to the kid. Perpetuated by the usual social regressives who think that because they themselves have even heard about it, believe it is a common and regular occurrence.
  11. I don't care. You're the one that will feel better admitting what you are to yourself. No! No! Just because I post racist remarks, quote stereotypes as facts and oppose all attempts at redress or reconciliation doesn't mean I'm a racist. I'm just a typical conservative.... You could just use the other "It's 2024 and you're conquered so accept your lot" and get called a colonizer. No no! I'm not a settler either....
  12. But listen to these guys, millions of prettens are being groomed by teachers to get surgeries as part of govt wokeness programs. All the so called facts are MSM lies, they heard the truth somewhere, everybody's talking about it. It's a parental right to not know or deny their children's wants and blame teachers, govt, doctors for discovering them.
  13. You were called out as one for speaking as one and proven you are by believing what you said is 'truth". Quit dodging boy, admit what ya are.
  14. Not at all. The point IS that people, usually still unsure of their own sexuality, are fixated on trannies and wish to spread the fear someone's making people into them and coming for them next, that gender procedures are rampant and commonplace and to prevent others in possibly the only way possible from exercising their choices, using the typical "think of the children" excuse. And certain Premiers. unable to quietly alter rules so provincial medicare won't pay and wait to see who notices, must loudly blab to appease their redneck voter base. BTW it's 2024 and a lot of 14-16 yr old girls are on the pill. Their Mom's either support that, don't want to know, or buy the story of how it helps with acne.
  15. Yes, I know someone who underwent breast reduction at 18. Ugly scars, ugly! She could never enter wet Tshirt contests in her 20s. But now she can stand up straight in her 60s without pain meds. Using people who change their minds about something doesn't make for a case to stop others deciding.
  16. Hmmm an absolutely brainwashed Trumpoid troll disagrees with me. Imagine if the Democrat wore a turban! Why that would give you so much more reason to promote a lying fraud rapist for your chosen leader.
  17. Git your racism right out there in front boy! Why hide it? Why even the self serving MLA John Rustad who served as Minister oi Native Affairs in the previous govt and spoke to adopt the terms of UNDRIP has changed his mind. It seems if you break away and form and lead the BC Conservative Party, you must adopt every deplorable policy to curry favour among conservative redneck supporters. Even if it makes you a hypocrite.
  18. We could have a national baby program like Germany's Lebensborn. Hookers could spit out babies for medals and cash rewards, single women could drop off their unwanted babies. It would also reduce abortion. You should support it. You can gripe later when too many of the babies turn out to be brown ones.
  19. Eggh! Egghh! Some people regret getting tattoos or piercings ! That means it would be good to criminalize getting those until you're 21. Akk! Akk! Get off my lawn
  20. Whatever they have to do with the subject. Not that the original post has dick all to do with reality either.
  21. Which would actually mean something if the GOP represented the people they cl;aim to serve in the least. Rallying about someone who only seeks to serve himself, is recognized as the most divisive candidate possible it is obviously not so. Running on the most simplistic and populist gut issue alone, using every obstructionist and unethical tactic to simply "win" at all costs does nothing for the people they pretend to serve. So spit it out: You prefer to be led by a fraudulent rapist rather than someone who is "old", even if only by a few years.
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