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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Dumbest move - a friend wait until he was 65 as he'd "get less" if he took it at 60. So he worked 5 more years at most 2 nights a week for min. wage. Made $12K.... so he could make $100 more 5 years later. Be lucky to live the 10 years to hit break even. Another wanted to work until 70. A co-worker reminded her that according to life expectancy figures, she had 15 years to accomplish everything in her life she hadn't yet. She filed the day she turned 65.
  2. In the days before insurance lobbyists and Americanized 'why should I pay for yours' whiners took over. As a senior who has to buy private dental insurance only to discover it barely pays for what the plans cost, I'm disgusted. Can't wait until May when I can register.
  3. Prune older posts, inactive members?
  4. Stupid shits have their tongues so far up Donald's ass they can't see you claim the improved value before you improve it. And still stuck on not figuring out how you can make profits. Duh, we're too stupid to figure it out, so no one can. Can't be real... duyuhhhh...
  5. FYI there are now over 40 refurbished laptops out there that will identify themselves to Microsoft as "Hunter Biden's Laptop". The GOP is welcome to try to extradite me for Obstruction of Justice.
  6. Why should I have to pay for shooting your Mom, that was yesterday. What's that got to do with today?
  7. Someone forgets the simplest concepts of how law works. If there's evidence of lawbreaking then you investigate. You don't fish for evidence without any idea of what crime was committed. When a court finds you guilty of fraud, you are guilty. When you claim your house was worth $1 million dollars on your 1973 taxes when it wasn't and plead it is worth that now you admit to have committed fraud. and if the 'sins of the father' accusation wasn't low enough for the the deplorables push 'the sins of the son' as an excuse. HTG Trumo must have more dirt on these spineless GOP sycophants than J Edgar Hoover ever had on anyone.
  8. All right, I'll stop. Like this was only posted to drum up the rage of the Archie Bunkers on the site and I'm guilty of trolling them too. So what if there's free rags & plugs in the Mens room? So what? Who cares? So what if there's a trannY in the washroom, they'll be in a stall not showing off their mangles mass of meat and stitches excuse for a dick to you. You only have to maybe wash up in the next sink. \f stuff like that really bothers you, hold it til you get home. And hope there's not an old Maxipad hanging out the bathroom garbage can....
  9. Oh it's a leftover WW2 armoury with 6 stalls and 8 urinals and they had to section off a 3x3ft section for a women's with only one toilet and sink. You'd have to take rag in front of all those men watching you while they p1ss and walk pst them bring it to her.... the shame, the shame...
  10. You're supposed to start gagging even thinking about them. Once on a Buy Scout camp out we borrowed the First Aid kit from the Girl Guides. One guy cut himself badly and there were those old fashioned pads with 9 feet of strapping, thick as seat cushions (could've made a hammock for a puppy), and he refused to allow anyone to dress his wound with one. A real man, he was.
  11. They're so damn happy they're whining all day on every forum on the Internet.
  12. WTF are you talking about pretending, you're the one imagining things. Or should I just point out you usual habit when you're incapable of discussion of lying and claiming people stated whatever you claim they did? BTW they'gonna be in all federal men's bathrooms soon, and for FREE. Now you can whine how women get things free but men don't and that's discrimination. Even though you can use the pads as bandages and the tampons top plug the bullet holes or shove them up your butt and mince around if you want to. FFS 'social norms' like your wife has to have a separate bathroom or if you're in the Army you gotta shower & share the shitter with openly gay guys? Social norms change in case you haven't noticed. And in a democracy they always will no matter what blockhead you vote for.
  13. Talk about brain locked ultra-conservatives. Can't even imagine having just a "bathroom" in a facility. Can't comprehend desegregation by race began in the military and by sex is no different. Didn't ask why, gotta make up imaginary reasons that play to the fears of other so worried about their obvious latent sexuality. Probably grit their teeth and tighten the bunghole trying not to blush if they have to [or even think of) buying plugs and pads in their grocery list. Go rant on how there's condom machines in the ladies room at the bar. They must be for trannies! I mean can't differentiate between sex and going to the bathroom... that's sick.
  14. The forum uses inVision, a paid forum software. While it may slow as the database grows, it's not really that noticeable. Delays like 30 secs = minutes point to routing or server problems. The Cloudflare error means the DNS can't connect to the site IP which means a link on the way to, or a problem with the server IP that could be from an attack on this or any other website sharing the IP. You'd need to ask the hosting company to check the main server logs or check while it's happening. Usually the site owner can't check those or isn't allowed to. It all seems ok now.
  15. If grovelling to the Court the demented lout personally stacked fails, you'll just have to re-elect him so he can pardon himself from all past present and future charges. Which he would do quickly.
  16. Been getting very slow response times requesting pages and posting stuff as well as a few timeouts and Cloudflare error pages. Site maintenance happening of DOS attack going on?
  17. Oh yes, the sight of naked women invokes immediate rape response. Just like showering with a black soldier invoked instant lynch response in the old days.
  18. No it is EXACTLY what you responded with. The post was about Trump and you did not respond with agreement or disagreement or any opinion related to the subject, you immediately replied with whatabout what Clintons did who were not being discussed. Deflection at ir's best. And arguing that because Billy shit on the carpet, Fred should be excused for shitting on the carpet too, at it's worst. Two wrongs do not make a right. EDIT: And as usual it worked, so no one is now discussing the corrupt conman before the courts, they're all arguing about the Clintons who don't matter for a flying f*ck at this moment.
  19. "menstruation kits" Reminds me of a really old National Lampoon article on what teen boys imagined was on the instruction sheet in a pack of Kotex. Rube Goldberg contraptions to insert and remove tampons, 3 pages of strap, belt & button clamp arrangements to hold a pad in place,,,,? So what? The real problem is why the hell still have Mens & Womens bathrooms. It's the Army, desegregate already.
  20. definitely brain locked with whataboutism as usual.
  21. That was Stalin and determinism, not the definition of communism. It's what Americans are brainwashed into believing is. Same reason ppl like reason10 have the idea that because that same determinism to impose by authoritarian means makes Nazia and Communists the same, not polar opposites. Look at Pol Pot. the same absolute authoritarian that even hard core Communists couldn't stand for. And what about Yugoslavia? Tell us how Joe Average benefited after Tito was gone? How life in Albaina is so much better....
  22. Dated I woman for a while until she told me about how "unsafe" and "unproven" the Pill and IUDs were. Every woman I knew used the Pill in the 1960s, my ex wife had UIDs for 25 yrs except for when we were trying to have kids. Decided I wasn't gonna start another family in my 50s with some Nancy nature 50 years of science denier. Met a gal who bought $50 a litre bottles of wolfberry juice and tool a teaspoon every morning swearing how good that was. Could have doubled the anti-oxidants with a couple blueberries on her cornflakes. Put up with a Vegan daughter, but I always make tiny bleating noises eating lamb chops in front of her or hold a steak knife up and make tiny "no, no! help me - help me" (from the original The Fly) waving it at meat. DDT, asbestos and Thalidomide were over 60 years ago, but keep denying to yourself that human society can learn dick shit. Stand up and fight for the rights of the very corporations that flogged them on us.
  23. Mainly because the capitalists will instantly gang up and do everything to wipe you from the face of the Earth. Perhaps, using brutal dictatorial programs you can exhaust 110% of your efforts on defence and finally collapse like the USSR. Or you can moderate your policies to accommodate capitalist trade and ensure the people benefit. Or even look at places like Vietnam where people don't give a flying f*ck about 'communism' as bombs are no longer falling on their heads and they are getting better by the day. Perhaps in a generation or two with peace, food on the table and more leisure time people there will want more input over the powers that be. It's nowhere near the list of important things to them at the moment. Further to that, with all the whining on the forum, I wouldn't be all that praising of capitalism over the greatness of capitalism. We're all griping over some faults of it.
  24. And that's called progress. Which you all hate with a passion. As some of you pointed out, you seem to think we can tell people to move and pretend to have some right to take the land without negotiation or compensation because we made up a "law" and say so. Goddam Constitution giving human rights to "other people". eh?
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