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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. In my work I receive news updates about new developments in nuclear power. We've seen that the Trump administration is in favour of more nuclear energy development. Trump said his administration will attempt to expand the nuclear energy sector by launching a "complete review" of current policy to identify ways to revive the industry. Link Many countries in the west have fallen far behind in the development of new nuclear energy sources. Meanwhile the news briefs I receive show new developments every week in the building of nuclear power plants, and research into new sources, fuel, and waste management ongoing in Russia, and in China. http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/
  2. Went to a hockey game last night (OHL). When the moment came to stand up for the national anthem, I turned to my son and said "What shall we sing?" What are the lyrics? It is not the first time facing this dilemma however, given the number of versions both official and unofficial (the bilingual one...). Surprisingly and with great forethought the organizers opted for the French version, which of course nobody in the arena could sing along to anyway... It is interesting to note that the French version has not undergone any revisions since it was written, and its translation is very different from the English, including references to the cross, and smiting our enemies with a sword. Another significant problem is that the French language is built upon words that are themselves "masculine" or "feminine", and so it cannot escape gender bias, fundamentally.
  3. I would imagine that any serious contender for the White House would have to be thoroughly investigated.
  4. Maybe always were, but in the past it was less obvious. I can't find any news outlet that simply gives facts without adding their opinion, excuses and unfounded, biased allegations. They've got these guest characters coming on as though they are some kinda "expert", making excuses to downplay a memo that days earlier they furiously opposed being released. Now the memo doesn't mean anything, so why did you strongly oppose its release? Do they think the public is totally stupid, has no memory and not aware of how we are being manipulated? Yes they do, and that will be their undoing.
  5. "Yo, Canada! It's my home, it's my place, it's my native land! We're talkin true love, for all my homies, In all we be like straight up command! Uh! Yeah..."
  6. Not sure but I think the phrase "In all of us command" is grammatically incorrect? Seems I'm not the only one who thinks so. I realize that I speak with a voice from the previous millennium and that good grammar is bad form nowadays. Nevertheless, can anyone explain to me the grammatical structure of “in all of us command”? How can an objective pronoun (us) take the place of a possessive noun (sons’)? Transfer this construction to a simple sentence: “Let’s send all of us money to Panama to avoid most of us taxes.” Or, “Let’s eat all of us candy before the rest come.” Has anyone ever spoken like this? Altering the national anthem
  7. He's not completely wrong. Although we no longer must swear an oath on the bible when in court (you can now swear on a book of your own choice), official holidays in Canada still reflect Christian traditions. National and Provincial "Christian" Holidays- Good Friday Easter Monday Christmas Day Boxing Day We also still maintain a separate Catholic School system.
  8. Very interesting, yet the talking CBC bobble heads after the speech could only express disdain and ridicule. Still at it today on CTV. Since they can find little else to criticize, the subject of the day is the alleged affair with a porn-star. Van Jones on CNN says "No matter what he says, it`s just impossible to believe him." Echoes of the pre-election polls- what the MSM is selling is lies, evidenced by what the people themselves say when given a chance. ETA - The data you have provided is CBS however.
  9. My comment relates to earlier conversations we had here in which we tried to identify the reason people voted for Trump. There are several reasons of course. What I meant was that it was the disenfrachised conservatives on the right that have felt ignored by their political leaders for many years, disregarded in the media while the left happily engaged on a campaign of political correctness, vilifying any views from right wing conservatives as if they were poison. This group felt it had no voice, not even from conservative leaders. When Trump came along with his attack on political correctness, they heard a voice that was saying at last what they wanted to hear. Here is one article which related to this: https://democracyjournal.org/magazine/43/what-next-for-liberalism/ ...what impassioned the core of those who swung the Electoral College balance, it is clear in retrospect, was a sense of being outsiders in their own land. Those alienated voters saw themselves as the bone and sinew of the nation... They had been waiting in line for years for their time to arrive only to see others cut in line ahead of them, what sociologist Arlie Hochschild calls the “deep story” they tell themselves.... Although they live in an echo chamber of self-confirming social messages, they feel themselves voiceless. That is why, in spite of their anger at the global capitalism that made Donald Trump’s fortune, they felt empowered when a man of his super-wealth and media stardom spoke the words they know they are not supposed to say in public themselves...The result was a vote in which anger overrode optimism, a corrosive sense of failure overrode hope, and in which the very impracticality of a Donald Trump presidency proved one of his strongest drawing cards. @Michael Hardner what we talked about yesterday... voting based on dissatisfaction and a kind of anarchy
  10. Yes, based on what I've seen from previous events they always do that. Anyway if that's all that could bother you, all is well.
  11. This headline caught my attention today: 'Glee' actor Mark Salling, 35, dies before child pornography sentencing Apparently he died by suicide. Now, far be it from me to defend those who view child porn, let alone actually commit pedophilia, but it made me think about people who were accused of homosexuality in the past, who as a result also committed suicide. Not too long ago, being gay was a crime and considered to be utterly repugnant. Today it is viewed as normal and "not a choice". So I wonder if we are wrong to punish pedophiles by imprisonment, if it is something they cannot resist doing because it is innate to their nature somehow? A little research shows that it could be true. Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime Recent research suggests that ... pedophilia could result from a failure in the brain to identify which environmental stimuli should provoke a sexual response. M.R.I.s of sex offenders with pedophilia show fewer of the neural pathways known as white matter in their brains. Men with pedophilia are three times more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous, a finding that strongly suggests a neurological cause. Some findings also suggest that disturbances in neurodevelopment in utero or early childhood increase the risk of pedophilia. Studies have also shown that men with pedophilia have, on average, lower scores on tests of visual-spatial ability and verbal memory.
  12. Perhaps that rule book would not be helpful. Sir Wilfrid Laurier punished the Chinese in Canada by boosting the "head tax", and referred to natives as “the savage nations”, from which it was moral for Canada to take their land. What happened to being progressive, Mr. Prime Minister?
  13. Perhaps akin to anarchy stemming from frustration after seeing generations of lying politicos fail and screw up time and again, while the serious social problems continue unaddressed. It is cynical to want to see the system fail, and not something to look forward to, but it stems from a sense of desperation that no fix is possible... except for the wrecking ball.
  14. I think the "if" part doesn't give you an out, because "if" he thinks it's ok, that doesn't make him a conservative family man. I am a conservative family man. Anyway, no harm done.
  15. Although I think by and large this is true, and there are plenty of people who know little about politics but vote anyway, I feel there is another element at work here. I can't quite nail down what it is, but something like cynicism. That is what it is in my case, because I am cynical about all politicians including someone like Trump, or the Ford Nation. I can't say it "pleases" me to see them win, or that I have hope for the better, but it feeds my cynicism and somehow satisfies me. I doubt that I am alone. Suspect that many who elected Rob Ford did so because to them it was all a big joke.
  16. I know. I suggest "ignoring is bliss"... or at least, confine the insult so that you're not pissing off some of the conservative members in good standing here. This attitude that all conservatives are shit-trolls who need to be put down is how people like Donald Trump or Doug Ford get elected! Should mention I'm guilty of doing the same sometimes. Just sayin
  17. The law against abortion was struck down. There is no specific law against being anti-abortion. There are specific laws against the crimes you listed. ETA- there are certainly restrictions in some provinces for late term abortions, unless it is for urgent health reasons.
  18. That would not be necessary since those things are already illegal.
  19. Make Ontario Great Again.

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