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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Its amazing how some leftists can't seem to stop criticizing Rob Ford. They want to see him go to jail for using drugs. These are the same people who scream for dope legalization, for the right of everyone to have it, little children should have it. They're the ones calling for Rob Ford to lose his job because he has a substance abuse problem, with drugs and alcohol.
  2. Aoooooahhh ahhh...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      I am doing that. And I see the end that comes,

      Not with a bang, but a whimper.

      Aooooooahhh ahhh...

    3. OftenWrong


      Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Billy...

    4. kimmy


      Thought it was Cannonball, by the Breeders. Oh well.

  3. Will be interesting to see if he gets re-elected, what all these "sensible" people will have to say about it. His odds still look pretty good. The more people jumping into the mayoral race, the better it will be for Rob Ford.
  4. No I hadn't heard that. I have heard that he is a stupid person though.
  5. I heard lots of people have been leaving. Wow that's a shame. It might shut this forum down.
  6. I thought my point was abundantly clear, lots of people do it. Rich folks get to buy nicer blow. Only they don't have Toronto newspaper reporters following them around all day. If reporters followed you everywhere you went every day, wouldn't catch you doin somthin, eventually? 8^
  7. It's no surprise that Rob still has a problem. Many problems actually. With his drugs and booze addiction.How many celebs, politicians, judges have the same problem? What makes them alright is, we don't know about it. They don't have the world watching their every move. Unlike you and me. The other day I nearly tripped on a bump in the road. Didn't make no headlines. Rob Ford? Oh yeah.
  8. K just checkin. Cause it seems to me on some other forums I was on, it was the guys who were pro-drug legalization that were loudest to make fun of Rob's drug problem, saying he should be fired for it.
  9. Wow you do realize drug addicts are not criminals, or necessarily stupid people? They just have a medcal problem. In fact quite a number of people in higher positions of authority have drug problems, whether it be cocaine, heroin, pills, alcolhol etcc
  10. To the OP, yes, I think an upgrade to the forum software will make this site more appealing. I'm new here and find the software is kinda primitive. Improve software and this place will pick up a bit, hopefully. thank you
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