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Everything posted by OftenWrong

  1. Daycare costs going up due to the government mandated wage increase. Link “We were paying $1656 a month for the two children, now we’re paying $2024 a month.” Behold the beginning of the domino effect. How is it a wage increase if it causes prices to go up? It's not. It's an inflation increase.
  2. I don't think anyone can deny the state that Haiti is in, regardless of the word that is used to describe it. So ultimately the debate is not whether shithole describes it well enough, because it does. The question is whether the use of that word publicly acceptable. Sure it's a rude way to say it but it is also very succinct. Keeping in mind this was said in a private meeting behind closed doors, it should not even be an issue. The whole discussion and associated outrage is a deflection from the larger point about immigration that Trump/ the GOP is proposing. We don't want people to have an intelligent discussion about immigration, we only want to inflame emotions and paint Trump as a monster. That way even if he DOES have good ideas... ETA It should be noted that Canada needs to have the same debate, and move in the same direction as Donald Trump proposes. Even our immigrants who've come here are saying the same thing, get rid of the lottery it is arbitrary and unfair.
  3. Canada and other counties have always had a threshold below which the applicant is not allowed to enter. That is just common sense. What is nonsensical is the notion that our doors are wide open, come on in and have a free ride. Bringing people in who can only survive on welfare harms the country. The vast majority of the population lives in the 3rd world. This data (2011) shows about 70% are either poor or low income. It's painful to accept that we cannot help everybody. But that notion is not true, there are other ways to help besides bringing them into Canada where they can only become a burden on us that will ultimately be impossible to support. The alternative is to find ways to raise them up within their own nations. Build their own economy which means they need to work hard, and the developed world can provide assistance. World bank and such can hep get their economy running by providing aid and debt relief. But they don't. It seems they would rather have me donate 85 cents a day... just enough to guarantee a lifetime of misery for them, and their children, and so on and so on.
  4. I don't recall hearing complaints, but then I don't quite read everything. I do recall "We are still experimenting". Allowing members to give out negative reps is somewhat like giving us the ability to moderate one another. It is only symbolic, but might help to establish a baseline of acceptable forum behaviour promoted by the members themselves. To be clear, I meant new posters should be closely scrutinized by the moderator and not permitted to make posts full of inflammatory rhetoric, even if the post was not reported by another member. Especially if it's a thread, because that creates the all-important headline. It only makes the forum look bad. For this reason some forums have a probationary period during which new members cannot start new threads, until they have posted a number of times. Others have similar restriction but use the moderator to decide if the new thread should be allowed, until they reach a certain threshold. This helps build trust that the new person is not a troll coming here to sabotage the forum. So I suggest the following: 1) Allow negative reps. 2) New members cannot start new threads unless they reach a certain minimum post count, OR, new members threads are allowed but must be approved by the moderator. The minimum post count for the probationary period can be a fairly low, say 10 or 20. They get a message saying "You cannot make new threads during the probationary period until they are approved by a moderator. Your thread is being reviewed." etc 3) Any member who registers, posts a few things and does not return for a very long time, then suddenly reappears to make long inflammatory posts should go back on "probation" as in (2). It's is very likely "The Troll". The troll wants to make this site look like a forum full of extremists and nut jobs, in order to convince others not to post here. My suggestions are an attempt to put a stop to this.
  5. I would like to see the ability to give negative reps. I think they would be useful, not as "revenge' but to indicate when a post is considered unacceptable for the forum. One example of what I mean is when we get a new forum member come on here and posts something that is purposely inflammatory. New posters should never be allowed to do this, in my opinion the rules should be more strictly enforced at the beginning. If forum members can give it negative reps, it helps to set the tone for the forum, and this could be useful for other potential new members, who might then be more willing to join and participate. I suspect there is a persistent troll or trolls who come here in the guise of new members, then post something extremely right or left wing because they want to make the forum appear to be a shithole. I use the term shithole figuratively. If other members can give these posts a negative rep, and preferably if there is a bi-partisan repudiation of the post, it indicates that we don't encourage this kind of discussion. This is somewhat better than simply ignoring. When a post such as this is made, ignoring it simply leaves it up on the board with no rebuttal. I think that makes the forum look bad. Just my 2 cents, keep up the good work.
  6. No unpleasant facts please, they make snowflakes melt and babies cry.
  7. Haiti is a shithole. I mean figuratively, not that there is shit on the walls in all their houses. Although, some perhaps. If I recall recent history, they had a devastating earthquake 8 years ago and there was an outpouring of support from people all over the world. Everyone was giving money for Haiti. You go to the grocery store, sign on the till says "$2 for Haiti". Written in pen, no less. They collected uncounted millions (literally uncounted, not figuratively). Government and NGO collected and sent personnel and crates of supplies to Haiti. Military planes as well, to provide security. Security against what? Criminals. Some Haitians were evacuated, allowed to live in the US. They were given visas allowing them to live in the US for a fixed period, perhaps it was 6 years(?). When these recently expired (meaning they must return to Haiti), America under president Trump did not renew them. That is why we saw them fleeing the US, crossing the border into Quebec by the thousands and detained. As far as I know they are now living in fancy country clubs in Eastern Ontario. Overall point- Despite all the money, people and supplies, and 8 years later Haiti has STILL not rebuilt their country from the earthquake damage. Haitians are lazy. And those that got away into America and now in Canada don't want to go back for that very reason- Haiti is a shithole.
  8. Once she is elected, your president Ofrah WinFree will pump the left so hard, it will really make your head spin. Talk about the ultimate high.
  9. A thick fog of confusion comes from that big joint you are constantly smoking. Please butt it out, it is making you paranoid about the demon Donald Trump.
  10. Yay. I expect you would have a long list of fears to share, if you started...
  11. In regards to thread poll, I have voted "Yes'. Given the overwhelming media shit-storm where innuendo, unsubstantiated speculation and fictional books vis Trump are taken as perfectly true, the Dems probably could elect anyone they want. That is the strategy.
  12. I read an article by Newt Gingrich that summed up Trump's / Republican's successes in his first year. Some highlights- In his first year as president, (Trump) nominated a conservative to the Supreme Court and got him approved, aggressively cut regulations, established a National Security Strategy that has been widely praised, and successfully helped pass the largest tax cut in more than three decades for the American people... as a result of all this, small business confidence, CEO confidence, and consumer confidence are through the roof, which has helped drive the stock market to a record high. His work on immigration reform and building "The Wall" are still ongoing. You are speculating here, which is fine but you are showing your bias. Why should they want to be endeared to Trump? Why do people seek to excuse any success that he and his party have achieved, by any means even just speculation? I do that as well but it's a mistake to "believe" in a thing without hard substantiation. Especially given these times of intense political theatre. It's driving people nuts, you know?
  13. Driverless cars and trucks are still a ways off from being used on public streets. You claim 10-20 years, I suppose it's possible. Not sure I completely like the idea. If there is an accident with the truck and there's no driver, who is at fault? Many instances in the past where the truck driver was sued for negligence. I would not assume a computer control system will be perfect every time. Safety interlock systems are useful but only to a point. I don't understand why you inserted Trump here for comparison. Was that just for dramatic effect? I mean in context of economic fallout. I read that unemployment in the US is way down, and wages are going up. Please, if you would, explain this reference.
  14. I cannot find a reference to your claim. I googled https://www.google.ca/search?&q=walmart+employees+Trump+taxes but the links only show- Walmart uses massive Trump tax gain to offer modest pay rise Walmart says it's raising wages thanks to the GOP tax plan With a lower tax bill in sight, Walmart to raise its U.S. minimum wage Trump's tax bill prompts Walmart to raise starting wage, give $1,000 bonuses to some employees This is a startling contrast with what has happened in Ontario, minimum wage increase forced upon businesses by the government. Employers are now cutting benefits and paid break time, and now I hear the price for products is going to go up. The consequences should be obvious... if the prices go up to cover the extra wages paid out, it's not a wage increase at all. Two very different political ideologies, two different results. I would expect president Ofrah to be even worse...
  15. So I was right, the video describes your political leanings. No surprise, it's like reading a comic book.
  16. Don't know, but I have not seen that label for a long time. For the Quebec beers I liked Boreal Blonde. I have not tried many others. Found some nice local made brews in Montreal. We went to Brewtopia. My wife and I plan to go to Quebec City this summer as we like to explore the local craft beers.
  17. Trump's done pretty well in his first year actually eyeball, despite the intense media opposition. None of that had any substance, it is akin to tabloid gossip and trash, which you and many others have been suckered into believing. While we bicker over his hair colour, small hands, or blunt and direct demeanour he's happily working on his party's political agenda. By now there can be no doubt that Trump has fired up the US economy, through deregulation and tax reductions. The information is there and can be proven, if you look but you won't hear about it by sucking on the teats of mainstream media.
  18. Yeah technically but beers designated "Stout" or "Porter" are descriptive of a particular kind of ale. Many associate Ale with a red or brown beer. I prefer ales myself vs. lager, with a few exceptions such as an unfiltered Weissbier. Depends on the occasion. After a hockey game, in the dressing room we drink Molson Canadian, or Coors light. Ain't no one crackin a fine bottle of Orval... I have many favourites and it changes over time, but lately my standard go-to is Belgian Moon. They ran out of it at the grocery store so tonight I am having Shocktop. Not quite the same. I really like the fine Trappist ales, especially those with low gas. They are generally somewhat higher in alcohol content, some up to 10%. The flavours are so complex in these ales, it's a real treat. Delerium Tremens, La Trappe. Belgian beers, hmm there is a trend here. I think Irish beers are very nice too. Caffrey's, Kilkenny. Fine, low gas brews. Murphy's Irish Stout. Even Harp Lager, hey not bad.
  19. Well I can only agree here, given today's ear-shattering volumes of gossip and trash, celebrity hero worship and agenda-driven cultural appropriation. Seems to me "Social Media" is not really the kind of media we needed. But I digress.
  20. Good luck getting rid of it. People often respond to power in a positive way. They need it, like they need leadership. You idealists have got some pretty wacky ideas. Remove power and what would you have us do? Let me guess- live in an Anarco-syndicalist commune.
  21. There is evidence that the inner solar system has been hit by sudden swarms of meteors or comets a few times in its history. The so-called "age of heavy bombardment" left evidence of this, determined in part by the distribution of crater sizes on the moon. There is also speculation that prior to this, during the formation of the solar system planetary orbits were unstable, or might have been destabilized by gravitational influence of a passing massive object, leading to planetary billiard-ball like collisions. Oh my!
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