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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Who's buying their Strawberries or Spinach from China? All those Almonds and Avocados from China. I know I don't. I guess the Garlic market is controlled by China and there's concerns about Honey and other relatively shelf stable goods. Your inability to do a simple Google search indicates that you pulled that anecdote out of your ass. Unless proven otherwise. Trump's Tariffs have done more to hurt the US Agricultural industry than anything. https://www.vox.com/2019/3/6/18253444/border-statistics-illegal-immigration-trump Border Crossing are still lower than during the Bush administration. But the spike is being caused families and not "bad hombres" as Trump's rhetoric would indicate. He's creating this crisis.
    2 points
  2. Today young people are brought up in the world of the internet, and many think of it as some kind of blessed oracle. Just ask a question of the Googler, he will tell you everything. In fact, much more than you want to know. And yet I learned so much more in my childhood than my kids did. My kids didn't go outside as much as I did. They didn't go skating. They didn't hang out and play tag all day with other kids. They don't know how to tie a fishing knot, nor will they likely ever need to. Their main portal to reality is the web browser, and for that I pity them. We unleashed the internet, a total revolution without considering the social impact it would have on us. We need to put the genie back in the bottle.
    2 points
  3. True, but it is in Canadian political and social DNA to make such comparisons to "down South" no matter what the topic is. It is organic to Canadian media as well, if only to define and contrast content that would otherwise be very thin. The very Canadian identity is often defined as "not American", and so it goes with gun control as well.
    1 point
  4. I'm not sure if this thread is supposed to be about handguns and assault weapons in Canada or not...the original post indicated that this was about consultations on whether handguns should be banned in Canada after last year’s marked increase in gun homicides in Toronto. Making the assumption that there's a reason this thread is in the Canadian Federal Politics section, it's worth noting that all this talk about bump stocks, Republicans vs Dems, and of course Trump....is exactly the problem we have in rationally discussing Canadian gun laws. When the issue of gun control gets conflated with the problems down in the US, it creates a false narrative that Canadian gun laws are too weak, that Canada has some imaginary problem with mass shootings, and we need to tighten up our laws to solve a problem we don't even have. That's not to say there is no gun violence in Canada, but it's not even in the same realm of comparability with our neighbors down South, and it never will be. Using what happens in the US to push a fear driven social/political agenda in Canada is lazy, irresponsible, and overtly ignorant. As I mentioned previously, Canada has some of the strictest laws and regulations on the planet, and writing more gun laws or banning more guns is not going to make Canadian streets any safer from bad guys who don't give a rats ass about current gun laws, let alone stricter ones. All it's going to do is give politicians more talking points and Government more fear driven control of law abiding citizens, their rights/privileges, and their possessions.
    1 point
  5. Same thing in Canada, there is gridlock because the left in Canada is totalitarian, they make into all or nothing, at which point we will give them nothing, not one step back, they'll have to crush us under the jackboots, at which point they will simply bring the Confederation down, vive le Quebec libre.
    1 point
  6. Seems like you'd rather hop on the virtue-signalling bandwagon than listen to reason or think. Boges - even with the current level of deterrence at the southern border there is still a massive influx of illegal migrants. It's unsustainable. In China they had to adopt a 1-child per family law because the government couldn't keep up with population growth. Was that racist Boges? I'll reiterate, was that racist Boges? Do you think the Chinese government hates Chinese babies? If the US keeps taking in 700,000 illegals per year where do you get the water for all those people? California doesn't have an endless supply of fresh water. How can you keep up with growing infrastructure problems? You constantly have to upgrade sewer mains, water mains, the electrical grid, build new housing, which means even more infrastructure upgrades, etc. You need more hospitals, more schools, bigger roads, more police, more doctors, more nurses, more social services. And you need more food, but the new urban sprawl is in constant competition with farmers who need arable land. In China they are still closing down farms to build new cities. What do you do with hundreds of thousands of unskilled labourers, who don't even speak your official language, crossing the border every year? A lot of those people will take jobs "under the table", so they won't be contributing to the tax base and they'll be undercutting American workers who do. If you lower the deterrence level at the border that number grows. It doesn't shrink. And once again, it's currently unsustainable. The US doesn't have a duty to just let everyone in who wants in. That's not a thing. Here's a thing - people in Latin American should only have a number of babies that they can afford to feed. They can build up their countries to the point where no one wants to leave. Have you ever been to Costa Rica? Ever wonder why there isn't a surge of Costa Rican immigrants to the US? It's because Costa Rica is nicer than the US. There shouldn't be a need for mass migration. The Dems are urging on this crisis to score political brownie points. They are using toadies who lack critical thinking to spread their message. People are doing it on this site even.
    1 point
  7. I understand where you're coming from, but unfortunately the most famous concentration camps in the history of concentration camps are Nazi concentration camps. It's similar to the swastika. It's a hindu symbol that long pre-dates Nazi Germany. But it's probably not a good idea for one to use the symbol.
    1 point
  8. Yes, Muslim husband are well known for their progressive attitudes. *rolls eyes*
    1 point
  9. China coal mine approvals surge despite climate pledges. But Canada is such a good example, what gives???
    1 point
  10. People are lonely because we have no common mold like before where individuals had a predeterminated role in society. It also is because we do not depend on others like before.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, being hypocrites and all, Conservatives must love that the US debt is now 23 trillion. The Concentration camps at the border actually make Trump a lot more like Hitler than in 2016. We'll see what a White Nationalist, inspired by Trump, targeting Hispanics in El Paso will do to his support amongst them going forward.
    1 point
  12. Maybe there's just nothing to get. The sense you people have that this vast swath of humanity known as progressives spend all their time worrying about stupid shit like this is just another example of the nonsensical groupthink sloshing around the echo-chamber you all wallow in.
    1 point
  13. I wasn't an elite athlete, I was a lazy 17 year old who had been kicked out of the house, but the school of hard knocks made me iron hard, in just 26 weeks.
    1 point
  14. It's not my quote, its CATO's, Times and Associated Press. That's right. Who said it did?
    1 point
  15. Unfortunately this is the kind of mentality that is preventing the conversation from moving forward. Stuck in the past. So because Saudi Arabia commits terrorism abroad, does that mean the USA can do it to? Wait, bad example. That already happens. I'll try another. Every other modern nation has nationalized health care for it's citizens and treats it as a right. Why can't the USA do it for it's own citizens? Maybe that's another terrible example. The USA has had decades to deal with the problem. Mass shootings just did not start yesterday. The reasons today may be different, but they are still happening. Then get rid of all regulations federal and state level. l. Let's just allow everyone to have firearms regardless. If regulation is not the answer, then complete DE-regulation is the solution.
    1 point
  16. This is an engineer, not a climate scientist. Climate deniers dismiss Susuki because he's a zoologist and not a climate or environment scientist, but an engineer should be taken seriously? FYI I read the article anyway, and can only say I hope he's right and that there is no catastrophe headed our way. But it's pretty hard for me to believe that scientists and governments all over the world are out to deceive us and that they've been working towards this for over 100 years now. "In the late 19th century, scientists first argued that human emissions of greenhouse gases could change the climate. Many other theories of climate change were advanced, involving forces from volcanism to solar variation. In the 1960s, the warming effect of carbon dioxide gas became increasingly convincing. Some scientists also pointed out that human activities that generated atmospheric aerosols (e.g., "pollution") could have cooling effects as well. During the 1970s, scientific opinion increasingly favored the warming viewpoint. By the 1990s, as a result of improving fidelity of computer models and observational work confirming the Milankovitch theory of the ice ages, a consensus position formed: greenhouse gases were deeply involved in most climate changes and human-caused emissions were bringing discernible global warming."
    1 point
  17. Z I respect much fo what you say you know that. I hope you know I don't applaud Saudi Arabgi However Marcus has established himself on this board as a pro Iranian extremist so with due respect having read his past posts, he has one standard for Saudi Arabia and another for Iran. If Saudi Arabia was attacking Israel and not fighting Iran he would be the first supporting them. I take nothing he says with even an ounce of credibility. He believes Muslims should have as many Sharia law states as they want but no Jew should have a Jewish state. His take on Saudi Arabia is based on his pro Iranian beliefs. That is what I have read from him and that is why I see no need to respond to him rationally or otherwise. He showed his biases on this forum already. I am not about to be part of a two face diatribe on Saudi Arabia from someone who supports Iran which is just as problematic a regime. As for Saudi Arabia, Trudeau manhandled relations with it as he did India, the US and China. He has a track record of being a foreign relations arm pit with such nations.,He has no clue how to function on an international stage because he is a sheltered rich boy. Today's world is full of sob's. smiling while holding a gun and explosives and Justin has no clue how to deal with it. As for Maxime Bernierhe is an idiot. He has the iq of a stegasaurus. At this point he is playing Capt. Obvious and stating nothing new. He is what is called a populist contrarian. He simply states the opposite of what Trudeau says. At this point if anyone thinks that makes him a genius they need a colonic.
    1 point
  18. You've already conceded that Canada is ruled by a cabal of undemocratic absolutist elites, so I'm not good which what you're good with, I'm counterrevolutionary to your Bolshevist elistism. The mass shooters will switch to shooting people from the bell tower with "hunting" rifles and then you'll demand those too. Life is risk and murder is already strictly prohibited many times over, a safety country is a police state by default, a free country is something else.
    1 point
  19. In a constitutional democracy, individuals are protected by the rule of a mob of panic monkeys in downtown Toronto governing by the whim of absolutism. Britons have the right to bear arms in allowance of the law, allowance of the law does not mean the right can be summarily revoked. Gun prohibition is not gun control, gun prohibition is gun prohibition. That's unconstitutional. Even the American second amendment does not preclude gun control, just federal gun control, gun rights are states rights as the Well Regulated Militia are state militia's, there's plenty of gun control in America and has been since the 1880's. When Bolshevists say "control", what they really mean is prohibition.
    1 point
  20. Burkas should never be seen in Canada, they are a symbol of misogynist tyranny and degradation of women.
    1 point
  21. I think the only reason the UN is so pointless and useless is that so many human beings simply can't stand the thought of being united. It's just to progressive - ergo too much like communism - for the usual suspects to ever put their hearts into it. It would almost make more sense to let it become a conservative organization and then try to change the system from within after the idea has planted firmer roots. OTOH that might just as easily make us drive off the cliff even faster. Either way, pass the popcorn.
    1 point
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