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  1. Trump haters can't get enough of reinforcing behaviours to remind them that Donald Trump is indeed President of the United States...and Hillary Clinton is not. Resist ! Resist ! Resist !
    2 points
  2. Thanks for the link. I don't really see how you can even think of comparing the two. The Star is disrespecting Premier Ford in his first day on the job. The Sun Memo lays out an editorial reporting strategy leading into an election. Like most Ontarians, the Sun was anti-Liberal - but nowhere in the three page memo does it even mention Ford or cheer for the Conservatives. It painfully details the issues that they think are important - stressing where the Liberals have failed. I can guarantee that if the Star's editorial electoral policy would have been public, it would have been loaded with anti-Ford rhetoric - with instructions to dig up whatever they could. I thought you were unveiling some sinister backroom plot. Instead, this memo is exactly what Ontario needed - a little more truth and a little less self-congratulatory Liberal mumbo-jumbo. Given the mess that Ontario was/is in, this editorial guidance is pretty tame and pragmatic.
    2 points
  3. Well my prediction was Germany and Spain. They are both out...At this rate cannot say that I am disappointed as this WC has been pretty exciting with some fantastic goals. The Uruguay vs Portugal was one of those games that presented good sportsmanship and great game of football.
    1 point
  4. I don't think the U.S. Armed Forces are stupid. Occupation of Canada would be fairly painless at the start. However, it wouldn't take long to find out Canadian resisters would not be as nice and polite as the Viet Cong, the Taliban or ISIL. Canadians would suddenly have access to the 2nd Amendment and ...well it isn't going to happen. The most important reason it won't happen is Americans are wonderful people. European reaction against the invasion would pale to insignificance compared to the wrath of the American public.
    1 point
  5. How much? I mean...for the driver's license. This might just be a good deal.
    1 point
  6. Yupppp why let mexico bring you down come trade with us one on one. Mexico wants to be China and Russia's puppet state like Venezuela..
    1 point
  7. Another leader might not have gotten us into the position of having to deal with Trump's trade tactics. Another leader might not have brought climate change and gender equity and unions into the negotiations, and might have decided to ditch Mexico and negotiate on our own as the Americans repeatedly asked of us.
    1 point
  8. Trudeau presented himself in the worst way possible. He looks so tiny in that little suit
    1 point
  9. I think Canadians are starting to realize how mediocre a PM Trudeau actually is. Most don't fault him a lot for his approach to Trump's trade tactics because it's unclear that any Canadian leader could react differently. But on a host of other issues Trudeau has been a disappointment. He kicked electoral reform under the bus. His immigration policies are being sustained mainly by virtue of not disclosing actual facts, including about the extent of the program, to Canadians. His refugee policy is a mess largely of his own making. Canada's economy, which is mainly sustained either by commodities booms and/or on America's coattails, looks like it could be headed for a stall, if not a crash. Implementation of his marijuana legislation was haphazard, as has been his government's once vaunted climate agenda. His pipelines strategy has been all over the map and impressed few. His approach on Indigenous policy has, so far, largely been a flop. I could go on, but would simply bore everybody here with the obvious. He really wasn't, and still isn't, ready.
    1 point
  10. Here's a video from the G7 that shows how well known and how well liked our Prime Minister is. We were the host country and Trudeau was the conference Chair. I actually found it quite uncomfortable to watch. Link:
    1 point
  11. My sister, who's now lived in the U.S. for three decades, has raised the same point when visiting Toronto. Following a visit to a large suburban outlet mall and later touring some other shopping areas in the city, she asked me why many of our immigrants want to live as though they're still in their homelands while the same groups in the U.S. generally strive to quickly become like Americans. Her first neighbors when she moved to the U.S., she noted, were immigrants from India who enthusiastically embraced the American ethos and lifestyle. I blabbered on about the Canadian version of multiculturalism, but she remained entirely unconvinced of its merits. She asked, "But what's the point in it if they actually want to live in Canada?" I didn't have a good answer for her.
    1 point
  12. Especially when it comes with interest on debt payments.
    1 point
  13. Canadian news media are getting in on the boycott of U.S. products, as if Canadians need to be educated on what/how to do it. Once again, for reasons I will never understand, the usual punching bag product called "ketchup" (not catsup ?) is in the forefront: What is it with angry Canadians and ketchup ? Why is ketchup always the bad guy ? Is Heinz just easier to remember ? Because it is German (Nazis !!!) ? I mean seriously....do Canadians consume ketchup like beer ? In the fridge, a bottle of ketchup lasts at least one year in our house....and yellow mustard (French's, not Heinz) lasts so long we throw it out because of the best buy date. Then there is this apologetic quip about nationalistic pride...because I guess Canada lacks such pride unless they are boycotting American ketchup ! So on Canada Day 2018, show your Canadian pride by not passing the evil Yankee ketchup (or mustard) at a picnic.
    1 point
  14. 1) 'became' meaning it wasn't originally white culture 2) 'replaced' ... And yet you blatantly said white culture replaced what was here before 3) Oh, you will care all right. I don't have to wait and see. You will be posting your cringing plaints for the foreseeable future, I know that including blubbering on here like a crybaby every time you see a headscarf. To paraphrase others... Love it or leave it.
    1 point
  15. Massive Rally!!!! - Tens of thousands of Iranians in exile called for the overthrow of islamic regime today in Paris!!!! Waving flags of Iran, supporters of the Iran Mujahidin kept chanting in Farsi ‘’We are ready,’’ and ‘’People are dying, we will take back Iran,’’ responding to the calls of the speakers to topple the Ayatollah regime. The rally was organized by MEK. Fot those who may not know Iranians are in this mess because of MEK (and other damn commies like Traitor Tudeh party and national front traitors) at the first place. They battled for power in the 80's and lost. Their supporters were killed in the worse possible manner (including rape of underaged by regime mullahs the night before execution and mass executions without any trial in 1988). So later out of hate for the regime and as it is a common thing with the leftists they betrated Iran and collaborated with Saddam Hussain of Iraq in its war with Iran. They are therefore hated by most Iranians inside Iran for more reasons than one. However, evidently they can indeed gather a good crowd outside Iran so may be they still stand a chance especially they appear to have the support of some powerful Americans like Rudy Giuliani and Gingrich. https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Tens-of-thousands-demand-Iran-regime-change-at-mass-exile-rally-in-Paris-561218 They say the right things like: The overthrow of this regime requires... requires an organization and a strong political alternative, and requires a liberty army." Indeed there is a need for a liberty army as it is hard to overthrow this regime by slogans alone. However, they appear so far to have refused to form an alliance with other much more popular opposition groups like Reza Pahlavi. They made this statement in today's massive gathering in Paris (the content is all right but I and many iranians don't believe them to deliver): ’We call for the establishment of a society based on freedom, democracy, and equality, which has clear demarcations with despotism and dependence as well as gender, ethic and class discrimination. We have defended and will defend gender equality, the right to freely choose one’s attire, separation of religion and state, autonomy of nationalities, equal political and social rights for all citizens of Iran, abolition of the death penalty, freedom of expression, parties, the media, assembly, unions, associations and syndicates.’’ As for me if there is a choice only between plague and a flu I will choose the latter however, I am hoping for a total healthy honorable government elected by iranians who will build a strong and united Iran again to replace 40 years of destructive repressive mullahs (the return of the golden years by Pahlavi dynasty).
    1 point
  16. I saw a clip of Polievre delivering a statement yesterday in response to Freeland's announcement for aluminum/steel workers. I can't find it on youtube, but he did raise a very important reality. We are entering this trade war in a very weak state due to our deficit. Trudeau had done so many reckless spending that there isn't anything left for a rainy day. Of course Trump knows that, and will take advantage of our situation. The US economy is SURGING! They can afford the waiting game - can we? The new Liberal feel-good slogan must be, "we've got your back." Heard that one repeated by Liberals. We're all backed to a corner, folks.....that's the truth of it.
    1 point
  17. True. Just look at your lazy ass president working 1 1/2 - 2 hrs a day with long golfing weekends every week. Born to a rich family, never developed a strong work ethic because he never needed to work.
    1 point
  18. In today's paper we see the promotion of a whole bunch of people to the rank of general. According to the cite below that we had 130 generals and admirals in January. Presumably we now have more. The number of generals has grown 60% since 2003 while the size of the military hasn't really increased at all. We have a total of 79,000 people in the military. That's one general for about every 600 people. For those unfamiliar with rank structures, the average NORMAL rank structure goes something like this. 30 men in a platoon headed by a lieutenant 3-4 platoons (90-120) in a company headed by a captain 3 companies( 350) in a battalion headed by a major 3 batallions (1000 men) in a regiment headed by a lieutenant colonel. So our generals have approximately half the responsibility of a lieutenant colonel. They're all highly paid and busily producing reams of unimportant papers, documents and reports. Meanwhile our military starves for lack of funds and has to pass the hat around to its soldiers hoping they can borrow sleeping bags for new recruits. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/gen-jon-vance-announces-more-promotions-for-generals https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/05/03/number-of-canadian-military-generals-admirals-growing-at-faster-rate-than-soldiers-sailors.html
    1 point
  19. Your just a human like everyone else. A little whinier perhaps.
    1 point
  20. But it isn't/wasn't just Trump....Obama, Bush, and others have imposed tariffs and barriers before. Bottom line, and basically agreeing, Canada "sold out" years ago because other choices were worse. Trump the candidate was an "existential threat" to Canada's economy, but Trudeau/Freeland chose to wait for the smack in the face to actually happen, hoping to preserve the dependency (i.e. NAFTA). I for one don't understand how a modern mixed market economy like Canada can cruise along with such risks without concern / Plan B. "Sticking it" to Trump just plays Trump's game the way he likes it....Trump does not have the same political vulnerabilties as conventional politicians. Obama "stuck it" to Canada too, but he is still loved in Canada. This is not consistent....or logical. I agree with you that it is mostly...emotional.
    1 point
  21. If you take in unskilled immigrants ie the illegals or refugees, that's what going to happen. I'm not saying that this is morally right but again, America has no obligation to do the impossible, we do our best. And the best is to make sure you limit or control the number of refugee/asylum seeker/ unskilled labor you allow into the country at any given point in time. The only way to do that is to secure the border. Because when you allow refugee in you have to make sure they're able to take care of themselves and contribute to society, obviously this isn't realistic in the short term because they'll often have no skill, language barrier and no financial capital. So the country can only handle/absorb so many of these "charity" cases per year.
    1 point
  22. I don't mind bringing in immigrants so much, it's the paying for them that I have issue with. It's bad enough paying for career students and welfare cases, now we have to pay for a family of 7-12 children to live for free...because "that's who we are".
    1 point
  23. Ah I see the conundrum that Canada has. It tries to protect these different culture and ethnic background but doing so has also preventing it from melting into pot like we have in America. We are all immigrant on this land but we see our selves as American first and ethnic origin second.
    1 point
  24. And the Liberals responded by increasing immigration levels again, so Mister Selfie could puff out his chest and wave his curly hair and show everyone how progressive he is. Again.
    1 point
  25. Curious, though, that a Muslim restauranteur with obvious Liberal Party ties can get his interests served by the courts, but fundamental Islamist terrorists can spew their crap, raise families and train them as combatants, fund ISIS then go out and kill our allies and get a big hug from the Drama Teacher In Charge and $10 MM reward.
    1 point
  26. He also said gender is a #1 priority. We are so fucked.
    1 point
  27. That family has done more to destroy Canada then anyone else could ever come close in trying to do. When you are a pro multiculturalist and communist what the hell do you know about how to run a country except to maybe know how to destroy one. Trudeau is a follower and an admirer of Soros and Alinsky and that says it all. Trudeau knows what he is doing. He is setting a trap for Canada and Canadians.
    1 point
  28. The American experiment with democracy has been far more volatile and durable for over 200 years. I agree that a Donald Trump presidency is a symptom of prevailing political and economic conditions in the USA...Trump did not create such conditions. If Trump causes increased engagement by an apathetic American electorate, then that is a good thing. Americans will have another federal election in a few months, just as they have done since 1789, without fail. Americans (and other observing nationals) are often reminded by example just how robust their political system is and has been, even when stressed by contemporary events. No president is greater than the U.S. Constitution, which is designed for fully expected failings with built in contingency process and succession. Donald Trump is just another U.S. president.
    1 point
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