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Khadr should make us ashamed to be Canadian

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It's fun to mock those that trip but there is very limited power in this sort of `cleverness'. It's a vulture's position; a position of apathy until the `right moment'.

Otherwise known as `passive aggressive'.


How about we stay on topic, eh?

Canadians that voted in the last election is what I'm talking about. Of those that voted, less than 40% chose Harper's goons.

That was on topic? How?

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It's fun to mock those that trip but there is very limited power in this sort of `cleverness'. It's a vulture's position; a position of apathy until the `right moment'.

Poppycock....it's fun to mock those that don't trip up as well.

Otherwise known as `passive aggressive'.

Hardly passive at all. If you post something that is assailable, don't be surprised when it happens.

How about we stay on topic, eh?

I was on topic.....and called you on an erroneous conclusion concerning "Canadians".....no need to whine about it.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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OK , i'll buy the fact that he may or may not have been overly exposed to western moral values. But spending most of his life in Islamic countries, he must have been exposed to all of thier teachings, from the extreme views to include what we consider moderate. Also the group he was with knows what NATO considers right and wrong and the punsihments they can expect...for instance it is widely known that anyone caught planting IEDs is not expected to live thru that ordeal, it is taken very very serious by NATO.

What does the looney left want you guys to do, not start taking prisoners. Khadr should be lucky to be alive, he could have been very easily bayonetted and nobody would be none the wiser. Khadr should in fact be thanking his holders at gitmo for free room and board.

All this talk on prisoner mistreatment would probably lead to more dead taliban fighters instead of prisoners, and the soldiers have every right to do so. Instead of condemning soldiers, people should be praising them for even taking prisoners and providing them full quarter instead of bayonetting them shooting them.

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What does the looney left want you guys to do, not start taking prisoners. Khadr should be lucky to be alive, he could have been very easily bayonetted and nobody would be none the wiser. Khadr should in fact be thanking his holders at gitmo for free room and board.

All this talk on prisoner mistreatment would probably lead to more dead taliban fighters instead of prisoners, and the soldiers have every right to do so. Instead of condemning soldiers, people should be praising them for even taking prisoners and providing them full quarter instead of bayonetting them shooting them.

When you marry into a country you marry out of love and pledge loyalty. Marriages of convenience - is like taking a mate and hating that mate but loving that mates money - The Khadrs loved our wealth but not us..what's with our immigration policy - can our bureacrats not tell who likes them or not? Are there minds typicallyy liberal without principle and so insure in their spirit that they want everyone to like you? I don't care who likes me or not - I have a duty to do what is right - our immigration department should firm up and sort out who has come to give and who has come to contribute. The Khadrs came to take...so we took their son in return - sounds fair - now they pay the piper.

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Instead of condemning soldiers, people should be praising them for even taking prisoners and providing them full quarter instead of bayonetting them shooting them.

No one's condemning soldiers here. Don't know where you get that impression...

.... Although they did shoot Omar in the back a few times before offering him medical help.

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.... Although they did shoot Omar in the back a few times before offering him medical help.

What the hell is that suppose to mean.....This is not downtown toronto, there is no one yelling freeze, put your hands up....once you step onto a battlefield it is kill or be killed, you can't just turn your back and say...you can't shot me....Unless you have made it clear that you are surrendering .....your free game, another target...one that recieves bullets until it is no longer a threat.....normally that means 2 or more....sound cold and cruel, it is.... until you've been there.

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.... Although they did shoot Omar in the back a few times before offering him medical help.

I have to echo AG's comment. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Do you have any clue what armed conflict actually is? Whenever I would deploy it was with a clear and unconfused understanding that if I was captured it would mean a very horrible and probably slow death for me. Are you saying that this worthless scum should have been exempt from the hazards of battle, perhaps he should have had a big flashing sign over his head saying "hands off, I'm just a poor misguided muffin"?

As has been previously stated he is very lucky to even be alive. In all honesty I have to say that I doubt very much that I would have shown him the mercy that he was shown.

Perhaps you don't like the idea but too bad, thats what conflict is about. You only have to see some guys in a technical gunning down innocent men women and children once to understand this completely.

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I hope this whole sad debacle will come to an end soon and gitmo will be closed. I have no "opinion" about Khadrs guilt, just want the real truth to come out.

Evidence shows Khadr couldn't have thrown grenade in firefight: lawyer

A photograph and a U.S. soldier's testimony prove Canadian Omar Khadr could not have killed a U.S. soldier in 2002 firefight in Afghanistan, the terror suspect's military-appointed lawyer said on Friday.

Lt.-Cmdr. Bill Kuebler told the hearing that the photograph shows Khadr buried under the rubble of a collapsed building at the time the grenade that killed Sgt. Christopher Speer was thrown, proving he could not have thrown it. Kuebler said he wants the soldier who gave a similar account — identified in court documents only as "Soldier No. 2" — to testify at Khadr's Jan. 26 trial.

That account differs widely from another report from a soldier that says Khadr was sitting up and moving when the soldier, believing Khadr threw the grenade, shot him twice in the back.

The commission's military prosecutors have disputed the defence's claims that Khadr, the only westerner remaining in detention in Guantanamo Bay, is a child soldier deserving leniency.


We should be ashamed alright, that we are the only country who didn't negotiate to have this prisoner removed and brought to actual justice.

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A judge in the pre-trial for Khadr wouldn't allow a photo of then the 15 year old, buried under a collapsed roof when this so-called killing of a US soldier took place. Is this an example how truly unfair this trial for this guy is? www/ctv.ca/servet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/120081212/Khadr_grenade_081212/20081212?hub=Canada

Edited by Charles Anthony
merged thread; old OP title: "Khadr, what photo shows"
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When you come to Canada you stay in Canada and don't use it as a base of anysort of "charitable" operation - The Khadrs should have invested their energy domestically - It's tiresome to see everyone from ex-pat Israelis to Bosnian Serbs etc - sending money, ability and energy abroad to continue with some stupid feud...Shrilanka is a prime example of people waging wars in far away places while sleeping in our beds and eating our food...time to put a stop to the abuse of this nation by those who just use us. And I mean everyone...Drive up Bathurst Street in Toronto and all you see in the last 30 years is an eternal add campaign..."send money to Israel....................The Jewish community abused their position here long enough - so lets not make the same mistake with the Muslims - You come to Canada - you are Canadian - if not go to the place you call "home"...because apparently you are just a house guest here.

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What the hell is that suppose to mean.....This is not downtown toronto, there is no one yelling freeze, put your hands up....once you step onto a battlefield it is kill or be killed, you can't just turn your back and say...you can't shot me....Unless you have made it clear that you are surrendering .....your free game, another target...one that recieves bullets until it is no longer a threat.....normally that means 2 or more....sound cold and cruel, it is.... until you've been there.

Army guy, just out of curiosity, what is the rule on the battlefield when you come on a person who doesn't happen to have a gun in their hands and turns and runs, can you shoot them?

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A judge in the pre-trial for Khadr wouldn't allow a photo of then the 15 year old, buried under a collapsed roof when this so-called killing of a US soldier took place. Is this an example how truly unfair this trial for this guy is?

Maybe the judge had good reason not to allow it. I would be too quick to believe a lawyer looking for support through the media. We'll have to wait and see.

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Looking at the situation from the other side for a moment - The original photo of the "child" Khadr...was taken out of service - They waited for a long time for the boy to mature - beard and a haggard threatening face was more useful politically - It- irked me when Harper stated to para phrase "MISTER Khadar has been charged with some very serious crimes" --- This was done with clever intent - to present not a child but a dangerous MAN. This point is important - the warpage of time lines in our and the American judical system is uses skillfully. It's an illusion - the reality is he was a boy - Harper should have said - this little boy who is no different that your own 14 year old is being held by the Americans to justify their crimminality... :rolleyes:

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What the hell is that suppose to mean.....This is not downtown toronto, there is no one yelling freeze, put your hands up....once you step onto a battlefield it is kill or be killed, you can't just turn your back and say...you can't shot me....Unless you have made it clear that you are surrendering .....your free game, another target...one that recieves bullets until it is no longer a threat.....normally that means 2 or more....sound cold and cruel, it is.... until you've been there.

The story out there is that American soldiers were in the practice of `finishing off' anyone still moving... except that someone noticed how young Khadr was and suggested mercy instead.

Do the research instead of attacking the messenger.

oh, and Oleg's right. Harper is a propaganda master and chooses his words carefully to make the average Canadian think things in a certain way. Given his success so far, the average Canadian is an idiot.

"Mister" Khadr indeed... sounds like a school principal's phrasing. Maybe Harper still thinks that's an authoritarian's opinion.... Maybe Mister Harper never grew up?

Edited by Radsickle
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It- irked me when Harper stated to para phrase "MISTER Khadar has been charged with some very serious crimes" --- This was done with clever intent - to present not a child but a dangerous MAN.
GUANTANAMO BAY U.S. NAVAL BASE, Cuba (Reuters) - The presiding officer in the closely watched case of a Canadian teenager facing a murder charge before a U.S. war crimes tribunal ordered lawyers on Thursday to show greater respect to the defendant by calling him "Mister Khadr" rather than "Omar.


You really should address him as Mister Harper.:)

Harper should have said - this little boy who is no different that your own 14 year old is being held by the Americans to justify their crimminality...

That would have made him look stupid, showing he didn't even know the age of Khadr when the event occurred.

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the reality is he was a boy - Harper should have said - this little boy who is no different that your own 14 year old is being held by the Americans to justify their crimminality...

Spoken like someone who truly has no understanding of conflict and war. There are no little boys once they've been taught to use an AK in a hostile manner. There are only killers and targets, no sweet little kids wondering if they can trade some of their hockey cards.

This little boy who is no different...blah blah blah. What a crock of sacharinne sweet bull. He is very very different from other "little boys". The little boys I know don't tote assault rifles around trying to kill citizens of their own supposed country, they don't join terrorist organizations bent on causing mayhem and death. They don't despise and hate their own country as he does. No different? On what planet would that be?

Put the bottle down, have a cold shower and come back to reality Oleg, it really is better than that place you appear to be wandering around in currently.

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Army guy, just out of curiosity, what is the rule on the battlefield when you come on a person who doesn't happen to have a gun in their hands and turns and runs, can you shoot them?

Depends...if they are naked or not. A combatant who isn't surrendering and is running is a moving target. Because you don't see a weapon doesn't mean they are unarmed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The little boys I know don't tote assault rifles around trying to kill citizens of their own supposed country, they don't join terrorist organizations bent on causing mayhem and death. They don't despise and hate their own country as he does. No different? On what planet would that be?

Do you know any `little boys' outside of your own peaceful suburb? Do you even know the little boy known as Omar or do you spout rumour to spread hate?

Put the bottle down, have a cold shower and come back to reality Oleg, it really is better than that place you appear to be wandering around in currently.

Oleg, your better off wandering than to enter that house.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hmmm, guess all those with pitchforks at the ready will have to stuff it. Omar's not going to be Cheney's plaything for much longer. There's a changing of the guard coming and y'all have to rethink where you stand....

Buck Fush.

... and Huck Farper too.

Edited by Radsickle
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hmmm, guess all those with pitchforks at the ready will have to stuff it. Omar's not going to be Cheney's plaything for much longer. There's a changing of the guard coming and y'all have to rethink where you stand....

Buck Fush.

... and Huck Farper too.

Your post makes many good points, quite eloquently. I may not agree with everything you say but I admire the spare, direct and economical style.

Quite similar to Lincoln at Gettysburg. Or Chretien in scrum.

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hmmm, guess all those with pitchforks at the ready will have to stuff it. Omar's not going to be Cheney's plaything for much longer. There's a changing of the guard coming and y'all have to rethink where you stand....

I look forward to the day the lil tyke comes "home" and is greeted with the open, loving arms of all the wacko lefties... and then sets off a bomb in the middle of a crowd of them.

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