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Biden Showered With Daughter: Snopes Fact Check - True

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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Inappropriate showers as a young teen, or young child... Is one better than the other? You choose.

Reply back by saying one or the other:

  • Joe Biden took inappropriate showers with his daughter when she was a young teen.
  • Joe Biden took inappropriate showers with his daughter when she was a young child.

Either you’ve never had children, or you’re a terrible parent who’s never looked after your kid. 

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Either you’ve never had children, or you’re a terrible parent who’s never looked after your kid. 

I see you are still at it! 

Once again, you can "take care of your kid" without showering with them to the point they are writing about how it is probably inappropriate in their diary. 


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1 hour ago, gatomontes99 said:

Why are liberals so comfortable with sexual abuse of children?

It's part of their "Build Back Better" strategy. Sexual abuse of kids, making them unstable and subservient to authority.

You've seen these Libbies talk endlessly about authority. They want to assume that authority and rule indefinitely unchallenged. 

I'm beginning to wonder when those who are still sane and moralistic, attack these warped abusive fcks out of pure anger.

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Either you’ve never had children, or you’re a terrible parent who’s never looked after your kid. 

Or I've never taken inappropriate showers with my kids...

I don't sniff kids' hair or kiss them on the mouth, either. 

That's all pretty basic. 99% of people in North America get a pass on that. 

The other 1% need to be supervised when they're around children.

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@Rebound At some point, if you wanna retain even a shred of credibility, you need to abandon Joe on the issue of pedophilia and just stay away from the topic altogether.

Look around... Even robotard isn't here, and he stopped worrying about credibility 90,000 posts ago.

The signs of pedophilia Joe are all there...

He lacks impulse control around kids... sniffs their hair, kisses them on the mouth, etc. He still kisses his grown up granddaughter on the mouth, his own daughter says that he took inappropriate showers with her, and his own kids are in therapy and drug rehab. 

You're like one of those people who knows a guy and sees ALL the signs but tries to wave them off, and then eventually the cops haul that guy away and you end up saying "But he was such a nice guy..."

Just think how many children would be getting sexually assaulted on a daily basis if we accepted Joe's behaviour as 'normal'... Imagine a world where adults were constantly kissing children on the mouth, sniffing their hair, and taking inappropriate showers with them. 

Open your eyes, dude. Be a person who protects children, not creepy politicians. 

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3 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

Why are liberals so comfortable with sexual abuse of children?

making your kid take a bath is not sexual abuse, it’s hygiene, you hillbilly.

Edited by Rebound
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16 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

@Rebound At some point, if you wanna retain even a shred of credibility, you need to abandon Joe on the issue of pedophilia and just stay away from the topic altogether.

Look around... Even robotard isn't here, and he stopped worrying about credibility 90,000 posts ago.

The signs of pedophilia Joe are all there...

He lacks impulse control around kids... sniffs their hair, kisses them on the mouth, etc. He still kisses his grown up granddaughter on the mouth, his own daughter says that he took inappropriate showers with her, and his own kids are in therapy and drug rehab. 

You're like one of those people who knows a guy and sees ALL the signs but tries to wave them off, and then eventually the cops haul that guy away and you end up saying "But he was such a nice guy..."

Just think how many children would be getting sexually assaulted on a daily basis if we accepted Joe's behaviour as 'normal'... Imagine a world where adults were constantly kissing children on the mouth, sniffing their hair, and taking inappropriate showers with them. 

Open your eyes, dude. Be a person who protects children, not creepy politicians. 

Here’s the deal: James Comer would absolutely love to indict Biden on ANY CRIME HE CAN, but he can’t. 

Nobody has accused Joe Biden of any sex-related crimes. Not one single person. 

But LOTS of women have accused Donald Trump of sex-related crimes. And…. IT USED TO MATTER, when it was Clinton, but now, you guys don’t care. We know the guy has had four kids from three different women, he was dating one woman publicly while married to another, he was having sex with porn stars while his wife was pregnant, he’s been found liable of civil rape. The list goes on and on. Donald Trump is a proven sexual predator. Biden hasn’t even been accused. 

His daughter wrote something in a notebook about a very early childhood memory? She didn’t say that anything happened. That’s the fact, Jack.

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4 hours ago, Rebound said:

Either you’ve never had children, or you’re a terrible parent who’s never looked after your kid. 

Your father spent a lot of time showering naked with you as young man did he? 

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44 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Here’s the deal: James Comer would absolutely love to indict Biden on ANY CRIME HE CAN, but he can’t. 

Nobody has accused Joe Biden of any sex-related crimes. Not one single person. 

Just because Joe isn't convicted doesn't mean you should close your eyes. He kisses little kids, showeres with little kids and he can't stop himself from creeping on little kids by sniffing their hair, etc. 

If that doesn't ring your alarm bells, and if you'd let a guy like that babysit your kid, you're an id10t.


But LOTS of women have accused Donald Trump of sex-related crimes.

No one has ever credibly accused Trump of rape. By E Jeaan Carroll's own story she wasn't raped at all. Not even close.


And…. IT USED TO MATTER, when it was Clinton, but now, you guys don’t care.

  1. What mattered with Clinton is that he lied to a grand jury.
  2. I don't care that Bill Clinton had sex with Monica Lewinski, but by the classical leftard version of rape (your version of rape), the power imbalance between the two was such that she never could have give consent freely.
  3. Bill Clinton was credibly accused of an actual rape. In a very specific time, at a very specific place, by using force, by inflicting injury, and with a witness to the injury from the day that it happened. Clinton was known to be there by his travel itinerary and his daily schedule. Comparing Clinton to Trump is a farce and you know it.

We know the guy has had four kids from three different women, he was dating one woman publicly while married to another, he was having sex with porn stars while his wife was pregnant, he’s been found liable of civil rape. The list goes on and on. Donald Trump is a proven sexual predator.

Trump is a dog. Trump likes sexy women, and they like him. It doesn't jive with traditional catholic sensibilities, but it's no crime and IT DOES NOT MAKE HIM A PREDATOR you just lied again.

You should realize that when you have to lie to make a point, it's time to just let it go. 


Biden hasn’t even been accused. 

That's more ominous than proof of virtue at this point.


His daughter wrote something in a notebook about a very early childhood memory? She didn’t say that anything happened. That’s the fact, Jack

Now it's a "very early childhood memory"? 


"I remember having sex with friends at a young age, showers with my dad..."

It sounds like she's talking about the age where she was already having sex at a young age. I'm not gonna speculate how 'young' that was, but one of the things that people like Joe are accused of is sexualizing kids young.  

His daughter is f'd up, and Joe is the kind of guy who messes with children sexually. He does things that are inherently sexual with children. It's on video, Jack. 

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

making your kid take a bath is not sexual abuse, it’s hygiene, you hillbilly.

At this point, you just want us to conclude you are acting like a dishonest Troll here. 

Got it. 

If you are not blocking me, since you keep ignoring my repeated challenges to your absurd attempts to defend Biden here. 

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37 minutes ago, User said:

At this point, you just want us to conclude you are acting like a dishonest Troll here. 

Got it. 

It's no act. He's a troll. 

We say things like "Joe took inappropriate showers with his young daughter, he sniffs kids hair, and kisses little kids on the mouth", which are all known to be 100% true and easily verifiable if asked, he says "Trump's kids can't read and Trump is a rapist", which are blatant lies, and then he tries to conflate "bathing a child", as a normal parent would, with "taking inappropriate showers with children".

He's basic trash. The word troll is too good for him. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

He ignored the part about the FBI lying and committing crimes, and the part about proving that creepy, kid-sniffing Joe actually did take showers with his young teen daughter, and then pretended that Trump's kids can't read. 

Essentially he's countering utterly damning facts with his own sarcastic fantasies. 

That's got "cornered rat" written all over it. Let's cut the poor little guy some slack. His lying, conniving, criminal psychopaths are taking a beating in the court of public opinion right now.

You are, as always, a shameless liar. Nowhere does it say she was a "teen" at the time.

It's common for parents to bathe or shower with children. As always, if you think that's sexual, that's on you, perv.

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Just now, Hodad said:

It's common for parents to bathe or shower with children. As always, if you think that's sexual, that's on you, perv.

OMG, of course you would come in here and play the same dumb game trying to defend Biden. 

We are not the ones saying anything, it was his daughter in her diary. She is the one who said it was probably inappropriate. 

And no... it is not common for parents to be naked in the shower or bath with their children. Is that what you do?


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1 minute ago, User said:

OMG, of course you would come in here and play the same dumb game trying to defend Biden. 

We are not the ones saying anything, it was his daughter in her diary. She is the one who said it was probably inappropriate. 

And no... it is not common for parents to be naked in the shower or bath with their children. Is that what you do?


And of course you'd be here here making lascivious implications, exploiting this poor woman's personal pain for political gain. Politics > people for you.

Do you know when behavioral counselors say to stop bathing with your children or stop bathing them together? When the child feels uncomfortable. That's the cue. 

You're taking a person's personal stream-of-consciousness thoughts--an exploration--as she tries to figure out why she is the way she is and turning it into a scandalous accusation. It's gross and cruel. -- Do you know what Ashley Biden said explicitly? "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."   <-- That's you. You're the people doing that. 

And I don't shower with my kids on the daily, but certainly have in situations where I can't keep them safe tubside. Cruise ships, campgrounds, pool locker rooms, etc. I have also bathed them day after day, year after year. Hundreds of times. And I never thought there was anything sexual about basic hygiene. The fact that you do think it's sexual is a huge red flag. Get help.


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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

And of course you'd be here here making lascivious implications....


I don't need to be here doing anything. Its in her diary. 

The same diary folks on the left tried to act like didn't exist, tried to claim was all a lie, but in classic leftist argument style, after the denials fail, just pivot to saying whats the big deal?!

No, they do not just say when the child feels uncomfortable. There are age ranges, and not all agree on those. Usually around 6-8 from what I could gather... If you are still showering with your teenage daughter because she has never said anything... that is gross and weird. 

But sure, we are supposed to believe Biden was showing with his daughter was so normal and OK... that his daughter felt she had to say it was probably inappropriate in her diary. 

So, did she not feel comfortable enough to tell her dad that? Clearly, there is a problem. You can't sit here saying it is normal to shower with your kids until they feel uncomfortable when they don't even feel comfortable enough to say so. At some point, you are the adult, you should know better. 

What is gross and cruel is a dad showering with his daughter to the point she has to write in her journal about it being probably inappropriate. 

My bringing it up is, as you say, just me stating a fact. 

Notice you had to have all these little carve out exceptions, places like the pool you shower in your bathing suit for crying out loud. If you are crammed into a tiny cruise ship shower with your kid, both naked, there is something odd with you. 

You can keep your kids safe without being in there with them. 

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42 minutes ago, User said:

I don't need to be here doing anything. Its in her diary. 

The same diary folks on the left tried to act like didn't exist, tried to claim was all a lie, but in classic leftist argument style, after the denials fail, just pivot to saying whats the big deal?!

No, they do not just say when the child feels uncomfortable. There are age ranges, and not all agree on those. Usually around 6-8 from what I could gather... If you are still showering with your teenage daughter because she has never said anything... that is gross and weird. 

But sure, we are supposed to believe Biden was showing with his daughter was so normal and OK... that his daughter felt she had to say it was probably inappropriate in her diary. 

So, did she not feel comfortable enough to tell her dad that? Clearly, there is a problem. You can't sit here saying it is normal to shower with your kids until they feel uncomfortable when they don't even feel comfortable enough to say so. At some point, you are the adult, you should know better. 

What is gross and cruel is a dad showering with his daughter to the point she has to write in her journal about it being probably inappropriate. 

My bringing it up is, as you say, just me stating a fact. 

Notice you had to have all these little carve out exceptions, places like the pool you shower in your bathing suit for crying out loud. If you are crammed into a tiny cruise ship shower with your kid, both naked, there is something odd with you. 

You can keep your kids safe without being in there with them. 

Oh, so you're making up more of your "alternative facts" imagine a whole scenario beyond what is in the journal. You're imagining the age. You're imagining what Joe Biden was or wasn't wearing. Where and how these things happened. 

Maybe stop fantasizing about the scenario and stick to the facts. Including the fact that Ashley Biden has specifically addressed how hurtful these false accusations are, and how gross it is that you people turn her healing process into a weapon to do more harm. 

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Thanks for demonstrating that you'll believe ANYTHING posted ANYWHERE on the Interwebz. LMAO


FIVE members of the Biden family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse

  • Joe Biden's children Hunter and Ashley, his brother Frank, niece Caroline and late son's widow Hallie have all had stints in rehab, DailyMail.com can reveal 
  • All five of the Bidens have suffered from either drug or alcohol addiction and had spells in treatment centers – some at the orders of a judge
  • In text messages to Hunter from June 2018, Joe Biden referred to his son's addiction as a hereditary 'disease from mommy and me'. President Biden himself is reportedly a teetotaler 
  • Hallie - Beau's widow who became Hunter's lover - has been to rehab four times, costing over $100,000 and some of it allegedly paid for by Joe Biden, texts reveal 
  • Texts from Ashley, 40, on Hunter's laptop reveal that she has also had to get sober after falling prey to addiction and having run-ins with the law and sent Hallie scathing messages 
  • Joe's brother Frank has had multiple alcohol-related driving offences and was ordered by a judge to attend rehab for three months after a 2004 arrest 
  • Caroline Biden, 34, daughter of Joe Biden's other brother, Jim, has also attended court-ordered rehab after a DUI and has struggled for years with addiction 


Regarding the place Ashley lost the diary: https://meaww.com/ashley-biden-stayed-in-halfway-house-left-behind-bombshell-diary-at-palm-beach-home

  • After receiving treatment and care at the rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Palm Beach, usually occupied by recovering addicts. She reportedly left behind her diary when she moved to Philadelphia in 2020. Harris went to the same Palm Beach home, where Ashley was living and found the journal. 
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11 hours ago, Rebound said:

Either you’ve never had children, or you’re a terrible parent who’s never looked after your kid. 

He wore a blindfold when it was his turn to change their diaper. To keep out impure thoughts.

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1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

If two out three kids end up in rehab their childhood was messed up.

Many kids with messed up childhoods CANNOT AFFORD to go to rehab.

Bidens being able to afford it, means they're a step above those who get NO TREATMENT.

57 minutes ago, gatomontes99 said:

There is some speculation that Ashley was the original intended recipient of the cocaine found at the White House.

How very responsible of you to spread rumors and speculation on the Interwebz. 🤮

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


FIVE members of the Biden family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse

  • Joe Biden's children Hunter and Ashley, his brother Frank, niece Caroline and late son's widow Hallie have all had stints in rehab, DailyMail.com can reveal 
  • All five of the Bidens have suffered from either drug or alcohol addiction and had spells in treatment centers – some at the orders of a judge
  • In text messages to Hunter from June 2018, Joe Biden referred to his son's addiction as a hereditary 'disease from mommy and me'. President Biden himself is reportedly a teetotaler 
  • Hallie - Beau's widow who became Hunter's lover - has been to rehab four times, costing over $100,000 and some of it allegedly paid for by Joe Biden, texts reveal 
  • Texts from Ashley, 40, on Hunter's laptop reveal that she has also had to get sober after falling prey to addiction and having run-ins with the law and sent Hallie scathing messages 
  • Joe's brother Frank has had multiple alcohol-related driving offences and was ordered by a judge to attend rehab for three months after a 2004 arrest 
  • Caroline Biden, 34, daughter of Joe Biden's other brother, Jim, has also attended court-ordered rehab after a DUI and has struggled for years with addiction 


Regarding the place Ashley lost the diary: https://meaww.com/ashley-biden-stayed-in-halfway-house-left-behind-bombshell-diary-at-palm-beach-home

  • After receiving treatment and care at the rehab, Ashley moved to a halfway house in Palm Beach, usually occupied by recovering addicts. She reportedly left behind her diary when she moved to Philadelphia in 2020. Harris went to the same Palm Beach home, where Ashley was living and found the journal. 

^Daily Mail Tabloid Trash.

Did you hear David Pecker's SWORN testimony that the National Enquirer FABRICATED the story about Oswald and Ted Cruz's father out of whole cloth, including the Photoship of Rafael Cruz and Oswald together?

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