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Are You Racist?

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18 hours ago, herbie said:

What the f*ck do you think History is? Only started for them when they got there in chains?

The point was, why are you so focused on Africa? The point behind Black History Month now is to teach about prominent figures and happenings that impacted Black people... that is not limited to Africa, nor does it even have anything to do with Africa. Teaching about someone like Rosa Parks, King, or atrocities like those in Tulsa have zero to do with teaching about African history. 

Not all Black people came here in chains, nor does all Black history derive from being slaves. 


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On 5/10/2024 at 6:03 PM, taxme said:

That person is absolutely right. I always keep asking myself as to why we do not have a white pride month anywhere in the western world? When i have mentioned that here several times, i get called a white racist. This needs to end. Enough already. We the white people do need a month to call our own. Be white and be proud. Works for me. 😇

You are a racist tho?!

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On 5/12/2024 at 2:14 PM, herbie said:

No I never do, I think of it more as an exercise in futility educating dimwits far more often. Bigots, brainwashed so extensively they can't see through their own eyes.
Like ones who think giving a 'black achievement award' takes something away from a white person and 'women's studies' takes something from men.

What the f*ck do you think History is? Only started for them when they got there in chains?


Did I say they were stupid? Or did I point out they're not as 'smart' as someone with a degree in a particular subject? Nor accepted the opinion of someone with NO experience on a subject over one highly experienced with it.
Funny, O great defender of the proletariat praising the 12% of them that aren't 'the elite' in your eyes....

Some of those so-called highly experienced people can be just as easily manipulated into saying or doing whatever the elite want them to say or do. The elite establishment should never be believed with anything they say. They lie. You are truly an exercise in futility, lefty. 

If a black person or a woman deserves an award for whatever, why would a white guy like me want to deny them that award? You dumb ass lefty liberals always thinks that all white men hate blacks and women for their achievements. I say good on them if they deserved their just awards. It would appear to me as though many non-white people are fast becoming white racist haters. Lefty liberal blacks are always accusing white people of being anti-black or racist. 🤡


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On 5/13/2024 at 9:54 AM, Black Dog said:

You are a racist tho?!

In what way am i being a white racist just for daring to ask for white people to be able to have their own White History Month? Blacks are allowed their month, so why not old whitey?  Why are anti-white racists like you so anti-white anyway?

Well, racist? 🤔 

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Just now, taxme said:

In what way am i being a white racist just for daring to ask for white people to be able to have their own White History Month? Blacks are allowed their month, so why not old whitey?  Why are anti-white racists like you so anti-white anyway?

Well, racist? 🤔 

You're not racist for thinking whit epeople need a white history month, you're racist because you think whites are superior.

As for the rest, I've explained why white history month is stupid an unnecessary before but I guess you're too dumb to understand.

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19 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

You're not racist for thinking whit epeople need a white history month, you're racist because you think whites are superior.

As for the rest, I've explained why white history month is stupid an unnecessary before but I guess you're too dumb to understand.

Where did i ever say that white people are truly superior to other races? 

I still do not understand as to why you would say that having a White History Month is stupid and unnecessary? Who the hell are you to make that assumption, unless you are non-white and are racist towards white folk?

So, are you white or non-white? Don't be shy to tell me. You know my color. Well? 


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18 hours ago, taxme said:

Where did i ever say that white people are truly superior to other races? 

In the post I linked to. Are you blind?


I still do not understand as to why you would say that having a White History Month is stupid and unnecessary? Who the hell are you to make that assumption, unless you are non-white and are racist towards white folk?

It's stupid an unnecessary because "white people" are not underrepresented in the teaching of history.


So, are you white or non-white? Don't be shy to tell me. You know my color. Well? 

Unlike you, I don't think this matters.

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12 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

In the post I linked to. Are you blind?

If you read it his post was quite obviously making a point about contributions to technology and he even said not really superior after. 

It was a clumsy post, but hardly some proof of his being racist. 

If that is your best, then you owe him an apology. Calling someone racist wrongly is one of the most disgusting things you can accuse someone of. 

15 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

It's stupid an unnecessary because "white people" are not underrepresented in the teaching of history.

Forget if it is necessary or not; that is your subjective take... but what about racism?

Is it racist to have a White History Month?

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8 minutes ago, User said:

If you read it his post was quite obviously making a point about contributions to technology and he even said not really superior after. 

He was doubling down on a previous post where he said "in may ways I believe whites are superior". And he didn't actually back away from that, he just couched it in "but that's just my opinion" as though that makes a difference.


If that is your best, then you owe him an apology. Calling someone racist wrongly is one of the most disgusting things you can accuse someone of. 

He's a racist.


Forget if it is necessary or not; that is your subjective take... but what about racism?

Is it racist to have a White History Month?

I don't know anyone who would say it's racist to have a white history month but the only people I see calling for a white history month are usually racists so....

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10 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

He was doubling down on a previous post where he said "in may ways I believe whites are superior". And he didn't actually back away from that, he just couched it in "but that's just my opinion" as though that makes a difference.

He was being clumsy from what I can tell, as he said in the same post: "But that does not mean that we really are superior."

If this is the best you got... it isn't much or enough to assert someone is a racist. 

11 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I don't know anyone who would say it's racist to have a white history month but the only people I see calling for a white history month are usually racists so....

Good. If there is going to be a Black History Month, there should be a White History Month too then. 

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37 minutes ago, User said:

He was being clumsy from what I can tell, as he said in the same post: "But that does not mean that we really are superior."

It's his opinion that whites are superior, I'm not sure how this is even debatable, it's right from the horse's mouth.


If this is the best you got... it isn't much or enough to assert someone is a racist. 

Saying whites are the superior race is more than enough to assert someone is racist.


Good. If there is going to be a Black History Month, there should be a White History Month too then. 


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5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Saying whites are the superior race is more than enough to assert someone is racist.

Again, he appeared to be clumsy with his wording, as he went on to say: "But that does not mean that we really are superior."

5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


Well, for all the same reasons other races get to celebrate themselves and have special days, so to should white people. They have just as much right to be proud of who they are and be celebrated. 

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16 minutes ago, User said:

Again, he appeared to be clumsy with his wording, as he went on to say: "But that does not mean that we really are superior."

His full quote: "But that does not mean that we really are superior. It is just my belief and i am entitled to say so if i want too."

So it's his sincerely held belief that whites are superior, but to you, that's not racist. OK, sure.


Well, for all the same reasons other races get to celebrate themselves and have special days, so to should white people. They have just as much right to be proud of who they are and be celebrated. 

"They get to have it we should too" is simply childish contrarianism that ignores the entire point of why Black History Month" etc exist in the first place. Again: "white people" are not underrepresented in the teaching of history or in any other aspect of western society.

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4 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

His full quote: "But that does not mean that we really are superior. It is just my belief and i am entitled to say so if i want too."

So it's his sincerely held belief that whites are superior, but to you, that's not racist. OK, sure.

Again, I think he was being clumsy, you keep ignoring this:

"But that does not mean that we really are superior."

I have provided this to you like 3 or 4 times now. You keep ignoring it. 

5 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

"They get to have it we should too" is simply childish contrarianism that ignores the entire point of why Black History Month" etc exist in the first place. Again: "white people" are not underrepresented in the teaching of history or in any other aspect of western society.

That is not what I said. White people being underrepresented doesn't change the harmful impact these things have on white people. We have a society that celebrates people of color and encourages them to be proud while also telling white people they should be ashamed, guilty, and they can't celebrate who they are. That is not good for the mental health of kids at all. 

That is not my simply saying they get to have it we should too. 

You can teach black history as part of any general history without needing a special month. 


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3 minutes ago, User said:

Again, I think he was being clumsy, you keep ignoring this:

"But that does not mean that we really are superior."

I have provided this to you like 3 or 4 times now. You keep ignoring it. 

I'm not ignoring it. The point is he believes whites are superior. Acknowledging the possibility he might be wrong does not negate that fact.


White people being underrepresented doesn't change the harmful impact these things have on white people.

LOL. LMAO, even. Show me some actual evidence that the existence of blackHistory Month has a harmful impact on white people.


We have a society that celebrates people of color and encourages them to be proud while also telling white people they should be ashamed, guilty, and they can't celebrate who they are. That is not good for the mental health of kids at all. 

That doesn't happen.


That is not my simply saying they get to have it we should too. 

You said "for all the same reasons other races get to celebrate themselves and have special days, so to should white people" which ignores the fact that the same reasons don't apply, so what otehr reason is there but "they get to have it so we should too."


You can teach black history as part of any general history without needing a special month. 

Evidently not!


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3 hours ago, Black Dog said:

In the post I linked to. Are you blind?

It's stupid an unnecessary because "white people" are not underrepresented in the teaching of history.

Unlike you, I don't think this matters.

I cannot recall you linking anything to me. I sure would like to see as to where i said that white people were superior. Well? 

It is stupid and unnecessary to have a black history month because there is no real black history to celebrate or talk about.

It matters to me. Now i know that you are non-white and as to where i stand with you, racist. 👎

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I cannot recall you linking anything to me. I sure would like to see as to where i said that white people were superior. Well? 

The link was in the post you quoted. I'm not posting it again, figure it out dummy!



It is stupid and unnecessary to have a black history month because there is no real black history to celebrate or talk about.

Like you'd know it if there was, you ignoramus. 


It matters to me. Now i know that you are non-white and as to where i stand with you, racist. 👎

Why? So you can figure out if you're "superior" to me even though I've scraped turds off the bottom of my shoe that are smarter than you? 

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9 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

Black Dog hates Jews and White people. In the other forum, he says some alarming things about Jews, in general.  He also has a extreme dislike for Americans and the democratic principles that made that country great. 

Oh yeah? Let's hear it. 

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20 hours ago, Black Dog said:

The link was in the post you quoted. I'm not posting it again, figure it out dummy!


Like you'd know it if there was, you ignoramus. 

Why? So you can figure out if you're "superior" to me even though I've scraped turds off the bottom of my shoe that are smarter than you? 

I guess that there is not link at all, now is there, you anti-white racist dummy? 

Once again i will say that there is no real black history to celebrate at all, unless the BLM riots and the many acts of violence are to be considered a part of black history. Just saying, ignoramus. 

The only race of people that white people have to compete with are Asians. With your ilk, i do consider myself to be far superior than you ever will. Racist. Just saying. 😁

I did not know that turds could be smart at all? I learn something new and stupid from you every day, racist. 

We white folk demand to have a White History Month. It is only a fair thing to do because we do have plenty to celebrate about. Works for me. 😇


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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

I guess that there is not link at all, now is there, you anti-white racist dummy? 

It's there, stupid. You're just too stupid to figure it out. 


Once again i will say that there is no real black history to celebrate at all, unless the BLM riots and the many acts of violence are to be considered a part of black history. Just saying, ignoramus. 

Hey @User still think this dipshit isn't racist?


The only race of people that white people have to compete with are Asians. With your ilk, i do consider myself to be far superior than you ever will. Racist. Just saying. 

Not sure how you can consider yourself superior when you can barely string a sentence together.


I did not know that turds could be smart at all? I learn something new and stupid from you every day, racist. 

Oh I doubt you're capable of learning anything at all you dumb cracker.


We white folk demand to have a White History Month. It is only a fair thing to do because we do have plenty to celebrate about. Works for me. 😇


Yeah of course you do: you have no achievements of your own to celebrate.

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15 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

It's there, stupid. You're just too stupid to figure it out. 

Hey @User still think this dipshit isn't racist?

Not sure how you can consider yourself superior when you can barely string a sentence together.

Oh I doubt you're capable of learning anything at all you dumb cracker.

Yeah of course you do: you have no achievements of your own to celebrate.

There is nothing there to see, racist. 

User probably can really see that you are the real racist here, racist.

Just believe me when i say that we white folk are far superior than your ilk will ever be. 

"Cracker" eh? Now we know that you are one of those inferior racists that hates white people. 

But the white race does have plenty of achievements to brag about and be proud of. Live with it. So, what do you have to show me, racist?  🤣 


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