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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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58 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Nonsense.  Tragically you don't know anything about the history of that area.

You're unaware of Palestinian deed holders that were never compensated for their property?  You have some nerve telling people they don't know about the history of that area. 

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

You're unaware of Palestinian deed holders that were never compensated for their property?  You have some nerve telling people they don't know about the history of that area. 

  Things are often very unfair.  You should also understand that Israel must do what it feels is necessary to defend its security because we know they are surrounded by hostile nations with millions of people.

I have not seen the evidence that you know much about the history of the area.  I don't know a lot about it myself I admit, but I know it is very complex.  You seem to think it is very simple.  How is that knowing much about the history of the area?

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6 minutes ago, blackbird said:

  Things are often very unfair.

Yeah well sometimes when it's only a little bit unfair you can get away with stuff but it should be obvious this just ain't one of those times.

13 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I don't know a lot about it myself I admit, but I know it is very complex.  You seem to think it is very simple.

Since when did do unto others yadda yadda become so complicated? A kindergartener could explain it to you for Christ' sake.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Yeah well sometimes when it's only a little bit unfair you can get away with stuff but it should be obvious this just ain't one of those times.

Since when did do unto others yadda yadda become so complicated? A kindergartener could explain it to you for Christ' sake.

You are profane.  You also know nothing about the world or the Bible. 

Nobody said what has been going on in the world was right.  There has obviously been a lot of evil.  The world is an evil place.  There are also some things that are so complex and so many things have happened in history that it is impossible to sort it out.  You seem to think there is somebody that is available to sort out all the problems and fix them now.

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5 minutes ago, blackbird said:

There are also some things that are so complex and so many things have happened in history that it is impossible to sort it out. 

And that's probably when you should go back to the basics and try harder to, you know ...yadda yadda.


7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You are profane.  You also know nothing about the world or the Bible. 

I read a few reviews in kindergarten and I've forgotten more than you could ever hope to glean in a lifetime.

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13 hours ago, eyeball said:

You're unaware of Palestinian deed holders that were never compensated for their property?  You have some nerve telling people they don't know about the history of that area. 

For every "Palestinian deed holder" who's out of luck, there is:

  1. more than one Sikh/Hindu deed holder that was burned to death, slashed or shot in what's now Pakistan (killed is worse than displaced in my opinion)
  2. there are more than 10 Pakistani deed holders that were never compensated for their property. It's literally way more than ten to one.

For every Palestinian that was killed in the nabka (the terrible time), there were 1,400 Sikhs and Hindus killed in the "Meh." (Meh is just an expression showing a complete lack of concern for something. They say "Meh" because they don't give a shit, right?)


In the 75 years since Pakistan and Israel were formed by the exact same people in the exact same way at almost the exact same time, 5 or more muslim countries have joined together to try to commit genocide against Israel twice. Muslims have been committing terrorist attacks all over the world to display their anger. 

In that 75 years all of those muslim countries have been great friends with Pakistan. 

What's the difference? Should the Israelis have killed everyone in 1948?

If they did, it would still be a much smaller genocide than the one in Pakistan. 

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Why do two wrongs make a right in your universe?

Except that the Arabs (or non-Jews) have been fighting against the Jews for thousands of years in the area of Israel and God gave Israel that land.  Arabs don't accept that fact and want to fight on.

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

You're unaware of Palestinian deed holders

 When did the Arabs come in and take it away from the Jews?  Must have happened at some point.

"1  Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. "  Genesis 12:1-3

"7  And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8  And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. " Genesis 17:7 KJV

Arabs in general don't accept that;  and you don't either.  You are on the wrong side, the losing side.  Nobody fights against God and wins.  When will you learn that?

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The Americans are putting an end to the anarchist's rallies south of the border.  The police are taking down the encampments and arresting hundreds of protesters and taking them away to jail and processing.

In Canada, these anarchists seem to get away with setting up camps on private property and intimidating people?  The police are much slower to act than in the U.S.  

The Premier of Quebec said these encampments are illegal and the police will deal with them at the appropriate time.  It is just a matter of time because these protesters are obviously not planning to leave.

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People that oppose God and oppose Israel are in dangerous waters.  God highly favoured Abraham and chose him to be the father of the great nation of Israel.  Israel was chosen to be the nation through whom the Holy Scriptures, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would come to earth.  Jesus was a Jew and was born, lived, died, and was raised from the dead in the land of Israel.

As example of how God favoured and protected Abraham, the patriarch and father of Israel, is shown in this event that happened in his life:


1  And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. 2  And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. 

3  But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man’s wife. {a man’s…: Heb. married to an husband} 4  But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? 5  Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this. {integrity: or, simplicity, or, sincerity} 6  And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. 7  Now therefore restore the man his wife; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that are thine. 

8  Therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning, and called all his servants, and told all these things in their ears: and the men were sore afraid. 9  Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said unto him, What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? thou hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done. 10  And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What sawest thou, that thou hast done this thing? 11  And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife’s sake. 12  And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. 13  And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said unto her, This is thy kindness which thou shalt shew unto me; at every place whither we shall come, say of me, He is my brother. 

14  And Abimelech took sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and womenservants, and gave them unto Abraham, and restored him Sarah his wife. 15  And Abimelech said, Behold, my land is before thee: dwell where it pleaseth thee. {where…: Heb. as is good in thine eyes} 16  And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given thy brother a thousand pieces of silver: behold, he is to thee a covering of the eyes, unto all that are with thee, and with all other: thus she was reproved. 17  So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children. 18  For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah Abraham’s wife. "  Genesis  ch.20

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

When did the Arabs come in and take it away from the Jews?  Must have happened at some point.

Oh that, well the good fairy took it away and gave it to the Palestinians.

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19 hours ago, User said:

If we go with your definition, it is "ethnic cleansing" if Israel evicts one Palestinian from their home for any reason. 

No, no it's not.

“… a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”



 mention the amount, because with what Israel is doing, there is no real path to ever achieving any kind of you know... "ethnic cleansing"

So, if that outcome is not going to happen... how is it that you claim that is what is being done?

Listen to yourself, you claim that it doesn't matter if the population is not reduced... so then how is it ethnic cleansing if nothing is being cleansed?

Are you genuinely so stupid that you don't understand that removing expelling a group from a territory is ethnic cleansing even if not a single member of that group is killed?


You are the one ignoring the complexity behind the fact that Palestinians lost a war, and Israel's ongoing Settlement policies, which started with a concern with Security... you know, because the Palestinians and others keep trying to kill them. 

Israel's settlement policies are based on Israel's desire to occupy the land currently occupied by Palestinians. Listen to what the people who are actually settling there have to say, they'll tell you it has nothing to do with security and everything to do with their crackpot belief that they are the rightful owner o f that land.

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9 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

No, no it's not.

“… a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”

Are you genuinely so stupid that you don't understand that removing expelling a group from a territory is ethnic cleansing even if not a single member of that group is killed?

Israel's settlement policies are based on Israel's desire to occupy the land currently occupied by Palestinians. Listen to what the people who are actually settling there have to say, they'll tell you it has nothing to do with security and everything to do with their crackpot belief that they are the rightful owner o f that land.

So... there is no ethnic cleansing then, since Israeli settlements are not part of any policy designed to remove by violence or terror a civilian population. 

Palestinians are still living in the West Bank, living life, and growing. 

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1 hour ago, User said:

So... there is no ethnic cleansing then, since Israeli settlements are not part of any policy designed to remove by violence or terror a civilian population. 

Palestinians are still living in the West Bank, living life, and growing. 

No they are getting kicked out of their homes and off their lands.

West Bank: Israel Responsible for Rising Settler Violence
Entire Palestinian Communities Displaced Months After Attacks



The Israeli military either took part in or did not protect Palestinians from violent settler attacks in the West Bank that have displaced people from 20 communities and have entirely uprooted at least 7 communities since October 7, 2023, Human Rights Watch said today.

Israeli settlers have assaulted, tortured, and committed sexual violence against Palestinians, stolen their belongings and livestock, threatened to kill them if they did not leave permanently, and destroyed their homes and schools under the cover of the ongoing hostilities in Gaza. Many Palestinians, including entire communities, have fled their homes and lands. The military has not assured displaced residents that it will protect their security or allow them to return, forcing them to live in precarious conditions elsewhere.

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24 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

No they are getting kicked out of their homes and off their lands.

West Bank: Israel Responsible for Rising Settler Violence
Entire Palestinian Communities Displaced Months After Attacks

Do you even bother to read this first?

This is talking about illegal Palestinian settlements that were built without permits that self evacuated due to violence and the IDF has ordered temporary exclusions on them to avoid further violence. 

This is not ethnic cleansing. 

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

No, no it's not.

“… a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”

Are you genuinely so stupid that you don't understand that removing expelling a group from a territory is ethnic cleansing even if not a single member of that group is killed?

Israel's settlement policies are based on Israel's desire to occupy the land currently occupied by Palestinians. Listen to what the people who are actually settling there have to say, they'll tell you it has nothing to do with security and everything to do with their crackpot belief that they are the rightful owner o f that land.

I don't suppose you have a source or the policy that states this is by design by the Israelis government or is this here say ?

Your talking about issues in the west bank, which is not related to Hamas in Gaza at all, two different governments. 

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Bullshit. They stole it.

Instead of accusations do you have any proof of your accusation...because with out proof , it's nothing more than opinion, and you know what they say about opinions ....

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1 hour ago, User said:

Do you even bother to read this first?

This is talking about illegal Palestinian settlements that were built without permits that self evacuated due to violence and the IDF has ordered temporary exclusions on them to avoid further violence. 

This is not ethnic cleansing. 

No person could write this combination of words without being a troll or absolutely clueless so which one are you?

As for the "permits" excuse, did you miss the part where Israel won't give Palestinian communities permits to build? I wonder why that is?

1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

I don't suppose you have a source or the policy that states this is by design by the Israelis government or is this here say ? 

You could just look at their actions.


Your talking about issues in the west bank, which is not related to Hamas in Gaza at all, two different governments. 

One colonizer tho.

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3 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

No person could write this combination of words without being a troll or absolutely clueless so which one are you?

As for the "permits" excuse, did you miss the part where Israel won't give Palestinian communities permits to build? I wonder why that is?

Insulting me is not an argument. 

The point here, again, is that there is not any Israel-directed policy to wipe out Palestinians from the West Bank. You point to an example of temporary displacement of a handful of communities during a war. 

Guess what? Israel has had to temporarily displace many thousands of its people along the border with Gaza and Lebanon because of their hostile actions too. So, I guess Gaza and Lebanon are also engaged in ethnic cleansing of their own... 

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Instead of accusations do you have any proof of your accusation...because with out proof , it's nothing more than opinion, and you know what they say about opinions ....

So you deny the existence of deeds in the possession of uncompensated Palestinians as well?

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

As for the "permits" excuse, did you miss the part where Israel won't give Palestinian communities permits to build? I wonder why that is?

You could just look at their actions.

One colonizer tho.

This is the question we want answered as well, why would a Nation approve any request by the Palestinians when they the people and they the government of Fatah (a known terrorist group) that once called for the total destruction of Israel, that continue with terrorist activates against Israelis civilians.

These so call permits where suppose to be approved by Jordan, yes back in the day when the west bank was controlled by jordan, things have changed since then and now the entire area is under Israelis law and order. And all past permits are no longer valid. 

You're the one that put it into a post, is their an government official policy we can look at, or where do we look to verify your source...other than some settlers taking land and homes on their own accord...

Some smarter people than me and you have determined, that Israel is not a colonizer....there are many lengthy articles with in this source that have determined Israel is not a product of colonialism...Hard to be a colonizer when your people have been there thousands of years, and in most cases pre dating palestinians....

According to Elia Zuriek, in his book "Israel's Colonial Project in Palestine: Brutal Pursuit", Israeli settlements in the West Bank is an additional form of colonization.[44] This view is part of a key debate in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Law professors Steven Lubet and Jonathan Zasloff describe the "Zionism as settler colonialism" theory as politically motivated, derogatory and highly controversial. According to them, there are important differences between Zionism and settler colonialism, for instance: (1) Early Zionists did not seek to transport European culture into Israel, they sought to revive the culture of an indigenous people of the land, the culture of their ancestors (e.g., they left their European languages behind and adopted a Middle Eastern/Semitic one: Hebrew); (2) No settler colonial movement ever claimed to be "returning home"; (3) Jews had already been living in the "colonized" region for thousands of years. Both professors also point out that the academic journal where Wolfe published his essay fails to mention the Islamic military campaign that captured the region in the 7th and 8th centuries.[45]



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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So you deny the existence of deeds in the possession of uncompensated Palestinians as well?

No i don't deny anything, what i have read is the majority of these  homes are rented not owned as you suggest, and while they have been rented over long periods of time those evicted are RENTERS not owners...Renters in Canada do not have the right to rent for life, even with Justin new renter protection policies...combine this with property that was in transition , when the area was controlled by jordan are null and void. Along with property that was abandoned after the 1948 conflict, was seized by Israel...


Not sure why this is an issue in Israel , when it happens daily here in Canada, i think we are nose blind to our own problems but everything is Israel is front page news.

Homes and property seized during the 1948 war are deemed to belong to the jewish state...i could list dozens of examples where territory seized during war has ceased to become personal property...



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