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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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31 minutes ago, User said:

I thought it was quite obvious, I....

"Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."

1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:


the region was under British "control" and the Brits tried back in 1917 to sort it out but it did not come to fruition back then."In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine."  "Israel was called British Palestine in 1920 because that portion of the Ottoman Empire was given to the British to manage after World War I."

Listing the "wars" Israel has been involved in only demonstrates the disharmonious situation and tension that has been the middle east since Israel was established.

I will never say "f*ck Israel" like one poster did, All I will ever say is one group deserves a homeland as much as another.

5000 years of disharmony, fighting and hatred will certainly not be eliminated by what is going on now.


I thought it was quite obvious, I will be more explicit: In 1948 those surrounding Middle Eastern countries went to war against Israel. In the 6 day of war, Egypt engaged in actions tantamount to war by closing shipping lanes, and when Israel responded as they said they would, surrounding Middle Eastern countries engaged in a war against them...

Not sure why you put "wars" in quotes. 

It demonstrates exactly what I said earlier:

"Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."
When British left, Palestinians could have done similar to Israel, declared themselves a state and taken what they had... but instead they went to war against Isreal. 


If "every country" surrounding Israel has waged war, that obviously means that all those countries have no basis or reason to do so?

Israel never declared itself a country. It was spearheaded by the Brits and consecrated by the UN. The Palestinians never had an opportunity of were able to declare anything.

Look, none of us here, especially on this forum, has any idea what it is like to actually live there, on either side and what we say is meaningless. If you are in fact an expat form there, then you obviously have some bias.

I will play the opposite side of your argument even though I do not care but just to make you aware there are 2 sides to every story and conflict.

Who is right or just?? Again, opinion and whatever you at for breakfast this morning. :)

After thousands of years dude, there is nothing "obvious".

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

"Israel was called British Palestine in 1920 because that portion of the Ottoman Empire was given to the British to manage after World War I."

The area was only called 'Palestine' ironically. 

2000 years into the Jews being established as the dominant culture in that region, the Romans took over, and after the Jews had one of their larger revolts, the Romans named the area Palestine out of spite. 

The Phillistines only ever controlled a tiny area of that region, just a bit bigger than modern-day Gaza. 

This is like if one day all of Canada was renamed Quebec by a foreign power, as a jab at the Anglophones, or if someone renamed the entire ME Israel, to humiliate the muslims.

Iran was never part of Israel, right? Vancouver Island was never part of Quebec, right? That name would have nothing to do with the history of the entire region itself, and when the day came that the people renamed it were no longer in power, it wouldn't make sense to still call all of Canada Quebec, or the whole ME Israel. 

Historically there has never been a  country called "Palestine". From the time it was named that until Britain took over, that region never had autonomy, they were always just a province of one empire or another. What they thought about their own borders didn't matter.

If you think there was a "Palestine", then who were its kings? Who were its Presidents, or Prime Ministers? 

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:


Palestinians have lived in that area for thousands years...they were not Muslims till the 600's AD. Muslims did not "conquer", there were living there already. Muslim population grew there, Christianity did not.

The Brits promised the Jews land if they gave support to Britain in WW1. Nothing happened till after WW2 although Britain ruled the area after WW1.


So did Jews. There are Jews that have been there since 2,000 BC, continuously. 4,000 years now. 

"Palestine", or the ancestral home of the Phillistines, never contained Jerusalem and most of the rest of that region, just like Toronto is not part of Quebec. Jerusalem was just lumped into "Palestine" by the Romans. 

If Trump takes over Canada and says that Toronto is part of Quebec, do people 2,000 years from now have to abide by that? 


Where do you want the Israelis to go? 

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41 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

If "every country" surrounding Israel has waged war, that obviously means that all those countries have no basis or reason to do so?

Yes, they do have a reason: they're religious bigots. 


Israel never declared itself a country. It was spearheaded by the Brits and consecrated by the UN. The Palestinians never had an opportunity of were able to declare anything.

Pakistan never declared itself a country. It was spearheaded by the Brits and consecrated by the UN. The Pakistanis never had an opportunity of were able to declare anything.

In 1947, when Pakistan was formed, they committed a genocide that's still orders of magnitude larger than all the people killed by both sides in all of Israel's wars. 

Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Egypt and Lebanon never attacked Pakistan.

Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Egypt and Lebanon never complained about all the murdered Sikhs and Hindus, whose families had lived in that region since the beginning of time.

Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Egypt and Lebanon don't gripe about anyone's "right to return" to Pakistan. 

There are ten million people who have ancestral claims to that land. What's the difference? Why do muslims care so much that 700,000 muslims were negatively affected, but they don't care that 10M Sikhs and Hindus were affected the exact same way?

Why do muslims care so much that 500 muslims were killed in 1948, but they don't care that 800,000 Sikhs and Hindus were killed when Pakistan was formed?

Is 500 more than 800,000? Is it worse to kill 500 than 800,000?

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Palestinians have lived in that area for thousands years...they were not Muslims till the 600's AD. Muslims did not "conquer", there were living there already. Muslim population grew there, Christianity did not.

Palestinians is just a name given by the Romans to people that lived in that general area 2000 years ago.  They comprised different groups and Israel has been fighting against them going back several thousand years.  But what is significant is, according to the Bible, God gave the Jews that land several thousand years ago for perpetuity.  I know you reject God and the Bible and won't accept that but that is the reason why Israel is there.  There never was a state called Palestine.  

Here is the history according to Wikipedia.  I don't necessarily agree with every thing it says, but may agree with parts of it.  It is just to give you a general idea and show how that area has been in dispute for thousands of years.  There was no such country called Palestine.  It is just a broad term referring to the general area.  The article is incorrect right at the beginning when it says "the modern states of Israel and Palestine".  There never was a "state of Palestine".  You can verify that yourself if you don't believe it.  Wikipedia is wrong on that part.  Christianity had its roots there and Jesus Christ was a Jew.  Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim roots there, But according to the Bible Israel has perpetual claim to that land whether you like it or not.   Muslims did spread Islam by the sword. You can look into that as well.


The history of Israel covers an area of the Southern Levant also known as Canaan, Palestine or the Holy Land, which is the geographical location of the modern states of Israel and Palestine. From a prehistory as part of the critical Levantine corridor, which witnessed waves of early humans out of Africa, to the emergence of Natufian culture c. 10th millennium BCE, the region entered the Bronze Age c. 2,000 BCE with the development of Canaanite civilization, before being vassalized by Egypt in the Late Bronze Age. In the Iron Age, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were established, entities that were central to the origins of the Jewish and Samaritan peoples as well as the Abrahamic faith tradition.[1][2][3][4][5][6] This has given rise to Judaism, Samaritanism, Christianity, Islam, Druzism, Baha'ism, and a variety of other religious movements. Throughout the course of human history, the Land of Israel has come under the sway or control of various polities and, as a result, it has historically hosted a wide variety of ethnic groups.

In the following centuries, the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Empires conquered the region. The Ptolemies and the Seleucids vied for control over the region during the Hellenistic period. However, with the establishment of the Hasmonean dynasty, the local Jewish population maintained independence for a century before being incorporated into the Roman Republic.[7] As a result of the Jewish-Roman Wars in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE, many Jews were killed, displaced or sold into slavery.[8][9][10][11] Following the advent of Christianity, which was adopted by the Greco-Roman world under the influence of the Roman Empire, the region's demographics shifted towards newfound Christians, who replaced Jews as the majority of the population by the 4th century. However, shortly after Islam was consolidated across the Arabian Peninsula under Muhammad, Byzantine Christian rule over the Land of Israel was superseded by the Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 7th century. From the 11th century to the 13th century, the Land of Israel became the centre for intermittent religious wars between European Christian and local Muslim armies as part of the Crusades. In the 13th century, the Land of Israel became subject to the Mongol invasions and conquests, though these were locally routed by the Mamluk Sultanate, under whose rule it remained until the 16th century. The Mamluks were eventually defeated by the Ottoman Empire, and the region became an Ottoman province until the 20th century.

The late 19th century saw the rise of a Jewish nationalist movement in Europe known as Zionism, as part of which aliyah (Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel from the diaspora) increased. During World War I, the Sinai and Palestine campaign of the Allies led to the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. Britain was granted control of the region by League of Nations mandate, in what became known as Mandatory Palestine. The British government had publicly committed itself to the creation of a Jewish homeland in the 1917 Balfour declaration. Palestinian Arabs opposed this design, asserting their rights over the former Ottoman territories and seeking to prevent Jewish immigration. As a result, Arab–Jewish tensions grew in the succeeding decades of British administration."

History of Israel - Wikipedia

The reason the Arabs are fighting against Israel is because they always have wanted to eliminate Israel.  Islam just gave them another reason to want to eliminate Israel.

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51 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The area was only called 'Palestine' ironically. 


MEH Nonsense post. LOL

44 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

So did Jews. There are Jews that have been there since 2,000 BC, continuously. 4,000 years now. 



Where do you want the Israelis to go? 

So,both were there, why does one deserve a contry and not the other???

35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Yes, they do have a reason: they're religious bigots. 

Pakistan n.......


Pakistan???? WTF??

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

If "every country" surrounding Israel has waged war, that obviously means that all those countries have no basis or reason to do so?

Israel never declared itself a country. It was spearheaded by the Brits and consecrated by the UN. The Palestinians never had an opportunity of were able to declare anything.

Look, none of us here, especially on this forum, has any idea what it is like to actually live there, on either side and what we say is meaningless. If you are in fact an expat form there, then you obviously have some bias.

I will play the opposite side of your argument even though I do not care but just to make you aware there are 2 sides to every story and conflict.

Who is right or just?? Again, opinion and whatever you at for breakfast this morning. :)

After thousands of years dude, there is nothing "obvious".

You are changing the subject now from a simple observable fact that surrounding countries did wage war against Israel to your trying to justify their doing so. 

Israel did declare itself a state:

Creation of Israel, 1948

"On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day."

https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/creation-israel#:~:text=On May 14%2C 1948%2C David,nation on the same day.

Why do you keep playing the contrarian to such simple facts?

So... now your argument is that if we don't live there we don't have any idea and if we did live there, then we are biased. LOL

You do not have to live there to be able to state facts and speak intelligently to current affairs or circumstances. If you think so lowly of such a discussion and your ability to know anything or be biased and then claim not to care... why are you here in the discussion?

Just because there are two sides doesn't make each side accurate or honest. 


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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

So,both were there, why does one deserve a contry and not the other???

That is simple to answer.  Read my post with info from Wikipedia for a start.  Wikipedia does not give the Biblical reason why the land belongs Israel.  But it gives a brief history down through the centuries.

Then read Genesis chapter 12 and 17.

"7  And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. 8  And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. "  Genesis 17:7 KJV

If you oppose Israel having that land in perpetuity, you are by default throwing your support behind Islam because they have been trying to take over the whole area since Islam was founded and they would like to take over every place they can.  Their religion does not recognize the rights of women or other religions.  Why would anyone indirectly be supporting Islam.  That is what you are doing.

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Palestinians is just a name .....

The reason the Arabs are fighting against Israel is because they always have wanted to eliminate Israel.  Islam just gave them another reason to want to eliminate Israel.

Israel has only been around since 1948 and the arab/jew thing is thousands of years old. they that each other that long.

Considered they came both from the same loin, Abraham.

As a devout obsessed christian, I am dismayed you support the killing ad destruction imposed by the Israelis, regardless who started it.

F'n christian hypocrite..

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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Israel has only been around since 1948 and the arab/jew thing is thousands of years old. they that each other that long.

Considered they came both from the same loin, Abraham.

As a devout obsessed christian, I am dismayed you support the killing ad destruction imposed by the Israelis, regardless who started it.

F'n christian hypocrite..

You obviously never read the information I posted.  YOu just blindly carry on without any idea what you are talking about like some kind of robot for Satan.  Read the information so you can understand and talk intelligently.

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1 minute ago, User said:

You are changing the subject now from a simple observable fact that surrounding countries did wage war against Israel to your trying to justify their doing so. 

Israel did declare itself a state:


Why do you keep playing the contrarian to such simple facts?

So... now your argument is that if we don't live there we don't have any idea and if we did live there, then we are biased. LOL

You do not have to live there to be able to state facts and speak intelligently to current affairs or circumstances. .....

Just because there are two sides doesn't make each side accurate or honest. 


Whoa whoa there puppy, it is you that said ""Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."

Israel did declare itself a state,  once it was given the territory. The Israeli knesset then made the official declaration, as they had to.

Now here it the most honest and thought out thing you have said so far....right along what I have said all along. "Just because there are two sides doesn't make each side accurate or honest. " At least now you acknowledge there are 2 sides. :)

4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You obviously never read the information I posted.  YOu just blindly carry on without any idea what you are talking about like some kind of robot for Satan.  Read the information so you can understand and talk intelligently.

Yeah, well, i don't read much of your trash.

You are just another hypocritical religious zealot.

I am far from blind, unlike you LOL

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6 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Yeah, well, i don't read much of your trash.

You are just another hypocritical religious zealot.

I am far from blind, unlike you LOL

At least you are honest about not reading what I posted.  That's why you will continue in you ignorant support of Islam and antisemitism.  You obviously just use the forum to rant nonsense and antisemitism.

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21 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Well, it seems they are pretty quiet about all the other conflicts, no mass protests, they are not in the media every night, their inaction is very telling.

Do you think China should know better,  what do you know about the Uyghurs did you know china has been forcibly mass  sterizing Uyghur women, China is committing mass genocide of an entire race and religious group in camps...Every see a mass protest on this subject...what about Ukraine, or any of the 150 other conflicts around the globe...see any protests about them...

Why do you people not understand that the protests are against western nations aiding and abetting Israel's ongoing campaign of apartheid and ethnic cleansing? 


What message does that send to you ? ...  and why does everyone randomly pick a terrorist group to rally behind ? not only are Canadians  joining the palestine ranks in these protests, or whatever events that support palestine but they are not smart enough to know they are being used by them for their cause...., and what is supriosing is the LGBTQ community as well, knowing for well they would be killed in Gaza how does that even compute with them...perhaps it is popular to join a protest, maybe they earn some sort of badge like the boy scouts, or maybe they are being paid, money always talks...but this just shows us that we do not make good decisions...

Every LGBTQ person i know supports Palestine because they don't think human rights are conditional.  But it's always funny when conservatives pretend to care about LBTQ people in other countries when they don't even suypport them here at home.


Maybe it is because it has not influence your life in anyway.... but i bet any one of the posters on here that has been showing their support for the terrorist organization Hamas and it's people, would change their minds in a heartbeat, if their families were in Israel right now and faced this terror every day and night...

You'd probably change your mind about Israel if some jackoff from the U.S.A. came and kicked you out of your house or if your kid was shot my a sniper for going to get a drink of water.

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54 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

"Look what you made me do" is something abusers say.

Hamas deliberately killed and mutilated women and children. 

Your argument holds no weight.

If Israel tried to pass under a "look what you made me do" alibi, Hamas is then the parent beating their kid to a pulp, because its for their own good, when there are far better ways to get a point across to someone that isn't listening.

Both sides are at fault for this conflict. Neither can truly paint themselves as innocent.

Main difference is Israel shields its innocents, and Hamas shields itself with its innocents.

To truly negate the voice of either party, is you essentially being worst than an abuser, by stating they had it coming.

"Stop burning the toast, and just maybe you will stop getting backhanded".


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24 minutes ago, blackbird said:

At least you are honest about not reading what I posted.  That's why you will continue in you ignorant support of Islam and antisemitism.  You obviously just use the forum to rant nonsense and antisemitism.

You clearly do not read what I post either.

I don't know how many times I have said, nuke em all. Turn the region into a wasteland. I do not care for either side.

It is just so much fun watching an religious christian zealot like you become a warmonger LOL

F'n hypocrite LOL

12 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Antisemites are indirectly supporting Islamic jihad.

The pro-Palestinian young people in the universities across the world are actually supporting Islam.

Duhhh LOL

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42 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Whoa whoa there puppy, it is you that said ""Every country surrounding Israel has waged war on Isreal since its inception."

Israel did declare itself a state,  once it was given the territory. The Israeli knesset then made the official declaration, as they had to.

Now here it the most honest and thought out thing you have said so far....right along what I have said all along. "Just because there are two sides doesn't make each side accurate or honest. " At least now you acknowledge there are 2 sides. :)

Yeah, well, i don't read much of your trash.

You are just another hypocritical religious zealot.

I am far from blind, unlike you LOL

First, I am no puppy. Yes, I did say that about Israel and you simply said "Incorrect"

I was not incorrect. 

First you said: "Israel never declared itself a country." Now you try to change your argument as if you did not: "Israel did declare itself a state,  once it was given the territory. The Israeli knesset then made the official declaration, as they had to."

The reasoning behind their doing so or the methodology that allowed them to doesn't change the fact I asserted from being true or your absurd attempt to simply claim such a fact was not true. 

Whether or not I acknowledge there are two sides was never a point of our discussion, you never got me to do anything "now" as if I was not before. 

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21 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Why do you people not understand that the protests are against western nations aiding and abetting Israel's ongoing campaign of apartheid and ethnic cleansing? 

There is no ethnic cleansing or apartheid. 

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13 minutes ago, User said:

First, I am no puppy. Yes, I did say that about Israel and you simply said "Incorrect"

I was not incorrect. 

First you said: "Israel never declared itself a country." Now you try to change your argument as if you did not: "Israel did declare itself a state,  once it was given the territory. The Israeli knesset then made the official declaration, as they had to."

The reasoning behind their doing so or the methodology that allowed them to doesn't change the fact I asserted from being true or your absurd attempt to simply claim such a fact was not true. 

Whether or not I acknowledge there are two sides was never a point of our discussion, you never got me to do anything "now" as if I was not before. 


I will tell you like I have told everyone else that still insists on barking up my tree. I do not give a shit about them over there. Nuke em all and turn it into a wasteland. I do not give one shit at all.

Arguing with me is fruitless, i am only here to play the opposite side. No more no less. It absolutely amuses me at the reaction, passion and vehement denial of anything but their opinion. Even when said that there are 2 sides to every story and it takes 2 to tangle they still insist on picking sides. OK.

Arguing with me or trying to get me to say anything other than what I have been saying is foolish on your part.

The only thing I can say , again is, hope you stop before you head bleeds too much


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24 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

MEH Nonsense post. LOL

So,both were there, why does one deserve a contry and not the other???

What makes you think that Palestinians don't have a country? 

They had Gaza 100% to themselves. Did you not know that?


Pakistan???? WTF??

Yes, Pakistan.

Your whole argument about the improper formation of Israel is 100% deflated by the fact that Pakistan was created at the exact same time, in the exact same way, by the exact same people, but with less historical basis and less humanitarian need than Israel, yet muslims don't care about Pakistan. The Pakistanis also killed 1,400x as many people and displaced 10x more people.

It's impossible to say "Israel has no right..." if Pakistan is a-ok. That proof that the anti-Israelis are all just bigots.

It's like banning Golden Retrievers and not Pit Bulls and Rotties based on their threat level. It's ridiculous. 

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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:


I will tell you like I have told everyone else that still insists on barking up my tree. I do not give a shit about them over there. Nuke em all and turn it into a wasteland. I do not give one shit at all.

Arguing with me is fruitless, i am only here to play the opposite side. No more no less. It absolutely amuses me at the reaction, passion and vehement denial of anything but their opinion. Even when said that there are 2 sides to every story and it takes 2 to tangle they still insist on picking sides. OK.

Arguing with me or trying to get me to say anything other than what I have been saying is foolish on your part.

The only thing I can say , again is, hope you stop before you head bleeds too much


So... you are admitting to being a liar here. You could have left it at that. 

Maybe put that in your signature or something. 

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13 minutes ago, User said:

So... you are admitting to being a liar here. You could have left it at that. 

Maybe put that in your signature or something. 

Where and when have I admitted that and where and when have I lied?

You sound very much like a couple of Trumpites on this forum. Making shit up to align with your narrative. LOL

Such a shame to see a reasonable poster turn to... whatever you have become.  I had respect for your comments and posts but in one foul swoop, you lost all credibility.


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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Where and when have I admitted that and where and when have I lied?

You sound very much like a couple of Trumpites on this forum. Making shit up to align with your narrative. LOL

Such a shame to see a reasonable poster turn to... whatever you have become.  I had respect for your comments and posts but in one foul swoop, you lost all credibility.


LOL... why ask me questions in the same post you claim to block me in?

You said:

"Arguing with me is fruitless, I am only here to play the opposite side."

That is something a dishonest person, a liar, does. You pretend to be something you are not and claim things you know are not true.

Also, I am just fine with being blocked. It allows me to refute whatever stupid crap you assert and not have to waste my time with the dishonest responses. 

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Palestinian children under Hamas:

The indoctrination in the schools starts even at a younger age than this. Is it any wonder they become bloodthirsty maniacs?

Why do so many people in the West support this kind of thing?

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