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New Epstein File Release

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5 minutes ago, Rebound said:

I care even less. This is incredibly stupid: Everyone knows that both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump took flights on Epstein’s jet to his private island. And so far, that’s all we know. We already knew that this document release would name them, but just because their names are in somebody’s contact list, it doesn’t mean they committed a crime. 

If it turns out that either or both of them engaged in statutory rape, they should face trial, if the SOL hasn’t tolled.


There is no evidence that Trump visited Epstein's notorious Little St. James island, where the late financier is alleged to have trafficked and sexually abused young women and girls. Trump has also never been implicated in the offenses committed by Epstein or Maxwell.


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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

You wish, for sure. Whoever started this thread is the dreamer. Now reap what you've sown, libbies. Your cult heroes name's will be on the list. Including Billy Joe-bob and Billy Goates.

Must be stressful when the truth comes out and you can't cover up. Try to take it easy next time.

Don't become discombubberated...


I'm sure you wish that 13yo who sued Trump twice for sexual assault, and strangely dropped the case both times is not on the coming list as one of Trump's payoffs. Bet she was one of Epstein's trafficked victims.

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2 hours ago, Legato said:

From your cite, Trump endorses Epstein:


rump and Epstein were associates for years in the 1980s and 1990s. In a 2002 interview with New York Magazine, Trump said: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy.

Of course Trump is famous for throwing former acquaintances under the bus years later, claiming he never knew them.

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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

I could care less

Well you sounded pretty stressed earlier. Glad you found a way to get over it.

I say if crimes were committed, so let the law do its work. "Irregardless", who it is.

But when I see/hear the way some of you people go on, sounds suspicious to me. Like when you taint your message with politics. Smells like bullchit.

That is why, the internet is opium for the masses. Mix in a little AI... and it's your fentanyl.

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59 minutes ago, robosmith said:

From your cite, Trump endorses Epstein:

Of course Trump is famous for throwing former acquaintances under the bus years later, claiming he never knew them.

That spin has rendered you dizzy. Trump never went to the island which was my reply to a rabid post.

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55 minutes ago, Legato said:

That spin has rendered you dizzy. Trump never went to the island which was my reply to a rabid post.

Hahaha. The list is full of liberal names, of course.

Takes that kind of pervert to want to go to lolita island time and again so they can fondle little girls.

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"The newly released records also include many references to Jean-Luc Brunel, a French modeling agent who was close to Epstein and who killed himself in a Paris jail in 2022 while awaiting trial on charges that he raped underage girls."

Guy committed 'suicide' in jail as well. Makes me wonder what the hell is really going on here. 

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22 hours ago, CdnFox said:

LOL - dude - this is a pretty trashy source and article :)  

But as the article says i do doubt that anyone will care.  Those who already hate him will contine to hate him and those who don't will assume it's just more fake bullcrap the dems dream up to discredit him and the media runs for the clicks and lols.


Ah yez, but you see that 200 name lust may trigger other memories, such as the staff memories of who did what with whom...and for how much?  As far as Clinton goes, indeed in his case, no one does care, he already smeared his name well in the past with his fake  tear jerked " I did not have sex with that woman" lie. The GOP led the investigation, it jammed up the media for a few years, now its " old news" but see Trump is TODAY'S news because he keeps himself in the lime light, dancing to the tune of Peg Leg Howells " Ball and Chain" blues. , while claiming he never did any of the over 100 crimes he committed, but eagerly pointing the finger at former employees and claiming they dud it, or it never happened at all . So because of his constant tap dancing people Are, Very Interested if he was on that island, just how young were the young ladies he..had a few drinks with and did some more tap dancing with oh yes, but lets not forget those other 200 names, lets see who they are too, and hold them equally accountable. How many others were, perhaps, GOP leaders? How many were Democrats? How many future or then current Congress members, or governors ...?..and how long HAS Trump known Giuliani and where did they meet?  That 200 name list will be an eye opener, you can bet on it. 

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45 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

That 200 name list will be an eye opener, you can bet on it

You're hyperventilating. You and the other leftist wingjobs need to calm down. 

The info so far states that many names on the list are not implicated in any crimes. So far as I've seen, one person mentioned Epstein going to see Trump at his casino in Atlantic City. The woman who recounted the story asked if she ever gave him a "massage". Answer, no I did not.

Seems to me this list could be unfair to the reputation of many people on it. Sounds like law suit territory to me.

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1 hour ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Ah yez, but you see that 200 name lust may trigger other memories, such as the staff memories of who did what with whom...and for how much? 

Wouldnt' matter for the reasons mentioned.  People have gotten particularly jaded about those who 'magically have their memory restored"  in a particularly timely fashon years later :)


As far as Clinton goes, indeed in his case, no one does care, he already smeared his name well in the past with his fake  tear jerked " I did not have sex with that woman" lie. The GOP led the investigation, it jammed up the media for a few years, now its " old news"

Well the difference is that he's actually guilty of the crime he was accused of.   But sure, water under the bridge as far as he goes, but he's not running for office.


but see Trump is TODAY'S news because he keeps himself in the lime light, dancing to the tune of Peg Leg Howells " Ball and Chain" blues. , while claiming he never did any of the over 100 crimes he committed, but eagerly pointing the finger at former employees and claiming they dud it, or it never happened at all

For most people, the 'news' today is that the dems have been faking news about trump for ages now so anything that he gets accused of, including the handful of legit and serious issues out of the 100 fake ones, is simply blown off.  The dems really did themselves in with this and they're certainly going to face retribution in the future whether trump gets in or not.




So because of his constant tap dancing people Are, Very Interested if he was on that island, just how young were the young ladies he..had a few drinks with and did some more tap dancing with oh yes,

Nobody cares.  the only people remotely interested are those who already hate him and want to justify their hatred but the rest will blow it off as more of "the boy who cried trump".

This will be a 5 second spark in the media cycle.  This has been done before.

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22 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I mean - Canada has the age of consent at 16.....  so if someone comes here and gets picked up by someone who snuck into the bar they go to jail back in the states?

I dunno - haven't really researched the law thoroughly.

Believe it or not, the age of consent in Canada was 14 until late 2008.  In my home city, there was this really creepy dude, who inherited a nice home when his folks passed away. He was in his early 50s, and was inviting teenage girls over to his pad for sexual activity. He ended up being charged with child pornography after his documented his sexual escapades.

He was interviewed in the Sun at the time, claiming to be the "Hugh Hefner" of Canada. The dude openly admitted in the paper, that he had slept with 15 year old girls, and argued that his charges were bogus, considering that it was legal for a 50-something man to ahve sex with a 15 year old girl, he should be allowed to take photos of said girls in the nude or in sexual positions. 

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32 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

Believe it or not, the age of consent in Canada was 14 until late 2008.  In my home city, there was this really creepy dude, who inherited a nice home when his folks passed away. He was in his early 50s, and was inviting teenage girls over to his pad for sexual activity. He ended up being charged with child pornography after his documented his sexual escapades.


Oh i remember, i remember when they changed it.  They still have the 3 year rule i believe - so a 15 and 17  year old wouldn't be  breaking the law. But yeah as a kid i was in a relationship with an older girl that would defnitiely have been illegal today and all i can say is i'm glad i got in under the wire there :)    But i  think it was a very good thing overall that they changed the laws.


He was interviewed in the Sun at the time, claiming to be the "Hugh Hefner" of Canada. The dude openly admitted in the paper, that he had slept with 15 year old girls, and argued that his charges were bogus, considering that it was legal for a 50-something man to ahve sex with a 15 year old girl, he should be allowed to take photos of said girls in the nude or in sexual positions. 

Well and it's scum like that which made the change necessary.  I mean - i'll admit i've slept with a few 15 year old girls.  But i was 15 at the time.   I remember a buddy of ours wound up dating a 17 year old while he was about 22 and we all had a discussion about whether  we were going to find THAT creepy or not. 

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Oh i remember, i remember when they changed it.  They still have the 3 year rule i believe - so a 15 and 17  year old wouldn't be  breaking the law. But yeah as a kid i was in a relationship with an older girl that would defnitiely have been illegal today and all i can say is i'm glad i got in under the wire there :)    But i  think it was a very good thing overall that they changed the laws.

Well and it's scum like that which made the change necessary.  I mean - i'll admit i've slept with a few 15 year old girls.  But i was 15 at the time.   I remember a buddy of ours wound up dating a 17 year old while he was about 22 and we all had a discussion about whether  we were going to find THAT creepy or not. 

Close in age exceptions

A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 5 years or older than the 14 or 15 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence.

There is also a "close in age" exception for 12 and 13 year olds. A 12 or 13 year old can consent to sexual activity with a partner as long as the partner is less than two years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 2 years or older than the 12 or 13 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence.



I still use the time and tested formula:


My age + 7 / 2 = minimum age that I will engage in sexual relations...

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13 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

Close in age exceptions

A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 5 years or older than the 14 or 15 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence.

There is also a "close in age" exception for 12 and 13 year olds. A 12 or 13 year old can consent to sexual activity with a partner as long as the partner is less than two years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 2 years or older than the 12 or 13 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence.

That was it. They should have called it the "close but not TOO close till you're older' exception.



I still use the time and tested formula:

My age + 7 / 2 = minimum age that I will engage in sexual relations...


I used to use the 'never with anyone crazier than yourself' rule - but after i met the wife i had to set that one aside.

We had one buddy that we used to joke preferred his partners to be "human, female and breathing but he'd take 2 out of 3 in a pinch". ;) 

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12 hours ago, Rebound said:

What is it that Clinton did? 

Being associated, closely and undeniably with a serial rapist gang? Didn't know? Oh so innocent? Leave it for the hypocritical speeches bullsh*t.

Not enough for the enlightened left, no?

That, right here: is the real problem with the partisan politicking. At some point it becomes all about "me" and next to nothing about responsibility and democracy. Will become, one way or the other, certainly. The color and flavor matter not, as it appears. No good ways out. Binary politics is an existential danger to democracy.

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8 hours ago, myata said:

Being associated, closely and undeniably with a serial rapist gang? Didn't know? Oh so innocent? Leave it for the hypocritical speeches bullsh*t.

Not enough for the enlightened left, no?

That, right here: is the real problem with the partisan politicking. At some point it becomes all about "me" and next to nothing about responsibility and democracy. Will become, one way or the other, certainly. The color and flavor matter not, as it appears. No good ways out. Binary politics is an existential danger to democracy.

I think it’s hilarious that Trump supporters see this and yell “Clinton!!” while the other side sees it and yells “Trump!!”

It just shows how incapable many people have become at exercising rational judgement. 

We know that Epstein was a serial child rapist, but he also sought to associate himself with the wealthiest, best and brightest, like Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, and on and on. Simply knowing the guy isn’t proof of a crime.  

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I love how they talk about it like Trump did something, the guy was named 4 times, all of which was prodded by investigators with the individuals making benign comments about him, yet Clinton appeared over 80 times and none of them are questioning it.

Just because Trump knew him doesn't mean he was part of it, I bet Epstein knew a lot of people that had no idea what was going on. Haven't any of you ever known someone for years only to find out he was doing bad things you had no clue about.

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4 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

I love how they talk about it like Trump did something, the guy was named 4 times, all of which was prodded by investigators with the individuals making benign comments about him, yet Clinton appeared over 80 times and none of them are questioning it.

Just because Trump knew him doesn't mean he was part of it, I bet Epstein knew a lot of people that had no idea what was going on. Haven't any of you ever known someone for years only to find out he was doing bad things you had no clue about.

Oh, I'm certain that Epstein knew or somehow associated with a lot of people who didn't know what was going on. I think it's pretty unlikely that Trump was one of those people. 

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

So when he boards the "Lolita Express" and is surrounded by a gaggle of very young women who have no business being there, I think even Trump can put 2 and 2 together. Whether Trump partook or not I can't say (we know he's not above cheating on his wives, paying for sex and using women) but it's almost certain the wares were offered, don't you think? Mr. "locker room talk" surely chatted with Epstein about his hobby, don't you think? It seems pretty unlikely that Trump knew enough to nod and wink at Epstein's predilections in the public press while not understanding how far Epstein would go.

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14 hours ago, myata said:

Being associated, closely and undeniably with a serial rapist gang? Didn't know? Oh so innocent? Leave it for the hypocritical speeches bullsh*t.

Not enough for the enlightened left, no?

That, right here: is the real problem with the partisan politicking. At some point it becomes all about "me" and next to nothing about responsibility and democracy. Will become, one way or the other, certainly. The color and flavor matter not, as it appears. No good ways out. Binary politics is an existential danger to democracy.

Since google knows nothing about Clinton's "serial rapist gang," I doubt YOU have any evidence for your scurrilous allegation.

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1 minute ago, robosmith said:

Since google knows nothing about Clinton's "serial rapist gang," I doubt YOU have any evidence for your scurrilous allegation.

There's TONNES of hits on google about clinton and  multiple rapes.

Are you sure you were looking on your computer? Or did you accidentally pick up the etch-a-sketch again and get confused?

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