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The Great Big 2024 Election Battle Thread!

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29 minutes ago, sharkman said:

wow, 5 posts in a row?  So many strangers on the internet that MUST be corrected, eh?  Keep trying to stop the wind, surely you'll figure out the truth eventually.

Robopost is a known troll :)  He'll try to derail threads that make biden look bad. Guess he didn't like the polling numbers I posted :)  He's another one of those cowards who doesn't like to talk to people who make him look stupid with actual facts and reason :)  

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On 1/15/2024 at 6:17 PM, sharkman said:

Looks like Trump is the big winner in Iowa.  And the never-Trump vote gets nicely split up by Haley and Ron.   The Trump Train is inevitable though, and you can see the fear among the left on this very forum(with their ever  more desperate anti Trump threads).  
I am going to seriously enjoy this campaign as the left becomes totally unhinged.

Afterwards and after the drop outs haley did pick up some and definitely improved her positon but trump picked up even more and is still leading her handily.

If she doesn't win by a fairly decent margin i think it's all over. She would have no reasonable path to success. I rather doubt she has one if she wins but at least she'd be able to pretend a little longer.

The question is will all the positive attention push trump up more in the polls?

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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Afterwards and after the drop outs haley did pick up some and definitely improved her positon but trump picked up even more and is still leading her handily.

If she doesn't win by a fairly decent margin i think it's all over. She would have no reasonable path to success. I rather doubt she has one if she wins but at least she'd be able to pretend a little longer.

The question is will all the positive attention push trump up more in the polls?

The Ron Desantis gambit didn't work.  The lawfare isn't working.  Taking Trump's name off the ballots isn't going to work, with SCOTUS making the ultimate decision.  The Media propaganda isn't working.  Seriously, Nikki Haley is the left's last hope to defeat Trump, because they know Biden won't be able to do it.  And she doesn't have the horses, so where will they turn?

The underlying reality is that if Trump retakes the White House, it means that the game is over.  The bribes, the back room deals, the blackmails, the vote swindling, the endless warmongering, the real reason they won't close the border, all of it will come under the microscope.  Which means that many of these politicians, past and present, will be going to jail.

This is why they are so desperate, they are facing jail time and they know it.  They are trying to stay out of jail and the collapse that will bring to their careers and bank accounts, their families and the like.  The lies, the bribes, the theft of public funds and worse, is at risk of all coming out.  So, they've got to be gaming this out.  If Haley fails, what to do?

Replace Biden?  Cancel the election due to an emergency?  Believe me, both are in play.  Conveniently, there is a new virus "X" that could turn into something like the next pandemic, just in time to lock down and mail in those votes again.  Or, Gavin Newsom and MIchelle Obama would both love to replace Biden as the nominee.  I'm telling you, this year is going to get crazy.

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On 1/1/2024 at 7:23 PM, CdnFox said:

My early prediction, after winning the primaries trump pulls ahead by 5 points over biden and just before the election biden's support softens again and trump takes it.  Biden seems weak and avoids the public as much as possible and with economic woes still on the table people buy into trump's vision of economic prosperity and a better tomorrow. 

While many presidents have been elected on a message of "change",  Trump will be the first to be elected on a message of "Change back!"


The dems blame israel and demand a boycott of matza bread. The left will collectively lose their crap - and trump will begin extracting vengance while at the same time attempting to coronate whomever he feels should be the next candidate seeing as he's done.


So far, you seem to have hit on all the highlights.

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On 1/1/2024 at 8:20 PM, Rebound said:

Thats not your prediction, its your dream. 
My prediction is that Trump will wrap up his campaign from a jail cell.  

Only in Nazi Germany.

LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP COMMITTED NO CRIME. Those Nazis who are indicting him are  committing election interference, and THEY should be rotting in prison.

America doesn't want UNELECTED JOE. We can't survive another four years of that pedophile.

Trump is going to be reelected for a THIRD FCKING TIME, and this one will be the biggest landslide of all.And it'll be easy. He'll be running against the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.


That's why you NAZIS are beating off at the prospect of an innocent man going to jail.

(Fellow posters, I have actually procured a photo of RoboPimp.)





The Democrat Campaign Committee


Edited by reason10
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1 hour ago, sharkman said:

The Ron Desantis gambit didn't work.  The lawfare isn't working.  Taking Trump's name off the ballots isn't going to work, with SCOTUS making the ultimate decision.  The Media propaganda isn't working.  Seriously, Nikki Haley is the left's last hope to defeat Trump, because they know Biden won't be able to do it.  And she doesn't have the horses, so where will they turn?

The underlying reality is that if Trump retakes the White House, it means that the game is over.  The bribes, the back room deals, the blackmails, the vote swindling, the endless warmongering, the real reason they won't close the border, all of it will come under the microscope.  Which means that many of these politicians, past and present, will be going to jail.

This is why they are so desperate, they are facing jail time and they know it.  They are trying to stay out of jail and the collapse that will bring to their careers and bank accounts, their families and the like.  The lies, the bribes, the theft of public funds and worse, is at risk of all coming out.  So, they've got to be gaming this out.  If Haley fails, what to do?

Replace Biden?  Cancel the election due to an emergency?  Believe me, both are in play.  Conveniently, there is a new virus "X" that could turn into something like the next pandemic, just in time to lock down and mail in those votes again.  Or, Gavin Newsom and MIchelle Obama would both love to replace Biden as the nominee.  I'm telling you, this year is going to get crazy.

Well i think most of them believe that they've covered their criminal activity for the most part, but it does mean an end to the slush fund and i suspect that they're worried trump is going to do to them what they tried to do to him more successfully.  Move heaven and earth to appoint republican-weaponized prosecutors and officials and judges and look for every kind of civil litigation and investigation etc  to bleed them financially and make their lives hell.

But as far as the voters go, voters like to back a winner.  And if trump walks away with the nomination here like a boss it will put him on pretty solid footing to enter the real campaign in July ahead of biden.

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11 minutes ago, sharkman said:

Yeah, just like 2020.  And it took an emergency with reams of mail in ballots to beat him.

Well in 2020 biden hid in his basement, and forced trump to be the focus of attention. Which is the correct strategy - make the incumbent answer all the hard questions.

But - that won't work this time. If he hides, then he'll look horrible and trump if he's smart will spend all his time unopposed trashing him on his record.  Its like pulling the goalie.


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CNN Poll: Trump’s lead over Haley widens to double digits in New Hampshire


Trump holds 50% support among likely Republican primary voters in the Granite State, while his closest competitor, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, stands at 39%.


Huh. Wow, I thought it might be a little closer than that.

If that's how it ends up its' over for haley. There'd be no credible path. She might go on to one or two more but that's it

Trump might get a bit of a walk here - usually leadership races have at least a little mudslinging and negative crap but he might just finish this up early and spent between now and july stumping and running the presidential race while biden is still stuck at the start line.

The Repubs may be one big happy united family again by april here. The fundraising for trump would be huge.

This is probably NOT what biden wanted to see, i'm sure he wanted a lot more infighting and negative commentary and supporters of various candidates being bitter about their person being maligned etc etc.

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On 1/20/2024 at 2:20 AM, CdnFox said:

So here's the latest polling by state: (click for bigger picture)




Trump has a slight edge - There are 12 combinations of "battlefield" states that give him a win - there's 9 for Biden. here's the combinations for trump that would give him the votes needed to win:



At this point based on the polling averages biden has been slipping and Trump climbing - but they seem to have hit a ledge with trump about 3 points ahead and it's been sitting there for a few polls now.

I think we'll see some movement after newhampshire if trump wins that, and maybe another little bit by the end of his nomination race.

So i'm going to predict that the polls at the end of trump's nomination run will have it trump 55 over biden 45 And basically we'll start the race from that position.

This map is a good start.

But look carefully: Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota.

Now, think of the big cities in these states. 

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1 hour ago, August1991 said:

This map is a good start.

But look carefully: Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota.

Now, think of the big cities in these states. 

Biden is cooked, my friend. It's going to take MASSIVE rigging on the Left to pull another win out of their asses. 

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1 hour ago, Deluge said:

Biden is cooked, my friend. It's going to take MASSIVE rigging on the Left to pull another win out of their asses. 

IT's a little early to actually call the election :)  But trump does have the high ground.

He's roughly 5 points ahead of biden and has more paths to victory than biden does at this point. He's got momentum - that is absoltuely CRITICAL for winning elections, momentum is a massive factor and that cannot be understated. It's hard to say if he'll keep it all the way to the actual start of the election but right now he's got it and biden has negative momentum and is sinking in the polls.

I think that within the next month he will have won the nomination. That gives him more positive press and more momentum  and he will have avoided the usual infighting. So between now and july he's got a lot going on for him that's going to give him some wings.

BTW - if he was genus level he'd convince haley to stay in the race a little longer - beat her each time but build her up and make it a 'friendly' battle where she is the 'trump alternative' and she's got a mostly positive message- then when she steps down announce her as his running mate saying he gained so much respect for her watching her fight and he wants to hear from other republicans as well.  He would pick up a lot of moderates, he would grab  a  lot of the mushy-middle, it would be a freight train and now they wouldn't' just compare biden and trump, they'd be comparing haley and harris and haley wins that hands down.


But at any rate, Trump should do better than biden till july. After that biden gets a few positives to work with - interest rates will likely come down a bit, certain economic numbers will be up (overall the economy will be weak but it won't really look that way) and the papers will start paying attention to him again now that the actual presidential race is on.  It's not a LOT to work with but it's something.

And there's a big question about where trump's legal situation will be. So maybe that gives biden a bit to work with.

On the whole however right now it's looking strong for trump



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On 1/22/2024 at 11:00 AM, Deluge said:

Biden is cooked, my friend. It's going to take MASSIVE rigging on the Left to pull another win out of their asses. 



Democrats have always argued that voter registration is a way that Republicans make it difficult for people to vote.

In counties of Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania - Democrats have found a way to get out the vote.


And it's not cheating. The Democrats are doing God's work.

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Well - haley is basically out of the way now and that's going to play very well for donald. He'll use the primaries which are often a time of bitter division as people fight for the nomination to pump himself and gain momentum.

He's going to be in a strong position going into the election.

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On 1/20/2024 at 3:33 AM, sharkman said:

wow, 5 posts in a row?  So many strangers on the internet that MUST be corrected, eh?  Keep trying to stop the wind, surely you'll figure out the truth eventually.

You've given NO REASON to believe any of what I've posted is NOT true. AKA, you're post is helping NO ONE.

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On 1/20/2024 at 1:08 PM, sharkman said:

The Ron Desantis gambit didn't work.  The lawfare isn't working.  Taking Trump's name off the ballots isn't going to work, with SCOTUS making the ultimate decision.  The Media propaganda isn't working.  Seriously, Nikki Haley is the left's last hope to defeat Trump, because they know Biden won't be able to do it.  And she doesn't have the horses, so where will they turn?

The underlying reality is that if Trump retakes the White House, it means that the game is over.  The bribes, the back room deals, the blackmails, the vote swindling, the endless warmongering, the real reason they won't close the border, all of it will come under the microscope.  Which means that many of these politicians, past and present, will be going to jail.

This is why they are so desperate, they are facing jail time and they know it.  They are trying to stay out of jail and the collapse that will bring to their careers and bank accounts, their families and the like.  The lies, the bribes, the theft of public funds and worse, is at risk of all coming out.  So, they've got to be gaming this out.  If Haley fails, what to do?

Replace Biden?  Cancel the election due to an emergency?  Believe me, both are in play.  Conveniently, there is a new virus "X" that could turn into something like the next pandemic, just in time to lock down and mail in those votes again.  Or, Gavin Newsom and MIchelle Obama would both love to replace Biden as the nominee.  I'm telling you, this year is going to get crazy.

Too bad you have ZERO evidence for ^these fantasies. Who told you all of ^this crap?

Next episode of Frontline should clue you into all the evidence against Trump of which you are STILL ignorant.

Do you get Frontline in Canuckland? It's really great journalism, of which you are obviously unfamiliar.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well - haley is basically out of the way now and that's going to play very well for donald. He'll use the primaries which are often a time of bitter division as people fight for the nomination to pump himself and gain momentum.

He's going to be in a strong position going into the election.

This will trigger dems across America and possibly get Biden or the Media hoard to make some unforced errors.  The brainwashed left on this forum are going to get rather cranky, talking about us having ZERO evidence for these fantasies,etc.  

Expect to see tantrums even more than usual as their propaganda falls flat and the truth is revealed.  

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21 minutes ago, sharkman said:

This will trigger dems across America and possibly get Biden or the Media hoard to make some unforced errors.  The brainwashed left on this forum are going to get rather cranky, talking about us having ZERO evidence for these fantasies,etc.  

Expect to see tantrums even more than usual as their propaganda falls flat and the truth is revealed.  

I think you're correct, and in fact i'd go so far as to say they're already getting there.  As trump moves forward and his polling numbers grow they get more desperate and their claims get more ridiculous. At this point they're basically calling for the end of all things - trump will be a 'dictator' (he SAID so!!!  Well - he said something about dicks and 'taters anyway...)  and he'll destroy democracy and he'll start ww3 and he'll be president from jail etc etc .

And that just drives voters into the hands of the republicans. They just ignore it and keep going and everyone looks at the dems as nutbars and hilariously trump looks like the rational one.


The real question is - as they get more and more desperate, what do they try to pull out of their pocket next? Have they got some sort of 'doomsday' secret that they think will finally sink him? Or will they just get more frantic and frenzied? I notice the anti trump threads from the usual suspects here are growing in both number and desperation.

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On 1/19/2024 at 11:50 PM, Hodad said:

Yes, dummy, Trump has been charged for the documents. You refuse to read the indictments, so you remain ignorant. Just read them.

He didn't just have them. He lied about having them, refused to return them, and showed them off to people just to stroke his ego.

Dummy, Trump may have been charged with having some documents, but Trump has not been found guilty as of yet of doing anything wrong by having those documents in his possession. If he were found guilty, Trump should be in jail by now. Read all you want to read. It's the end results that counts. Your dream of seeing Trump in an orange suit in jail one day will never happen, dummy. You lefty liberal/demoncrats are the most stoopid fools that have ever walked the face of the earth. 

Trump had them, so what? Who cares? Only stoopid people like you seem to care. Trump and MAGA will live on and dummies like you cannot do anything about it. They both are here to stay and will get even stronger. Live with it. 😁

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

Dummy, Trump may have been charged with having some documents, but Trump has not been found guilty as of yet of doing anything wrong by having those documents in his possession. I

Hodad believes if a person is charged with a thing, and the person is a republican then that's the same as being found guilty.  Many have tried to explain how it actually works to him.

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On 1/20/2024 at 10:08 AM, sharkman said:

The Ron Desantis gambit didn't work.  The lawfare isn't working.  Taking Trump's name off the ballots isn't going to work, with SCOTUS making the ultimate decision.  The Media propaganda isn't working.  Seriously, Nikki Haley is the left's last hope to defeat Trump, because they know Biden won't be able to do it.  And she doesn't have the horses, so where will they turn?

The underlying reality is that if Trump retakes the White House, it means that the game is over.  The bribes, the back room deals, the blackmails, the vote swindling, the endless warmongering, the real reason they won't close the border, all of it will come under the microscope.  Which means that many of these politicians, past and present, will be going to jail.

This is why they are so desperate, they are facing jail time and they know it.  They are trying to stay out of jail and the collapse that will bring to their careers and bank accounts, their families and the like.  The lies, the bribes, the theft of public funds and worse, is at risk of all coming out.  So, they've got to be gaming this out.  If Haley fails, what to do?

Replace Biden?  Cancel the election due to an emergency?  Believe me, both are in play.  Conveniently, there is a new virus "X" that could turn into something like the next pandemic, just in time to lock down and mail in those votes again.  Or, Gavin Newsom and MIchelle Obama would both love to replace Biden as the nominee.  I'm telling you, this year is going to get crazy.

Indeed, the demoncrats have been trying everything they can to try and bring Trump down and out of the presidency race and game. So far, nothing is working for the communist scumbags. As you said, I do believe that the demoncrats will try something drastic, like declaring some kind of an emergency situation or try and bring about another Covid, like virus like this supposedly new X virus that may come around very soon. 

The communist elite WEF globalists need to try and stop Trump from becoming the next President because they also know that their GREAT RESET agenda will come falling down. This is not just about trying to get rid of Bidumb, but it is also about trying to get rid of the WEF who stand to lose a hell of a lot if Trump becomes the next President. Bidumb is just the front pos for the WEF globalists. They may even try to get Bidumb to try and start a nuclear war with Russia if they know that their goose is cooked. Indeed, this is going to be a crazy year alright. Go, Trump, go. Ya baby. 😇

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14 minutes ago, taxme said:

Dummy, Trump may have been charged with having some documents, but Trump has not been found guilty as of yet of doing anything wrong by having those documents in his possession. If he were found guilty, Trump should be in jail by now. Read all you want to read. It's the end results that counts. Your dream of seeing Trump in an orange suit in jail one day will never happen, dummy. You lefty liberal/demoncrats are the most stoopid fools that have ever walked the face of the earth. 

Trump had them, so what? Who cares? Only stoopid people like you seem to care. Trump and MAGA will live on and dummies like you cannot do anything about it. They both are here to stay and will get even stronger. Live with it. 😁

Great, now you can FINALLY STOP saying he hasn't been charged.

And as for what he did, who cares and why, again, go read the indictments so you can have some basic understanding of what you're talking about. 

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

Great, now you can FINALLY STOP saying he hasn't been charged.

And as for what he did, who cares and why, again, go read the indictments so you can have some basic understanding of what you're talking about. 

I never did say that Trump has not been charged for some crime. But i also said that Trump may have been charged for something, but so far, Trump is still a free man. Sadly for you, Trump will never see a second in the demonrat gulag. 

So, what have you got to say about Bidumb, who did the same thing as Trump? Bidumb did keep documents in his open door garage for all the world to see and go thru. Why has Bidumb not been charged for the same crime like Trump was? 

You are the one that has no idea as to what you are babbling about. Just more lefty liberal lies and bullshit is all i ever see coming from you. Come back, when the day you hope comes, when Trump is sent to the gulag. Until then STFU. 😁

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