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Poll Shows Canadian Immigration Attitudes Hardening - even among immigrants

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41 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. You said this about ME "I doubt you do much study or analysis before making a comment." and I responded that indeed I do.

Your comments don't show you have done much study.  What exactly is your view of Islam?

If you want to know more about Islam all you have to do is look at the website religion of peace.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth (thereligionofpeace.com)

Study that and you may learn the truth.   

Oh, are you Muslim by chance?

religion of peace photo.jpg

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Your relatives might have known somewhat more than you, although it is hard to say without knowing exactly what they believe.  There are lots of apostate churches around.

Being able to quote the Bible isn't the same thing as being able to understand its message.  You're a thoughtless demagogue, preaching nothing but accusation, fire and brimstone.  

2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You whine about me using the Bible in past posts and now try to hide behind your religious relatives. Your own words were " That's why I don't wave Bible quotes at people as a substitute for knowledge and reasoning on the topics at hand."

Yes, because the Bible isn't a substitute for independent intelligent thought.  There are lots of smart, educated and charitable Christians out there, whether they be Anglican, Catholics or any of the other denominations.  You, on the other hand, have decided that being Godly or even Christian is exclusive to people who share your uninformed opinions, in which case you're not really worshipping God at all.  You're just worshipping yourself and your own opinions.  🙄

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4 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Being able to quote the Bible isn't the same thing as being able to understand its message.  You're a thoughtless demagogue, preaching nothing but accusation, fire and brimstone.  

Yes, because the Bible isn't a substitute for independent intelligent thought.  There are lots of smart, educated and charitable Christians out there, whether they be Anglican, Catholics or any of the other denominations.  You, on the other hand, have decided that being Godly or even Christian is exclusive to people who share your uninformed opinions, in which case you're not really worshipping God at all.  You're just worshipping yourself and your own opinions.  🙄

You still can't justify why you mock me for quoting the Bible.  As hard as you try, you can't escape the truth.  Even said it above again when you said "the Bible isn't a substitute for independent intelligent thought"  again proving your dislike of the Bible and anyone who believes it.

You have no idea how to judge a Christian.  

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20 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The Devil is in the details. Let's get some details on what specifically is being said.

I caught a snippet of an interview with Thomas Sowell from about ten years back on immigration. He said that years ago we (they) did in depth studies of how immigrants performed from each country because we (they) weren't afraid to say immigration existed to benefit the country and not to be nice. They wanted the best immigrants possible. As a timely example he talked about how Obama had put a freeze on deporting about five million long-term immigrants. Sowell said that to determine whether they should stay you needed to know more about how they'd done. If they were MIT graduates in engineering let them stay. If they'd graduated with a social studies degree from Berkely, get rid of them (joking). 

I guarantee you the Trudeau government knows nothing about the illegal immigrants here that they're now looking to make legal. And it rarely studies the outcomes of immigration. When such studies are undertaken they ignore them. Because the purpose of immigration is not the well-being of the country in any sense. It's purely political. Making a bunch of people legal who are dirt poor who can now go on welfare is not exactly good for the country.

As to India, who knows how they perform as a group? If the government has done any new studies on this subject they're not making the results public. The last time the Immigration department did such a study it was pretty clear that immigrants from Europe and other Western states earned far more in Canada than from anywhere else. In some cases the difference between regions was 100%-200%. Did that cause the government to prioritize immigration from Europe and western countries and make it harder to get in from those countries/regions where immigrants performed poorly, such as the ME and north Africa? Of course not!


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10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's on blackbird who clearly implies that we shouldn't bring some people from India.

What is the suggestion here?

Brief Google check says that screening and background checks are in place.


The devil is in the details. They do not do a background check as we think of them. Their background check consists of checking your name against a list of known terrorists or terrorist associates and a criminal records check. That's it. Nobody is going to go interview your employers or friends and family. With five hundred thousand immigrants coming each year, not to mention over a hundred thousand refugee claimants we simply do not have time. Nor do we have time to check much on the million foreign students or the million plus foreign workers. 

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You still can't justify why you mock me for quoting the Bible. 

I just did.  

Selectively quoting the Bible isn't a substitute for for knowledge or reason-based thinking.  You work backwards.  You decide what your opinions are based on nothing but how you feel about them, and then wave the Bible around as if it somehow proves your point.  It doesn't, and 99.9% of the world understands the absurdity of Divine Revelation.  Even if give you a pass on that one, you still aren't worth listening to because you don't even understand the message in the Bible in the first place.  

Being angry about stuff and telling people they're going to hell for disagreeing with you is decidedly un-Christian - full stop.  

As I said, you don't use the Bible to provide comfort and spread peace or happiness or forgiveness.  You misuse it as an accusation against anyone who doesn't agree with you, and you use it for every single topic on this board.  You're not actually worshipping or promoting God in this.  You're worshipping your own thoughts and opinions.  

There's something in the Bible about vanity and pride, right?  


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On 1/1/2024 at 8:16 AM, Perspektiv said:

Canada cannot survive without immigration. 

Look at business ownership. Tell me. What percent is immigrant owned in Canada? 5%. Less than a percent, making it negligible? Or closer to a quarter of all private sector entrepreneurs?

Who is likeliest to become an entrepreneur in Canada, today. A Canadian born citizen, or an immigrant?

How many doctors, nurses are immigrants? 

We don't need doctors or nurses? Think a Canadian population could provide the necessary labor force?


Should I keep going.

There is nothing fantasy here. Fantasy here, is bringing in more immigrants than our systems can handle.

Not addressing the key issues that existing immigrants face, and wanting to retain the brain drain that ends up leaving Canada as a result. 

Not the immigration itself.

You're over-simplifying the issue, by blaming newcomers to Canada, for the incompetence of those bringing them in that didn't account for the massive influx of people and the effect and strain it would put on systems nearing their breaking points.

I read several decades ago by a liberal immigration minister that as many people die in Canada, birth rates replaces those that have died, give or take a few hundred here and there. The more new immigrants that come to Canada, the more infrastructure will be required, not to forget the amount of more destruction to the environment will happen. It's just common sense. if Canada does need more people to keep the country up and running, then Canada can make incentives for more Canadians to have more children. 

Right now, massive amounts of new immigrants coming from third world countries take real advantage of the already great social and medical services and money that they can get from the government for them to have more children. While British/Europeans have maybe one, two or three children, new third world immigrants will have four or more children. And more keep coming to Canada every day. 

Canada needs a moratorium on immigration now. Canada does not need more immigration, but way less. Why this buffoon of a PM leader keeps wanting to flood Canada with millions more of new immigrants makes no sense at all, unless there is some kind of conspiracy like program and agenda going on that we are not aware of? Canada certainly does not need 500,000 new immigrants every year. It's madness to want to continue to keep doing so. But somehow, the mad in the head PM of Kanuckistan wants way more new immigration then less. Canada is so phukd up these days. 😒

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On 1/1/2024 at 5:47 AM, Michael Hardner said:

I basically agree with everything you said here, but to point out is that the entire political system needs to become smarter.


We've been hearing about shortages and problems with health care for decades, and we've allowed our politicians to deny the problem.

It's those crummy leftist liberal and NDP socialist buffoons that you continue to vote for that is starting to create an immigration crisis here in Canada. Those politicians that i mentioned above are the ones crying about damages being done to the environment here in Canada, but yet, they still want to bring in millions more of new immigrants to add to the destruction of the environment, and not to forget the adding of the problem of housing and infrastructure that we are having in Canada today. More new immigrants means more damage to just about everything. 

Just a few years ago, the population of Canada was about 36,000,000. Today, it is closing on 40,000,000. If you are all in favor of more and not less immigration, then stop whining and crying about the environment, housing and infrastructure. 

Gesus, some people kids. 😀 

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17 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Being angry about stuff and telling people they're going to hell for disagreeing with you is decidedly un-Christian

Another false allegation.

1.  I am not "angry".

2.  I don't tell people they are going to hell for disagreeing with me.

Wrong on both points which you invent simply to make false allegations.  

One only goes to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  

"36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. "  John 3:36 KJV

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24 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

The devil is in the details. They do not do a background check as we think of them. Their background check consists of checking your name against a list of known terrorists or terrorist associates and a criminal records check. That's it. Nobody is going to go interview your employers or friends and family. With five hundred thousand immigrants coming each year, not to mention over a hundred thousand refugee claimants we simply do not have time. Nor do we have time to check much on the million foreign students or the million plus foreign workers. 

There must be a good reason to want to bring in millions of new immigrants or there is some kind of a nefarious reason for Canada to want to be bringing in massive amounts of millions of new immigrants in the next few years or so. Canada does not need all those new immigrants every year. Dare i say the word conspiracy comes to mind to try and replace the British/ European people and replace those i just mentioned? Hey, we never know, eh? 

There has to be some reason for why Canada needs all those new immigrants. But, what is that reason? Who knows. And i do not believe that Canada needs more new immigrants to fill the many jobs available when we have been bringing in so many new immigrants by the hundreds of thousands over the years. This is total bull crap and I do not like the trend of what i am noticing here. Multiculturalism and diversity and massive third world immigration appears to be the problem. 


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On 1/1/2024 at 9:46 AM, Michael Hardner said:

You have any evidence that immigrants are more violent than people born here? How about people from India?

You seem to me like one of these people who arrive, Bible in hand, with answers already cooked up. You should learn to listen.


Scroll to page 97, it doesn't clarify for immigrants/canadian-born, but it does sort by race. East/Southeast/South Asians are less violent then those born here, hard to say for everyone else.

When you look at the refugee crisis in the GTA, those people without a doubt as a group are more violent than anyone born in Canada.

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So Ottawa is accepting refugee applications from Gaza.  

That means Hamas and their supporters.  It will be impossible to tell who is a terrorist or terrorist supporters.  How many extremists will Canada be taking in now?  Canada has a history of taking in extremists.  That is a proven fact.  Just how many Nazis were brought into Canada after the war?  The government is incapable to distinguishing between peaceful useful people and extremists. This is proven.

In the news today: Ottawa to accept applications from refugees seeking to leave Gaza (msn.com)

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17 hours ago, blackbird said:

Another false allegation.

1.  I am not "angry".

Yes, you are.  That's why you start a half dozen threads every week on this forum to rant about all of the things you don't like.  

17 hours ago, blackbird said:

2.  I don't tell people they are going to hell for disagreeing with me.

He says, obliviously, before immediately contradicting himself:

17 hours ago, blackbird said:

One only goes to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  

"36  He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. "  John 3:36 KJV


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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Yes, you are.  That's why you start a half dozen threads every week on this forum to rant about all of the things you don't like.  

He says, obliviously, before immediately contradicting himself:


That is what God says in the Bible.   If one doesn't believe in Jesus Christ or refuses to accept Him, the Bible says he is condemned.  It's not me inventing that.  So I am not contradicting myself.   I simply stated what the Bible says.  Sometimes the truth hurts if you don't like it.

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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Yes, you are.  That's why you start a half dozen threads every week on this forum to rant about all of the things you don't like.  

He says, obliviously, before immediately contradicting himself:


There is nothing wrong with anyone here starting up new threads by the dozens. That is what this forum is all about. To discuss, argue and debate. If you do not like it, then why don't you just leave? This is not a place for those who want to just sit back and say nothing. There is plenty to talk about out there and i want to read what others have to say and then comment and give my opinion on what they have to say on the threads that they post. 😇

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

That is what God says in the Bible.   If one doesn't believe in Jesus Christ or refuses to accept Him, the Bible says he is condemned.  It's not me inventing that.  So I am not contradicting myself.   I simply stated what the Bible says.  Sometimes the truth hurts if you don't like it.

Doesn't hurt me, because I don't believe in Divine Revelation, nor do most thoughtful, intelligent and reasonable human beings.   Clinging to that frankly absurd belief (especially as an Anglican) is contradictory to begin with, but the point remains:  You believe that if people don't think the same way as you, and believe the same things, then they're going to Hell.  As an Evangelical message, that's about as bad as they come, and it's why your Church is dying. 🤷‍♂️

1 hour ago, taxme said:

There is nothing wrong with anyone here starting up new threads by the dozens. That is what this forum is all about.

It's not against the rules, but there can be all sorts of things "wrong with it".  Starting a thread for the sake of starting a thread doesn't have much value.  If all you're here for is to shake your fist at the clouds and rant about whatever is grinding your gears on that day or whatever Twitter told you to get upset about, you're not going to be taken very seriously.   

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23 hours ago, taxme said:

There must be a good reason to want to bring in millions of new immigrants


Future Liberal voters maybe.

Trying to appease Trudeau's globalist masters along with the WEF.

Suckholing to the UN.

Probably all three.

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10 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That's what the forum is all about.  If you don't like it, don't spend your time here complaining about it.

No, I would say starting a thread would be about promoting a new or interesting discussion, rather than using it as your personal venting space.  Your need to make sure strangers on the internet know how you feel about the same things over and over again is silly, but keep doing if you insist.  Sometimes it's good for a chuckle.  

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4 hours ago, Legato said:

Future Liberal voters maybe.

The science and math just doesn't back that up tho. Not enough to make it worth while,


Trying to appease Trudeau's globalist masters along with the WEF.

That does seem to be much more likely. He's friends with that century plan guy (100 million population by 2100). I think it's basically international virtue signalling


Suckholing to the UN.

Well obviously,


Probably all three.

I think one of the big things is economic.  Bringing in a lot of immigratns has benefits to the economy that CAN make it look  temporarily like the economy is going really well.   It probably isn't but it makes it look that way.

The effect only lasts for a while before the downsides show  up and crash eveyrthing and it requires you to bring in an ever increasing number of people - you can't have the number level off or it starts to fall apart.

His economic policy and fiscal policy is a disaster and he knows full well that it's going to come home to roost and that will cost him an election.  I beleive he was trying to cover that up with immigration, AND leave a ticking time bomb for the next gov't to deal with to make them look bad. But i think it went off a little early and he's getting hoisted by his own petard with high interest and high inflation and now sagging gdp per captia and increased debt payments etc.  He's trying to hold it off a little longer but i think the cracks are seriously showing. 

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6 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Doesn't hurt me, because I don't believe in Divine Revelation, nor do most thoughtful, intelligent and reasonable human beings.   Clinging to that frankly absurd belief (especially as an Anglican) is contradictory to begin with,

Sorry to say, but you have it totally backwards according to what the Bible says and what some of the greatest theologians have said in history.   Some people who have rejected divine revelation, rejected God, were not the most thoughtful, intelligent and reasonable human beings.  Some of them were the complete opposite, like the Communist leaders Chairman Mao, Stalin, and others.

I am not saying you fit that category of people.  Just that your claim about thoughtful, intelligent, and reasonable does not apply to everyone who rejects divine revelation.  Rejecting divine revelation could have serious consequences as it may leave you more open to accepting Satanic beliefs or ideologies without you even recognizing it.  Today we have all kinds of Satan worshipers in the world, and many would claim they do not even believe in Satan.  But they have fallen under his control.

Today we have many criminals, terrorists, and mentally ill people on the loose committing all kinds of criminal acts.  There people obviously are not restrained by divine revelation either.  Again your idea falls flat for these people as they are not thoughtful, intelligent, or reasonable.  

  Whether Mao, Stalin, or Hitler believed in God or not is a mute question.  They seem to have had absolutely no fear of God or divine judgment.  Their conscience permitted them to murder millions of people in the name of their Communist ideology.  Hitler seemed to also have no fear of the God of the Bible as he also was able to murder millions of Jews and other people.

According to the Bible, men are naturally endued with the knowledge of God.  According to Romans 1:20 the Creator has given to all some knowledge of His existence through the things He has made.  Even many of these people ignore their conscience and feel free to commit all kinds of criminal acts, genocide, and brutality in the world.  These are not believers in divine revelation or they totally reject it.

So it seems a little rash, and foolish to be proud of rejecting divine revelation and thinking somehow that makes you more thoughtful, intelligent, and reasonable.  I would suggest the opposite might be true to varying degrees depending on the individual and circumstances.  There are obviously people who are quite civilized and rational who are atheists, but being a rejecter of God and his revelation leaves one more open to the darker paths that one could be tempted to follow.  The end of such people is not a good one.

I don't quite understand your sentence about absurd belief (especially as an Anglican)...  It is not clear.  Are you saying an Anglican would consider divine revelation an absurd belief? Or would an Anglican consider my interpretation of divine revelation as absurd?  I thought most Anglicans believe what the Bible says about the necessity of faith in Jesus to go to heaven.  Am I wrong?



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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Today we have all kinds of Satan worshipers in the world, and many would claim they do not even believe in Satan.  But they have fallen under his control.

Why in Heavens name doesn't God simply snappeth His fingers and vaporize Satan?

Is the Almighty almighty or not?

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Sorry to say, but you have it totally backwards according to what the Bible says and what some of the greatest theologians have said in history.

Sorry to say, but I'm not reading your wall of text.  The Belief that the Bible was a Divine Revelation is absurd.  That counts doubly for the King James Bible you like to reference, which was commissioned by a King who liked to plow other dudes and was necessitated by the lifestyle choices of a previous king who decided that the sanctity of marriage was inconvenient for him. 😆

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

Why in Heavens name doesn't God simply snappeth His fingers and vaporize Satan?

Is the Almighty almighty or not?

Or there is something else going on around here.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

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