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Are we witnessing the globalist hostile takeover of Canada by Justin Trudeau?

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There is a hot book on Amazon called:  "O CHINADA, The Manchurian Canadaian: Communist Patsy of Canada, CHANNELING CASTRO"

O CHINADA, The Manchurian Canadaian: Communist Patsy of Canada, CHANNELING CASTRO eBook : Rosenberger, Richard Abram: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store

"We are witnessing the globalist hostile takeover of Canada through Justin Trudeau. Following the World Economic Forum playbook, Marxist powers of this age have "penetrated" the Liberal Government of Canada by the Queen's Royal Assent. Foreign actors and interests currently control the Prime Minister, all under the guiding eye of the Monarchy. An autocoup has already dismissed our Constitution, mandated tyranny, holding many nations. Treaties are signed, but you were NOT at the table!"

Is this for real or is this some kind of scam?  I don't know. 

We do know the Trudeau government puts a lot of trust in what the U.N. says and parrots them on some things like Covid vaccinations, climate change and now the war between Israel and Hamas, and mass immigration into Canada.  Canada already seems to be less of a sovereign country and more of some kind of property of the U.N.   We know Canada also sends billions of dollars to other countries.  Four billion to Iraq.  And we know Canada is spending tens of billions of dollars on EV battery plants as part of their war on climate change and the U.N. has been banging the gavel about the war on climate change along with COP28.  We need to ask why Trudeau and his minister Guilbeault need to using Canada on the war against climate change likely more fervently than any other country in the world.  Why are we paying such a heavy price for this war on climate change?

Maybe I will get the book on Kindle or get the paperback. It is hard to judge a book by its cover.



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9 hours ago, blackbird said:

Why are we paying such a heavy price for this war on climate change?

The price you pay is nothing compared to what our decendents will pay if we do nothing. They are the ones whole will truly suffer. 

You seem very concerned about the government wasting money, yet you are considering throwing your own money away on a polemic like the one you mentioned in the OP. 

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33 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The price you pay is nothing compared to what our decendents will pay if we do nothing. They are the ones whole will truly suffer. 

You seem very concerned about the government wasting money, yet you are considering throwing your own money away on a polemic like the one you mentioned in the OP. 

You have bitten and swallowed the globalist elite's lie of climate change alarmism, hook, line, and sinker.  What I spend on this book is pocket change and nothing compared to what I have been scammed by way of carbon taxes, the price of groceries and everything else as a result of the globalist's policies and carbon taxes hitting everything in life.  Do you think Trudeau and his ilk will ever suffer the lack of anything.  They have tons of money stored away and will never suffer like the people he has hurt.  The pain from the increasing poverty, homeless people, and food bank people is causing more suffering than climate change will ever cause.  Controlling the climate is pure fiction and is just a tool of the globalists for more control of everyone.

Out descendants have already been saddled with a massive debt of tens of billions of dollars and a massive shortage of housing as a result of years of Socialist government lunacy.  Our descendants will likely never own a home because of Trudeau and his gang including his NDP puppets.

Edited by blackbird
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3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

What I spend on this book is pocket change and nothing compared to what I have been scammed by way of carbon taxes, the price of groceries and everything else as a result of the globalist's policies and carbon taxes hitting everything in life.

You will find more accurate information on the greenhouse effect in a number of journals in the library and they are free.

Mr. Rosenberger's statement:

10 hours ago, blackbird said:

Foreign actors and interests currently control the Prime Minister, all under the guiding eye of the Monarchy.

indicates he is a communist and anti-Christian. It is the Constitutional role of the Monarch to guide the government.  The term "globalist elite" is straight out of the socialist operating manual. It is a phrase that is anti- conservative. Freer global trade is what makes  the computer you are using and the internet you are communicating with affordable to you. 

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I think the main issue that people of most political stripes and economic status can and should rally around is the idea of subsidiarity:  Keep decision-making as local as possible.  Whenever too much authority accumulates at the top over how people should live their lives, alienation and oppression ensue.

We absolutely must be wary of unaccountable organizations, especially global ones, influencing national and local policy.

We must also be very careful not to let “crisis” or “safety” become the justification for suspending or removing constitutional rights.  The ends don’t justify the means.

I think that the main reason Canadians feel such frustration with government is the sense that the people at the top are out of touch with the grassroots and don’t face the challenges of most Canadians.

I’m always wary now of elitist trends/hobbies, because they tend to treat regular people like play armies to be moved around on a battlefield, sacrificed, and pressed into the service of some Cabinet or Politburo central planning dream.

It’s fine to have causes, such as climate change and inclusion, but when the policies created to champion these causes lower living standards and alienate people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc., we are creating new problems with no assurance that any significant impact will be made on climate or equal opportunity.

There are many revolutionaries who want to destroy the institutions and esteem for the people who built much of Canada: scientific, religious, white, European, etc.   There’s a desire to destroy our industries and energy sector in the name of “saving the planet”, but rather than actually making industry cleaner in sustainable ways and creating more opportunity for all, the revolutionaries in government are simply raising the cost of living and shipping industry and jobs overseas.  We lose our strengths in the process, feel ashamed of what is good about Canada, and feel like our political and organizational leaders don’t actually have the interests of ordinary Canadians in mind.  They use their platforms to make themselves look good internationally and throw Canada under the bus. Of course none of their policies meaningfully reduce climate change. Our inhabitable land simply gets more crowded with immigrants to meet some international UN/WEF target, emissions go up, and per capita growth drops along with our living standards and quality of life.

Generally I would call what’s underway an attack on tradition.  What are we getting in return?  We have the freedom to have government help us kill ourselves, the right to take hard drugs and abuse ourselves in countless ways, yet we have made homes unaffordable for young people, raised the cost of living, and cheapened life by ridiculing those who proclaim that life is sacred and constitutional rights are inalienable.

Canada is worse today than it was several years ago, not just financially but politically, socially, and spiritually.

Somewhere along the way too many bad influences gained too much power.  I hope we can rediscover what made us strong.  I’m not sure the country will be as good as it was in the past in my remaining years.  There’s a dark, anti-human nihilism in the movement to reduce our carbon footprints.  There’s a divisiveness in the equity movement and identity politics. There’s a dangerous overlap of biotech, government, surveillance, and automated data collection in the mission to “keep us safe”. The growing influence of A.I., if left unchecked, adds to human vulnerability.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The price you pay is nothing compared to what our decendents will pay if we do nothing. They are the ones whole will truly suffer. 

You seem very concerned about the government wasting money, yet you are considering throwing your own money away on a polemic like the one you mentioned in the OP. 

Lets be very real here, the majority of Canadians don't really give a rats ass about climate change if they have to pay for it...If they were concern the streets would be full of protesters chirping about our present failure of a climate plan...which has not produced any real results in the last 8 years...we have not meet ANY of our signed to inter national climate change objectives, and we wonder why we as a nation have a shit inter national reputation....this government and it's leftist voters are all talk no action....

So lets stop the climate change bullsh*t talk, altogether, everyone already knows what is going to happen if we do nothing....But we are content in this nation to do just that, (well atleast it is better than the conservatives plan) is the lefts battle cry, (thats reassuring)......the left has failed to do anything of any value....and we are not sure what the right is going to do...But i am sure it will produce more results than the left has...

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Mr. Poilievre has promised to start building a lot of new nuclear power plants across the country. That is the solution we need. He will be the Prime Minister in less than two years and the work to reduce carbon emissions will finally get some traction. Once we show the world what we can do, we can export the technology.

How do you spell "green?" $$$$$

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97% of atmospheric CO2 is natural.  CO2 is an essential component of life. There is no proof that man is causing climate change.  So all the fear-mongering is just that, fear-mongering.  Nothing anyone can do to affect climate change.  But we have been hammered for years with the carbon taxes and it has done nothing for the climate.  It never will.  All it is doing is making Canadians poorer.  Man's contribution is 3% of the CO2 in the atmosphere.  All the efforts to reduce CO2 emission is not likely to change that 3% one iota.  There are 8 billion people on earth and hundreds of millions using fossil fuels for transportation, ships, aircraft, buses, automobiles, home heating, agriculture, etc.  It is fiction to think man can reduce his total CO2 emissions without seriously harming mankind.  And there still is no proof that man's tiny contribution is affecting the climate.

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5 hours ago, herbie said:

So let's elect Tories who will do nothing.
You know, those guys who delivered FREE TRADE to get rid of "globalist" Liberals.

You don't know that do you? if you do then perhaps a source..... PP has talked about carbon capture more than a few times, in the recent media a maritime company has made some major break throughs in this field, now turn carbon in to a solid , that topped with SMR's, i think there is a good chance of beating any of the liberals climate change plans....

But don't tell me that the liberal plans has produce any results becasue that is just bullshit....what it has done is satisfied the lefts personal minimum requirements for climate change...and if that is the case the standards was not that high in the first place, so meeting that or exceeding it should be easy....I know if it is a conservative plan it sucks before giving it a chance...in this case the liberals have had 8 years and still no results....it is not about the conservatives not believing in climate change it is about trying something new as the old liberal plan is not working, something that has been said even by liberal voters here....right just you don't like it when it comes from a conservative. 

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The Tories have never had a climate plan, or they would've revealed it. Just hinted at 'sweep it under the rug' (that'a ALL carbon capture is) and credits that will enable ways to continue the status quo.

1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

You should check out the link at the bottom of any of Michael's posts.

Your talking to someone who believes that if it's not in the Bible it isn't real. On top of being unable to distinguish belief from reality. The same thinking that a certain lecturer in the 1960s that told us that "the limitless resources of the sea will feed mankind forever"

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On 12/26/2023 at 12:15 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

Once we show the world what we can do, we can export the technology.

What new technology are you referring to?  (Please don’t say SMRs….  those are nowhere near to existing as an alternative;  they’re science fiction).  

Nuclear already exists.  It’s hella expensive and has severe long term waste issues.  

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12 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

What new technology are you referring to?  (Please don’t say SMRs….  those are nowhere near to existing as an alternative;  they’re science fiction).  

Nuclear already exists.  It’s hella expensive and has severe long term waste issues.  

I suggest you open the link, which was from 2022.. Nuclear also works during windless nights.


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2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

What new technology are you referring to?  (Please don’t say SMRs….  those are nowhere near to existing as an alternative;  they’re science fiction).  

Nuclear already exists.  It’s hella expensive and has severe long term waste issues.  

I didn't mean it is new, but we only have a few. We need a lot more nuclear power plants, not just in Canada but around the world. China is a leader in the developement of thorium reactors but Canada's Candu reactors can use thorium as fuel. It is not as effecient as LFTR's however. SMR's will be great in rural areas but in a metropolis, you need multiple large scale reactors.

As for long term waste, power generation from fossil fuels, if operated according to the manufacturer's operator's manual, will produce fallout (CO2) that will cause the greatest mass extinction rivaling the permian. Most life cannot exist without liquid water. Nuclear power plants are safe and will help us reduce our carbon emissions dramatically. 

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21 hours ago, herbie said:

The Tories have never had a climate plan, or they would've revealed it. Just hinted at 'sweep it under the rug' (that'a ALL carbon capture is) and credits that will enable ways to continue the status quo.

Your talking to someone who believes that if it's not in the Bible it isn't real. On top of being unable to distinguish belief from reality. The same thinking that a certain lecturer in the 1960s that told us that "the limitless resources of the sea will feed mankind forever"

They have a climate plan in fact i have gave it here several times, that little program call goggle ...you should try it...

Now you are climate change expert, i get it...have you atleast read the latest articles on Carbon capture...or SMR's of course not that would mean you would have to take your head out of the ground....goggle these as well...and then come back to me and seriously try to convince Canadians that the liberal carbon tax is ever going to work better...my pet hamster has a better plan but i can't get anyone to give him an office...

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4 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

What new technology are you referring to?  (Please don’t say SMRs….  those are nowhere near to existing as an alternative;  they’re science fiction).  

Nuclear already exists.  It’s hella expensive and has severe long term waste issues.  



Belledune must stop burning coal by 2030, creating a potential gap in the province's electricity generation.

Labbe said ARC is confident its first SMR will be operating at Point Lepreau by then, but it will only generate 100 megawatts of electricity.

The company plans to have eight to 12 SMRs in Belledune eventually, but they probably won't be in place until 2032 to 2036.

And all their output will be for a proposed plant to generate hydrogen power for export — meaning it won't be available for the N.B. Power grid.

The other New Brunswick-based SMR developer, Moltex Energy, says it is "on its way to having an operational reactor by the early 2030s."


I think it is more than science fiction...by 2030 they will have already built some in NB...thats not science fiction but rather a finished product...that wil produce electricity...might not be enough but it is a start.


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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

They have a climate plan in fact i have gave it here several times

You can post all the links you want to their vague ill thought mumbo jumbo dance to avoid all financial cost, but that will never qualify it as a climate plan.

And as far as touting nukes, yeah we possibly could have some online in 15 or 20 years, so let;s avoid current alternatives and do nothing until then but scale up oil and gas exports.....

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On 12/26/2023 at 6:29 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

You should check out the link at the bottom of any of Michael's posts.

I checked the link on the bottom of his post. Just had a quick scan through it but did not see anything that would prove man-made climate change is a fact.  Just saying CO2 is a greenhouse gas doesn't cut it.  That proves nothing.  97% of the CO2 in the atmosphere is natural.  Actually water vapour is also a greenhouse gas.

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Regardless of climate ideology you're accusing Trudeau of being the root of globalism all the while encouraging people to vote for the party that invented it and is beholden to Big Business that adores it.
Somewhat hypocritical if not psychotic wouldn't you say?

Why not just flood the board with threads titled Vote Against Your Own Interests, You're That Stupid?

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