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diversity hires, when is this ever been proven the best course of action.

Army Guy

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Diversity hires, what is it that they do exactly, other than make the white board charts look pretty. Being top candidate, or best qualified means nothing today, what gives you the inside track on getting a job, is color of your skin, sexual preference, disabilities...with all this going on this could be one reason why government employees are of low quality...this practice has been ongoing for years now, we all have seen the results and it is scary....why anyone would think this was the best route to drive civil servants is just another example of this woke liberal government. 

To top it off they have removed the term reverse decimation, apparently it does not exist with this new bill...It is really time the liberal party take a walk in the snow...and not just into the sunset, but into the depths of woke hell. 

There is no more common sense in Canada, this is just one more example of that...

Jamie Sarkonak: Liberals to mandate reverse discrimination with job quotas for Black, LGBT people (msn.com)


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Never. In fact there's a good body of work to show it has a negative effect Those who push it suggest that becasue it's really about 'normalizing' having "those people" in that kind of position, society doesn't see the benefit for decades as people get used to the idea so they say that it's no surprise that there's limited benefit now, but frankly i don't see it working long term either.

I think there's much more effective ways to address the issues it tries to address.

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On 12/13/2023 at 1:33 PM, Army Guy said:

There is no more common sense in Canada, this is just one more example of that...

I'm not opposed entirely to affirmative action and diversity hiring, but in such a way where it might be a tie-breaker for qualified candidates or something.  The way it's handled in the public service bureaucracy is retarded, in that being a gay black muslim with only one leg puts you ahead of everyone else as long as you meet bare minimum competency.  That's what we end up getting in our public service as a result - bare minimum competency and accountability, often with people whose job it is to serve the public not being able to even communicate properly in that language. 

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I am not one for explicit "diversity hires". However, I think that folks show their bias/racism when they assume that any hire of someone of color is a diversity hire. Last time.. we ran a recruitment, we had 19 applicants and only five were white. The only requirement is that they have a bachelors degree in economics.. now, tell me where in that requirement that there is anything about race?

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7 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The way it's handled in the public service bureaucracy is retarded,

The path to progress is always painful and you can be sure the path to conservatism is too for the same reason.  Everyone needs more patience than a lifetime barely allows for never mind an election cycle.  Unfortunately time is something we're running out of too.

It's like trying to put colonialism behind us, its a multi-generational process that will take longer than anyone of us will live. Getting over that is the hard part.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

The path to progress is always painful and you can be sure the path to conservatism is too for the same reason.  Everyone needs more patience than a lifetime barely allows for never mind an election cycle.  Unfortunately time is something we're running out of too.

It's like trying to put colonialism behind us, its a multi-generational process that will take longer than anyone of us will live. Getting over that is the hard part.

That depends on one's definition of "progress". One mans progress is another man regression.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

The path to progress is always painful and you can be sure the path to conservatism is too for the same reason.  Everyone needs more patience than a lifetime barely allows for never mind an election cycle.  Unfortunately time is something we're running out of too.

Progress to what though?  What are we trying to accomplish for Canada?  Right now it looks like we're bringing in 500,000 immigrants per year that we don't have housing for, and offering them preferred status for jobs in a burgeoning bureaucracy that's not providing value and is helping drive us off a fiscal cliff.  

You are right about one thing though, and that's that Justin Trudeau has no vision beyond what he thinks will help get him elected, and his focus on identity politics and virtue-signaling over more important secular concerns shows us where he thinks he can get votes.  

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

The path to progress is always painful and you can be sure the path to conservatism is too for the same reason.  Everyone needs more patience than a lifetime barely allows for never mind an election cycle.  Unfortunately time is something we're running out of too.

It's like trying to put colonialism behind us, its a multi-generational process that will take longer than anyone of us will live. Getting over that is the hard part.

Pretty much all untrue.

If you are doing the right thing for the right reasons it's usually not terribly plainful. It can take work, but generally if anything it's rewarding and things keep getting better as you go.

If you do things in a retarded way - then you get painful results and wind up having to go backwards before you can go forwards again.

First nations is a case in point - an entire generation raised to be victims and believe that evil 'setllers' are out to get them. For the most part the first nations are failing and going through much pain. The ukrainan/russians who fled the great revolution, lost everything, saw their families slaughtered and had to flee to a land where nobody even spoke their language - raised to find ways to cope and succeed, and they coped and succeeded. Same with holocaust survivors

If you're doing the right thing it just happens naturally .  If it's painful - you're probably doing something wrong. I'm sure your wife has had this conversation with you :) (Ba dump ting!)

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

The path to progress is always painful and you can be sure the path to conservatism is too for the same reason.  Everyone needs more patience than a lifetime barely allows for never mind an election cycle.  Unfortunately time is something we're running out of too.

Yeah, because a lot of the members of the majority are getting tired of being discriminated against on behalf of people who are neither grateful nor deserving. 

3 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's like trying to put colonialism behind us, its a multi-generational process that will take longer than anyone of us will live. Getting over that is the hard part.

If it weren't for colonialism the natives would still be making war on each other, freezing their asses off in their wigwams and believing the canoe was the most technologically advanced form of transportation.

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Take Universities like Harvard. Diversity played a large role in hiring Claudine Gay as president who has been accused of plagiarism.

Many of these so called places of higher learning champion inclusion and diversity. Unless someone dares to espouse conservative views then their view are not tolerated. Rather hypocritical.


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3 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

I am not one for explicit "diversity hires". However, I think that folks show their bias/racism when they assume that any hire of someone of color is a diversity hire. Last time.. we ran a recruitment, we had 19 applicants and only five were white. The only requirement is that they have a bachelors degree in economics.. now, tell me where in that requirement that there is anything about race?

Just a question,  when the government placed their job opening ad,  the diversity requirements is the qualifications to get the job...How is it bias or racist to call someone a diversity hire when the job add clearly spells it out thats what they were looking for...And it does not have to be a person of color it can be anyone from a disadvantage back ground, such as a one legged, green women, with purple warts on her chest...The government also went out of it's way to clearly say it is not reverse racism....My opinion is we would not be having this entire conversation if we hired the best qualified person for the job...be it black, blue, or white... 

But with todays rules how does someone know that person is or is not a diversity hire ? you don't really, and the same could be said for any white person hired that does it mean there was no diversity person available at the time... and it is not just for Federal employees anymore it includes contractors that the government hires as well...

Federal job listing do infact spell it all out diversity hires will be given preferential treatment. And as they are sorted by computer, if you don't meet the diversity requirements your file is dumped...if their are no diversity files then the rest will be vetted again.

I think your company went about it the right way...of course you don't get political points or votes while running a business...Only the government can do that, which is why our civil service is the way it is now...


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On 12/13/2023 at 1:33 PM, Army Guy said:

Diversity hires, what is it that they do exactly, other than make the white board charts look pretty....


My father was a Newfoundlander. English, protestant. Born before Confederation - a Pearson Liberal.

Years ago, I remember visiting the federal Parliament with him - this was after Trudeau Snr got elected.

I recall that he said to me:

"None of these people could speak French before." 

Edited by August1991
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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Progress to what though? What are we trying to accomplish for Canada?  Right now it looks like we're bringing in 500,000 immigrants per year that we don't have housing for, and offering them preferred status for jobs in a burgeoning bureaucracy that's not providing value and is helping drive us off a fiscal cliff.

I have no idea what's going through the governments 'head' or why it does so many of the things it does.  I've been of the opinion Canada was plunging headlong on its trajectory over a cliff decades ago.  You should remember why, DFO...decades of mismanagement with eyes wide open...canaries in a coal mine....ring a bell?

Anyhow my point about progress and moving things forward politically is that it'll always be slow and likely painful no matter who or what is in charge.

3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

If you do things in a retarded way - then you get painful results and wind up having to go backwards before you can go forwards again.

That's right. Two steps forward one back...sometimes the other way around.

So how about that inclusion of the word fossil fuel in COP28's Fatwa after 28 years of 'tackling' climate change?  It's sure a lot speedier than the Pope's recognition of Galileo but only a ****** would call it progress or an accomplishment.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:
5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

If you do things in a retarded way - then you get painful results and wind up having to go backwards before you can go forwards again.

That's right. Two steps forward one back...sometimes the other way around.

Well glad we agree on that. Not 100 percent sure where that got us but - yay us :) 

1 hour ago, eyeball said:

So how about that inclusion of the word fossil fuel in COP28's Fatwa after 28 years of 'tackling' climate change? 

How about it? it's the retarded thing to do and it will cause pain, And at some point in the future people will have to take a step back and get serious about it and do the right things.

Now - with luck some people will continue down the right path and we'll get replacement tech that works and people will just make the switch, as they did from horses to cars and wood to oil and electricity. IF we had spent the money the world has wasted "Fighting climate change" on tech development we'd likely already be there.

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42 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

IF we had spent the money the world has wasted "Fighting climate change" on tech development we'd likely already be there.

Instead the world has wasted time denying climate change so the tech development we needed years ago will be too late coming.

Wait until the bill for adapting compared to acting starts coming due.  We haven't seen anything yet.

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30 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Instead the world has wasted time denying climate change

Well that's a blatant lie. Our own liberal parties have trumpeted it at every turn, signed tonnes of agreements making commitments, put in a carbon tax to stop it, etc etc.

It's gotten all the attention YOU wanted and the parties YOU elected had all the time and freedom in the world going back all the way to kyoto to actually do something meaningful

 But they didn't. And you kept electing them.  Because 'climate change'. And they laughed at you because you were too deluded to see they would do nothing.

So nope - it wasn't ignored.  But hundreds of billions have been spent in taxes and opportunity costs etc .. and as predicted, we have nothing to show for it.  We warned you. But no, you always know better.

So - now we get to suffer with climate change until we smarten up, lock you and your kind in the desert somewhere till you get serious about it, and do the right thing which is lead a world wide push for the tech we'll need to actually transition and the tech we'll need to adapt now that it's too late to stop real damage.

It's too bad you and your kind didn't want to take it seriously.  "How can Canada stop climate change? Develop new tech the world can use? Noooo we'll just tax it out of existence.  FFS.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

How can Canada stop climate change?

The only way that's ever worked, collapsing the economy.  Remember how you gave Harper credit for being the only Prime Minister who ever reduced Canada's climate changing CO2 emissions?  $10 says PP will easily repeat the feat but strangely enough he'll probably have to share the credit with Trudeau for having left the economy in the shambles that made it easy.  We'll see a lot of that going forward.

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16 hours ago, eyeball said:

The only way that's ever worked, collapsing the economy.  Remember how you gave Harper credit for being the only Prime Minister who ever reduced Canada's climate changing CO2 emissions?  $10 says PP will easily repeat the feat but strangely enough he'll probably have to share the credit with Trudeau for having left the economy in the shambles that made it easy.  We'll see a lot of that going forward.

Again, largely untrue.

First Harper also initiated a massive gst rebate for anyone who did upgrades to their home for energy efficiency. At the time most people still had the old inefficient furnaces, many had older roofs and less insulation etc etc. Hundreds of thousands of people took him up on that and upgraded their heating and insulation and roofing and homes in general and that made a big difference right there.  The economy slowing always helps but we shut the economy down altogether for covid and it hardly made a blip.

So you're wrong off the get go

Secondly - you're wrong again.  Even the reduction under harper, which is the only time we've seen a dip DESPITE THERE BEING RECESSIONS AND SLOWDOWNS UNDER THE LIBS, made ZERO difference to world wide climate change. None.  Nada.   WE did not change a thing.

So when you answer "how can canada affect global climate change", when it comes to our emissions the answer is we never have and we can't.  There is nothing we can do.  Not a thing. China increases its' output more than our total amount every year and a half or so- it would make no  difference at all if we shut the whole country down.

So you're wrong again - that never worked at all and it's not possible for it to work with emission reduction.

But you m0r0ns who pretend to care about climate change like to ignore that fact so that you can justify a tax to put money in the hands of the liberal gov't.  Knowing full well it CANNOT work.


You were warned - but you distracted people from the truth to support the liberals. Now we'll have to live with your actions.


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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

So when you answer "how can canada affect global climate change", when it comes to our emissions the answer is we never have and we can't.  There is nothing we can do

You figured this all out on your own did you? Good job, it's about time. I've been saying so for years now myself.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Speaking the truth :) I'm not surprised you couldn't recognize it when you saw it.

The right-wing was never in denial about climate change and how humans were causing it. It was actually the left that was always in denial. That's your story and you're sticking with it.


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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

You figured this all out on your own did you? Good job, it's about time. I've been saying so for years now myself.

LOL - what a liar!   You still don't get it even as we speak. 

And no, i didn't figure it out by myself'. Conservatives have been pointing this out for the last 30 years. And every time we do your ilk screams that we're "CLIMATE DENIERS"  which apparently rhymes with 'Nazi" in your books.

Glad you're finally catching up, even if you are a few decades late.

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

The right-wing was never in denial about climate change and how humans were causing it. It was actually the left that was always in denial. That's your story and you're sticking with it.


" I can't argue with him using what he said, so i'll just pretend he said something completely different and argue with that".

What a dweeb :)  Very standard left wing tactic, but no.

The right wing has understood for years that climate change or no it was not actually possible for Canada to change anything by it's own emissions.  Therefore things like a 'carbon tax' would not work.  And it didn't, it made zero difference to global climate change.

Canada's only possible way it could contribute in any way shape or form would be to invent technology that would allow the world to reduce emissions safely and economically.  But the libs and their supporters (that's you) insisted otherwise.

Now we are where we are. you were warned.

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