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Trump claims immunity from ANYTHING!

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

As Trump said already. If he were not running for President there would be no campaign to try and stop him or try and charge him with anything. The Demonrats are running scared and have to find someway in trying to stop Trump from becoming the next President of the USA.

They know that if Trump becomes the next President, their demonrat asses are in big time trouble. Trump will exact revenge on those that tried to nail Trump on something. The demonrats do not know as to how to play fair ball. They prefer to cheat. When Trump becomes the President in the next election, that is when i will get the popcorn out and get ready for the demonrat slaughter. 2024 cannot get here soon enough. LOL.

well this will be the debate.

The left will say justice delayed is justice denied and if someone wants to delay a trial all they'll have to do is say they're running for president and wait till the next election, then say they'll be running again.  So it shouldn't hold up a trial.

THe right will say that the left is using the courts and seriously questionable allegations to try to prevent trump from running for president, and that it's not compatible with a free and fair democracy and all charges should wait till after the election.

I think if he can hang on and delay until july, when he is formally the presidential candidate for the republicans, he's probably going to get away with that defense.  At that point he's not just saying he's running - his name will be on the ballot and there's no need to interfere with an election.

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23 hours ago, Aristides said:

That's what courts are for.

In other words there has been no crime committed by Trump? Just alleged crimes. You are the one that believes that Trump has committed a crime. But yet, you have nothing to show as to what crime Trump is being charged with. LOL.

That is all just wishful thinking on your part for your hatred for Trump. I told you many times, this is all just a witch hunt against Trump to try and stop Trump from running for President. It's not working for the demonrat arse holes. ? 

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21 hours ago, herbie said:

Someone forgets the simplest concepts of how law works. If there's evidence of lawbreaking then you investigate. You don't fish for evidence without any idea of what crime was committed.

When a court finds you guilty of fraud, you are guilty. When you claim your house was worth $1 million dollars on your 1973 taxes when it wasn't and plead it is worth that now you admit to have committed fraud.

and if the 'sins of the father' accusation wasn't low enough for the the deplorables push 'the sins of the son' as an excuse.

HTG Trumo must have more dirt on these spineless GOP sycophants than J Edgar Hoover ever had on anyone.

I will bet that Trump will never see any convictions against him come about because Trump has done nothing wrong. Everybody will always ask for more money when selling their property. Nothing new here. So, what is the big deal about Trump doing the same? If my house is valued at, say, $500,000, and i think that it is worth $700,000, so what? I see no fraud here? Only anti Trump haters see fraud. Go away, you bore me with your bullshit here. ?

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21 hours ago, herbie said:


When a court finds you guilty of fraud, you are guilty. When you claim your house was worth $1 million dollars on your 1973 taxes when it wasn't and plead it is worth that now you admit to have committed fraud.


He did what you did. He spent $10,000 on renovations and that doubled Mar-a-Lago's value.

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16 hours ago, Rebound said:

If that’s true, then why has Trump been spending tens of millions of dollars filing non-stop frivolous motions to delay his trials? If they’re bogus, why not just jump into court and prove it? 

But Trump is in court trying to prove his innocence, and they still cannot get anything on Trump. I bet that you would probably do the same thing if you knew that what was going on is one big farce. Trump is not going to let them play games with him and think that they can win with Trump. Maybe Trump enjoys playing games with the buffoons. It's the American taxpayer's that should be calling an end to this kangaroo court nonsense. 

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6 hours ago, Rebound said:

Irrelevant.  Anyone who commits a crime should be prosecuted.  You can read the Trump indictments for yourself. They’re all public record and the prosecutors explain the crimes, list the evidence and state which laws were broken in commission of the crime.  

Donald Trump is currently facing 91 felony indictments, and it’s time for you to ask yourself: Why has this never happened before? If this is a “weapon,” why has no politician been charged so widely? And the answer is simple: Trump committed these crimes.  He mentions lawbreaking all the time. He said he’d maybe remain President a third term, that he would be a dictator on his first day in office and so on. And you can either excuse it as joking or realize that a person who wants to be the most powerful man in the world shouldn’t joke about being a dictator and breaking laws.  

Dam right, and Bidumb and his punk kid will hopefully face a trail soon themselves. Maybe Trump will sik his dogs on Bidumb like Bidumb is now doing to Trump when Trump becomes the President. FOX NEWS has already pointed out that Trump has committed no crime, but they also have pointed out and shown that Bidumb and his kid have committed plenty of crimes. We can only wait and see what happens down the road. 

Trump is facing plenty of made up so called crimes by the demonrats only because they want Trump gone. They hope that the many charges laid against Trump, that one will stick. Trump is leading in the polls and now the demonrats are becoming really desperate every day that goes by where Trump will become the next President of the USA. The prosecutor is trying to get a speedier trial going rather than wait until sometime late next year. What are they afraid of by wanting to speed up the trail. Most people waiting to go to trial will sometimes have to wait for over a year or more n most cases. 

Trump when interviewed by Hannity said jokingly that he would only be a dictator for the first day of his Presidency. Trump said that on that first day he would close the border and said the words "drill-drill-drill". After that, he said that he would not be a dictator any longer. Of course, knowing how the MSM works and lies, they would make it appear as though Trump will become a dictator of America forever if elected President. What laws will Trump be breaking? 

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1 hour ago, Legato said:

He did what you did. He spent $10,000 on renovations and that doubled Mar-a-Lago's value.

Stupid shits have their tongues so far up Donald's ass they can't see you claim the improved value before you improve it.
And still stuck on not figuring out how you can make profits.
Duh, we're too stupid to figure it out, so no one can. Can't be real... duyuhhhh...

Edited by herbie
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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

well this will be the debate.

The left will say justice delayed is justice denied and if someone wants to delay a trial all they'll have to do is say they're running for president and wait till the next election, then say they'll be running again.  So it shouldn't hold up a trial.

THe right will say that the left is using the courts and seriously questionable allegations to try to prevent trump from running for president, and that it's not compatible with a free and fair democracy and all charges should wait till after the election.

I think if he can hang on and delay until july, when he is formally the presidential candidate for the republicans, he's probably going to get away with that defense.  At that point he's not just saying he's running - his name will be on the ballot and there's no need to interfere with an election.

If the demonrats want to play political games, then so will Trump. Whatever they try to do to try and stop Trump from running for President, it will never work. I just do not understand as to why people like you despise Trump so much. What did Trump ever do during his presidency that did any harm to America or the American people? Absolutely nothing. 

If Trump did try and harm America in some way, then please tell or show me as to what Trump did that made America not so great? You have been so brainwashed by the fake and lying leftist liberal MSM, that you now believe that Trump is the Satan from hell. You cannot even give me a good reason as to why Trump will be bad for America if elected, now can you? 

Well, Trump hater? Go ahead, make your day, punk. ?

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18 minutes ago, taxme said:

If the demonrats want to play political games, then so will Trump. Whatever they try to do to try and stop Trump from running for President, it will never work. I just do not understand as to why people like you despise Trump so much. What did Trump ever do during his presidency that did any harm to America or the American people? Absolutely nothing. 

If Trump did try and harm America in some way, then please tell or show me as to what Trump did that made America not so great? You have been so brainwashed by the fake and lying leftist liberal MSM, that you now believe that Trump is the Satan from hell. You cannot even give me a good reason as to why Trump will be bad for America if elected, now can you? 

Well, Trump hater? Go ahead, make your day, punk. ?

Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

"The Act is based on tax reform advocated by congressional Republicans and the Trump administration. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that under the Act individuals and pass-through entities like partnerships and S corporations would receive about $1.125 trillion in net benefits (i.e. net tax cuts offset by reduced healthcare subsidies) over 10 years, while corporations would receive around $320 billion in benefits. The CBO estimated that implementing the Act would add an estimated $2.289 trillion to the national debt over ten years, or about $1.891 trillion after taking into account macroeconomic feedback effects, in addition to the $9.8 trillion increase forecast under the current policy baseline and existing $20 trillion national debt."

Edited by godzilla
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20 minutes ago, taxme said:

If the demonrats want to play political games, then so will Trump. Whatever they try to do to try and stop Trump from running for President, it will never work. I just do not understand as to why people like you despise Trump so much. What did Trump ever do during his presidency that did any harm to America or the American people? Absolutely nothing. 

If Trump did try and harm America in some way, then please tell or show me as to what Trump did that made America not so great? You have been so brainwashed by the fake and lying leftist liberal MSM, that you now believe that Trump is the Satan from hell. You cannot even give me a good reason as to why Trump will be bad for America if elected, now can you? 

Well, Trump hater? Go ahead, make your day, punk. ?

There’s the 1 million dead from Covid, maybe you forgot. 

There’s the “We won’t send any disaster relief to California, because they’re a Democrat state, but we’ll send Texas and Florida all the want.” Remember that? California sure does. 

Oh, and there’s that little issue of pretending he won his election and starting a riot to try to put him in office instead of Biden. 

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9 hours ago, taxme said:

In other words there has been no crime committed by Trump? Just alleged crimes. You are the one that believes that Trump has committed a crime. But yet, you have nothing to show as to what crime Trump is being charged with. LOL.

That is all just wishful thinking on your part for your hatred for Trump. I told you many times, this is all just a witch hunt against Trump to try and stop Trump from running for President. It's not working for the demonrat arse holes. ? 

It's like you picked up a megaphone here and started shouting about your ignorance.

If you don't know what Trump has been charged with--as detailed in some remarkably through indictments--then you are part of an extreme minority in the English speaking world. 

Everybody knows. There's no mystery about what Trump has done or the charges made against him. The only question is whether the juries will hold him accountable.

Edited by Hodad
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On 12/15/2023 at 2:40 PM, taxme said:

In other words there has been no crime committed by Trump? Just alleged crimes. You are the one that believes that Trump has committed a crime. But yet, you have nothing to show as to what crime Trump is being charged with. LOL.

That is all just wishful thinking on your part for your hatred for Trump. I told you many times, this is all just a witch hunt against Trump to try and stop Trump from running for President. It's not working for the demonrat arse holes. ? 

You are confused. Trump has been charged with 91 felonies in four different jurisdictions. We can list all 91 of the crimes if you want. 

Trump has obviously committed them. We can tell, because his defense strategy is to attack the judges and witnesses, claim absolute immunity, and file every frivolous motion under the sun. In other words, he knows damn well that he goes to jail if he faces trial, so he’s doing everything to avoid having to defend himself for the crimes he committed — because he knows that he cannot.

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

You are confused. Trump has been charged with 91 felonies in four different jurisdictions. We can list all 91 of the crimes if you want. 

Trump has obviously committed them.

I'm afraid @taxme  got you this time.  Fact is that trump is even MORE likely to attack a judge where he believes he's innocent. He'll take it personally :) And has never been convicted of a crime. Being charged is meaningless. And really, if you know anything about law he's basically charged with 4 felonies, all the rest are 'secondary or tertiary' in relation to that.  If the main charges don't stand up all the others crumble.

It is no more reasonable to say "Trump is definitely guilty" than it is to say " Trump is guaranteed innocent of all crimes".  He's been charged, that's it. He COULD possibly be guilty of some of the charges.  He might not be.  A court will have to look at that, and most likely another court will have to double check that courts work and see if there's any appeal, and THEN we'll have an answer. 

Unless he wins the next election of course - then all of this goes away.

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On 12/15/2023 at 2:27 PM, Rebound said:

There’s the 1 million dead from Covid, maybe you forgot. 

There’s the “We won’t send any disaster relief to California, because they’re a Democrat state, but we’ll send Texas and Florida all the want.” Remember that? California sure does. 

Oh, and there’s that little issue of pretending he won his election and starting a riot to try to put him in office instead of Biden. 

What riot are you talking about? 

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On 12/15/2023 at 9:23 PM, Hodad said:

It's like you picked up a megaphone here and started shouting about your ignorance.

If you don't know what Trump has been charged with--as detailed in some remarkably through indictments--then you are part of an extreme minority in the English speaking world. 

Everybody knows. There's no mystery about what Trump has done or the charges made against him. The only question is whether the juries will hold him accountable.

Maybe it is you here that is constantly trying to show your ignorance and using this forum to do so.

Prosecutor Jack Smith gave up on trying to charge Trump with anything. So far, Trump has not been found guilty on any of those Demonrat charges. Every charge is an "alleged" charge. All we can see here now is just how desperate and in a state of panic the Demonrats are in trying to get Trump off the ballot like they are trying to do in Colorado. Colorado will also lose it's bullshit against Trump. Suck Demonrats like you will never learn anything. You are so full of Demonrat bullshit, i can smell you on my computor, stinky. ?

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On 12/17/2023 at 7:03 AM, Rebound said:

You are confused. Trump has been charged with 91 felonies in four different jurisdictions. We can list all 91 of the crimes if you want. 

Trump has obviously committed them. We can tell, because his defense strategy is to attack the judges and witnesses, claim absolute immunity, and file every frivolous motion under the sun. In other words, he knows damn well that he goes to jail if he faces trial, so he’s doing everything to avoid having to defend himself for the crimes he committed — because he knows that he cannot.

Again, all ALLEGED crimes, stupid. All those ALLEGED crimes will never go anywhere. You need to stop crapping your panties every time you hear about a new charge against Trump. You could soon be running out of panties to wear. ?

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25 minutes ago, taxme said:

Again, all ALLEGED crimes, stupid. All those ALLEGED crimes will never go anywhere. You need to stop crapping your panties every time you hear about a new charge against Trump. You could soon be running out of panties to wear. ?

But Trump has not defended himself against any of the actual crimes. Of course he will have his days in court. He’s done with his NY civil fraud case, where his defense consisted of insulting the judge, prosecutor, court staff and their families. Probably not a great way to convince the judge to reduce the judgement… maybe Trump was hoping that attacking the judge would result in the judge going off the rails in a fit of anger, but that didn’t happen. The judge is the cat who ate the canary, just waiting until he gets to write up a ruling that fines Trump $500 million, which is what he will likely do.

As for the criminal charges, we shall see. I’m sure Trump will walk away from some of them but not all of them. The SCOTUS is reviewing one of the laws now to see if it’s germane, or whether the DOJ needs to amend its charges relating to the Jan 6 case.

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7 minutes ago, Rebound said:

But Trump has not defended himself against any of the actual crimes. Of course he will have his days in court. He’s done with his NY civil fraud case, where his defense consisted of insulting the judge, prosecutor, court staff and their families. Probably not a great way to convince the judge to reduce the judgement… maybe Trump was hoping that attacking the judge would result in the judge going off the rails in a fit of anger, but that didn’t happen. The judge is the cat who ate the canary, just waiting until he gets to write up a ruling that fines Trump $500 million, which is what he will likely do.

As for the criminal charges, we shall see. I’m sure Trump will walk away from some of them but not all of them. The SCOTUS is reviewing one of the laws now to see if it’s germane, or whether the DOJ needs to amend its charges relating to the Jan 6 case.

Good luck, sonny boy. But no matter what the Demonrats try, Trump will be the next President of America. What are you going to do then? LOL.

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

Good luck, sonny boy. But no matter what the Demonrats try, Trump will be the next President of America. What are you going to do then? LOL.

I don’t know, but if the Supreme Court accedes to Trump’s wishes and says he has absolute immunity from all criminal prosecution for acts committed while President… I hope Biden says, “Fine by me!!!” And then tosses Trump in prison without trial. Cause if Trump has immunity, so does Biden, right?

But that could never happen, right?

Edited by Rebound
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5 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Why not have him killed, if he’s immune from prosecution?

I have two opinions:

First, you have a great screen name. 
Second, the Supreme Court is not going to declare that Presidents have immunity from all criminal prosecution. I was only trying to point out the sheer ridiculousness of Trump’s claim. It’s right up there with “I magically declassified the documents in secret by thinking about it.”

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Maybe it is you here that is constantly trying to show your ignorance and using this forum to do so.

Prosecutor Jack Smith gave up on trying to charge Trump with anything. So far, Trump has not been found guilty on any of those Demonrat charges. Every charge is an "alleged" charge. All we can see here now is just how desperate and in a state of panic the Demonrats are in trying to get Trump off the ballot like they are trying to do in Colorado. Colorado will also lose it's bullshit against Trump. Suck Demonrats like you will never learn anything. You are so full of Demonrat bullshit, i can smell you on my computor, stinky. ?

Jeebus, apparently you are just plain dumb. Jack Smith didn't "give up," he charged Trump with multiple felonies. That's what the trial--one of many--will be for. 

And Trump absolutely did the things he's accused of doing. The only question is whether a jury will be convinced of the criminality of those actions and hold him accountable.

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21 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Why not have him killed, if he’s immune from prosecution?

I am pretty sure that the Demonrats would go as far as to murder Trump if they could. Why not have Bidumb killed also. That old batard has already shown us all that he is a dangerous to rights and freedoms and to society as a whole. The useless bum despises America and the American people. 

Go, Trump, go. ?

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21 hours ago, Rebound said:

I don’t know, but if the Supreme Court accedes to Trump’s wishes and says he has absolute immunity from all criminal prosecution for acts committed while President… I hope Biden says, “Fine by me!!!” And then tosses Trump in prison without trial. Cause if Trump has immunity, so does Biden, right?

But that could never happen, right?

You can be sure that if a President murders somebody, they will be prosecuted and will go to jail. The Supreme Court will not be able to help Trump avoid prosecution if he murdered someone, and so he should. 

21 hours ago, Hodad said:

Jeebus, apparently you are just plain dumb. Jack Smith didn't "give up," he charged Trump with multiple felonies. That's what the trial--one of many--will be for. 

And Trump absolutely did the things he's accused of doing. The only question is whether a jury will be convinced of the criminality of those actions and hold him accountable.

Dream on, Bidumb man. LOL.

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