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Is Canada going communist?


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5 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The good thing about Ignore List posters commenting is that I can catch comments like this that I missed.

My fave is when I go to a page and there's an entire wall of hidden comments that I have saved my precious eyes from.

Sure - you're a coward. We know that.

Lefties ALWAYS want to ignore truth's they don't like. Burying your head in the sand so you don't have to see or think about things that might upset you is a time honoured leftie tradition  :) 

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On 11/1/2023 at 3:43 PM, CdnFox said:

You appear to be confusing communism with socialism.  While communism is a form of socialsm not all socialism is communism.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Trudeau has moved the country towards a socialistic state.  Whether or not that's  a sort of 'temporary' or permanent slide will depend on what the next gov't does.  But yes, there are many socialist policies that have been put forward.

Socialism will eventually lead to communism. Living in a socialist country, pretty much means that rights and freedom will be eliminated. Today, Canada is a socialist country, and eventually it will lead to a communist country. Canada is now 50% socialist, and we are well on our way too a communist country.

When we have heard of many people in Canada have had their bank and credit accounts frozen, that alone should tell you as to where Canada is headed. Communism. The signage is there for all to see and read. Wake up, before it is too late. Deny all you want to at your peril. ?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Socialism will eventually lead to communism.

Communism is a form of socialism so... ya got me there :) LOL



Living in a socialist country, pretty much means that rights and freedom will be eliminated. Today, Canada is a socialist country, and eventually it will lead to a communist country. Canada is now 50% socialist, and we are well on our way too a communist country.

I doubt that's accurate. It depends a little on what you mean by 'socialist'. THere are many many different flavours of socialism, the traditional "Socialism"  that you appear to be referring to (could be wrong)  Doesnt' allow for a free market.  And we do have a free market.

There  are many types of 'market' socialisms that do -  The nazi's were a flavour of market socialsm.  And yes - we do have elements of market or "democratic" socialsm as it's often called in europe.  I don't think that would lead to communism but it certainly can lead to a further substantial erosion of rights.



When we have heard of many people in Canada have had their bank and credit accounts frozen, that alone should tell you as to where Canada is headed. Communism.

welll....  that's more of a sign of a dictaorship or oligarchy than communism.  Bad either way tho.

It's true people should be very concerned about their erosion of rights.

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On 11/2/2023 at 11:54 PM, CdnFox said:

All left wing i'm afraid.   Putin literally runs a socialist country - hitler was a market socialist,  et etc.


So your idea is just to take all the left wing dictators and pretend they're right wing.  I guess that's one way of 'solving' the problem LOL

You missed stalin and mao :) 

LOL so now Putin and Russia are socialists too??  Is that why they’re the darling of Tucker Carlson and the far right?

You are wrong and clearly have no idea what the terms “left wing” or even “socialist” mean. You just use them as generic pejoratives for anyone you personally don’t care for or don’t want to be associated with. 

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49 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

LOL so now Putin and Russia are socialists too??  Is that why they’re the darling of Tucker Carlson and the far right?


Yeah - that's probably more the voices in your head talking :)  

Russia may not be communist any more but yes it's socialist.  :)  sorry to disappoint you if you thought it was some shining beacon of free market enterprise with minimal gov't  intervention 


You are wrong and clearly have no idea what the terms “left wing” or even “socialist” mean.

Sigh,  If i had a dollar for every time you thought you were right and turned out to be wrong i could start my own country.

Ok stupid - go on and tell us what socialist means. And what 'left wing' means.  I could use a laugh and you're obviously eager to look stupid again so lets do this :)  Go ahead.

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On 11/15/2023 at 10:56 PM, CdnFox said:

Yeah - that's probably more the voices in your head talking :)  

Russia may not be communist any more but yes it's socialist.  :)  sorry to disappoint you if you thought it was some shining beacon of free market enterprise with minimal gov't  intervention 

Sigh,  If i had a dollar for every time you thought you were right and turned out to be wrong i could start my own country.

Ok stupid - go on and tell us what socialist means. And what 'left wing' means.  I could use a laugh and you're obviously eager to look stupid again so lets do this :)  Go ahead.

Seriously as usual you are just making sh*t up based on your uninformed made up definitions. 

If someone claims “Mexico is the capital of Paris!  Prove me wrong!”   I honestly don’t believe any of us need to expend an ounce of energy examining historical records proving that person wrong  

Similarly, it is matter of public record that fascists were always called “far right” back then as they are now. They always publicly declared themselves enemies of the left, enemies of socialism, enemies of Karl Marx and enemies any ideology that remotely resembled or sounded like socialism and they deliberately killed and jailed thousands for allegedly supporting “socialism” and they publicly stated that is why they were doing it. 

Its absolutely ridiculous that you would assume otherwise, it’s like pretending ISIS was a Jewish organization because of the many similarities shared between Islam and Judaism. 

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Call it deranged ideology, ideology that broke out of bounds and checks of the society, and the reality itself. There are two main reasons. The first one is the human nature that is, the genes. Great ape genes, specifically. Just look: a brief relatively comfortable period of relative prosperity and we are looking, almost desperately to find ourselves an idol, ideology be it maga for some or woke for the others. What could be the fraction of the sane ones, 10-20%? Can we survive with that, as supposedly intelligent species?

And the second one is unbounded governments. This social environment always, with 100% certainty produces at some point completely, perfectly detached governments that firmly and genuinely believe themselves to be cause and the source of the existence of the society. No, not the other way around, are you serious?

'We think so you are". That just isn't going to change because its our nature.

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The vehicle to bring in more Socialism and authoritarianism is climate change.  Trudeau is using it to the fullest extent he can to introduce more authoritarian control of the economy and society.  Man-made climate change was invented by globalists like the United Nations.  That is the main origin.  It is a perfect tool to extend control over society because most people believe the lies and don't think much.  They are easily scared into blindly following what they are told by people like Trudeau, Guilbeault, and little Greta.  Most political professors and other so-called experts in universities are Marxists and the media uses them constantly to brainwash the people.   School children protest in the thousands.  They are groomed early.

The only small hope for a brake on this agenda is the fact the conservatives are leading in the opinion polls and Trudeau and the Liberals are plummeting. The problem is I am not sure the Conservatives are really a whole lot different than the Liberals as far as Socialist policies and the evil of progressivism.

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12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Seriously as usual you are just making sh*t up based on your uninformed made up definitions. 

really.  so - just to be clear, before we go any further - your claim at this point is there's only one kind of socialism? That all others are 'made up'?


12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Similarly, it is matter of public record that fascists were always called “far right” back then as they are now

Actually not true.  they and the nazis were actually seen as left wing progssives and many of their ideas were hailed by the left.  Then the war started and the left wing chose to distance itself as hard and as fast as it can.

One of the defining features of just about all socialisms that are normally recognized is they all rely on extreme levels of government regulation and direct control over the people specifically for the betterment of the "society' Or the "country' or whatever in order to achieve a series of goals that the 'country' has, even if it means suspending individual rights or at least curtailing them when they bump up against the needs of the society.

Its pretty much in the term itself -  Social -ism.  The focus on the society and the rights and needs of it and it's goals independent of an individual.

Not complicated sparks :)  

Now - i get why the left wants to distance itself from the facists, and the nazis', and the stalins and the maos and the castro's etc etc.  But - truth is like it or not it's the same model. Tell me how castro's cuba was different than musolini's italy?

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Just now, TreeBeard said:

Can you give a concrete example?

The carbon tax is by it's definition a socialist tax.  It's purpose is not to raise money to provide services as a regular tax is but rather to try to force and compel behavior that the state sees as being good from the citizens regardless of their wishes.

It also reduces the resources and mobility of the citizens, AND makes many of them dependent on getting 'refund cheques' just to survive.  THey wouln't need them if they didn't have the tax but now they're dependent on the gov't.

It's an effective tool in that regard.  Make people poorer - make them dependent on you, and tell them it's all in the name of social progress.

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On 11/15/2023 at 5:56 PM, CdnFox said:

Communism is a form of socialism so... ya got me there :) LOL


I doubt that's accurate. It depends a little on what you mean by 'socialist'. THere are many many different flavours of socialism, the traditional "Socialism"  that you appear to be referring to (could be wrong)  Doesnt' allow for a free market.  And we do have a free market.

There  are many types of 'market' socialisms that do -  The nazi's were a flavour of market socialsm.  And yes - we do have elements of market or "democratic" socialsm as it's often called in europe.  I don't think that would lead to communism but it certainly can lead to a further substantial erosion of rights.


welll....  that's more of a sign of a dictaorship or oligarchy than communism.  Bad either way tho.

It's true people should be very concerned about their erosion of rights.

When innocent people have their bank or credit card accounts frozen by a government that should be the first signs that Canada is heading for communism. In China, they have a social credit system where if someone pizzes off the government, they either get demerit marks which will restrict access to some many things that you and me take for granted or they will have their bank accounts frozen. We have a Marxist dictator in Ottawa who would just love to abolish elections altogether if he could which would then make the Marxist dictator in Ottawa the king of the land. 

Dam right, Canadians should be vary wary of what their government does as far as freedom of speech and rights go. We must not forget that the dictator in Ottawa is a child, along with Christine Freeland, of the WEF globalist elite ilk that would like to make Canada in their own image and words like "we will own nothing and be happy".

We will not even be able to own our own money. If we say something that they do not want to hear, your bank account will get shut down. It's not a joke anymore. This is getting very serious indeed. Phk the wars in Israel or Ukraine. We have more pressing problems here in Canada today. We have a Marxist dictator that is trying to destroy our old freedom loving Canada that we once knew as fast as he can. Just saying. 

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2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Can you give a concrete example?

Carbon taxes and extreme regulations on the energy industry.  Spending billions of dollars of taxpayer money to give to companies for EV battery plants while Canadians are suffering in a housing crisis and food costs skyrocketing.  Forcing everyone to pay for just heating their homes or driving their cars.  Trudeau couldn't care less; he is a dictator.

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Taxing energy companies then giving it back in incentives? Making Canadians PAY for things?
How communist!
Making them pay an extra $5 for gas instead of having to be on a waiting list for 10 years just to get a car? Also how communist!

Maybe you tards should learn what words even mean before spouting them out.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

When innocent people have their bank or credit card accounts frozen by a government that should be the first signs that Canada is heading for communism. In China, they have a social credit system where if someone pizzes off the government, they either get demerit marks which will restrict access to some many things that you and me take for granted or they will have their bank accounts frozen. We have a Marxist dictator in Ottawa who would just love to abolish elections altogether if he could which would then make the Marxist dictator in Ottawa the king of the land. 

Dam right, Canadians should be vary wary of what their government does as far as freedom of speech and rights go. We must not forget that the dictator in Ottawa is a child, along with Christine Freeland, of the WEF globalist elite ilk that would like to make Canada in their own image and words like "we will own nothing and be happy".

We will not even be able to own our own money. If we say something that they do not want to hear, your bank account will get shut down. It's not a joke anymore. This is getting very serious indeed. Phk the wars in Israel or Ukraine. We have more pressing problems here in Canada today. We have a Marxist dictator that is trying to destroy our old freedom loving Canada that we once knew as fast as he can. Just saying. 

Well -  i feel like you're still kind of confusing totalitarianism for communism.  A state can be totalitarian without necessarily being communist. But - i dont think that difference really substantially changes the meat of your argument, which i would agree with for the most part.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well -  i feel like you're still kind of confusing totalitarianism for communism.  A state can be totalitarian without necessarily being communist. But - i dont think that difference really substantially changes the meat of your argument, which i would agree with for the most part.

Oh, FFS. How can a state be totalitarian and cannot be also seen as communist? Both systems can be seen as denying their citizen's their rights and freedoms. Your replies are just as stupid as always. You must be a communist or communist sympathizer alright, eh comrade? You honestly believe that freezing someones bank account is all okay with you? I find that hard to believe that you would agree with me at all. After all, communists abhor real and true conservatives like me, right comrade? ?


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4 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

How are carbon taxes socialism and the GST is not?

The carbon tax is particularly egregious because it is a phony tax.  It is now opposed by a large part of the population and a number of provinces, particularly on home heating.  People should never be taxed for essential things like home heating or driving their kids to school or going to the store.

Of course GST is also part of Socialism.  The taxes are used to fund Liberal's pet projects, and send around the world for their ideological projects.  They are used to give grants to all kinds of things.  Our money is used for handouts by government for everything under the sun.

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50 minutes ago, taxme said:

Oh, FFS. How can a state be totalitarian and cannot be also seen as communist?


Quite simply. For example communism does not allow for any market system really. You can however have a totalitarian state where there is a market based economy but the gov't completely controls the market. And if htey do so for their own benefit that is totalitarian.  If they do it for a 'societal goal' then it's socialist AND probably totalitarian.

Communism is a very specific form of socialism that's got some very well defined features.  It absolutely can be totalitarian but it doesn't need to be (in theory) and not all totalitarian states are communist.

Think of 'totalitarian' as being more like a dictatorship with a group of people instead of just a single dictator.

1 hour ago, taxme said:

Your replies are just as stupid as always. You must be a communist or communist sympathizer alright, eh comrade?

Again - your inability to understand basic concepts like this is not my fault :)

1 hour ago, taxme said:

You honestly believe that freezing someones bank account is all okay with you? 

Good lord no.  I said previously i agreed with you on that

I don't think you do the reading thing so good sometimes ;)

1 hour ago, taxme said:

 I find that hard to believe that you would agree with me at all.

I get you don't understand that, but lets face it - comprehension isn't really your wheelhouse at the best of times.

Occasionally you say something right. On those rare occasions i agree with you. I'd agree with a broken clock twice a day - you may not be correct THAT often but when you are i agree ;) 

Just now, blackbird said:

The carbon tax is particularly egregious because it is a phony tax.  It is now opposed by a large part of the population and a number of provinces, particularly on home heating.  People should be taxed for essential things like home heating or driving their kids to school or going to the store.

well this is the thing. THe gst is a tax designed to raise money to pay for the services we all recieve.  The Carbon tax is a tax for the sake of taxing designed to control our behavior. 

There's a big difference

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

People should never be taxed for essential things like home heating or driving their kids to school or going to the store.

So no gas taxes?  No road taxes?  No taxes on electricity?  


1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Of course GST is also part of Socialism. 

So, you’re against any and all taxes?  Why didn’t you just say so?  

Don’t Conservative governments also collect taxes?   Are they socialist as well?

Your view is very extreme.  Anarcho-capitalism?

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

So no gas taxes?  No road taxes?  No taxes on electricity?  


So, you’re against any and all taxes?  Why didn’t you just say so?  

Don’t Conservative governments also collect taxes?   Are they socialist as well?

Your view is very extreme.  Anarcho-capitalism?

What is extreme is the federal and provincial governments that tax as much as possible.  We live in a country of extreme taxation and it is going to get worse.  More social programs means more taxes.  Nothing is free.  

If you just sit back and don't oppose it, it will get worse.  Probably get worse no matter what because we do not have any say.  If you just accept taxation of course the governments are going to push it as far as possible.  The people demand everything without thinking of who is going to pay for it.

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

So no gas taxes?  No road taxes?  No taxes on electricity?  

 It is ridiculous having taxes on everything that exists.  Why tax people for the essentials of life like gas, road, electricity?    Why not just have income taxes?  

Same with carbon taxes.  People pay for how much natural gas they use to heat their home no matter how low their income.  Poor people pay the same as rich people to heat their homes.  That nuts.

They put taxes on all kinds of things, which requires a huge bureaucracy.  It becomes so complex that nobody knows exactly what everybody is paying.  You have municipal taxes, provincial income taxes, sales taxes, GST taxes, federal income taxes, carbon taxes, GST on carbon taxes, gas taxes, and probably other taxes.  We are living under tax madness.

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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

really.  so - just to be clear, before we go any further - your claim at this point is there's only one kind of socialism? That all others are 'made up'?

No I’m saying your claims about socialism are made up. 

12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Actually not true.  they and the nazis were actually seen as left wing progssives and many of their ideas were hailed by the left.  Then the war started and the left wing chose to distance itself as hard and as fast as it can.

That is a perfect example your made up nonsense that literally is opposite of reality. Before WW2 many on the right such as Henry Ford and Charles Lindburgh were vocal Nazi sympathizers who celebrated Hitler as a brilliant industrialist who miraculously transformed the Weimar Republic and marvelling at innovations like the Hindenberg, which made many trips to USA before its famous accident. Hitler was even Time Magazine’s Man of the Year and George W Bush’s grandfather was an American banker for the Nazis.

Meanwhile “the left” of the western capitalist world was volunteering to fight Hitler’s forces in the Spanish Civil War in which Hitler helped conservative dictator Franco seize power from the democratically elected left wing government. “The left” fought Hitler in Spain the same way westerners are flocking to fight Putin in Ukraine. Labour Unions and socialist organizations raised funds and volunteers with zero support or acknowledgement from their governments because at the time capitalist governments feared “socialists” and labour unions more than fascists. The Canadian volunteers were known as the “Mackenzie-Papineau Brigade”.  You should read about it. 

12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

One of the defining features of just about all socialisms that are normally recognized…

That doesn’t mean right wing dictators and authoritarian regimes don’t exist.  And how do you describe Scandinavian or even most European countries?  Most are to the left of Canada. I mean do Canada is socialist just because the tax and regulatory scheme is not to your perfect liking how do you assess the rest of the non-USA western world?  

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

 It is ridiculous having taxes on everything that exists.  Why tax people for the essentials of life like gas, road, electricity?    Why not just have income taxes?  

Same with carbon taxes.  People pay for how much natural gas they use to heat their home no matter how low their income.  Poor people pay the same as rich people to heat their homes.  That nuts.

They put taxes on all kinds of things, which requires a huge bureaucracy.  It becomes so complex that nobody knows exactly what everybody is paying.  You have municipal taxes, provincial income taxes, sales taxes, GST taxes, federal income taxes, carbon taxes, GST on carbon taxes, gas taxes, and probably other taxes.  We are living under tax madness.

Well I don’t think poor people pay the same as rich people to heat their homes because rich people almost certainly have much larger homes and are probably less likely to do things like turn down their thermostat when they leave the house etc. 

I don’t think we’re living under tax madness.  Most people want the things that taxes pay for and just can’t understand the amount of tax dilapidated they consume. Every time you drive on a public street or walk on a public sidewalk you are benefiting from the services your taxes pay for. Then of course there are the schools and hospitals that you’ve surely used at some point, the 24-hour law enforcement that helps keep you safe, public sanitation, running water and sewage the list goes on. And of course the economy needs all of these things and more in order to function at a first world level  

You have NO idea how much it all costs to maintain so how can you possibly judge that we’re paying too much for it?  Unless you’re among the richest classes you probably consume more tax dollars than you pay over lifetime 

That said I think there’s ample room to debate WHO is paying too much tax or not enough tax and what forms of tax should ideally be collected. B

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

What is extreme is the federal and provincial governments that tax as much as possible.  We live in a country of extreme taxation and it is going to get worse.  More social programs means more taxes.  Nothing is free.  

If you just sit back and don't oppose it, it will get worse.  Probably get worse no matter what because we do not have any say.  If you just accept taxation of course the governments are going to push it as far as possible.  The people demand everything without thinking of who is going to pay for it.

So these taxes are “socialism” because you don’t like them. 

That’s NOT the definition of socialism. 

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