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The Dems' Long and Current Ties to Terrorist Orgs and Ant-Semitism

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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Not really.  It's as simple as "don't aim for them, aim for the military target".   Whoever happens to get hit is collateral damage. 

It's a simple principle. Attack the enemy target as if there were no people there. If there happens to be people there then that's unfortunate.  But it's very easy to say if someone's got a legit reason to think something was a target or not, and if the way they attacked it is what someone might expect.

This is VERY FREAKIN' Simple.

The israelis just shot an ambulence.  The world authorities went to them and said "why?"  And they said 'they were transporting soldiers here's the evidence. 

Pretty straight forward.  They believed they were using it to transport combatants, they shot one missile at the ambulance, they didn't carpet bomb the place or anything .

Contrast that with the attack on the 7th from Gaza.

You're taking something very simple and trying to complicate it and it isn't.


The numbers proved you wrong chuckle


I don’t think its as simple as that. There are hundreds of targets each day. There have been incidents in the past where the Israelis have given false information initially until they were forced to concede their culpability. usually this sort of backtracking doesn’t happen because we don’t have the sort of information to combat their claim. 

I think one can say that, in general, the Israelis seem to be making an effort to reduce civilian casualties. We can’t know that they don’t target civilians, eg journalists, on occasion and we don’t know how many civilians they might be prepared to kill to kill one Hamas operative. 





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The anti-Semitism issue is interesting. It’s an example of the right using the tactics of the left. The whole notion of racism being widespread and bad arose on the left. Now the accusation of anti-Semitism is used by people on the right to defame and intimidate critics of Israel. Sometimes it is warranted but it is deployed so indiscriminately that it has lost much of its value.

Marcus Gee write a piece about it in the Globe where he started with the Dreyfus Affair. Can he not see the problem with that? The difference between, say, French officers looking for a scapegoat in their ranks and an Arab farmer being driven off his land? 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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9 hours ago, Nationalist said:

You haven't proven anything but your own blindness...or is it just stubbornness?

The US spends about 20% of gdp on welfare. Look at the results. Ghettos in all major cities. Homelessness in all major cities. Drug epidemics...gang wars...a baby making career...the majority of marriages end in divorce...way sub-standard education levels.

You feed children garbage...create fat, self-centered, illiterate gangstas. 

The results grossly contradict the narrative you try to sell. But alas...snake oil is not a healthy product.

I think you're faking here, trying to use a figure for ALL social welfare spending, rather than poverty/hunger relief. Nice try, but an old woman's hip replacement isn't trapping anyone in the ghetto.

And welfare spending for the poor doesn't "trap" anyone. It's a life preserver in stormy seas. All it does is keep people alive, barely. There's no luxury in it. No one is choosing it over making a better living. If you turn it off,  kids don't learn a lesson, they don't escape "the ghetto" they simply go hungry and homeless. 

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37 minutes ago, Hodad said:

I think you're faking here, trying to use a figure for ALL social welfare spending, rather than poverty/hunger relief. Nice try, but an old woman's hip replacement isn't trapping anyone in the ghetto.

Think what you like. The results speak for themselves. 

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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I think one can say that, in general, the Israelis seem to be making an effort to reduce civilian casualties. We can’t know that they don’t target civilians, eg journalists, on occasion and we don’t know how many civilians they might be prepared to kill to kill one Hamas operative. 

They don't "seem" to be making an effort, they ARE making every effort to reduce civilian casualties. Why else do you think the IDF gives advance notice through the use of leaflets and social media?

WATCH: IDF finds rocket launchers next to children's playground in Gaza (msn.com)

If the IDF needs more time to finish off Hamas, then let them do their job. And never mind the protestations from the likes of The Squad.

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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I don’t think its as simple as that. 

It's pretty much as simple as that.


There are hundreds of targets each day. There have been incidents in the past where the Israelis have given false information initially until they were forced to concede their culpability.

No problem.  If they had reason to believe it was a military target, but got it wrong, well that's the way war goes. But they still weren't targeting civvie's, they were targeting something else and turned out to have made an error. That's expected in war.


usually this sort of backtracking doesn’t happen because we don’t have the sort of information to combat their claim. 

The claims are usually very easy to verify.


I think one can say that, in general, the Israelis seem to be making an effort to reduce civilian casualties. We can’t know that they don’t target civilians, eg journalists, on occasion and we don’t know how many civilians they might be prepared to kill to kill one Hamas operative. 

Well if we can't 'know' then we assume they are not.  There's no evidence of it, and lets be frank - there is NO point in doing so for them. There IS a point in blowing up military targets.  Sometimes mistakes will happen, ordinance gets away from you and hits the wrong thing, bad intel leads you to believe there's a target where there isn't, etc. War sucks

But this really is simple.  Did they have reason to believe it was a military target? Yes no?


I can't stress this enough - war is a really really bad thing where a lot of people lose their lives who shouldn't.  A LOT of people. It's REALLLY bad. 

Which is why we don't start wars if we don't have to. Gaza chose to start a war. Now really bad things will happen to them.  That was their decision.

Whatever israel has to do to win and eliminate that threat permanently is what they have to do.  It's that simple, there's no point in thinking beyond that.

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15 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

As somebody who spent a career looking at dead bodies, I am merely struck by their broadly similar appearance after massive trauma. Dismemberment has a common look.

One child was burned to death because a man was raised from birth to hate other people, and he finally fulfilled his lifelong dream of murdering people because of their religion.

One child died when a rocket struck the building he was in. Why?

1) His people have spent their lives fomenting hatred against other people, instead of trying to coexist

2) His people intentionally burned other people's children to death

3) His own soldiers are hiding in bomb shelters deep underground, and forcing civilians to stay in the line of fire. They are blocking their own children from fleeing to safety. They saw the death of their own child as a positive development in the struggle to commit genocide against others. So when the IDF targets a terrorist outpost, it's inevitable that civilians are killed, and Hamas rejoices the photo op.


^That's^ ugly. I know it's almost unfathomable for you to comprehend. Your instinct is to utterly reject it, and blame me for saying it.

Just go online and you can see video of muslim leaders shouting with full Hitlerian passion that "Our people love death and martyrdom as much as their people like life."



When you see a video of them saying that, you will understand. 


Another question is the assessment of intent: how does one do it? If a govt says it seeks to minimize collateral casualties, can we really test that hypothesis?

No one even disputes the fact that the IDF has told Gazans where they're attacking, or that they're messaging people on their emergency broadcast system to evacuate specific buildings. 


In other words is it a scientific, falsifiable statement or something less than that? It’s a complex retrospective business and I’m not sure it can be done.  

If the Gazans lay down their weapons, they can build a Mediterranean paradise in complete safety. They're literally on the east coast of the Med sea, yet their country is a complete shithole of their own making.

They get billions of dollars in aid every year. They get free water and electricity from Israel. Making that place beautiful should be easy. It actually took a lot of hard work to make Gaza into the ugliest place on earth.


If the Israelis lay down their weapons, they will be slaughtered. No one disputes that. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Just go online and you can see video of muslim leaders shouting with full Hitlerian passion that "Our people love death and martyrdom as much as their people like life."

It's not ironic at all that the Jews and muslims both say the same things about muslims:

The muslims say: "We love death more than they love life!"

The Jews Say: "They love killing us more than they love their own children."

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

One child was burned to death because a man was raised from birth to hate other people, and he finally fulfilled his lifelong dream of murdering people because of their religion.

One child died when a rocket struck the building he was in. Why?

1) His people have spent their lives fomenting hatred against other people, instead of trying to coexist

2) His people intentionally burned other people's children to death

3) His own soldiers are hiding in bomb shelters deep underground, and forcing civilians to stay in the line of fire. They are blocking their own children from fleeing to safety. They saw the death of their own child as a positive development in the struggle to commit genocide against others. So when the IDF targets a terrorist outpost, it's inevitable that civilians are killed, and Hamas rejoices the photo op.


^That's^ ugly. I know it's almost unfathomable for you to comprehend. Your instinct is to utterly reject it, and blame me for saying it.

Just go online and you can see video of muslim leaders shouting with full Hitlerian passion that "Our people love death and martyrdom as much as their people like life."



When you see a video of them saying that, you will understand. 

No one even disputes the fact that the IDF has told Gazans where they're attacking, or that they're messaging people on their emergency broadcast system to evacuate specific buildings. 

If the Gazans lay down their weapons, they can build a Mediterranean paradise in complete safety. They're literally on the east coast of the Med sea, yet their country is a complete shithole of their own making.

They get billions of dollars in aid every year. They get free water and electricity from Israel. Making that place beautiful should be easy. It actually took a lot of hard work to make Gaza into the ugliest place on earth.


If the Israelis lay down their weapons, they will be slaughtered. No one disputes that. 

I am not a supporter of Hamas in any way, shape or form. As a secular social democrat, I believe all religion should be a private matter and has no place beyond the home and places of worship. Having lived in a virtual theocracy I know that clerics make terrible rulers. Of course, I’m fully aware of the recent history in this region and of the horrific Oct 7th attack as I have repeated on multiple occasions here. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If the Gazans lay down their weapons, they can build a Mediterranean paradise in complete safety. They're literally on the east coast of the Med sea, yet their country is a complete shithole of their own making.

They get billions of dollars in aid every year. They get free water and electricity from Israel. Making that place beautiful should be easy. It actually took a lot of hard work to make Gaza into the ugliest place on earth.

Hamas is a death cult. End of story. 

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On 11/4/2023 at 4:08 PM, WestCanMan said:

Blah, blah, blah, all you do is talk out of your ass. 

So repugnant. 

Never underestimate their ability to ignore facts and keep on lying. 

Never underestimate the Truth either. Normally this would be a pointless continuance argument but this time there IS an End Point, Trump will be found guilty, as really, he's not POTUS, not a king, not a dictator and so not abuse be the laws he served under, so in the over 90 counts against him, he will be "hung by his own.petard" because the man just can't shut up and every time he speaks he digs himself a deeper hole! He's his own worst enemy. So...one of these days he'll be just another inmate somewhere with no internet, no cell phone and no stage to dance for n. Think if it, A World Without Trump! Glorious! 

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7 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Never underestimate the Truth either. Normally this would be a pointless continuance argument but this time there IS an End Point, Trump will be found guilty, as really, he's not POTUS, not a king, not a dictator and so not abuse be the laws he served under, so in the over 90 counts against him, he will be "hung by his own.petard" because the man just can't shut up and every time he speaks he digs himself a deeper hole! He's his own worst enemy. So...one of these days he'll be just another inmate somewhere with no internet, no cell phone and no stage to dance for n. Think if it, A World Without Trump! Glorious! 

Dude, you have no relationship with the truth whatsoever.

Can you talk about the fact that the FBI lies and commits crimes now? Can you give some examples of that? 

Why would I accept your OPINION about Trump when you can't acknowledge simple facts? 

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12 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Never underestimate the Truth either. Normally this would be a pointless continuance argument but this time there IS an End Point, Trump will be found guilty, as really, he's not POTUS, not a king, not a dictator and so not abuse be the laws he served under, so in the over 90 counts against him, he will be "hung by his own.petard" because the man just can't shut up and every time he speaks he digs himself a deeper hole! He's his own worst enemy. So...one of these days he'll be just another inmate somewhere with no internet, no cell phone and no stage to dance for n. Think if it, A World Without Trump! Glorious! 

Hilarious. Tommy...baby...when Trump is inaugurated again...please do me a small favor?

Go scream at the sky.

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@Caswell Thomas Can't speak about actual facts, like FBI crimes and lies, he will literally pretend that's not a real thing and he will turn his nose up at all the evidence, even when it comes from the fraudulent news sources that he trusts entirely.

Then after all of that rigid truth-denial, he expects us to treat his theories about Trump being an ex-dictator seriously.

Guys like caswell (@robosmith, @eyeball, @ExFlyer, @Hodad, @CrakHoBarbie, @contrarian, etc) have as much credibility in a political forum as an Iranian mullah does in an anti-bigotry forum. 

The sad thing is that each of those guys probably have one or two children of their own, and they would definitely be subjecting their own kids the same level of lying they engage in here.

Just think about the fact that all of their children would have been force-fed lies during every day of their formative lives. It's quite abusive if you think about it - being forced to act like you believe things that you know to be false (kind of like growing up in one of the 'untrue' religions lol). Now I understand why so many 'liberal' college children are marching side-by-side with genocidal terrorists.

I just gotta say, posting at this forum, along with these bizarre terrorist love-ins that we're now seeing here, has really opened my eyes to a level of ignorance and stupidity that I never imagined possible within North America.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Hilarious. Tommy...baby...when Trump is inaugurated again...please do me a small favor?

Go scream at the sky.

I honestly think that the corrupt FBI, judges, politicians and news stations have no choice right now but to go all-in on their slander/witch hunt against Trump because they're already way across the Rubicon. They have no choice but put him in jail, regardless of much of a travesty it is. 

They were all exposed as frauds after the Russian collusion show trial anyways, their crimes and lies are all out in the open, but the leftard dolt horde remains unmoved. The opportunity to go full-fascism is there right now for the Dems if they want to take it. Biden can get fourteen votes in the next election and be declared president 'til death, and it will be widely celebrated.

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13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Guys like caswell (@robosmith, @eyeball, @ExFlyer, @Hodad, @CrakHoBarbie, @contrarian, etc) have as much credibility in a political forum as an Iranian mullah does in an anti-bigotry forum. 

The sad thing is that each of those guys probably have one or two children of their own, and they would definitely be subjecting their own kids the same level of lying they engage in here.

Just think about the fact that all of their children would have been force-fed lies d..........

I just gotta say, posting at this forum, along with these bizarre terrorist love-ins that we're now seeing here, has really opened my eyes to a level of ignorance and stupidity that I never imagined possible within North America.

WestConMan, the only one that has "as much credibility in a political forum as an Iranian mullah does in an anti-bigotry forum. " is you. LOL

You are a blind trumpian. Narrow minded and believer of lies that Trump or his disciples spout.

You are so full of Trumpisms that your hair has turned the same colour as his. You probably pout the same when you are forcibly fed truths as opposed to your lies LOL

You are such a (ugh) a southern redneck republican LOL

Edited by ExFlyer
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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

I honestly think that the corrupt FBI, judges, politicians and news stations have no choice right now but to go all-in on their slander/witch hunt against Trump because they're already way across the Rubicon. They have no choice but put him in jail, regardless of much of a travesty it is. 

They were all exposed as frauds after the Russian collusion show trial anywaya, their crimes and lies are all out in the open, but the leftard dolt horde remains unmoved. The opportunity to go full-fascism is there right now for the Dems if they want to take it. Biden can get fourteen votes in the next election and be declared president 'til death, and it will be widely celebrated.

I've warned about this many times. What do you think the conservative half of America...Canada...England...Germany...etc...will do should what you predict, actually happens?

We're talking about blue collar types...we're talking about most military vets and most military grunts now serving...we're talking about most cops. Now...just how do you figure these folks will react in such a case? And even more to the point...how do you figure an army of professors and Libbie students will deal with it?

The West could easily find itself in this position. With their arrogance and incredible penchant for lies...Russia and Iran may be the least of our problems.

3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

WestConMan, the only one that has "as much credibility in a political forum as an Iranian mullah does in an anti-bigotry forum. " is you. LOL

You are a blind trumpian. Narrow minded and believer of lies that Trump or his disciples spout.

You are so full of Trumpisms that your hair has turned the same colour as his. You probably pout the same when you are forcibly fed truths as opposed to your lies LOL

"So There!"

@ExFlyer sticks his tongue out at the screen and feels vindicated. ;)


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50 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

@Caswell Thomas Can't speak about actual facts, like FBI crimes and lies, he will literally pretend that's not a real thing and he will turn his nose up at all the evidence, even when it comes from the fraudulent news sources that he trusts entirely.

Then after all of that rigid truth-denial, he expects us to treat his theories about Trump being an ex-dictator seriously.

Guys like caswell (@robosmith, @eyeball, @ExFlyer, @Hodad, @CrakHoBarbie, @contrarian, etc) have as much credibility in a political forum as an Iranian mullah does in an anti-bigotry forum. 

The sad thing is that each of those guys probably have one or two children of their own, and they would definitely be subjecting their own kids the same level of lying they engage in here.

Just think about the fact that all of their children would have been force-fed lies during every day of their formative lives. It's quite abusive if you think about it - being forced to act like you believe things that you know to be false (kind of like growing up in one of the 'untrue' religions lol). Now I understand why so many 'liberal' college children are marching side-by-side with genocidal terrorists.

I just gotta say, posting at this forum, along with these bizarre terrorist love-ins that we're now seeing here, has really opened my eyes to a level of ignorance and stupidity that I never imagined possible within North America.

Bla, bla, bla.... You're a more on.

May I suggest you start following someone like Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Try to raise yourself out of that abyss of ignorance you're snoozing in.


48 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I honestly think  


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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I've warned about this many times. What do you think the conservative half of America...Canada...England...Germany...etc...will do should what you predict, actually happens?

The next election really needs to be fair.

No more FBI-scam October surprises, no truckloads of all-Dem ballots arriving a day late to win the swing states, no more weaponizing the FBI for another 3-yr witch hunt, no more giving the debate questions to your favourite candidate in advance, etc...

The US has become the biggest joke in the 'democratic' world, and it's a really bad look for us all. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The next election really needs to be fair.


The problem is whether it is or it isn't it will not be seen to be by whichever side loses. This has been true for US elections going back decades. Done after the election always shows that whatever side loses thinks that there was something inappropriate about the process and that the election was “stolen” and whichever side wins believes the process is fair and secure.

That's at the best of times. Political climate we have right now there's absolutely no chance that whichever side loses they're going to believe that it was a legitimate loss. The US has a major problem with credibility of its institutions right now and you could get a note from God stating that the election was free and fair and you will still get a large number of people who don't believe it.

Honestly I don't know what they're going to do to fix that. The politicians all lean into it as well and that just eggs the people on

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I've warned about this many times. What do you think the conservative half of America...Canada...England...Germany...etc...will do should what you predict, actually happens?

The same thing it didn't do when commies took over these places - without having to fire a single shot.

How do you explain that?

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