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39 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

No Americans were killed there in 18 months.


Can you possibly find some nugget of decency and stop lying about this over and over and over again? I know you're not American, but we find it insulting to sweep the deaths of our servicepeople under the rug as if they never happened. 

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On 10/20/2023 at 10:34 AM, WestCanMan said:

His shtick is gross. He kisses unwilling kids on the mouth (it would be even worse if they wanted to kiss him), showered with his own teenage girl, he thinks that whispering makes him sound badass, and when he tries to sound tough he's so utterly unconvincing that it almost makes you think that Canada could beat the US in a war. 

According to the investigation her diary was stolen , data was altered and added to to give it a sexual pedophile connotation. Both thieves  have already confessed and are in prison. So I'd say your info is way out of date. If you are going to data mine at least read the dates in the the claim you're trying to jump, this old stuff really looks like you're desperate. But then you are aren't you? Must be tough when all the wannabe Kings men are jumping off the bus right and left. 

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46 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Must be tough when all the wannabe Kings men are jumping off the bus right and left. 

They are jumping off the bus because all the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty Biden together again.

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14 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

According to the investigation her diary was stolen , data was altered and added to to give it a sexual pedophile connotation. Both thieves  have already confessed and are in prison. 

The links I click on about this topic are all frozen. Even MSN.

Do you have a valid source saying that these people admitted to altering the diary?

 1) Regardless of what the FBI says, there's a good chance that what was revealed about the diary is true. The FBI has a court-documented history of altering evidence and lying themselves. Anyone stupid enough to believe the FBI right now would sell their house to invest with Bernie Madoff. 

2) If some guys who are in prison for stealing a diary admit to something, should we believe them? They're in prison for "stealing a diary". Who goes to jail for stealing a diary? How many little brothers are going to be sent to jail this week? 

Unrelated story: I just saw a documentary about a 9-yr old boy who has 6 older sisters and he stole all of their diaries and sold them to a local bully. Luckily the FBI, along with the help of a local SWAT team, Seal Team 6, the KGB, the Gestapo, Hamas, islamic state, the IRGC and the US Marshalls tracked the little bastard down. He's on death row now. 

3) In any event, you have to admit that the story about the showers makes a lot of sense, given the way Joe Biden makes out with his granddaughter. No one was really shocked by the revelation about the showers.


Bottom line, this story fits Biden's profile, it seems like an abuse of power to use the FBI to track a stolen diary, there's a 100.00% chance that if the diaries were legit the thieves were coerced into admitting that the diary was forged, and nothing that the FBI says matters anymore. 

I'll lok at your cite though, if you can provide one. 

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On 10/20/2023 at 1:41 PM, Rebound said:

Except that Trump only promised to take us out of Afghanistan, while Biden actually did it. Trump said he would knuckle under to Putin’s invasion, while Trump is standing up against it.  And Trump paid Israel lip service while Biden flies into an active war zone and fought to get Israel weapons they need to fight terrorists.  

Biden is standing up for what’s right and getting them done. He kisses babies like real politicians do. Trump cheats on his wives.  He’s an awful human being. 

Gee, this Biden sounds amazing!  So why do 66.7% of Americans feel the country is on the wrong track?

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On 10/22/2023 at 9:26 AM, WestCanMan said:

The links I click on about this topic are all frozen. Even MSN.

Do you have a valid source saying that these people admitted to altering the diary?

 1) Regardless of what the FBI says, there's a good chance that what was revealed about the diary is true. The FBI has a court-documented history of altering evidence and lying themselves. Anyone stupid enough to believe the FBI right now would sell their house to invest with Bernie Madoff. 

2) If some guys who are in prison for stealing a diary admit to something, should we believe them? They're in prison for "stealing a diary". Who goes to jail for stealing a diary? How many little brothers are going to be sent to jail this week? 

Unrelated story: I just saw a documentary about a 9-yr old boy who has 6 older sisters and he stole all of their diaries and sold them to a local bully. Luckily the FBI, along with the help of a local SWAT team, Seal Team 6, the KGB, the Gestapo, Hamas, islamic state, the IRGC and the US Marshalls tracked the little bastard down. He's on death row now. 

3) In any event, you have to admit that the story about the showers makes a lot of sense, given the way Joe Biden makes out with his granddaughter. No one was really shocked by the revelation about the showers.


Bottom line, this story fits Biden's profile, it seems like an abuse of power to use the FBI to track a stolen diary, there's a 100.00% chance that if the diaries were legit the thieves were coerced into admitting that the diary was forged, and nothing that the FBI says matters anymore. 

I'll lok at your cite though, if you can provide one. 

@Caswell Thomas you made some declarative statements that require proof. 

Right now, as it stands, Joe Biden is still just a guy standing by an uncomfortable underage girl in a shower. 

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On 10/22/2023 at 9:26 AM, WestCanMan said:

The links I click on about this topic are all frozen. Even MSN.

Do you have a valid source saying that these people admitted to altering the diary?

 1) Regardless of what the FBI says, there's a good chance that what was revealed about the diary is true. The FBI has a court-documented history of altering evidence and lying themselves. Anyone stupid enough to believe the FBI right now would sell their house to invest with Bernie Madoff. 

2) If some guys who are in prison for stealing a diary admit to something, should we believe them? They're in prison for "stealing a diary". Who goes to jail for stealing a diary? How many little brothers are going to be sent to jail this week? 

Unrelated story: I just saw a documentary about a 9-yr old boy who has 6 older sisters and he stole all of their diaries and sold them to a local bully. Luckily the FBI, along with the help of a local SWAT team, Seal Team 6, the KGB, the Gestapo, Hamas, islamic state, the IRGC and the US Marshalls tracked the little bastard down. He's on death row now. 

3) In any event, you have to admit that the story about the showers makes a lot of sense, given the way Joe Biden makes out with his granddaughter. No one was really shocked by the revelation about the showers.


Bottom line, this story fits Biden's profile, it seems like an abuse of power to use the FBI to track a stolen diary, there's a 100.00% chance that if the diaries were legit the thieves were coerced into admitting that the diary was forged, and nothing that the FBI says matters anymore. 

I'll lok at your cite though, if you can provide one. 

On the link, there isn't one related to just that, it was reported through the FBI though so I guess you won't buy that. On the comment that the FBI lies a lot  though and alters facts, that's an interesting comment for an avowed follower of Mr. Trump to say especially after the New York Civil Trials most recent witness an expert real estate appraiser who testified that Trump and both adult sons but especially Eric Trump lied repeatedly and over-valued the multiple holdings  of Trumps real estate properties at $118 million ---not the $882 million to 2.2 billion Trump claimed. In court today October 23, 2023 the State of New York 's prosecutor said " Mr Trump, you can rant and rave all you want but numbers don't lie". 

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Just now, Caswell Thomas said:

On the link, there isn't one related to just that, it was reported through the FBI though so I guess you won't buy that. On the comment that the FBI lies a lot  though and alters facts, that's an interesting comment for an avowed follower of Mr. Trump to say especially after the New York Civil Trials most recent witness an expert real estate appraiser who testified that Trump and both adult sons but especially Eric Trump lied repeatedly and over-valued the multiple holdings  of Trumps real estate properties at $118 million ---not the $882 million to 2.2 billion Trump claimed. In court today October 23, 2023 the State of New York 's prosecutor said " Mr Trump, you can rant and rave all you want but numbers don't lie". 

Somehow that was altered after I typed it and posted it. What I said was what Donald Trump and Eric Trump said was worth between $882 million and $2.2 billion, ( depending on who they were trying to get loans from) , the expert appraiser raid was actually worth only $118 million.  

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1 hour ago, Caswell Thomas said:

On the link, there isn't one related to just that, it was reported through the FBI though so I guess you won't buy that. On the comment that the FBI lies a lot  though and alters facts, that's an interesting comment for an avowed follower of Mr. Trump to say especially after the New York Civil Trials most recent witness an expert real estate appraiser who testified that Trump and both adult sons but especially Eric Trump lied repeatedly and over-valued the multiple holdings  of Trumps real estate properties at $118 million ---not the $882 million to 2.2 billion Trump claimed. In court today October 23, 2023 the State of New York 's prosecutor said " Mr Trump, you can rant and rave all you want but numbers don't lie". 

Oh come on ffs.

Are you pretending not to know about the FBI's crimes during the Russian collusion witch hunt? Are you pretending not to know about all the times they lied? 

It's not a small, obscure detail when the FBI is implicated in committing crimes and lying about the president. If you, as an American, aren't fully aware of this, then you need to re-think your news sources. 

The FBI was also complicit in preventing Americans from viewing the Hunter laptop information before the 2020 election: according to the tech firms that banned user for telling the truth, they did it because the FBI had warned them that "Russian disinformation" about a laptop was about to be released on their platforms. The FBI had that info for 11 months, they knew it was legit.

Then the FBI went out raiding homes looking for a girl's diary,  and they did a pre-dawn on the home of the guy who alerted them to the issue of the diary in the first place. 

I know that, as a leftard, you're gonna do everything you can to avoid talking about the FBI's abuse of power/malfeasance, but I'll put the video here anyways, just n case anyone else wants actual information: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=FBI+raids+O'Keefe&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuJET3pEWjFA

If the FBI went to all that trouble, and abused their power to that extent, do you think that they're above telling one more lie? They already know that they can get away with actual crimes. Of course they're gonna keep lying, and people like you, who gladly turn a blind eye, are the reason why they can get away with it all.

The FBI is a rotten joke of a law enforcement agency now. You can't find a more corrupt law enforcement agency in the swampiest backwoods racist hellhole in 'Murica. 

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34 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Oh come on ffs.

Are you pretending not to know about the FBI's crimes during the Russian collusion witch hunt? Are you pretending not to know about all the times they lied? 

It's not a small, obscure detail when the FBI is implicated in committing crimes and lying about the president. If you, as an American, aren't fully aware of this, then you need to re-think your news sources. 

The FBI was also complicit in preventing Americans from viewing the Hunter laptop information before the 2020 election: according to the tech firms that banned user for telling the truth, they did it because the FBI had warned them that "Russian disinformation" about a laptop was about to be released on their platforms. The FBI had that info for 11 months, they knew it was legit.

Then the FBI went out raiding homes looking for a girl's diary,  and they did a pre-dawn on the home of the guy who alerted them to the issue of the diary in the first place. 

I know that, as a leftard, you're gonna do everything you can to avoid talking about the FBI's abuse of power/malfeasance, but I'll put the video here anyways, just n case anyone else wants actual information: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=FBI+raids+O'Keefe&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuJET3pEWjFA

If the FBI went to all that trouble, and abused their power to that extent, do you think that they're above telling one more lie? They already know that they can get away with actual crimes. Of course they're gonna keep lying, and people like you, who gladly turn a blind eye, are the reason why they can get away with it all.

The FBI is a rotten joke of a law enforcement agency now. You can't find a more corrupt law enforcement agency in the swampiest backwoods racist hellhole in 'Murica. 

My understanding is the thieves took more than the diary, things of more intrinsic value. My sources are not confidential, just about any viable news source follows the same. I say "viable" because just anyone cannot declare themselves a member of the Associated Press and report the news, of course Trump feels anything he says is the only news , but then the world, day by day, via testimony taken in Courts under oath  from former Trump " hand picked experts" of his former team members, has already found out what a total brazen liar he is. 

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1 minute ago, Caswell Thomas said:

My understanding is the thieves took more than the diary, things of more intrinsic value. My sources are not confidential, just about any viable news source follows the same. I say "viable" because just anyone cannot declare themselves a member of the Associated Press and report the news, of course Trump feels anything he says is the only news , but then the world, day by day, via testimony taken in Courts under oath  from former Trump " hand picked experts" of his former team members, has already found out what a total brazen liar he is. 

Riiiight, so you can't talk about the FBI's court-documented crimes either, hey?

Did a memo go out or something? Are you guys banned from talking about the FBI's crimes by some central authority? Isn't that kind of fascist?  

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