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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Holy Pot/Kettle Batman!

Are you going to say you dont assume morality and lecture people all the time?

However...you should be able to be neutral. As should anybody with regards to any conflict.

Why oh why is it so important to you that give a rats ass about what is happening over there??

I asked you the question are you the "moral police or the team captain that picks sides", not me. I stated my position. and that seems to get under your skin.

Suck it up puppy, I care not about the middle east or you :)

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5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Why oh why is it so important to you that give a rats ass about what is happening over there??

I asked you the question are you the "moral police or the team captain that picks sides", not me. I stated my position. and that seems to get under your skin.

Suck it up puppy, I care not about the middle east or you :)

Swing...an' a miss.

I am all in favour of you, or anyone else, taking a neutral position.

I just think its hooey that you disapprove of others' moral judgments, when you do exacty that regularly.

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21 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Swing...an' a miss.

I am all in favour of you, or anyone else, taking a neutral position.

I just think its hooey that you disapprove of others' moral judgments, when you do exacty that regularly.

I did not ever disapprove others moral judgments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I will discuss and even argue points but, even you can have an opinion.

A swing and...a home run :)

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21 hours ago, CdnFox said:

If you refuse to say  they're terrorists - you're saying they're not terrorists.

It's about using descriptive language, rather than subjective and judgmental language, and leaving the moralizing to the audience. 

When the BBC explains this, it makes more sense.  Given the CBC's lack of impartiality and biased journalism in general, it's a harder pill to swallow.  I'd suggest giving the BBC's explanation I posted earlier an honest read, because it makes sense there, especially in the context of how they reported on the Nazis.  

For the CBC, the idea of staying unbiased and using neutral language seems more...aspirational.  ?

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After considering the situation, I believe that Israel needs to respect international law for protection of civilians.  There should be a safe corridor to get food, medical supplies, fuel, and humanitarian aid in and they should move hospital patients out of the area.  Possibly move them to hospitals in Israel if Egypt won't help.  If Egypt is refusing to help in this crisis, they must be excluded from having any say in the government of the Gaza.  Israel may have to take over semi-permanent control in order to bring order and peace to the area.

The people who are being asked to move out of the populated areas need to be put in refugee camps and sheltered and fed and the U.N. needs to step up to look after them until they can return to their homes.  The U.N. does a lot of talking.  What actual aid and actions are they doing to take care of the civilians?

Thirdly, Gaza cannot remain governed as it has been.  Hamas must be eliminated and Israel will have to take over governing it at least temporarily until a satisfactory solution is achieved.  That will have to be an absolute necessity to avoid this type of war again.  But I am not sure the people of Gaza will accept or allow Israel to govern them.  They have been used as pawns in the Israel - Palestinian conflict.  They need clean water, food, etc. in the meantime.

The Bloc leader from Quebec correctly says there will not be lasting peace until Hamas is rooted out.  He is correct of course.  Terrorists cannot exist in the area and people still expect to have peace.


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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

I did not ever disapprove others moral judgments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I will discuss and even argue points but, even you can have an opinion.

A swing and...a home run :)


Chuckle...resorting to the lowest of standards. Too bad, so sad you became what you now are.



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16 hours ago, taxme said:

From what I have observed from all of those demonstrations by the Palestinians and their supporters all over the world on TV is that all that the Palestinians want is peace and get their lands back and not be treated like dirt by Israel. It has been Israel that refuses to negotiate with the Palestinian people, and has made their lives as miserable as hell. Why do you look at one side of the story all the time and not the other side of the story? I am not in agreement with what Hamas is doing, but this is war now, as Israel has called it. Just my opinion of course. 

Their lands back? They tend to think of 'their lands' as everything in the area including the state of Israel. They make little secret of that fact. Hamas will not negotiate with Israel and calls the PLO illegitimate because they're even willing to talk to Israelis. Hamas wants to establish an Islamic state throughout the region, including Israel, Jordan and Lebanon. And it has called for the Jews to be killed everywhere in the world. How do you suggest Israel 'negotiate' with such people?

Israel backed off and left them to govern themselves and the people of Gaza elected a group of religious fanatic terrorists to be their leaders. Unsurprisingly, this has led to considerable conflict with Israel.

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16 hours ago, taxme said:

Your stupidity is even more astounding. The Palestinian people have been trying to defend themselves from Israeli abuse and attacks towards them from Israel for decades now.

The Palestinians are Muslims. They have adopted a version of Islam which calls for continuing holy war. After numerous suicide attacks killed hundreds of Israelis, the Israeli government began walling off the Palestinian territories, as any government would have done. Just about every attack on them since then has involved retaliation for attacks on Israelis or pre-emptive attacks to arrest or kill terrorist leaders.

If the Palestinians stopped attacking Israel they would have peace. 

13 hours ago, Zijlstra said:

Maybe you shouldn't have let them in in the first place if they're such deplorable people?

It certainly wasn't my idea.

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35 minutes ago, blackbird said:

After considering the situation, I believe that Israel needs to respect international law for protection of civilians.  There should be a safe corridor to get food, medical supplies, fuel, and humanitarian aid in and they should move hospital patients out of the area.  Possibly move them to hospitals in Israel if Egypt won't help.  If Egypt is refusing to help in this crisis, they must be excluded from having any say in the government of the Gaza.  Israel may have to take over semi-permanent control in order to bring order and peace to the area.

All of the muslim countries refuse to help, they like all of these crises. It's part of an effort to foment hatred against Israel because they can't stand to see a non-muslim gov't lording over part of the holy land. It's the epitome of religious bigotry.


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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Why oh why is it so important to you that give a rats ass about what is happening over there??

To me, what's happening atm is the continuing struggle between civilization and barbarism. What we saw last weekend from Hamas was barbarism at its worst.

Needless to say, I want civilization to win.

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20 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

To me, what's happening atm is the continuing struggle between civilization and barbarism. What we saw last weekend from Hamas was barbarism at its worst.

Needless to say, I want civilization to win.

Are you attempting to rate the conflicts going on in the world this year?? One is worse than the other?  Hamas was the worst?


Rohingya conflict.

Myanmar civil war (2021–present)

Africa comes second in the number of armed conflicts per region with more than 35 non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) taking place in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.

Asia is the theatre of 19 non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) involving 19 armed groups. These are happening in Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan and The Philippines.

Four out of seven conflicts: Russia is currently occupying Crimea (Ukraine), Transdniestria (Moldova), as well as South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Georgia), while Armenia is occupying parts of Nagorno Karabakh



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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

The point is...you're not in a position to lecture anyone about moralizing.

I do not lecture anyone...if that is your opinion, so be it. LOL

If you don't like it....so be it too. I do not care. :)

You are not making any points here, you are just being you LOL

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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

I do not lecture anyone...if that is your opinion, so be it. LOL

If you don't like it....so be it too. I do not care. :)

You are not making any points here, you are just being you LOL

You sure do denial well. I guess practice makes perfect...

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2 hours ago, Moonbox said:

It's about using descriptive language, rather than subjective and judgmental language, and leaving the moralizing to the audience. 

When the BBC explains this, it makes more sense.  Given the CBC's lack of impartiality and biased journalism in general, it's a harder pill to swallow.  I'd suggest giving the BBC's explanation I posted earlier an honest read, because it makes sense there, especially in the context of how they reported on the Nazis.  

For the CBC, the idea of staying unbiased and using neutral language seems more...aspirational.  ?

I can buy that to a degree - i don't think emotionally charged language should be in actual REPORTING (editorials of course are different beasts).

And i would agree that without a doubt if an org is more consistant in the application of that principle then it's a lot more compelling of an argument, whereas the cbc has no problem with 'emotional' language when it suits them.

However - when an organization has been actually declared terrorists by either courts of law or gov't agencies  i think that the argument becomes a little weaker. And i'm not just talking about when a gov't oficial says they're terrorists or the like but if they're ruled to be so by that gov't and in an official capacity have been declared to be terrorists.

If someone is "convicted" of a thing, if you avoid mentioning that conviction specifically i feel like you're downplaying the negatives to their benefit.

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28 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

You sure do denial well. I guess practice makes perfect...

Why is my opinion and my take on things so important to you??

I am concerned about your obsession with me and my thoughts.  I suggest youblock me so I will not strain your brain :)

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41 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Are you attempting to rate the conflicts going on in the world this year?? One is worse than the other?  Hamas was the worst?


Their attacks were primarily against citizens. They made a solid effort to avoid the Israeli military and target civilians with brutality, and then they suddenly got the Arab world to call for peace, and no retaliation. 

It was a mix of barbarism, religious bigotry and cowardice. 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Their attacks were primarily against citizens. They made a solid effort to avoid the Israeli military and target civilians with brutality, and then they suddenly got the Arab world to call for peace, and no retaliation. 

It was a mix of barbarism, religious bigotry and cowardice. 

Ahh, so some human beings are worth more than others??

The other conflicts involve no citizens?

The other conflicts are not full of barbarism, religious bigotry and cowardice?

I think you are being a bit bigoted and doing profiling.


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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

It's about using descriptive language, rather than subjective and judgmental language, and leaving the moralizing to the audience. 

When the BBC explains this, it makes more sense.  Given the CBC's lack of impartiality and biased journalism in general, it's a harder pill to swallow.  I'd suggest giving the BBC's explanation I posted earlier an honest read, because it makes sense there, especially in the context of how they reported on the Nazis.  

For the CBC, the idea of staying unbiased and using neutral language seems more...aspirational.  ?

FYI the term 'terrorist attack' is objective: there is a specific, finite definition for it.

It means 'a violent attack against the civilian population to further the political goals of an organization'. 

What Hamas did fits that definition to a T. 

Therefor, calling what Hamas did 'terrorism' is objective. At best you could call it "a terrorist attack by 'freedom fighters'" lol.

Calling it evil is subjective. Within some entire cultures, burning people alive and shooting kids isn't 'evil'. 

Now you know.

First off, CBC needs to use the word terrorism to describe attacks like what Hamas did, because they absolutely fit the definition of terrorist attack.

Second, police forces like the FBI need to stop including "graffiti on a synagogue" in the number of 'terrorist attacks by white people' because it's nothing of the sort.

The word terrorism will cease to have meaning if it's omitted when it's applicable and then attached where it doesn't belong. (The leftard assault on the English language continues...)

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41 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Why is my opinion and my take on things so important to you??

I am concerned about your obsession with me and my thoughts.  I suggest youblock me so I will not strain your brain :)

I don't "block" people. I find that practice childish.

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18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh look - the jew hater wants to silence me.  In a thread where I defended even his loser friend's right to speak.  Typical.  Why? If i don't will  you kill some women and children?


And all you know is what you've been brainwashed to believe, 


AHhhhh - so the attack on isreal was the MSM's fault!!!! Not hamas!!!! Got it.  Someone should tell the isrealis, they totally think it was hamas.

Where did you get this bullshit that I am a Jew hater and i am out stop silence you? 

Is it because I do not kiss Israels ass like you do?

Is it because I look at both sides of the story, and then give my opinion? 

Again, STFU. If you are Jewish, than you are an ignorant one. Anyone who ever wants to question or criticize Israel always has to be anti-Israel. 

All you seem to know is because of the brainwashing that you receive from the Israeli lobby. 

Are you ever stunned. I never did say that the attack on Israel was the fault of the MSM. The attack on Israel was Israel.s fault themselves. 

Curious? Why do you give a dam as to what happens in Israel? Have you got a horse in this race feud? 

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18 hours ago, suds said:

Just out of interest, how did they 'steal the land from the Palestinians'? Almost all of the land the Jews settled on and farmed in Palestine prior to 1948 was bought and paid for.

Show me the land deeds that says that Israel bought and paid for the land legally from the Pals, while others have said that Israel stole the land. Where are those documents? 

So, if the Israelis bought the land, why do the Palestinians keep saying that Israel stole their land? Well? 

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

Where did you get this bullshit that I am a Jew hater and i am out stop silence you? 

Is it because I do not kiss Israels ass like you do?

Is it because I look at both sides of the story, and then give my opinion? 

From your literal actual words.  And look - you can't even deny it here. Instead you make an anti semetic remark about people kissing isreal's ass.

Well there you go.


Again, STFU.

Gee - where on earth do i get the idea you want me to be silent? Can't imagine :)

Go eff yourself you antisemetic hamas-lover.  I'll talk all i want.



If you are Jewish, than you are an ignorant one.

And jews are ignorant are they.  Well - can't imagine where i get the idea you're an anti semite from either 


Anyone who ever wants to question or criticize Israel always has to be anti-Israel. 

Not applauding the slaughter of innocent women and children at music festivals isn't kissing isreal's butt. It's more about finding the Palestinian actions disgusting and henious. Honestly it would be just as disgusting if they did it in france, or britian.

1 minute ago, taxme said:

Show me the land deeds that says that Israel bought and paid for the land legally from the Pals, while others have said that Israel stole the land. Where are those documents? 

So, if the Israelis bought the land, why do the Palestinians keep saying that Israel stole their land? Well? 

Show me the land deeds that say palestine did.  Can't? Hmmmmm

The isrealis have been there for almsot 100 years and that's the end of that They're not going anywhere

So the two sides can live in peace or fight to the death

Palestine has said it woudl rather fight to the death ,

You reap what you sow

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