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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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4 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Well, they did give that a trial run by letting them self-govern. They elected Hamas, a group of religious fanatics dedicated to the destruction of Israel, the implementation of an Islamic state throughout the region, and the death of all Jews.

Soooo, I guess that didn't work out so well. So what do you imagine a completely independent Gaza would do? I mean, first, they'd import a lot more heavy weapons. That's a no brainer. Then they'd attack Israel again, only more effectively.

The organizers for these demonstrations made it pretty damned clear their purpose was to celebrate the 'great victory' over Israel.

Yes, and Israel also elected far-right governments in recent years that pretty much have the same views. They're nothing like the right wing governments in the rest of the West. 

I'm not sure the details on how the Good Friday agreement worked out. The situation seemed similar, endless terrorism between the IRA and UK. But I imagine laying down arms would be part of the agreement, for other types of aid. Yes, it's not that easy and soforth. But the reality is the Palestinians haven't had any vote in like 17 years. 

Realistically, it's not going to be Israel brokering that kind of peace like the UK did. It'd have to be multiple third party nations that have a stake in it. Which makes things even more difficult

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2 hours ago, Nexii said:

Yes, and Israel also elected far-right governments in recent years that pretty much have the same views. They're nothing like the right wing governments in the rest of the West. 

I'm not sure the details on how the Good Friday agreement worked out. The situation seemed similar, endless terrorism between the IRA and UK. But I imagine laying down arms would be part of the agreement, for other types of aid. Yes, it's not that easy and soforth. But the reality is the Palestinians haven't had any vote in like 17 years. 

Realistically, it's not going to be Israel brokering that kind of peace like the UK did. It'd have to be multiple third party nations that have a stake in it. Which makes things even more difficult

Hamas's stated purpose is to destroy isreal - that's part of their official political campaign. They ran and were elected on that.

Isreal can never broker a deal.  Any deal starts with the Gazonians, (can't spell palestinian so i'm going with that)

They are the hold up. They have to come forward and officially state that a) - isreal is a valid nation which should exist and they recognize their right to,   b) they wish to live in peace with their neghbours and are renouncing confilct  c) they will cooperate with any international effort to track down and remove terrorist or violent cells within their territory


Then peace can begin, It will take years to build back the trust but it will happen - with more and more freedoms and more and more good will over time.  In time the isreali moderates will win more and more.  Kids will grow up without the feats of their current elders.  It will be desirable to look for reasons to get along rather than reasons not to,

That is the ONLY reasonable path to a peaceful solution.

And it will never happen.  the Pal's (gave up on gazonians - sounded like a large nuclear reptile was attacking isreal and tokyo)  will NEVER agree to live in peace with isreal.  Never,  That's why they don't like a 2 state solution - it would involve admitting isreal is a valid state.

Round them up, throw them out, bulldoze the land, build a park.

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On 10/13/2023 at 5:00 PM, I am Groot said:

Does that mean those words should never be used and that nothing the Left uses to describe with those words really IS those things? No. It doesn't. The ignorance and rapacious need for ever more emotional words to use to condemn people who disagree with them doesn't erase that the words in their original meaning stood for something.

Doesn't mean it should never be used, but that also doesn't mean it needs to be used, and that its lack of use implies some hidden approval or sympathy.  The Nazis were evil, but the BBC didn't call them evil in WW2 for the same reason, and not calling them evil didn't mean the BBC sympathized with them.  

On 10/13/2023 at 5:00 PM, I am Groot said:

And so does terrorist. If you spend hours eagerly and happily slaughtering and raping unarmed, innocent people, dancers, farmers, and toddlers in a daycare, then 'terrorist' is the least of the words you qualify for under almost any definition of the term.

Nobody is saying they're not terrorists.  ?‍♂️

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A news article describes some of the horrors found in the genocide by Hamas.


The images from the October 7 massacre in southern Israel are extraordinarily difficult to behold. Charred bodies, babies riddled with bullet holes, elderly women shot in the head. The depths of Hamas’s depravity are impossible to comprehend.

And yet, after reporters who visited one of the kibbutzim targeted by the genocidal terrorist group last weekend reported that dozens of children had been brutally murdered, the response from some wasn’t horror and revulsion, but rather mockery and incredulity.

This was particularly apparent on X (formerly known as Twitter), a cesspool inhabited by some of the absolute worst of humanity, where some users poked fun at the reporters and openly questioned the veracity of their reports."

Graphic images of Israeli terror victims confirmed an awful truth - editorial (msn.com)

The worst of humanity are self-identifying as complete degenerates.

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"For Hamas, peace can only come to the Middle East when the Jews have been exterminated or expelled. The 1988 Hamas Covenant , which outlines its goals, intentions and direction, states that, “The Palestinian problem is a religious problem.” Followers of other religions who dispute Islam’s sovereignty in the region will be met with “nothing but carnage, displacement and terror.”

The promised carnage and terror arrived early in the morning on Oct. 7. Babies beheaded , as has now been confirmed by Israeli government sources, with mothers and fathers also butchered at the Kfar Aza kibbutz. Around 260 party-goers slaughtered at a music festival with reports of multiple rapes.

People gunned down as they waited at bus stops or going about their daily lives, the bodies left strewn in streets and houses. Up to 150 people kidnapped and now held hostage in Gaza, with Hamas threatening to execute them. The list of atrocities goes on from the rampage that left over 1,300 Israelis dead.

By committing such heinous acts, making no attempt to hide their vile crimes, Hamas announced to the world that it was at war with Israel. Canada must therefore act immediately against Hamas and those who fund it, supply arms to it and allow its terrorist activities to endanger innocent lives and global stability.

Canada should begin lobbying the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate Hamas for war crimes. Taking hostages, mutilating bodies, rape and attacking civilians are all war crimes under international law. Any investigation should encompass Ismail Haniyeh , the millionaire leader of Hamas who lives in luxury in Qatar and ordered the attacks.


" Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper ceased aid to UNRWA because of its alleged ties to Hamas, but the Liberals restored funding in 2016. This aid should be halted immediately."

NP View: Canada must help bring Hamas down (msn.com)

Why are Trudeau and the Liberals always so slow to act or unwilling to act at all on important issues?

Europe and the other countries of the Five Eyes seem to be far ahead of Canada in doing something about threats.

We have seen how slow Canada acted with regard to Huawei, slow in dealing with election interference.   Opposition parties begged the government for months to start an enquiry but they never acted until the fiasco with the former governor general played out and he resigned.

Notice babies beheaded has now been confirmed by Israeli government sources.

Edited by blackbird
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I take a break for a week and a lot has transpired, eh?

Everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech and peaceful protest, even if I disagree with them.

However, since Hamas is officially declared a terrorist group here, that supersedes it all. People who support terrorist groups should not be allowed to walk freely. Period.

However, support for Palestine doesn't mean support for Hamas. Israel itself initially supported Hamas as a counterbalance to the secular PLO. Hamas is one of the many groups claiming to fight on behalf of the Palestinian people.

If people want to support the Palestinian cause devoid of an officially prescribed terrorist group, that's fine. If they support the violence and massacres, that's extremely problematic.

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18 hours ago, Nexii said:

Yes, and Israel also elected far-right governments in recent years that pretty much have the same views.

No, they do not pretty much have the same views. I disapprove of Netanyahu and think his governments over the years have been stupidly counter-productive but if he had the same views toward Palestinians as Hamas has toward Jews there'd be no Palestinians today. Israel's problem is its dumbass electoral system which gives political power to extremist right-wing groups out of all proportion to their electoral popularity. This is also due to the balance of power being so narrow in the Knesset. Only a tiny percentage of Israelis support these parties, which mostly get votes from the non-working ultra-orthodox nutbars in Israel who also don't join the army.

18 hours ago, Nexii said:

But the reality is the Palestinians haven't had any vote in like 17 years. 

I've heard of no opposition to Hamas. The last poll I saw gave them 57% support in Gaza and 42% in the West Bank.

18 hours ago, Nexii said:

Realistically, it's not going to be Israel brokering that kind of peace like the UK did. It'd have to be multiple third party nations that have a stake in it. Which makes things even more difficult

How do you broker a peace deal with a group whose reason for existence is ridding the world of your people and destroying your country? Would you suggest Israel make a peace deal with Adolph Hitler and his Nazis if some of them were still about? Same basic idea.

Edited by I am Groot
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On 10/14/2023 at 2:31 PM, blackbird said:

You should have been doing some study of this for years.  The reports about the brutal murders by Hamas have been widely reported on the news for days.   You could try Google if you want to know more details.  Why would you expect me to provide proof of what has been on the media for the past week?

When we talk about anti-Semites or anti-Semitism with reference to the Holocaust, Israel, or the middle east conflict, we are referring to the Jews being the target.  That is what anti-Semitism refers to, discrimination or persecution of the Jews.  The Jewish religion and Islam are two different religions.  Israel is mainly a Jewish state and the surrounding Arab countries are Islamic and oppose Israel.

Innocent people do get killed in Gaza simply because the Hamas terrorists hide behind them and use them as shields.  Does that mean Israel should just let Hamas kill Israelis and do nothing?

Israel has no way to defend itself apart from going after the terrorists and is doing the best it can.  They are only interested in going after Hamas or similar terrorists.   

I already explained the reason why Israel has a right to exist but you chose to ignore the whole subject.  Like a little kid, you just keep repeating the view that the genocide against the Jews does not exist and it is all Israel's fault.  You ignore the fact that the attacks against Israel are all part of a broad agenda to destroy Israel.


But yet, you still refuse to agree that it was the Jews that stole the land from the Palestinians. As far as I know, there was once a country called Palestine at one time. That is what this war between Israel and the Palestinians is all about. Hamas is just the militant Arabs. Even the ordinary Palestinians themselves, do not go along or support Hamas. But yet those same ordinary Palestinian people are victims also. 

I am still waiting for someone like you to show me as to where are the pictures or videos of those babies having their heads chopped off by Hamas? If it were true, then Israel should show those scenes. Just asking.  

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On 10/14/2023 at 3:13 PM, I am Groot said:

So were almost all the Jews, In fact, only a minority of Jews in Israel are from or descended from those who fled Europe. The majority are descended from Jews who have lived in that region for millennia or those who fled the pogroms in other Arab states.

Back off?  You mean make no attempt to either avenge their dead, defeat Hamas, or get their hostages back?

From what I have observed from all of those demonstrations by the Palestinians and their supporters all over the world on TV is that all that the Palestinians want is peace and get their lands back and not be treated like dirt by Israel. It has been Israel that refuses to negotiate with the Palestinian people, and has made their lives as miserable as hell. Why do you look at one side of the story all the time and not the other side of the story? I am not in agreement with what Hamas is doing, but this is war now, as Israel has called it. Just my opinion of course. 

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8 minutes ago, taxme said:

But yet, you still refuse to agree that it was the Jews that stole the land from the Palestinians.

Doesn't make a damn bit of difference, we are where we are.

As far as I know, there was once a country called Palestine at one time. That is what this war between Israel and the Palestinians is all about. Hamas is just the militant Arabs. Even the ordinary Palestinians themselves, do not go along or support Hamas. But yet those same ordinary Palestinian people are victims also. 

Yeah they do, They do support hamas. They voted them in for heaven's sake. And what you seem to be saying is that the people can't stop hamas so the war will just go on forever because a bunch of haters to day are mad about crap that happened before they were born and they can't cope.

So - if the war cannot be ended peacefully then the only choice is to end it violently.   That's how wars work.  What's your solution, isreal should just accept that every few years thousands of it's people will die violently?

12 minutes ago, taxme said:

I am still waiting for someone like you to show me as to where are the pictures or videos of those babies having their heads chopped off by Hamas? If it were true, then Israel should show those scenes. Just asking.  

So you're saying it's not true?

Here - https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahus-office-releases-horrifying-images-of-infants-murdered-by-hamas/

There you go shithead. That's what your buddies did to the isreali children - and unless isreal is going to allow it to happen again and again then gaza has to go.

1 minute ago, taxme said:

From what I have observed from all of those demonstrations by the Palestinians and their supporters all over the world on TV is that all that the Palestinians want is peace and get their lands back and not be treated like dirt by Israel

THat couldn't be a bigger lie. They celebrated and cheered for the barbaric slaughter of children and women - claiming their god thinks that kind of behavior is a great thing.

They only care about the death of the jews. They do not want peace in the sightest, they want war.  Well they've got one.

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On 10/14/2023 at 3:15 PM, I am Groot said:

Any humane outlook on the world must recognize that civilians never deserve to suffer due to the group into which they were born or because of actions committed by those who claim to speak on their behalf. For that reason, I feel as much empathy for the Palestinian children who will die in bombardments of Gaza as I do for the Jewish children who were killed in Hamas’s attack on Israel. Each civilian death is a tragedy on the same moral order.

But while every civilian victim is in equal measure undeserving of their tragic fate, moral philosophers have for centuries recognized a key distinction between forms of military action that may be legitimate and forms of terrorism that will always remain illegitimate. In the former, military action is directed against military targets; while some civilian deaths are foreseeable as a consequence of such attacks, soldiers undertake to minimize them insofar as possible. In the latter, political action is directed against civilian targets; the killing of innocents is the goal, not an unintended side effect, of the attack.


Israel has said that this is now a war against Hamas. And in war, people will suffer, and many will be injured or killed. It is now a do or die situation for either Israel or Hamas. A fact of war.  

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On 10/14/2023 at 3:19 PM, blackbird said:

To begin with, TV stations don't like to show such horrors.  Secondly, the Israeli government spokeperson(s) said the government cannot confirm the story about heads of babies being cut off.

This is what CNN says about it:


“There have been cases of Hamas militants carrying out beheadings and other ISIS-style atrocities. However, we cannot confirm if the victims were men or women, soldiers or civilians, adults or children,” the official said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that people had been beheaded by Hamas in an appearance beside Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday, but did not specify if they were children.

His office later released what it described as “horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters.”

The three photos showed two babies whose bodies had been burned beyond recognition and a third infant’s bloodstained body.

The post said that Netanyahu showed Blinken the photos, as well as others.

The explosive allegations that children had been decapitated at the kibbutz of Kfar Aza emerged Tuesday in Israeli media. Israel Defense Forces later described the scene as a “massacre” in a statement to CNN. Women, children toddlers and the elderly were “brutally butchered in an ISIS way of action,” the IDF said.

Tal Heinrich, a spokeswoman for Netanyahu, said on Wednesday that babies and toddlers had been found with their “heads decapitated” in Kfar Aza.

In Israel, 'the place where you want your kids to grow up' has suddenly turned into the front line

US President Joe Biden appeared to confirm that information. In a roundtable with Jewish community leaders on Wednesday, he said: “I have been doing this a long time, I never really thought that I would see… have confirmed pictures of terrorist beheading children.”

A US administration official later clarified Biden’s remarks, telling CNN that neither Biden nor his aides had seen pictures or had received confirmed reports of children or infants having been beheaded by Hamas. The official clarified that Biden was referring to public comments from media outlets and Israeli officials.

An IDF spokesman, Jonathan Conricus, later in the day said terrorists had likely carried out decapitations of babies in the Be’eri kibbutz.

“We got very very disturbing reports that came from the ground that there were babies that had been beheaded… I think we can now say with relative confidence that unfortunately this is what happened in Be’eri,” he said.

Israeli officials initially avoided discussing the specifics of how its citizens were killed. They instead likened Hamas’ brutality to that of ISIS, the Sunni terror group that beheaded captives and burned prisoners alive.

Palestinians rescue a wounded man from the rubble of a destroyed building following an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, Gaza, on October 13.

Hatem Ali/AP   unquote

Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack | CNN

I just wish that the MSM would just stop talking about this feud between Israel and Hamas. Let them fight it out among themselves and start talking about other news stories rather than constantly talking about this stupid war. I am fed up with it all, especially with FOX NEWS, where it is pretty much 24/7 in favor of Israel. I miss my regular programming on FOX NEWS. Enough already. Works for me. 

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On 10/14/2023 at 4:32 PM, CdnFox said:

I hope someday someone breaks into your home and shoots your family in the head.

We'll talk then.

STFU. All you know about this feud between Israel and Hamas is what you hear on the MSM outlets. And in today's world, one has to be bloody well stupid to believe anything the MSM says today. It is the regular ordinary Palestinian that is also being abused here by Israel, who do not even support Hamas and what they are doing. Wake up, stunned. ?

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On 10/14/2023 at 2:15 PM, Nexii said:

Yea Israel has created this monster, now they have to deal with it. I fear their going overboard could do them in. In a longer war, the amount of people willing to fight matters as much as logistics. And there's no shortage of Muslim nations around them. Not to mention the 20% Arab population within their own nation. They're rightfully angry, but I don't see Israel having a realistic plan here. 

In hindsight, after the 6 day war (1967) Israel could have chosen not to become occupiers and handed Gaza and the West Bank back to Egypt and Jordan. This was actually considered by the Israeli cabinet at the time. But chose not to. But long before that, the Arabs could have accepted the UN partition plan which created independent Arab and Jewish states which included an economic union between the two and the protection of minority and religious rights. But chose not to. It didn't help either that when Israel left Gaza (2005) that the Palestinians voted in a Hamas government. I would have to believe (in hindsight of course) that when any opportunity arose to makes things better between the Palestinians and the Jews, both sides chose not to. So it would seem that both sides had a hand in 'creating this monster'. So what to do now? I really have no idea. Commenting on what should have/could have happened in the past is far easier.

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On 10/14/2023 at 4:59 PM, blackbird said:

Your ignorance is astounding.  Israel is only defending itself, which any nation has a right to do.  They have constantly been attacked by terrorists and you can't see that.  Very tragic.

Your stupidity is even more astounding. The Palestinian people have been trying to defend themselves from Israeli abuse and attacks towards them from Israel for decades now. The Palestinian people have a right to defend themselves also. Why don't you take the time to talk to some Palestinian sometime and get their side of the story? To know one side of the story is to know nothing at all. Sadly, that is all that you are willing to listen to, the Israeli side of the story. Indeed, it is very tragic for both sides. 

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9 minutes ago, taxme said:


Oh look - the jew hater wants to silence me.  In a thread where I defended even his loser friend's right to speak.  Typical.  Why? If i don't will  you kill some women and children?



All you know about this feud between Israel and Hamas is what you hear on the MSM outlets.

And all you know is what you've been brainwashed to believe, 



And in today's world, one has to be bloody well stupid to believe anything the MSM says today. It is the regular ordinary Palestinian that is also being abused here by Israel, who do not even support Hamas and what they are doing. Wake up, stunned. ?

AHhhhh - so the attack on isreal was the MSM's fault!!!! Not hamas!!!! Got it.  Someone should tell the isrealis, they totally think it was hamas.

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21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Doesn't make a damn bit of difference, we are where we are.

As far as I know, there was once a country called Palestine at one time. That is what this war between Israel and the Palestinians is all about. Hamas is just the militant Arabs. Even the ordinary Palestinians themselves, do not go along or support Hamas. But yet those same ordinary Palestinian people are victims also. 

Yeah they do, They do support hamas. They voted them in for heaven's sake. And what you seem to be saying is that the people can't stop hamas so the war will just go on forever because a bunch of haters to day are mad about crap that happened before they were born and they can't cope.

So - if the war cannot be ended peacefully then the only choice is to end it violently.   That's how wars work.  What's your solution, isreal should just accept that every few years thousands of it's people will die violently?

So you're saying it's not true?

Here - https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahus-office-releases-horrifying-images-of-infants-murdered-by-hamas/

There you go shithead. That's what your buddies did to the isreali children - and unless isreal is going to allow it to happen again and again then gaza has to go.

THat couldn't be a bigger lie. They celebrated and cheered for the barbaric slaughter of children and women - claiming their god thinks that kind of behavior is a great thing.

They only care about the death of the jews. They do not want peace in the sightest, they want war.  Well they've got one.

But it does make a dam difference for the Palestinian people. And the main reason why you keep refusing to answer my question about how the Jews stole Palestine from the Palestinian people is because you could not really give a phk. You are pro Israel and it is phk the Palestinian people even if the Pals do have some grief about what is happening to them.

Hamas is your problem and not the ordinary Palestinian who only just wants to be treated fairly by Israel. No matter how much you try and defend Israel for their actions against the Pals, they still stole the land from the Palestinians. A fact that you refuse to acknowledge. Your problem and not mine. ?

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

No matter how much you try and defend Israel for their actions against the Pals, they still stole the land from the Palestinians.

Just out of interest, how did they 'steal the land from the Palestinians'? Almost all of the land the Jews settled on and farmed in Palestine prior to 1948 was bought and paid for.

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

But it does make a dam difference for the Palestinian people.

Then they'll wind up dead and homeless as a result and that is absolutely their choice to make.



And the main reason why you keep refusing to answer my question about how the Jews stole Palestine from the Palestinian people is because you could not really give a phk.

Correct - it doesn't matter in the slightest.  Zero 'phks' are given to things that don't matter in the slightest.

Today we are where we are. Today gaza has yet again proven it abosolutely refuses to live in peace with isreal and will continue to kill it's people and it's women and children whenever it gets the chance

So. Gaza had a chocie. They could choose to say "how do we move forward and live together" or "lets go to war until one of is is dead'.

Bad choice on their part as far as im' concerned but - here we are.


You are pro Israel and it is phk the Palestinian people even if the Pals do have some grief about what is happening to them.

I am pro not shooting babies or women and slaughtering thousands of innocent people including Canadians.  If the gaza residents had an 'offswithch' that we could use to shut down their violence that would be fine  but the y don't.  So - whatever has to happen to end that threat has to happen.


Hamas is your problem and not the ordinary Palestinian who only just wants to be treated fairly by Israel.

Well iseal isn't bombing or attacking me right now, so it kind of seems that they ARE the average gaza-ites problem and not mine,


No matter how much you try and defend Israel for their actions against the Pals, they still stole the land from the Palestinians. A fact that you refuse to acknowledge. Your problem and not mine. ? 

Dont' care. If all they want is violence and war then scatter them to the winds and burn their land to ash - they're horrible people who deserve no better. Sorry - they're judged on their actions and their actions were to attack without provocation or warning and slaughter as many innocent people as they could. THat's what those people are.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

But yet, you still refuse to agree that it was the Jews that stole the land from the Palestinians. As far as I know, there was once a country called Palestine at one time.

Obviously you have no idea what this land is all about.

The history is complex and I am not sure if you are seriously interested in facts.


This article is about the history of Palestine. For the subject with a Jewish focus, see History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel. For the modern states in the area, see History of Israel (1948–present) and History of the State of Palestine.
This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably. Its current readable prose size is 131 kilobytes. Please consider splitting content into sub-articles, condensing it, or adding subheadings. Please discuss this issue on the article's talk page. (February 2023)
Maps of Ottoman Palestine showing the Kaza subdivisions.
Part of a series on the
History of Palestine
Ancient history
Classical period
Modern era
flag Palestine portal

Strategically situated between three continents, the region of Palestine (also known as the Land of Israel and the Holy Land) has a tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. Palestine is the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, and has been controlled by many kingdoms and powers, including Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel and Judah, the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great and his successors, the Hasmoneans, the Roman Empire, several Muslim caliphates, and the crusaders. In modern times, the area was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, then the British Empire and since 1948 it has been divided into Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.


History of Palestine - Wikipedia

This is just the beginning of this Wikipedia article on the history of the area.  If you want to learn about it, it will require some effort and time.

I am not interested in getting into slinging match with you with unintelligent comments.

But if you want to discuss it rationally, that might be possible.

There is a lot more to this on Wikipedia which I quoted the beginning of.


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I am still waiting for someone like you to show me as to where are the pictures or videos of those babies having their heads chopped off by Hamas? If it were true, then Israel should show those scenes. Just asking.  

Israel has long resisted displaying the gross images for the right reasons.  Israel did not see it as the right way to garner international support.  It becomes a mud-slinging match and Israel believes it is disrespectful to human life.  But if you want some confirmation that images exist, you can read this report:


The images from the October 7 massacre in southern Israel are extraordinarily difficult to behold. Charred bodies, babies riddled with bullet holes, elderly women shot in the head. The depths of Hamas’s depravity are impossible to comprehend.

And yet, after reporters who visited one of the kibbutzim targeted by the genocidal terrorist group last weekend reported that dozens of children had been brutally murdered, the response from some wasn’t horror and revulsion, but rather mockery and incredulity.

This was particularly apparent on X (formerly known as Twitter), a cesspool inhabited by some of the absolute worst of humanity, where some users poked fun at the reporters and openly questioned the veracity of their reports.

In response, Israel violated a longstanding practice.

For years, successive Israeli governments have resisted displaying the mangled bodies, the severed limbs, or the pools of blood produced by Palestinian acts of terror. They did so out of a belief in the Jewish principle of kavod hamet – the dignity of the dead – as well as a refusal to stoop to the level of anti-Israel propagandists, who perversely parade the bodies of dead Palestinians in an effort to garner international support.    unquote

Graphic images of Israeli terror victims confirmed an awful truth - editorial (msn.com)

Edited by blackbird
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23 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Who are you to tell me what to do or say or feel?

Are you the moral police or the team captain that picks sides? LOL

Holy Pot/Kettle Batman!

Are you going to say you dont assume morality and lecture people all the time?

However...you should be able to be neutral. As should anybody with regards to any conflict.

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