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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Wow!  A genuine 9-11 denier.  Heard from someone on here you are also a Holocaust denier.  Is that true?    I am not going to waste my time refuting such deniers because I know no matter what I post you will still deny it just as you do with everything else I post.

In what way am i supposed to be a denier? To dare to ask questions is to be considered and accused of being a denier? What do you use for brains? Mush? Geez, you appear to be very short on intelligence. 

Indeed, there have been many books written on the denial of the holocaust and how things really happened and in particular as to what happened to the Jews. There were other gentiles in the Nazi gulag also who also suffered. One story told is that the gas chambers were being used to kill the many diseases and bugs that inhabited the concentration camp and not Jews or anyone else. Typhoid was killing plenty of prisoners.

Other bullshit stories going around was that dead Jewish bodies were being made into lampshades. You would be stupid enough to believe that lie. I can deny whatever the hell i want to deny. What makes what you have heard as being the gospel truth? How would you even know as to what the real truth is when you never bother to checkout the other side of the story as i always do. 

So, you can come on here anytime and tell lies and i am just supposed to believe your lies without question? You really need to try and get your shit together. Not everyone has to believe what you believe. Hello? ?

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16 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Most aren’t.  

The “militia movement” in the USA and Canada are made up of Christian terror groups like the Proud Boys and 3 percenters.  

Terror groups are not Christians.  It is contrary to the Bible.  You don't seem to know the difference or you deliberately lump all people who call themselves Christians into the same mold.  Secondly, even the groups you mentioned don't come close to committing the number of terrorist attacks that jihadists commit almost every day of the year.

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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

In what way am i supposed to be a denier?

The fact is you deny or question what 99.9% of the civilized world believes or accepts as the facts.  Out of the thousands of political leaders, scholars, history experts, is there even more than a few percent that would agree with you?  I doubt it.

The facts behind the 9-11 attack are overwhelming and unquestionable.  The number of people who would question that would be extremely small.  Again you are proving you have a kind of streak in you that just wants to question everything no matter how bizarre or outlandish your position is.

Same with the Holocaust.

Yet you seem to have a penchant for reading some conspiracy theory or denial website or writings somewhere that opposes what the world overwhelming accepts.

If that gives you satisfaction, that is your choice.  I am not buying it.  It's not worth debating those things either.  In most cases denialists or conspiracy theorists can't be convinced of anything even with all the facts staring them in the face.


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11 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

You think the Nazis can be relied upon for an accurate portrayal of what actually happened?

So, do you think that we should also all just believe and rely on everything your side says as the gospel truth to what really happened? Come on, give your almost empty head a shake. I know that you are all in for Israel and that is your right to do so. But unlike you, I am all in on reading and listening to both sides of the story. I am not saying that Hamas are a bunch of angels here because they are not, but neither is Israel. Both have committed atrocities.

It's time to call for a ceasefire before more innocent Palestinian women and children are killed by Israel. What we see happening today in Gaza are to be seen as war crimes and crimes against humanity. ☹️ 

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34 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The white supremacists groups too have their beliefs based on bible or Christianity.

There are hundred of millions of nominal Christians in the world and only a small percentage of that would be actual Bible believers.

But there are two billions Muslims in the world.  How many of them believe what the Koran says about violence toward non-believers?

White supremacist groups make up a very small number of people.  How many I don't know but they are not part of the churches or denominations that I know of.  

On the other hand, when we see the thousands of people in Islamic countries on the television news demonstrating against Israel and the west, we know there is a large percentage of Muslims that may be extremists to one degree or another.   You never answered the fact that there are Jihadist attacks almost every day or so somewhere in the world.

The fact is some Islamic countries have the death sentence for blasphemy.  That shows how extremist some of them really are.

So what percentage of Muslims would support extremism or Jihad?  That's the question.

The news media just reported that one quarter of Canadians don't trust Muslims.  Why would that be?

Edited by blackbird
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6 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The fact is you deny or question what 99.9% of the civilized world believes or accepts as the facts.  Out of the thousands of political leaders, scholars, history experts, is there even more than a few percent that would agree with you?  I doubt it.

The facts behind the 9-11 attack are overwhelming and unquestionable.  The number of people who would question that would be extremely small.  Again you are proving you have a kind of streak in you that just wants to question everything no matter how bizarre or outlandish your position is.

Same with the Holocaust.

Yet you seem to have a penchant for reading some conspiracy theory or denial website or writings somewhere that opposes what the world overwhelming accepts.

If that gives you satisfaction, that is your choice.  I am not buying it.  It's not worth debating those things either.  In most cases denialists or conspiracy theorists can't be convinced of anything even with all the facts staring them in the face.


That 99.9% will only believe what the MSM tells them. They will never question or challenge anything the MSM says. They prefer to lie down like the cowards and wimps that they are and continue to go along with their peers and watch the slaughter of innocent Palestinian women and children which you appear to be quite happy watching. Sadist. 

Facts that you and me know nothing about. How do we know what is being fed to us as the truth? Do you still believe in the MSM that they would never lie? The only way for you and me to really know as to what is going on in Gaza is to be there ourselves. But seeing that you and me are not there, all i see and hear on TV is that Israel is bombing the hell out of Palestine and innocent women and children and are being murdered and the destruction of their homes. 

Look Mac, you believe what you want to believe and so will I. Got that? Now STFU and go away with your nonsense. 

There are some overwhelming and questionable questions that needs to answered about 9/11. As I will repeat myself once again. Firefighters heard what sounded like explosives going off in the basement area of the towers. Are you ready to deny what they heard? Also, there were no plane wreckage found around the Pentagon. Just one big hole like a missile went flying thru the wall of the Pentagon. A perfectly round hole. 

Answer those two incidents for me if you can? You now have the floor, conspiracy denier. LOL. 

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15 minutes ago, blackbird said:

There are hundred of millions of nominal Christians in the world and only a small percentage of that would be actual Bible believers.

But there are two billions Muslims in the world.  How many of them believe what the Koran says about violence toward non-believers?

White supremacist groups make up a very small number of people.  How many I don't know but they are not part of the churches or denominations that I know of.  

On the other hand, when we see the thousands of people in Islamic countries on the television news demonstrating against Israel and the west, we know there is a large percentage of Muslims that may be extremists to one degree or another.   You never answered the fact that there are Jihadist attacks almost every day or so somewhere in the world.

The fact is some Islamic countries have the death sentence for blasphemy.  That shows how extremist some of them really are.

So what percentage of Muslims would support extremism or Jihad?  That's the question.

The news media just reported that one quarter of Canadians don't trust Muslims.  Why would that be?

You won't even give a reasonable explanation as to why Jews are so hated, especially by the Muslim world? Why is that? 

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Israel is a very tiny piece of land to begin with.  The Arabs who are Muslims make up all the countries surrounding Israel and they cover a vast area.  

The other thing is many of the Palestinians and the Muslims in surrounding countries have no intention of recognizing Israel's right to exist and are willing to fight against Israel any way possible.  So how would your proposal make any sense?

How would you divide up an already very small country with people who are intent on eliminating you completely?  Any reduction in the size of Israel would also present a serious security threat because they are already surrounded by many enemies who have huge populations.

This means your comment about Israel and Palestinians sorting out their problems and agreeing to divide up the land is nonsensical.  It is ignoring the reality of the situation.  It is one of those feel-good meaningless statements.


From that veritable thicket of bald assertions, let me make two points:

Firstly, forget about the rest of the region. They don’t live there and haven’t lived there. They don’t care about the result. 

Secondly, not every country is as big as Canada. Take yourself off to an atlas and look at how many countries are smaller than Israel, even without the West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza. The result may surprise you. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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46 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Terror groups are not Christians.  It is contrary to the Bible.  You don't seem to know the difference or you deliberately lump all people who call themselves Christians into the same mold.  Secondly, even the groups you mentioned don't come close to committing the number of terrorist attacks that jihadists commit almost every day of the year.

On your 2nd point, I agree.  Worldwide, Islam has more terrorists and are more dangerous.  

It might be contrary to what you believe, but the Christian terrorists think you’re wrong.  Maybe you could convince them that your less violent version of Christianity is better.  

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29 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

From that veritable thicket of bald assertions, let me make two points:

Firstly, forget about the rest of the region. They don’t live there and haven’t lived there. They don’t care about the result. 

Secondly, not every country is as big as Canada. Take yourself off to an atlas and look at how many countries are smaller than Israel, even without the West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza. The result may surprise you. 

So you are in denial.  Look at a map of the middle east.  Israel is a very tiny country and surround by many large countries that are full of Muslims.  There are probably hundreds of millions of Muslims in the middle east.

They all hate Israel and Jews.  There is not much one can say about it.  That is the situation.  There is no possibility that they can be trusted to accept Israel's right to exist.

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32 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

It might be contrary to what you believe, but the Christian terrorists think you’re wrong.

That is not my problem.  I don't control the world or what some extremists believe.  So-called Christian terrorists are a figment of your imagination.  They don't exist.  There are some extremist groups in the west which you mentioned like the Proud Boys and a few others, but they are  not Christian groups.  They are an extremely small percentage of the population.  They like to stir the pot by protesting and demonstrating sometimes, but they don't go around doing suicide bombing and mass terrorist attacks. 

36 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Maybe you could convince them that your less violent version of Christianity is better.  

Extremist groups don't listen to Bible believers.  I don't want anything to do with them.  Thanks anyway. 

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

No it's just that I can't recall a war where the intended target is more like the collateral damage compared to the numbers of civilians being killed and injured along the way. You make it sound like that is the only way.


As I understand it the heads of Hamas are in Qatar and Iran not Gaza.

Israel and it's allies should be making this a wider conflict instead of forcing thousands of civilians, half of them kids, but that would take bravery wouldn't it?

Look all you have to do is pick up a history book, and you'll clearly see you pays the highest price in each conflict, it is the civilian population....it is just the way it is, and until man finds a new way to kill each other it is and will be the only way...I did not make it up , man did when he decided he could kill what ever he wanted...

Well someone is giving orders on the ground, blame them...

Once again who is giving you the numbers Gaza Authority...thats rich ...

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6 hours ago, taxme said:

Buzz, wrong again has usual. You lose. LOL When one cannot win an argument or debate with someone who has a different opinion and points of view than their's, they than like to call those that they disagree with as being members of the KKK. A typical tactic coming from a typical lefty liberal like you. Why do you lefty liberals always appear to be so stupid and stunned so many times? Do fools like you always believe what the lying and fake MSM tells you all the time? I guess, in your case, you will believe anything the MSM tells you without question. Your stupid problem and not mine. 

So, what color tinfoil hat are you wearing today? Is it yellow by chance? Just wondering. ?

Thats all you got big daddy, come on i know you got it in you...dig deep, give it another shot....

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14 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Look all you have to do is pick up a history book, and you'll clearly see you pays the highest price in each conflict, it is the civilian population....it is just the way it is, and until man finds a new way to kill each other it is and will be the only way...I did not make it up , man did when he decided he could kill what ever he wanted...

That's not how Trump dealt with Iranian militias. He let the little guys skate, and he killed the top two generals from Iran. 

Instead of a war of attrition he chose a war of 'regicide', basically. 

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

There are hundred of millions of nominal Christians in the world and only a small percentage of that would be actual Bible believers.

But there are two billions Muslims in the world.  How many of them believe what the Koran says about violence toward non-believers?

White supremacist groups make up a very small number of people.  How many I don't know but they are not part of the churches or denominations that I know of.  

On the other hand, when we see the thousands of people in Islamic countries on the television news demonstrating against Israel and the west, we know there is a large percentage of Muslims that may be extremists to one degree or another.   You never answered the fact that there are Jihadist attacks almost every day or so somewhere in the world.

The fact is some Islamic countries have the death sentence for blasphemy.  That shows how extremist some of them really are.

So what percentage of Muslims would support extremism or Jihad?  That's the question.

The news media just reported that one quarter of Canadians don't trust Muslims.  Why would that be?

Listen blackbird. You are preaching to converted. The way you presented your response to my post, I think very strangely you think I am defending Islam or the extremists in Islam. Not sure where on earth that assumption has come from. My only guess is that you have not read any of my posts in other threads.

In my post you responded to,  I never said there are more Christian than Muslim extremists. That would have been stupid. I said there are extremists in every religion. 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

You won't even give a reasonable explanation as to why Jews are so hated, especially by the Muslim world? Why is that? 

Just tell me who the Muslim world don't hate that Jews should be the exception. They even hate themselves as why Syrian refugees have to come to Canada because no Muslim nation wanred their Muslim brothers and sisters.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

That's not how Trump dealt with Iranian militias. He let the little guys skate, and he killed the top two generals from Iran. 

Instead of a war of attrition he chose a war of 'regicide', basically. 

And he accomplished nothing. Islamic republic remained fully in place and more united. Things may have been different if he had chosen to help the nation of Iran who is starving for democracy to overthrow the fu*king mullahs.

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4 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

n my post I never said there are more Christian than Muslim extremists. That would have been fictitious. I said there are extremists in every religion.

You confused me by saying there are extremists in every religion.  By extremists I mean terrorists that do harm to other people.  I don't mean people that are enthusiastic about what they believe or try to convert other people.  That is not what extremist means in this subject.  Extremists also don't mean people in a cult or false beliefs systems.

So when you say there are extremists in every religion, I don't know what you mean.

There are millions of Christians in thousands of church denominations in the world.  They don't go around blowing up other people or killing other people.  You never hear of suicide bombers from Christian churches.  That is just not done.  So they are not extremists.  So I would not say there are extremists in the Christian religion.  There were in past centuries when the Roman Church ran the Inquisition and tortured and killed heretics.  That was extremism. but that was centuries ago.

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