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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

The Palestinian people appear to have had enough and are ready to fight win or lose.

The attack on Israel was by Hamas, a terrorist organization whose only purpose for being is to kill Israelis.  The attack was not by the general population of Palestinians;  it was by terrorists.

But if Palestinians are supporting them, that makes them complicit doesn't it.  Israel is aiming to destroy the terrorists.  Any country would have that right after what Hamas did.

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Me no read that much.

Humans have been all over the place. My ancestors trekked across Africa, Asia and Europe. Can I claim anything along the way? The DNA record suggests many ancestors of modern Jews were German, French, Arab etc. 

British Palestine is an example of what happens when a tsunami of foreigners arrives in your land; as any First Nations person can tell you, they tend to take over. This Balfour Declaration was like Pope Adrian allegedly handing over Ireland to England; it wasn’t his to give. For internal British political reasons, the governing authority of Palestine betrayed its duty of care to the people already there.

You haven't read the history of the area and say you don't read much.  So it is impossible to have a rational conversation.

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14 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You haven't read the history of the area and say you don't read much.  So it is impossible to have a rational conversation.

Try to make your points more concisely. Nobody is going to read a tedious and tendentious screed

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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58 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Try to make your points more concisely. Nobody is going to read a tedious and tendentious screed

If I just post a few points, then there would be no context.  Without the context, you likely would not accept it.  That's why it is sometimes necessary to spend 5 or 10 minutes to read something to get the full picture.

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13 hours ago, blackbird said:

If I just post a few points, then there would be no context.  Without the context, you likely would not accept it.  That's why it is sometimes necessary to spend 5 or 10 minutes to read something to get the full picture.

You could make the point about Jews being in that part of the world for thousands of years in a paragraph or two. I’m not disputing it, by the way. Israel and Palestine is one conflict of many where both parties can claim deep roots in the region. Tribes give all sorts of reasons for fighting over land - religious, political, past atrocities etc. - but I would argue these are secondary. Our gods are worshipped and the enemy’s gods are smashed. The land itself is what the fight is really about. 

A housekeeping point. Put quoted material from other authors in a quoted box so we can clearly see it’s theirs and not yours. For copyright reasons, keep the quote as brief as possible and add a link for us to read the rest so we don’t get accused of infringing their legal rights here. 

Just to be completely clear on this: I condemn the recent actions of Hamas without reservation. 


Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

A housekeeping point. Put quoted material from other authors in a quoted box so we can clearly see it’s theirs and not yours. For copyright reasons, keep the quote as brief as possible and add a link for us to read the rest so we don’t get accused of infringing their legal rights here. 

Nonsense.  I do put quotations marks around the material I quote or put the word quote at the beginning and unquote at the end.  Have you not noticed that?  Then followed by the source link.

There is no copyright infringement when it is not forbidden to quote.  I always give the website link it came from which gives credit to the source.  So there is no infringement of anything.  Article posted on the internet are there for a purpose.  The purpose being to broadcast to as many people as possible.

The other thing is:   The purpose is to spread the article to as many people as possible.  That is the reason the article is posted on the internet in the first place.  So of course the more people it is given to the happier the originators are, especially when the link to its source is included, which I do.  I am not running a business or receiving any compensation.  So there is no infringement.  Quit trying to silence others.

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

Nonsense.  I do put quotations marks around the material I quote or put the word quote at the beginning and unquote at the end. usiness or receiving any compensation.  So there is no infringement.  Quit trying to silence others.

Nobody reads your crap from beginning to end.

You are an inarticulate dolt with an imaginary friend who thinks that posting a whole book is somehow making a point.  I could understand if it were your own words to an extent but right now the only thing that block pasting half a text book is getting you is laughed at. 

Why are you even like this?

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Tribes give all sorts of reasons for fighting over land - religious, political, past atrocities etc. - but I would argue these are secondary. Our gods are worshipped and the enemy’s gods are smashed. The land itself is what the fight is really about. 

What is your reason why Israel has a right to its land then?   You are unclear and seem kind of confused about it.  

Since you don't want to read any article more than a few sentences, it appears you will not be able to learn much about it.

Some posters on here spend their time just spitting out short shouts of nonsense or insults.  That is the only reason they come on here.  It makes them feel good.  But it adds nothing to the general pool of knowledge or communication of knowledge.  Sort of like a beer parlour brawl.

Of course the history behind the land of Israel is the central issue. 

Edited by blackbird
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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

What is your reason why Israel has a right to its land then?   You are unclear and seem kind of confused about it.  

Since you don't want to read any article more than a few sentences, it appears will not be able to learn much about it.

See?  THAT is a reasonable post.  Do THAT more often.

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5 hours ago, blackbird said:

At least we have something intelligent to contribute, not just one or two liner personal insults.

Au contraire mon ami...you blather. Contributing means there is merit in what you say and, you both fail with your diatribes. 

You with religious BS and he with meaningless videos and regimental dreams :)

You though, should be confined to the Religion & Politics forum and not let out LOL

Edited by ExFlyer
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26 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

If you kill them all you won't have to worry about it any more, they won't be doing it again that's for sure :) 

People all over the world are becoming aware of hateful criminals like you who support the fascist state of Israel and wish to kill and kill and kill all. You are sick and sick and sick, that is all.

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27 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The world is slowly waking up to Israeli murderous actions in Gaza.  Too bad it had to take thousands of lives for the world to wake up from a coma pr brainwashed minds by Israeli lobbyists

It's nice that you've given up all pretense of not being on the terrorists side :)  

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15 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

People all over the world are becoming aware of hateful criminals like you who support the fascist state of Israel and wish to kill and kill and kill all. You are sick and sick and sick, that is all.

No, that's just the propaganda wing of the terrorists you support.  Sorry :)

I actually want the killing to be done with.  I'm just smart enough to know the only way for that to happen is to kill the bad guys, or at least completely neutralize them.

Which means - no more Gaza, wipe out hamas's official people, and scatter the people to the winds.

If civvies die in the process of that then that's what happens.   We nuked japan to get peace we firestormed dresden.  Some times when the bad guys are absolutely implacable you have to take them out permanently.


Sorry your terrorist buddies will have to pay the price for that.

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50 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The world is slowly waking up to Israeli murderous actions in Gaza.  Too bad it had to take thousands of lives for the world to wake up from a coma pr brainwashed minds by Israeli lobbyists.


Tens of thousands in London today.



What are these lowlifes doing in London. Should they not be in Palestine sowing their hate.

Oh forgot, too cowardly to face the music.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

People all over the world are becoming aware of hateful criminals like you who support the fascist state of Israel and wish to kill and kill and kill all. You are sick and sick and sick, that is all.

The closest modern analogy might be the IRAs battle against the UK. It took thousands dying over decades before both sides said enough bloodshed. 

For Israel, they haven't suffered those levels of casualties yet. But it's likely they will soon, given that they did not go into Gaza and win decisively already. They're already evacuating towns near Lebanon, it's looking like things are going to get much worse. 

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The Islamic republic backed terrorist organization, Hezbollah is reportedly getting ready to open a second front. Not sure if they have the balls but if they do, this would be another hell opening up on Israel. That said, they are all talk otherwise those subhuman mullahs ib Iran must go to Gaza and be sent to hell by Israeli soldiers.

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Nonsense.  I do put quotations marks around the material I quote or put the word quote at the beginning and unquote at the end.  Have you not noticed that?  Then followed by the source link.

Mate, you copied and pasted an entire article from the NP. Did you obtain permission from them to do that? Selected quotes are OK as long as you give a link for people to see the rest at the original site. That’s how it works in Internetland. This forum provides tools for quotation to make it unambiguous. Let me show you how they work:


Exactly two weeks ago, waves of Hamas terrorists rampaged through southern Israel, torturing, maiming, murdering and raping innocent civilians. Babies, children and the elderly were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. Many watched their family members slaughtered before being kidnapped by Hamas.


3 hours ago, blackbird said:

There is no copyright infringement when it is not forbidden to quote.  I always give the website link it came from which gives credit to the source.  So there is no infringement of anything.  Article posted on the internet are there for a purpose.  The purpose being to broadcast to as many people as possible.

3 hours ago, blackbird said:

The other thing is:   The purpose is to spread the article to as many people as possible.  That is the reason the article is posted on the internet in the first place.  So of course the more people it is given to the happier the originators are, especially when the link to its source is included, which I do.  I am not running a business or receiving any compensation.  So there is no infringement.  Quit trying to silence others.

Actually, they want people to visit their site as well. 

In no way am I trying to silence you. If you want people to read what you write, make it easier. 


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2 hours ago, Nexii said:

The closest modern analogy might be the IRAs battle against the UK. It took thousands dying over decades before both sides said enough bloodshed. 

For Israel, they haven't suffered those levels of casualties yet. But it's likely they will soon, given that they did not go into Gaza and win decisively already. They're already evacuating towns near Lebanon, it's looking like things are going to get much worse. 

Kinda just proves the point that irradication by removal or death is a preferable strategy to sitting around waiting to get attacked every few years.

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21 minutes ago, Nexii said:

The closest modern analogy might be the IRAs battle against the UK. It took thousands dying over decades before both sides said enough bloodshed. 

For Israel, they haven't suffered those levels of casualties yet. But it's likely they will soon, given that they did not go into Gaza and win decisively already. They're already evacuating towns near Lebanon, it's looking like things are going to get much worse. 

To suggest that Israel has not suffered enough Death to see it's way to peace is, stupid, for the lack of a better word...based on what facts i have to ask...Israel has known very few peaceful days since it's inception, they have been at a state of war  if not with terrorist then Arab states...Hard to have peace with someone that has vowed to kill all Jews were ever they may be...

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