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The GOP wants to impeach Biden for ‘corruption’? Don’t make me laugh

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The GOP wants to impeach Biden for ‘corruption’? Don’t make me laugh


If one tried to articulate the principle on which the Republican push to impeach President Biden is based, it would have to go something like this: Public officials shouldn’t be permitted to profit from their positions, and anyone who does should be removed from office. Like any principle, this one should apply to every public official regardless of party or ideology.

But if any Republican said that out loud, the proper response would be to burst out laughing.

This isn’t just because Republicans have found no evidence that Biden is guilty of wrongdoing, despite the tireless efforts of multiple House committees. Nor is it because they have defended the relentless quest of the Trump family to profit from former president Donald Trump’s time in the White House. Hypocrisy might be the tribute vice pays to virtue, but Republicans stopped paying any tribute to virtue long ago. They sped right past hypocrisy to arrive at something entirely different.

Republicans are not characterizing their impeachment push against Biden as an attempt to bring strict ethical standards back to government. There’s no high-minded talk of integrity, moral rectitude or the solemn obligations of public service. That’s because they are in the midst of a years-long crusade to convince the public to not care about corruption.

That crusade is only partly about defending Trump, perhaps the most shamelessly corrupt president in U.S. history. He installed his laughably unqualified family members in White House positions. He spent a good amount of time in office at his various resorts, charging the Secret Service as much as $1,185 a night per room to stay there to protect him. His Washington hotel became a destination for anyone who wanted to put some money directly in his pocket; foreign governments spent millions of dollars there, as did a fleet of Republican candidates and party flunkies. Foreign governments also eagerly gave special favors to Trump’s businesses. His relentless advocacy for the government of Saudi Arabia while in office was followed by the Saudis giving son-in-law Jared Kushner $2 billion for his start-up private equity firm, even though the Saudis’ own investment advisers found Kushner’s operation unsatisfactory in all aspects.

And that doesn’t even get into the litany of Trump associates with flexible ethics, including multiple Cabinet members and a raft of cronies who faced their own scandals and criminal charges.

Were Republicans bothered by this orgy of self-dealing? They were not. In fact, judging by the myriad ways they have decimated the legal and normative standards to which public officials must abide, they were perfectly sincere when they insisted that Trump’s actions were nothing worse than what voters should expect of anyone in high office.

For instance, the GOP effort to remove nearly all restrictions on how much money corporations and the wealthy can give to candidates goes back decades. It had its greatest success with the Citizens United case, which opened the floodgates to a tidal wave of spending on campaigns. They also celebrated another Supreme Court case, McDonnell v. United States, which redefined what constituted an official act, ruling that the favors former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell did for donors who showered him with money and gifts while in office didn’t qualify as corruption.

Speaking of the Supreme Court, in recent weeks, reporters have exposed the extravagant largesse that billionaire Harlan Crow has lavished on Justice Clarence Thomas, which included not just luxury vacations but also paying the private-school tuition of a Thomas relative. Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. has also taken advantage of billionaire-funded hospitality. These revelations were greeted by Republicans everywhere with either a shrug or a rush to defend the right-wing justices. How dare anyone impugn their character by claiming there’s something wrong with taking gifts from super-rich friends who have a deep interest in the decisions the court makes?

Given the GOP’s clear position on what ought to be expected of public officials at all levels, one might be tempted to label it the pro-corruption party. But it would be more accurate to say that its position is that we should stop worrying about corruption altogether.

So listen closely as Republicans offer their wild tales of President Biden’s alleged wrongdoing, spun from innuendo and outright lies. They’ll say Biden is corrupt, but they likely won’t say why corruption is bad. Because they don’t think it is. 


Just like one of our Canadian right wing members here who continually DEFENDS Trump despite his extensive record of FRAUD, including CONVICTIONS.

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35 minutes ago, robosmith said:

The GOP wants to impeach Biden for ‘corruption’? Don’t make me laugh


Just like one of our Canadian right wing members here who continually DEFENDS Trump despite his extensive record of FRAUD, including CONVICTIONS.

I just want him to get some sleep in the nearest rest home - for the rest of his life. ;)

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9 minutes ago, Deluge said:

I just want him to get some sleep in the nearest rest home - for the rest of his life. ;)

Biden's toast. These 2 clowns are of the few who refuse to admit that though. They're filled with hatred and fear. Products of the Libbie death-cult. Victims...if you will...of the MSM and the collegiate brainwashing that goes on.

But its OK. Eventually their hate will turn to rage. They'll become even more abusive and even more desperate. They'll wind up on their knees screaming at the sky.


And...you and I will have a good chuckle and the next administration will dump this chickenshit of theirs like a hot potato. Which after 4 years of Bidenomics...will be about all the food anyone will be able to afford...till things are set right.

Edited by Nationalist
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Just now, NYLefty said:

Not happening sucka. He'll be elected again and personally escort your orange baboon Messiah to prison along with many others 

Only in your wettest Covid dreams. 

You masked degenerates are already on your way out. It's prison or mass migration for the diapered sociopaths! ;)

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What leftards who read the OP's drivel fail to understand is that there's no comparison between anything that the Biden family did and anything that the Trump family did.


The Trump family had successful businesses before the presidency which continued to operate during the presidency. People in other countries bought stuff from those businesses. 


It's hard to portray that as being shady. 


Hunter Biden was a crackhead, fresh off of a dishonourable discharge from the US Navy, when he was given an $83k/mo job by a crooked oligarch who was under investigation by the Ukrainian gov't. 

The hiring theoretically came "randomly", but it occurred just 3 weeks after Joe Biden's first official visit to Ukraine, and it was in an industry where Hunter had no prior experience. FWIW, Hunter didn't even speak a word of Ukrainian.

In an apparent quid pro quo for his son's hiring, Joe used the weight of the VPOTUS office to protect Hunter's new boss by unilaterally firing the prosecutor who was running the investigation against him, and then Joe chose the next prosecutor himself, who promptly let Hunter's boss off the hook. 


What are the similarities? 

Did the Trump kids get lucrative new jobs in a countries where they don't speak the language? 

Did Donald use the weight of his office to get his kids' crooked oligarch bosses protection from their own gov't? 

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Bad sign when impeachment turns into a partisan back-and-forth, further undermining trust in public institutions. Before the 2010s, Presidents were impeached because they had committed undeniably serious crimes. Now the two sides live in different worlds, which is dangerous if America is interested in surviving as a single Constitutional Republic.

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Actually what Citizens United vs. Federal Election Committee (FEC) did was allow Criminal Organizations to put their own people into positions in ur government to bring down the laws used to convict them , get rid if the FBI, the Treasury Department police, the IRS agents who also investigate criminal organizations, systematically defund and break up the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms division of the US government long an enemy of criminal families, while creating the Smoke & Mirrors of Donald J. Trump and his crime family minions and the Russian Mafia ( led by Putin, Trumps friend) to bring the government to within the reach of Putin directly, overthrow our government, destroy our trade abilities , alienate our allies and leave them all vulnerable to invasions at Putin's or Red China's leisure, while taking over America and breaking up NATO.  Putin will not succeed in this, he is already finding that out. Trump didn't do so well, in fact he exposed a lot about Putin, especially his weaknesses to his enemies and Trump must be shaking in his boots fearing that if he goes to federal prison, thwarting even more of Putin's plans, jyst how long will it be before the FBI finds a pair of cement over shoes in the surf off Palm Beach, Florida some morning with him in them. The MAFIA gets rid of under performers. 

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5 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Actually what Citizens United vs. Federal Election Committee (FEC) did was allow Criminal Organizations to put their own people into positions in ur government to bring down the laws used to convict them , get rid if the FBI, the Treasury Department police, the IRS agents who also investigate criminal organizations, systematically defund and break up the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms division of the US government long an enemy of criminal families, while creating the Smoke & Mirrors of Donald J. Trump and his crime family minions and the Russian Mafia ( led by Putin, Trumps friend) to bring the government to within the reach of Putin directly, overthrow our government, destroy our trade abilities , alienate our allies and leave them all vulnerable to invasions at Putin's or Red China's leisure, while taking over America and breaking up NATO.  Putin will not succeed in this, he is already finding that out. Trump didn't do so well, in fact he exposed a lot about Putin, especially his weaknesses to his enemies and Trump must be shaking in his boots fearing that if he goes to federal prison, thwarting even more of Putin's plans, jyst how long will it be before the FBI finds a pair of cement over shoes in the surf off Palm Beach, Florida some morning with him in them. The MAFIA gets rid of under performers. 


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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Biden's toast. These 2 clowns are of the few who refuse to admit that though. They're filled with hatred and fear. Products of the Libbie death-cult. Victims...if you will...of the MSM and the collegiate brainwashing that goes on.

But its OK. Eventually their hate will turn to rage. They'll become even more abusive and even more desperate. They'll wind up on their knees screaming at the sky.


And...you and I will have a good chuckle and the next administration will dump this chickenshit of theirs like a hot potato. Which after 4 years of Bidenomics...will be about all the food anyone will be able to afford...till things are set right.

Thanks for NOT ADDRESSING, let alone REFUTING any points made in the OP.

That only means YOU CANNOT.

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1 minute ago, Hodad said:

You mean how the GDP, jobs and stocks all fare better under Democratic administrations? 

But congrats, Republicans are #1 in deficit and debt!

Dude...you can deny the success of the Trump administration all you like. It just makes you look stupid.

Just now, robosmith said:


No it's not.

Go buy gas and groceries. 

You'll pay the proof.

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DId Biden appoint family as White House officials?

Buy a statue or painting of himself with campaign funds?

Sell T-shirts mugs and doodads for personal gain?

Hold up trade deals for dirt on opponents?

Lie to this day about non existent voter fraud?

Personally call State and Election officials to "find him" extra votes?

nah, none of those tings were corrupt at all.... he was the Baby Jesus President...

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Dude...you can deny the success of the Trump administration all you like. It just makes you look stupid.

No it's not.

Go buy gas and groceries. 

You'll pay the proof.

I buy gas and groceries every week. Proves nothing.

Inflation is LOWER here than MOST Western economies. And gas is ALWAYS extra-high for the summer road trips.

In the last 2 weeks, I got some great deals on eggs (4 dozen for $4) and cheese (4lb for $8) cause I always shop the sales.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Dude...you can deny the success of the Trump administration all you like. It just makes you look stupid.

No it's not.

Go buy gas and groceries. 

You'll pay the proof.

Nah, it's you who look foolish. I post numbers, you talk about your feelings. That's the nature of our relationship. I spoon feed you information, and you flounce off, only to return days later not having learned a thing 

Tell me again about how the (factual) highest domestic oil production in history makes you feel (fictional) like Biden has destroyed energy production and driven up gas prices. That's always good for a laugh.

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55 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I buy gas and groceries every week. Proves nothing.

Inflation is LOWER here than MOST Western economies. And gas is ALWAYS extra-high for the summer road trips.

In the last 2 weeks, I got some great deals on eggs (4 dozen for $4) and cheese (4lb for $8) cause I always shop the sales.

Ya...always $5 a gallon at this time of year...pfft.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

I buy gas and groceries every week. Proves nothing.

Inflation is LOWER here than MOST Western economies. And gas is ALWAYS extra-high for the summer road trips.

In the last 2 weeks, I got some great deals on eggs (4 dozen for $4) and cheese (4lb for $8) cause I always shop the sales.

Oil is now $89.60 a barrel...and...


Oh boy. Coming soon...$100 a barrel.

Ur really living in lalaland if you think your excuses make any difference. 

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3 hours ago, Canadian_Cavalier said:

Bad sign when impeachment turns into a partisan back-and-forth, further undermining trust in public institutions.

This actually has been argued quite a bit back and forth amongst political experts and i dont know if there's a consensus on that. Obviously this started with the dems going after trump and making impeachment a political tool rather than a  serious 'last case' thing.  But many have said it may help to keep presidents more honest if they faced the possibility of impeachment more often.

Anyway - that and using investigations and court charges in a political manner are now the new norm and i doubt it'll go away so for better or worse, here we are

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Ya...always $5 a gallon at this time of year...pfft.

No, not always, but it was significantly lower in the recent past.

Like I SAID always higher in the summer. Should start declining again, soon.

3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oil is now $89.60 a barrel...and...


Oh boy. Coming soon...$100 a barrel.

Ur really living in lalaland if you think your excuses make any difference. 

Ur really living in lalaland if you think your predictions make any difference. LMAO

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

This actually has been argued quite a bit back and forth amongst political experts and i dont know if there's a consensus on that. Obviously this started with the dems going after trump and making impeachment a political tool rather than a  serious 'last case' thing.  But many have said it may help to keep presidents more honest if they faced the possibility of impeachment more often.

Anyway - that and using investigations and court charges in a political manner are now the new norm and i doubt it'll go away so for better or worse, here we are

You do not understand the LAWS that Trump has broken. Read the indictments and tell us why they are invalid with REFERENCES TO US LAW (if you know where to find it). LMAO

Otherwise spare us your gratuitous OPINIONS.

Trump has a LONG HISTORY of skirting US laws and using his wealth to evade responsibility.

And you just keep demonstrating how IGNORANT you are about US laws.


Edited by robosmith
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