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Trudeau says intelligence shows India was behind slaying of Sikh leader in Surrey, B.C.


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1 hour ago, taxesanddeath said:

You missed my pt. intelligence, stuff or not. We have no idea what makes JT or his minions came up with the conclusion

I trust Canada, but not JT. C'mon, did he blow his own "trumpet" after he said he confronted Xi Jinping at the Gxx summit when Global Mail reported the news of the election's influence but later said there was no China influence in elections?

By the way, assassins is one thing, saying another country behind it is another thing. 

The US ambassador has confirmed some of the evidence came from 5 eyes.


I am far from convinced JT did the right thing by bringing it up in Parliament but I do believe there is some pretty convincing evidence.  My question is how this evidence is going to be used without endangering future intelligence operations.

Put the shoe on the other foot. If CSIS had evidence of a foreign country committing government sanctioned criminal acts on one of our 5 Eyes partners soil.

1. Should we tell them? Yes

2. Are we obligated to tell them? Yes.

3. Should CSIS make public their methods and sources and as a result, make them useless in future as well as possibly  endangering the lives of some of their sources? No.

This is spy stuff and no one is going to broadcast their sources or methods.



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36 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I am far from convinced JT did the right thing by bringing it up in Parliament but I do believe there is some pretty convincing evidence.  My question is how this evidence is going to be used without endangering future intelligence operations.

It shouldn't be used for anything beyond this point. For the moment it's been used to the extent it can for public purposes and we have little choice but to accept it at face value.  It almost borders on a responsibility to accept it unquestioningly at this point.  This would perhaps be easier if we had a better basis for trusting the government. This issue definitely falls into the realm of national security where, as I've often said, it is inappropriate to have the sort of otherwise deeply penetrating public oversight I otherwise prescribe in virtually every other aspect of our governance.

If we had that sort of counter-regime in place on the government's public business it would perhaps be easier to trust it's handling of our secret business.

Edited by eyeball
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21 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I’m not sure how concrete you expect the evidence to be if we didn’t apprehend the assassins themselves.

It should be clear and convincing, if not beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put it this way - even if they can't share all the details with the public they should be able to share some, and they should be able to share them with the opposition AND with other allies,  If the opposition says "we've seen the details and we're satisfied india did it"  and/or the allies say basically that then great.  If they don't , the evidence can't be all that convincing.

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23 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh bullshit. IF anyone's losing credibility it's the guy who's willing to toss our rights like they were nothing if he thinks he doesn't like the person who's rights were violated. To be honest it's disappointing to see.

As to the whole leadership thing  - you have zero credibility. You haven't posted a single source that's credible.

Here's a fun couple of reads:



India wants to discredit the man and makes accusations they can't provide any proof for.  Canada and the mounties investigate allegations and find NO credible evidence, no arrests, no charges and in fact they take the time to warn him when they learn india is looking to have him killed.

Ujal dosanj, whom i've met many times and know to be an honest man,  calls him a 'small fry' and doesn't think he's involved in terrorism and he's the kind of guy who'd have nothing to do with someone who was.  He speaks out AGAINST vilolence.  India makes insane claims like the guy is smuggling weapons and ammo in a paraglider. 

The guy obviously picked political fights with lots of people and was an abrasive pr*ck but it's pretty clear he was not into violence, spoke out against it frequently, and that india just wanted him discredited.


India is playing you for a fool and making you their b*tch. You're dancing to the tune they're playing like a puppet.  Don't fall for it.  If india killed this guy it had nothing to do with terrorism, it had everything to do with him shaming them and causing trouble back home.

Take your blinders off and don't sell out your own country to foreign powers like that


Well, Nijjar himself, CBC and his lawyer said it so it must be true. What more could one need ?

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Well, Nijjar himself, CBC and his lawyer said it so it must be true. What more could one need ?

ROFLMAO -  right - the guy speaks out against the org - speaks out against violence, - tells EVERYONE AROUND HIM that violence is stupid - has the allegations against him investigated by the RCMP who finds no evidence of it, so therefore he's clearly guilty of violence  :)

On the other hand - if the gov't of india who has a severe grudge against the guy and will do anything to discredit him says he smuggles weapons by paraglider (a device well known for it's high cargo capacity) - then ABSOLUTELY TRUE NO QUESTION!!!!

Please stop being India's b*tch. I get that you WANT him to be a terrorist because then it justifies india's actions in your mind - which is precisely what they'd like to see -  but c'mon.  If you can't tell when someone is blowing THAT much smoke up your butt we need to find you some air filter diapers.

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53 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It should be clear and convincing, if not beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put it this way - even if they can't share all the details with the public they should be able to share some, and they should be able to share them with the opposition AND with other allies,  If the opposition says "we've seen the details and we're satisfied india did it"  and/or the allies say basically that then great.  If they don't , the evidence can't be all that convincing.

The way things are in the world, the UK and US may not wish to get too involved at the moment. Better evidence may take months to emerge, perhaps longer. Until then we’re left with many questions. However, I have no doubt in my own mind that Modi is fully capable of doing this and worse in Canada. 

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

ROFLMAO -  right - the guy speaks out against the org - speaks out against violence, - tells EVERYONE AROUND HIM that violence is stupid - has the allegations against him investigated by the RCMP who finds no evidence of it, so therefore he's clearly guilty of violence  :)

On the other hand - if the gov't of india who has a severe grudge against the guy and will do anything to discredit him says he smuggles weapons by paraglider (a device well known for it's high cargo capacity) - then ABSOLUTELY TRUE NO QUESTION!!!!

Please stop being India's b*tch. I get that you WANT him to be a terrorist because then it justifies india's actions in your mind - which is precisely what they'd like to see -  but c'mon.  If you can't tell when someone is blowing THAT much smoke up your butt we need to find you some air filter diapers.

Buddy, stop acting like "you know" because CBC told you.

In case you hadn't noticed, that doesn't mean dick all. The credibility train left Ottawa 8 years ago. 

You heard a story from one gov't that you believe, I heard a story from the World Sikh Org and another gov't that I said "has enough credibility to be quoted", neither of us know. The difference between you and me is IDGAF and you're suddenly a diehard loyalist to the lying pieces of crap in Ottawa. They can all go to hell, I don't care about them.

Maybe if our gov't wants some credibility then they should catch at least ONE F'ING TERRORIST. We don't catch any, and they're definitely here in droves, so when India picks one guy from the 800,000 Sikhs in Canada to kill, I say "Sure, he must have been the one they wanted most of all."  

I don't care. I'm not telling the gov't of India who's a terrorist and who's not, and I don't trust our gov't to do that either. 

17 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I have no doubt in my own mind that Modi is fully capable of doing this and worse in Canada. 

At least we all agree on one thing. 

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3 hours ago, Aristides said:

The US ambassador has confirmed some of the evidence came from 5 eyes.


I am far from convinced JT did the right thing by bringing it up in Parliament but I do believe there is some pretty convincing evidence.  My question is how this evidence is going to be used without endangering future intelligence operations.

Put the shoe on the other foot. If CSIS had evidence of a foreign country committing government sanctioned criminal acts on one of our 5 Eyes partners soil.

1. Should we tell them? Yes

2. Are we obligated to tell them? Yes.

3. Should CSIS make public their methods and sources and as a result, make them useless in future as well as possibly  endangering the lives of some of their sources? No.

This is spy stuff and no one is going to broadcast their sources or methods.



The US ambassador has only confirmed 'shared intelligence,' NOT evidence. In fact, your link says this 


Yet what appears to be the “smoking gun,” intercepted communications of Indian diplomats in Canada indicating involvement in the plot, was gathered by Canadian officials, allied officials were quoted as saying by NYT.

So, it is all on us, Canada.

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22 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The way things are in the world, the UK and US may not wish to get too involved at the moment. Better evidence may take months to emerge, perhaps longer. Until then we’re left with many questions. However, I have no doubt in my own mind that Modi is fully capable of doing this and worse in Canada. 

Capable doesn't mean shite..  Putin was capable of it, but i doubt he did it  :)

If they arne't ready to make the case - then they should have kept their mouth shut and let the investigation continue.

If they're not ready yet - why the hell bring it up now?  Is it to cover up how horribly Justin did on his trip? It's kind of feeling that way at this point.

If you're going to make that kind of accusation you better have SOMETHING you can do or put out there to back it up.

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2 minutes ago, taxesanddeath said:

The US ambassador has only confirmed 'shared intelligence,' NOT evidence. In fact, your link says this 

So, it is all on us, Canada.

Yes that's what 5 Eyes is all about, sharing intelligence. Obtuse what?


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12 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Buddy, stop acting like "you know" because CBC told you.

Says the guy who claims he 'knows' because Modi told you.  :)

Sorry to burst your bubble - but the CBC doesn't have shite to do with it.  The RCMP says it's bullshit. The guy says it's bullshit. He speaks out against that bullshit. His associates and neighbours say he thought it was bullshit.

And there's plenty of other reasons to suspect it's bullshit.

Now -I- make no claims one way or another as to KNOWING anything.  I say there's no real evidence it's true - so we can't say.

YOU are the one who claims he knows better than the RCMP whether or not he was guilty.  You are CERTAN because there's no way that the indian gov't would EVER lie to you.

Quit checking your own colon and come back to reality. India has a lot of reasons to want the world to think he was evil - there really is nothing to support that.  If they killed someone on our land you CANNOT SAY whether he was a  terrorist or just someone who was a political agitator and to be honest the evidence points more to 'agitator' than it does terrorist

Don't be India's B*tch.




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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Says the guy who claims he 'knows' because Modi told you.  :)

Sorry to burst your bubble - but the CBC doesn't have shite to do with it.  The RCMP says it's bullshit. The guy says it's bullshit. He speaks out against that bullshit. His associates and neighbours say he thought it was bullshit.

And there's plenty of other reasons to suspect it's bullshit.

Now -I- make no claims one way or another as to KNOWING anything.  I say there's no real evidence it's true - so we can't say.

YOU are the one who claims he knows better than the RCMP whether or not he was guilty.  You are CERTAN because there's no way that the indian gov't would EVER lie to you. Quit checking your own colon and come back to reality. India has a lot of reasons to want the world to think he was evil - there really is nothing to support that. 

Dude, I saw a video of M Brown violently robbing a store and then I saw CNN spend months interviewing teachers and friends and neighbours and anyone else who'd say "He was a gentle giant. Let's burn some sh1t down in his memory." 

It's always about the narrative, never about the facts. 

Obama spoke to the congressional black congress months after brown died and also acted like Brown was just an innocent kid.

Every time a serial killer is caught there are always ten people who knew him who said "Wow, he was such a nice guy. No one would have ever suspected a guy like that was such a monster." 

Anecdotes from people within Nijjar's sphere of influence mean nothing to me. I'm not 11.

When the RCMP are done trampling protesters and beating them up they spend their spare time not catching terrorists and letting Trudeau get away with all of his scandals... but we can definitely trust them now. G-zoss-fork man, if I could tell that one with a straight face it would slay

How did Trudeau end up bringing a terrorist to dinner in India if the RCMP, PMO and everyone else was so on point? It's a clown car of rejects, buffoons, liars, and credulous dolts.  


If they killed someone on our land you CANNOT SAY whether he was a  terrorist or just someone who was a political agitator and to be honest the evidence points more to 'agitator' than it does terrorist

Who can the Canadian gov't say is/was a terrorist? No one. In the last 30+ years they can't find anyone. 

Guess what, we know that the total is way more than zero. The problem is that the Cdn gov't doesn't care enough to find out who they are. So the Indian gov't killed a guy here. 

It sucks to be a guy who's accusing a foreign gov't of genocide I guess. 


Don't be India's B*tch.

Don't be Trudeau's b*tch. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Capable doesn't mean shite..  Putin was capable of it, but i doubt he did it  :)

Capable with motive does mean something. The suspect short list isn’t the whole world here. It’s either a dispute between Sikhs or Modi. 


1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Is it to cover up how horribly Justin did on his trip? It's kind of feeling that way at this point.

I will give any Canadian government more benefit of the doubt than that when they speak on such a matter. 

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53 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Dude, I saw a video of M Brown violently robbing a store and then I saw CNN spend months interviewing teachers and friends and neighbours and anyone else who'd say "He was a gentle giant. Let's burn some sh1t down in his memory." 

Sure  -  I saw trudeau claim that the convoy was american financed and russian orgnaized .  I saw the gov't AND the media claim there was absolutely no reason in the universe to have the SLIGHTEST concern about the vaccine and that it was perfectly normal for gov'ts to force people to take it

Yet - after seeing that YOU -  YOU of ALL people - hear Modi say the guy was a terrorist and you buy it hook line and sinker without question and are willing to grant him the right to kill Canadians based on that.

I'm still saying 'nobody's proved anything or even provided evidence' and you're like "Indian gov't said it so yup yup yup, must be true!!!! Derp!"

You absolute hypocrite.  Your credibility is zero in this matter, you've lost your damned mind.

Say whatever you like, it's plain you're unable to even process how off base you are here

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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure  -  I saw trudeau claim that the convoy was american financed and russian orgnaized .  I saw the gov't AND the media claim there was absolutely no reason in the universe to have the SLIGHTEST concern about the vaccine and that it was perfectly normal for gov'ts to force people to take it

Yet - after seeing that YOU -  YOU of ALL people - hear Modi say the guy was a terrorist and you buy it hook line and sinker without question and are willing to grant him the right to kill Canadians based on that.

I'm still saying 'nobody's proved anything or even provided evidence' and you're like "Indian gov't said it so yup yup yup, must be true!!!! Derp!"

You absolute hypocrite.  Your credibility is zero in this matter, you've lost your damned mind.

Say whatever you like, it's plain you're unable to even process how off base you are here

Neither of us know how guilty Nijjar was, but:

- no one admits to being a terrorist in Canada and no one admits that their friends are terrorists here, this isn't Iran

- obviously we can't trust the Cdn gov't's comments on this

- Modi, no matter how much of a dick he is in every other waking moment of his life, probably does want to kill actual terrorists, and there are terrorists here that he'd probably love to kill

- Modi knows that he can't just kill 10 Canadians because it will become an international outrage. India can get away with killing maybe 1 person every 20 years here. If they're serious enough about this guy to kill him, I think that speaks volumes.

- The killing of Nijjar, by whoever did it, along with Trudeau's accusation, has cast a shroud of suspicion over India that won't go away any time soon, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. It has drawn attention to the state of affairs in India that didn't exist before in the eyes of some "outsiders". This actually makes Nijjar quite a successful martyr, if there is such a thing. 


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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Neither of us know how guilty Nijjar was, but:

Bit  you claimed you did. In fact that's the whole premise of  your argument.  We were harbouring a known terrorist so this was fine.

as to the rest:

There are many who admit being associated with an organization that has committed acts of terror - especially before they are listed as a terror group. Happens all the time. Trudeau and Jagmeet have even met with some of them.

Obviously we can trust the canadian gov't more than the indian gov't. The canadian gov't (until trueau's trip anyway) had less motive to lie, and investigated him previously and very obviously didn't think he was a terrorist.

Modi wants to kill ANYONE who's a thorn in his side.  Terrorist, activist whatever - as long as he thinks he can get away with it. And what better way to start than by casting your opponent as a 'terrorist'.

Modi thinks he can do whatever he can get away with.  HE did one - if he gets away with it - he'll do more.  And frankly he's done one we know of - how many we don't?

So - YOU want to let him get away with it. YOU want him to continue to do it as long as it's people he says are terrorists.

Unless you have a document from him that says "i promise to keep it to a reasonable number of killings only AND only people i'm sure are a terrorist", then we have to take EVERY ONE as being DEADLY serious and utterly unacceptable. Period. If proof comes out they did it then there must be serious reprocussions,

Not 'meh'.   You are WAY better than the crap you've been spouting over this. You need to give this some thought and re-evaluate.

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21 hours ago, Aristides said:

Good god, this is intelligence sharing, don’t you think it would be confidential? Do you blab what is told to you in confidence to the whole world? 

Releasing the source would at the very least, require the permission of that source. Who knows what assets of theirs could be compromised by making it public. 

You don’t take the word of the US ambassador just because you don’t feel like it?




This isn't about being a "fan."

This is about "looking at things.................... OBJECTIVELY and RATIONALLY.


It's become the norm for liberals to presume guilt before any trials......and in this case, even before being presented with an evidence.   All it takes is an accusation, and your whole world can be turned upside down.   Scary mentality - some liberals have nowadays.  It's so like..........communist!.  Therefore - don't even try to bring up the RULE OF LAW!



Presumed innocent until proven guilty!   That part rings a bell?


When you're making a very serious public accusation about a nation's leader before the whole world..............citing "confidentiality," seems so hollow and immature. Especially so when it is about an important ally and trade partner.  "Confidentiality," will seem like a very convenient cop-out.


I haven't checked the news yet as of this writing.  

So far, Trudeau is asking for INDIA's help in investigating.  HELLO?




LOL - after humiliating Modi and INDIA publicly before the global community, what should we expect from India?  To come forward willingly and cooperate? ?  


G-eyes - even the ones who shared intel with us - aren't coming forward to CORROBORATE the allegations!  ALL WE HAVE IS AN ALLEGATION!


The accuser says:  he did it!

The accused says:  I didn't!


Therefore, right now - this is a matter of "he says, he says!"

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure  -  I saw trudeau claim that the convoy was american financed and russian orgnaized .






Modi claimed to have talked to Trudeau about Nijjar being a terrorist responsible for some terrorist crimes. It wasn't the first time India brought this up it seems.

Granted we can't extradite him nor can we suppress freedom of speech - but instead, making him a Canadian citizen right on the heels of their complaint against him - wouldn't that be a provocation?  Wouldn't that clearly indicate, in nor uncertain terms, that they're ignoring INDIA?



Something else could be  at play here.

If the whole WESTERN NATIONS get involved against India - who do you think will be clapping its hands with glee? If there is a fall-out between WESTERN NATIONS and India - who do you think will benefit the most?


C H I N A.


On the grand geopolitical chess board, India is a key player.

Not only is it a growing power - the most populous country in the world, the fifth-biggest economy. But it is also seen by the West as a potential bulwark against China.



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You guys better calm down.


Trudeau hasn't named any specific G-Eyes.
I suppose, no G-Eyes want to come out publicly?
Not even the USA?



While Cohen would not comment on whether the intelligence informing the Canadian government's investigation was both human and surveillance-based, or whether it included signals intelligence of Indian diplomats, the United States envoy to Canada said "there was shared intelligence among Five Eyes partners that helped lead Canada to making the statements that the Prime Minister made."

Amid reports from CBC and The Associated Press that the intelligence Trudeau was speaking of did not come from Canada alone, and that additional information was provided by an unspecified member of the intelligence-sharing alliance between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Cohen told Kapelos that there was "a lot of communication" between Ottawa and D.C.

He made this comment while denying a Washington Post report alleging that weeks before Trudeau's bombshell declaration, Ottawa asked its closest allies, including the U.S. to publicly condemn the murder

and that overture was rebuffed.

"Very bluntly, I will say that — and you know me well enough — that I'm not in the habit of commenting on private diplomatic conversations," Cohen said.
"Look, I will say this was a matter of shared intelligence information," he added. "There was a lot of communication between Canada and the United States about this, and I think that's as far as I'm comfortable going."


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7 minutes ago, betsy said:

Modi claimed to have talked to Trudeau about Nijjar being a terrorist responsible for some terrorist crimes. It wasn't the first time India brought this up it seems.

Sure - they claimed he paraglided weapons into their country (?????!?!?!!? ) and also claimed he  had a secret military training camp in BC.

The rcmp investigated and said "bollocks'.

So - the concern was raised, and after taking a look at it and whatever evidence fhey had the cops thought the entire thing was completely implausable, to the point where they warned him when it looked like india might be coming after him.


C H I N A.

Seems highly implausable.  But - possible i suppose, but again it's all about evidence.  Is there any evidence of that? If there isn't then our gov't probably shouldn't accuse them of it till they're fairly sure

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Having spent the past months fighting accusations that he acted too slowly to address serious allegations that China attempted to meddle in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 elections, Trudeau’s has landed in a potentially costly diplomatic dog fight with the world’s most populous democracy, India, at exactly the time he needs Delhi the most.

Put simply, the timing couldn’t be worse.


What has surprised critics is that Trudeau made the allegations public before the police investigation was completed. That has angered the Indian government, which is demanding that Ottawa show the evidence.



Trans-Pacific diplomatic dog fight

In a rapidly deteriorating bilateral relationship, both sides have expelled diplomats. A Canadian trade mission has been postponed and trade talks frozen. Delhi has gone even further by temporarily stopping the processing of visas for Canadian citizens and warning its citizens about visiting Canada.

Meanwhile, pressure on Trudeau to fill the information vacuum is growing: “The Prime Minister needs to lay out his case, immediately, to bolster support for the government’s actions both at home and abroad,” the Toronto Globe and Mail said in an editorial. “Canadians deserve clarity on such an important matter, particularly given the potential for significant diplomatic and economic repercussions.”



Oh, Canada!

India is the most important counter balance that the West has to China’s ascension as the dominant superpower of the 21st century. That explains why Canada’s main ally, the United States, is sitting resolutely on the sidelines. The Biden administration can’t be blamed for prioritizing its ongoing bromance with India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the bilateral relationship with Ottawa.

For Trudeau and Joly — his former Quebec lieutenant who came to the post with no foreign affairs experience — the crisis comes shortly after the government unveiled a long-awaited and much vaunted Indo-Pacific strategy meant to make relations with India and the region a cornerstone of Canadian foreign policy.










If the relationship with India becomes more corrosive, it could impact the ailing Canadian economy: Indian students represent a whopping 40% of total overseas foreign students, it is one of Canada’s top ten trading partners and the fourth biggest source of tourism.


For Trudeau, who has survived three ethics violations and will go down in history as the first Canadian prime minister to be found guilty of breaking federal ethics laws, the crisis occurs in the background of plummeting ratings, brought about by a stubborn cost of living and housing crisis.



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6 hours ago, betsy said:




It's become the norm for liberals to presume guilt before any trials......and in this case, even before being presented with an evidence.   All it takes is an accusation, and your whole world can be turned upside down.   Scary mentality - some liberals have nowadays.  It's so like..........communist!.  Therefore - don't even try to bring up the RULE OF LAW!


Oh, give men a break. You guys have had the Bidens convicted for months. 


You don't know anything so are free to make up anything you want.

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David Cohen now admits the intelligence community from the Five Eyes did provide the information to Canada.


He's the US ambassador in Canada.

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