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Trudeau says intelligence shows India was behind slaying of Sikh leader in Surrey, B.C.


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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Where do you see that he's listed as the leader of the org with interpol at all?

and i dont know about his rejection the first time, but the second time he married a canadian 11  days after the first rejection and they said "nice try' :)  


In 1997, Nijjar came to Canada, claiming he had been beaten and tortured by Indian police. In 1998, his refugee claim was denied. According to his immigration records, he used a fraudulent passport that identified him as “Ravi Sharma.”

“I know that my life would be in grave danger if I had to go back to my country, India,” he wrote in his affidavit, dated June 9, 1998.


His application was rejected, and 11 days later Nijjar married a B.C. woman who sponsored him to immigrate as her spouse.

On his application form, he was asked whether he was associated with a group that used or advocated “armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives.”


He said “no,” but immigration officials considered it a marriage of convenience and rejected Nijjar’s application. Nijjar appealed to the courts and lost in 2001, but he later identified himself as a Canadian citizen.


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada declined to comment to Global News at the time of that report, citing privacy legislation.

On Tuesday, immigration minister Marc Miller confirmed that Nijjar became a Canadian citizen on March 3, 2015.



He was accused of being involved in the 2007 bombing of a cinema in Punjab.

A 2016 Interpol notice against him alleged he was a “key conspirator” in the attack. He was accused of recruiting and fundraising, a charge that Nijjar vehemently denied.



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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Where do you see that he's listed as the leader of the org with interpol at all?

and i dont know about his rejection the first time, but the second time he married a canadian 11  days after the first rejection and they said "nice try' :)  


He appealed that in court.   It was also rejected in 2001

I'm wondering how he got in eventually after all those, and became a citizen in 2015.


The whole point though is that Justin Trudeau has not given any evidence for such a strong accusation against an ally and lucrative trading partner.


I mean, you just don't get up on the House of Commons and make that kind of accusation without backing it up.   No one was given any evidence - not even the opposition leaders - as far as I know from the news. 

The way Trudeau - with that sombre face and tone - stood up before the House of Commons to drop the bombshell.  It smacks more of "THEATRE" to me since he doesn't provide any answers!

WHY ANNOUNCE IT PUBLICLY, if he can't show anything?


If they're still investigating - then how did he come to the conclusion that the India government was involved?


Furthermore -

If they don't know who the killers were - how could they have known they were from the India government?   It could've been a local vendetta killing.  A month after that other guy (who was acquitted from Air India bombing) seems to also have been  assasinated.  We don't know.


But look where it's led Canada and India relations!


  It could've been handled  diplomatically, I think   if Trudeau doesn't have anything solid to back his words. 

He better bring something to the table! 

Edited by betsy
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7 hours ago, betsy said:


He was accused of being involved in the 2007 bombing of a cinema in Punjab.

A 2016 Interpol notice against him alleged he was a “key conspirator” in the attack. He was accused of recruiting and fundraising, a charge that Nijjar vehemently denied.



So you lied.  You claimed that he had been declared to be the leader of the org or a specific attack and in reality that's not true. He's ALLEGED to have been a conspirator in a security notice.  And given that there were no charges, obviously that's a  big 'maybe'.


Well. Glad you got to the truth there in the end.  But in any case it does not appear at any point as tho he was a leader.

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7 hours ago, betsy said:


He appealed that in court.   It was also rejected in 2001

and rightly so - it was obviously a marriage of convenience


I'm wondering how he got in eventually after all those, and became a citizen in 2015.

Well enough time would have passed by that point that he MIGHT have gotten in as an immigrant through the normal process. Just because his refugee claim was shot down doesn't' mean he can't still apply for immigration.


The whole point though is that Justin Trudeau has not given any evidence for such a strong accusation against an ally and lucrative trading partner.

That is VERY true. And that is going to be a real problem. The rest of the world isn't going to get behind us without it, and he looks like someone who's bitter over the bad reception he got when he was there.

And the timing is just really weird and off.  Normally you don't accuse until you're prepared to put evidence on the table or you do it at the very beginning of an investigation.



I mean, you just don't get up on the House of Commons and make that kind of accusation without backing it up.   No one was given any evidence - not even the opposition leaders - as far as I know from the news. 

The way Trudeau - with that sombre face and tone - stood up before the House of Commons to drop the bombshell.  It smacks more of "THEATRE" to me since he doesn't provide any answers!

WHY ANNOUNCE IT PUBLICLY, if he can't show anything?


All valid.


If they're still investigating - then how did he come to the conclusion that the India government was involved?

In fairness they only said they had evidence indicating or strongly suggesting they were, they did not say the evidence collected so far was enough to say they definitely were.



Furthermore -

If they don't know who the killers were - how could they have known they were from the India government?   It could've been a local vendetta killing.  A month after that other guy (who was acquitted from Air India bombing) seems to also have been  assasinated.  We don't know.


Well there's lots of ways  Radio intercepts, spies, etc etc.  But - we need to see what thy actually did.


But look where it's led Canada and India relations!

Yeah - which is fine if the allegations are true. But - if you made them you better have the proof to back that up.  Otherwise you trashed relations and very possibly created a dangerous violent environment in Canada for nothing,

We'll see what he's got to put on the table.

  It could've been handled  diplomatically, I think   if Trudeau doesn't have anything solid to back his words. 

He better bring something to the table! 

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So you lied.  You claimed that he had been declared to be the leader of the org or a specific attack and in reality that's not true. He's ALLEGED to have been a conspirator in a security notice.  And given that there were no charges, obviously that's a  big 'maybe'.


Well. Glad you got to the truth there in the end.  But in any case it does not appear at any point as tho he was a leader.

Methinks you're splitting hairs to make the case of "liar".

What is the huge difference between a "key conspirator" and a "leader"? 

It's like saying he was a smelly piece of crap or a piece of crap that smelled awful. 

We're hiding behind the definition of "he wasn't proven in court to be guilty of...." but the Indian gov't doesn't seem to have any doubts. 

We're talking about planes being bombed here, and assassination attempts against Indian politicians. They're gonna handle their business one way or another, and working politely with the Cdn gov't obviously wasn't getting anywhere. Sock boy's mighty fist-shaking isn't even going to register on Modi's radar. He literally doesn't give a crap what a terrorist harbouring wimp thinks. The US doesn't either, I don't doubt that the Indian gov't had a chat with the US gov't before this happened. 

Modi: "You guys do this sort of thing every day, usually with a lot of collateral damage. We just want to do it once every 20 years, with far more precision: no extra deaths, no damage to roads or buildings... just a quick bullet and we're outta there."

Biden: "You uhhh. Sure, do that thing you do, Gandhi, you crazy Dalai Lama you."

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5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

That is VERY true. And that is going to be a real problem. The rest of the world isn't going to get behind us without it, and he looks like someone who's bitter over the bad reception he got when he was there.

Is anyone really gonna care, even if we prove the Indian gov't did it?

I don't even give a crap and I spend a lot of time in Surrey, where Nijjar was shot. I've even been in the Sikh temples here a few times. The thought of Indian agents running around and occasionally killing a terrorist leader doesn't scare me. Drug dealers and cops fire way more bullets in a year here than the Indian gov't.

Other countries aren't going to feel the pain of our trampled sovereignty, so that won't factor into it. They're gonna be thinking about what they're gonna do to the other terrorists we're harbouring.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Methinks you're splitting hairs to make the case of "liar".

If someone makes a claim that an org declared someone was a leader of an org - then attempts to back that up instead of saying they were wrong by posting proof that the org actually thinks he might have been a conspirator - which means he very likely had NO leadership role in the org or the event  - then that is being deliberately deceptive.  Which is what a lie is ,


What is the huge difference between a "key conspirator" and a "leader"? 

One is a leader The other is a helper - and often not even that. Lending your map of the city to a guy so he can find a bank to rob makes you a conspirator. But it does't make you the leader of a bank robbery gang. And the amount of help you have to give to be considered a conspirator is tiny.

AND they didn't declare he was even that - it was 'alleged' which means they thought he might be, So even that much is pretty shaky.

The BEST you can say is that overall it looks like the guy had ties to that org and may have assisted in some way in an attack possibly. You cannot claim he's a leader.



We're hiding behind the definition of "he wasn't proven in court to be guilty of...." but the Indian gov't doesn't seem to have any doubts. 

No, you're lying about it to try to bolster your position,  And if you need to lie to make your point, it's not a very good point.


And at the end of the day you believe that Canada is a sovereign nation or you don't.  You can't be "a little bit' sovereign.  Do we have our own laws? Do we control our borders? Do our citizens have rights?

Be careful - you sound a LOT like the vax-nazis who were quite willing to throw people's rights in the toilet for a  "Good reason" during covid.  And yes - despite choosing to be vaxxed i spoke out strongly against forcing others to do so then as well.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

If someone makes a claim that an org declared someone was a leader of an org - then attempts to back that up instead of saying they were wrong by posting proof that the org actually thinks he might have been a conspirator - which means he very likely had NO leadership role in the org or the event  - then that is being deliberately deceptive.  Which is what a lie is ,

One is a leader The other is a helper - and often not even that. Lending your map of the city to a guy so he can find a bank to rob makes you a conspirator. But it does't make you the leader of a bank robbery gang. And the amount of help you have to give to be considered a conspirator is tiny.

The World Sikh Org said he was "the leader of the KTF", I posted an article from somewhere that said that exact thing and I've repeated that claim myself. I never saw where he refuted that claim but I'll take your word for it. I don't think any peons like us really know.

Key conspirator isn't necessarily any less than leader, maybe there was no main conspirator, and the guy with the money - which he was - is usually the one with the final say.


AND they didn't declare he was even that - it was 'alleged' which means they thought he might be, So even that much is pretty shaky.

The BEST you can say is that overall it looks like the guy had ties to that org and may have assisted in some way in an attack possibly. You cannot claim he's a leader.

There are lots of indications that he's THE leader, and if he's not he's definitely A ringleader. 

Sure, the best that I can say is "most likely" but I have zero doubts that he's guilty of what he's accused of to a very great extent. Someone definitely did it, it was definitely one of his close associates if it wasn't him, no one did anything like that without his knowledge (and likely consent), money is raised for terrorist attacks here and it all flows through his fingers because that's one of his jobs, and that's enough imo.

If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck and raises money for terrorist attacks like a duck and plans terrorist attacks like a duck then plug it full of bullets and IDGAF. 


No, you're lying about it to try to bolster your position,  And if you need to lie to make your point, it's not a very good point.

Huh? I'm not even lying 1% and that's plain to the naked eye.

We actually are hiding behind the definition of "he wasn't proven in court to be guilty of...." and I think we're all 99.9% certain that he is guilty of engaging in terrorist activities at a very serious level.  

Yep, I'm sure that the Indian gov't doesn't seem to have any doubts about him being a terrorist.

I'm pretty sure that you know everything I just said is 100.0% true. I do believe all of those things.



And at the end of the day you believe that Canada is a sovereign nation or you don't.  You can't be "a little bit' sovereign.  Do we have our own laws? Do we control our borders? Do our citizens have rights?

Germany was a sovereign nation in 1939. Sometimes sovereign nations deserve a spanking. Some bigger than others, but a spanking nonetheless. Trudeau's pants are around his ankles and that's our shame as well. We deserved that. 

If our citizens want better treatment from countries that are bigger than us then we can't be d-bags.


Be careful - you sound a LOT like the vax-nazis who were quite willing to throw people's rights in the toilet for a  "Good reason" during covid.  And yes - despite choosing to be vaxxed i spoke out strongly against forcing others to do so then as well.

I'm throwing my own rights out along with Nijjar's, so it's not exactly hypocrisy.

In case you hadn't noticed, the Canadian gov't hates people like me and they're not afraid to take illegal action against people like me. 

No one expected things in this country to ever get this bad so quickly, so who's to say that it can't get worse?

Did anyone even use those "Voluntary Quarantine Centres" yet? Do we really know what they were built for? 

I can promise you that I won't be going into one under any circumstances.


I think what might be lost here is the fact that I have a great deal of respect for 99% of Sikhs. I think that their contribution to world history is actually massive and positive. Ideally they would have a homeland somewhere, I think it would be a really great place to visit. But... terrorism isn't the way to achieve it, militancy isn't the way to achieve it, and creating a "Land of the Pure" has a really ominous ring to it. The name seems to imply the necessity for ethnic cleansing. 

If this is to be done at all it has to be done by a completely different cast of characters. I don't care what happens to the current lot. Countless lives will be lost if they get too much further along the path they're on. 

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18 hours ago, Army Guy said:

What is it that makes India not a 3 rd world nation, standard of living, GDP, their military, what exactly... 

I think the number is way higher than that, even the centrist believe it the most part JT is untouchable......

You say so too. If your point was right, it would make Canada Pakistan and India be USA.  

The funny thing is that JT used the same tactics twice. The first time he did that to Xi Jinping(china influences elections), and now he has done the same to Modi, no one will talk to him very soon, maybe only Biden will talk to him at the Gxx summit.

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38 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The World Sikh Org said he was "the leader of the KTF",e on. 

So you say that a political org has made a claim they can't back up. And this makes it legit,,

Every police org and the indian gov't name someone else as the leader.

Do you really need me to explain why this is just not an honest position to take?

He wasn't a leader.  It really doesn't sound like he was very involved with them at all. He clearly had SOME connection because he did meet with them once, but obviously he was no leader.



There are lots of indications that he's THE leader,

None whatsoever, and no gov't or police force makes that claim.

3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Huh? I'm not even lying 1% and that's plain to the naked eye.

You're claiming he's a leader. He very clearly wasn't.  This has less credibility than the 'trump was a russian agent during the 2016 election'.

And you NEED him to be this big evil terrorist to justify your position. Your entire premise is built on that dishonesty - because if he was just some a-hole who was politically active and NOT a terrorist mastermind then you have zero excuse for saying it's ok to murder someone on Canadian soil.

Let me help you out -  its NEVER ok to murder someone on canadian soil. If he was guilty of a crime extradite him and be done with it - or provide canada with evidence and we can charge him. They claim he did some of his crimes as a canadian citizen.


Your entire premise is built on a pack of lies and that's why it doesn't stand up.  This guy is DEFINITELY not the leader of that group, The leader is identified as someone else, there's BARELY evidence he even was involved with the group and unlike real terrroist leaders like bin laden etc he has constantly denied any association with that group.

I'ts not ok for other people to decide to kill Canadians on Canadian soil. It's just that simple, and you can't make that go away with fake stories about him being a terrorist mastermind.


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2 hours ago, taxesanddeath said:

You say so too. If your point was right, it would make Canada Pakistan and India be USA.  

The funny thing is that JT used the same tactics twice. The first time he did that to Xi Jinping(china influences elections), and now he has done the same to Modi, no one will talk to him very soon, maybe only Biden will talk to him at the Gxx summit.

It's kinda funny that Trudeau tries so hard to make the case that conservatives are racist and Justie himself is the epitome of tolerance and inclusion, but most of Asia hates him now ?

We literally need to elect a conservative gov't to mend fences with China and India. 


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15 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So you say that a political org has made a claim they can't back up. And this makes it legit,,

Every police org and the indian gov't name someone else as the leader.

Do you really need me to explain why this is just not an honest position to take?He wasn't a leader.  It really doesn't sound like he was very involved with them at all. He clearly had SOME connection because he did meet with them once, but obviously he was no leader.




In June 2023, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the alleged chief of KTF, was shot dead outside a gurdwara by unidentified assailants in Surrey, Canada.[5][6] 


Accordng to the Indian government, as the leader of the KTF, Nijjar was actively involved in the operationalisation and networking of the organisation, and the training and financing of its members. 

And like I said earlier, I posted an article earlier which said that the World Sikh Organization said that he was the leader of the KTF.

It's not a ridiculous claim to make. You should know that by now. 


Your entire premise is built on a pack of lies and that's why it doesn't stand up.  This guy is DEFINITELY not the leader of that group, The leader is identified as someone else, there's BARELY evidence he even was involved with the group and unlike real terrroist leaders like bin laden etc he has constantly denied any association with that group.

I'ts not ok for other people to decide to kill Canadians on Canadian soil. It's just that simple, and you can't make that go away with fake stories about him being a terrorist mastermind.

Click the link from wiki ffs. I'm clearly not making this up.

You're losing your mind over this issue. 

More: https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/politics/story/who-was-hardeep-singh-nijjar-all-about-the-khalistan-terrorist-mentioned-by-trudeau-in-canadian-parliament-398917-2023-09-19


As per a statement from the World Sikh Organization, Nijjar was a supporter of the creation of a separate Sikh homeland, known as Khalistan, and was associated with several Khalistani outfits in Canada, like the Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), and later became the head of Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF). He was the president of the Surrey Gurdwara body since 2020. 

There ya go.

People have very good reasons for calling Nijjar "the head of the KTF".

FYI it's absolutely not a lie to quote multiple sources which I have no reason to disbelieve. Get your head out of your arse, you're being quite rude. 

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Alleged by whom?  Nobody other than you and some political groups is alleging that before a week ago. And that was JUST changed  - it obviously fits a narrative.

3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Accordng to the Indian government,

Yeah - as of last week.  Prior to that there's nothing.

They didn't even ban that org in india till 2021.

So your argument is that when confronted with why they killed him, THEN they claimed he was a terrorist leader with no evidence.

Buddy - if you have to lie to make your point  you have no point.

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

Alleged by whom?  Nobody other than you and some political groups is alleging that before a week ago. And that was JUST changed  - it obviously fits a narrative.

Yeah - as of last week.  Prior to that there's nothing.

They didn't even ban that org in india till 2021.

So your argument is that when confronted with why they killed him, THEN they claimed he was a terrorist leader with no evidence.

Buddy - if you have to lie to make your point  you have no point.

OMFG you're being a tool today.

How the F do I know what date people started saying that Nijjar was the head of the KTF? I didn't give a crap about him two months ago and I still don't.

If the World Sikh Org said it, and the Gov't of India said it, it's not "a lie" for me to say that. GFYS. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

OMFG you're being a tool today.

How the F do I know what date people started saying that Nijjar was the head of the KTF? I didn't give a crap about him two months ago and I still don't.

If the World Sikh Org said it, and the Gov't of India said it, it's not "a lie" for me to say that. GFYS. 

Dude you're being a blatant douche trying to justify your bullshit that it's ok for other gov'ts to kill people you don't like in Canada.


How the F do I know what date people started saying that Nijjar was the head of the KTF?

Read your own cites!!!!!!

Anything earlier says they believed he was involved with them, possibly an accomplice in an attack, that he met with them, and name other people as the leaders.  And like i said - this even horrible group wasn't banned in India until well AFTER he was dead!

Go to that wiki page you listed and search "alledged" - the entire page lights  up like a highlighter exploded. And NO CITES for it AT ALL.

Any one can type 'alleged'.   Here - its alleged that WestCanMan eats babies.  No cite.  Prove me  wrong.  Now if someone kills you they can quote me and say you had it coming :)  (edited - just to be clear it is NOT ok to kill WestCanMan and he does NOT eat babies. We cannot confirm or deny the kittens thing tho.)

So sure - now the Indian gov't and other actors are attempting to put a tonne of data out there that makes him look like he was osama bin laden's evil older brother and trained by the dark lord of the sith, but prior to that there is barely any indication he had much to do with that group other than its' known he did meet with them on a trip to india and interpol suspected him of in some way being involved in one attack.


on the other hand - we DO know with certainty that he was being a political agitator and was in the process of organizing a very embarrasing referrenduim that the indian gov't was not happy about.  ALL sources agree with that.


Now - here's the bottom line. NOBODY actually put out an arrest warrant for this guy, they didn't grab him while he was in india, they didn't even ban that group till well after his death -  so it's POSSIBLE he was an evil terrorist - or its POSSIBLE he was just a political figure who believed in freedoms for his people.

We don't know. And because he was never tried in a court nor was any evidence ever put forward we will never know.

And that's why we don't just let other countries kill people on our soil and then excuse it by changing a wiki document.


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4 hours ago, taxesanddeath said:

You say so too. If your point was right, it would make Canada Pakistan and India be USA.  

The funny thing is that JT used the same tactics twice. The first time he did that to Xi Jinping(china influences elections), and now he has done the same to Modi, no one will talk to him very soon, maybe only Biden will talk to him at the Gxx summit.

I said what i did about India is the standard of living for the average Indian, is not that high.. there is no comparison with the western world...Now i have not been to India, so i may be totally wrong , but i what i have seen on TV or media, does not paint a good picture...

we only have international clout if another country wants something from us, Canada is a 3 rd world nation when it comes to global power or reputation...

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Dude you're being a blatant douche trying to justify your bullshit that it's ok for other gov'ts to kill people you don't like in Canada.

Read your own cites!!!!!!

Anything earlier says they believed he was involved with them, possibly an accomplice in an attack, that he met with them, and name other people as the leaders.  And like i said - this even horrible group wasn't banned in India until well AFTER he was dead!

Go to that wiki page you listed and search "alledged" - the entire page lights  up like a highlighter exploded. And NO CITES for it AT ALL.

Any one can type 'alleged'.   Here - its alleged that WestCanMan eats babies.  No cite.  Prove me  wrong.  Now if someone kills you they can quote me and say you had it coming :)  (edited - just to be clear it is NOT ok to kill WestCanMan and he does NOT eat babies. We cannot confirm or deny the kittens thing tho.)

So sure - now the Indian gov't and other actors are attempting to put a tonne of data out there that makes him look like he was osama bin laden's evil older brother and trained by the dark lord of the sith, but prior to that there is barely any indication he had much to do with that group other than its' known he did meet with them on a trip to india and interpol suspected him of in some way being involved in one attack.


on the other hand - we DO know with certainty that he was being a political agitator and was in the process of organizing a very embarrasing referrenduim that the indian gov't was not happy about.  ALL sources agree with that.


Now - here's the bottom line. NOBODY actually put out an arrest warrant for this guy, they didn't grab him while he was in india, they didn't even ban that group till well after his death -  so it's POSSIBLE he was an evil terrorist - or its POSSIBLE he was just a political figure who believed in freedoms for his people.

We don't know. And because he was never tried in a court nor was any evidence ever put forward we will never know.

And that's why we don't just let other countries kill people on our soil and then excuse it by changing a wiki document.


Blah, blah, blah.

Listen to yourself. You're off your rocker.

Credible sources all over the world are saying that he was the head of the KTF, including the World Sikh Organization. That's good enough for me. I'm saying it and you just look like an adi0t if you keep calling me a liar under these circumstances.

At the very least, if he isn't the actual global leader, he's still a high-level terrorist, which makes him a target of opportunity anywhere in the world as far as I'm concerned. He's attacking across our international border, he got killed while he was inside of it, MAKING OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY LOOK BAD. 

Chuck some dirt on him, call it a day. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Blah, blah, blah.

Listen to yourself. You're off your rocker.

Yeah - that's pretty much what every loser who can't defend his position says.  Easier that admitting you were wrong i suppose.

NO credible authority has claimed he was the leader of that org - and no proof was given, and in fact he was never even arrested or charged and the org wasn't even declared to be a terrrorist org till long after he was dead.

And no - he's not "at the very least" a high level terrorist in the slightest.  In fact, as far as we can see from the evidence (you know, before the wiki page got edited right after the accusation india did it)  there is only one even he MIGHT have played a role in.  And even there he's just a suspect and suspected of being an accessory.  Not the leader,

If your whole premise hinges on a lie - then it's probably not a very good premise.

give a crap about rights and sovereignty or accept you're no better than the vaxnazis who didn't think THEY had to prove anything to give people a shot either.

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Just now, CdnFox said:

Yeah - that's pretty much what every loser who can't defend his position says.  Easier that admitting you were wrong i suppose.

My point is proven. He's been called the leader of the KTF by several sources. It's perfectly fair to cite those sources. 

The World Sikh Org didn't say "allegedly", they said that he was "the leader". If you wanna say that only makes him "allegedly" the leader, that's fine, but that's not the standard in Canada. When someone is accused, people don't use the word "allegedly" anymore. 

If the cop murder happened before Nijjar was the leader, why would he want to become their leader? 

If he was the leader when they claimed responsibility, whether they actually killed the cops or not, announcing that your politically motivated group killed a bunch of cops meets the exact definition of "terrorist" to a T

You say I don't like the guy, that's not true at all: I've never met him. He might have been a swell guy. I just choose to take the word of the Gov't of India over someone who is either "the leader" or "very high up in the KTF", which is a terrorist group by definition

If you feel like India is just getting out ahead of Canada, and pumping the world full of disinformation to make us look bad, good for them. The Libs have been pumping out disinformation for years now unchecked. I'm glad they're on the receiving end of it for once. 

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

My point is proven. He's been called the leader of the KTF by several sources. It's perfectly fair to cite those sources.

But you don't. You cited a wiki page that claimed that someone claimed that without providing a cite, and frankly it's just not credible.

And this has already been demonstrated. Bringing it up the first time is understandable, it's just dishonest at this point.  And you can' even address the other facts like how he was never charged, free to come and go from india for most of the time (they know he visited but did nothing), and in fact the org wasn't even considered a terrorist org till after he was dead.

Honestly - having watched you argue for rights on the vax issue i'm disappointed to see you throw those morals on the trash heap in 2 seconds when it suits you.  Obviously you realize that, you can't even face that fact.

Oh well.  There's not many who really stand by what they believe these days.  If it helps you get through your day and live with yourself to lie about this guy and celebrate the loss of sovereignty then you do you i guess.

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On 9/19/2023 at 9:56 AM, QuebecOverCanada said:

Czechoslovakia split and there was not even a single drop of blood.

It made both countries, Czech Republic and Slovakia, both richer, safer and it protected their identity.

It's when one party wants to control the other and forces the domination that it creates issues. In this case, Hindus in India want to dominate the Sikhs, and guess what, the union is as bad or may be worse as if there was a separation. 

A terrorist for one is a hero or a martyr for another.


I suppose the Font Liberte du Quebec must be a hero in Quebec to some.

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On 9/18/2023 at 11:05 PM, CdnFox said:

Yeah but at the end of the day we can't tolerate any other country doing 'hits' in our country regardless. Just makes us look weak.


I don't think anyone is saying that!


THIS IS THE POINT:   at the end of the day - if we're going to hurt ECONOMIC ties, let alone a friendly relation with a long-time ally - we need more than just an accusation!




ESPECIALLY SO, when relations are shaky already in the first place.  Everyone knows MODI doesn't like Trudeau................. for meddling with the farmers' protest! 


Trudeau should've really walked on eggshells around this murder. 

Utmost diplomacy is what any responsible leader would do, mindful of the economic repercussions at a time when CANADIANS are facing such financial crisis!




I don't know what you and I are arguing about!

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Not saying that I agree with assassinations done by foreign individuals in sovereign nations, but to get some perspective on this issue - put ourselves in MODI's shoes! 

Apparently, Hardeep Singh is also raising funds to support the seperatist movement in India.


Lol - didn't the Liberals explode when money from Conservatives in the USA start pouring in to support the CONVOY protest?   Wasn't the Convoy people accused of terrorism?


Didn't Trudeau start freezing bank assets?  Was that constitutional?


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17 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So you lied.  You claimed that he had been declared to be the leader of the org or a specific attack and in reality that's not true. He's ALLEGED to have been a conspirator in a security notice.  And given that there were no charges, obviously that's a  big 'maybe'.


Well. Glad you got to the truth there in the end.  But in any case it does not appear at any point as tho he was a leader.


Spin it as you wish.  

But, according to Global News, he was on Interpol List.  India's media calls it, "RED CORNER  NOTICE."

I looked it up, what it means.






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1 hour ago, betsy said:




Not saying that I agree with assassinations done by foreign individuals in sovereign nations, but to get some perspective on this issue - put ourselves in MODI's shoes! 

Apparently, Hardeep Singh is also raising funds to support the seperatist movement in India.


Lol - didn't the Liberals explode when money from Conservatives in the USA start pouring in to support the CONVOY protest?   Wasn't the Convoy people accused of terrorism?


Didn't Trudeau start freezing bank assets?  Was that constitutional?


Who did Trudeau have assissinated in a foreign country or anywhere else?

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