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Canadian sport policy slammed after trans woman shatters female weightlifting record

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

all that which is captured by the cultural revolution, simply becomes dead to me

even the Toronto Maple Leafs have lost all meaning for me

(Leafs blue)  Become a contrary Leafs fan, bask in their chronic underachievement, wear their logo upside-down, wager with friends that they'll lose the next 2-3-? games . . . . enjoy slagging the overpaid wankers.

You'll find the smile returning to your face, a spring to your step, and a complete joy returning to your soul.


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2 minutes ago, Aristides said:


Well, if they want to destroy competitive women's sport for women, they're on the right track.

but it's the women who are doing this to themselves

it's the women who are most agreeable, compliant & docile in the face of the cultural revolution

it's the women who are demanding that these "trans women" be accepted as women

there is nothing we as men can do to save the women from themselves

the women have destroyed men's sports as well, this is a female cultural revolution in progress

if men were in charge, there would have been a violent counterrevolution by now

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1 minute ago, Nefarious Banana said:

You'll find the smile returning to your face, a spring to your step, and a complete joy returning to your soul.

you're wrong to think that I am unhappy

I've converted to Christianity

and ever since, life has been making perfect sense to me

sports simply chose another path, chose not to come along for the ride

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

but it's the women who are doing this to themselves

it's the women who are most agreeable, compliant & docile in the face of the cultural revolution

it's the women who are demanding that these "trans women" be accepted as women

there is nothing we as men can do to save the women from themselves

the women have destroyed men's sports as well, this is a female cultural revolution in progress

if men were in charge, there would have been a violent counterrevolution by now

I don't think they are, the athletes are just afraid of being labeled bigots if they speak up. Look at what has happened to those who have. Most athletes just want to concentrate on their sport, they aren't SJW's.

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3 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I don't think they are, the athletes are just afraid of being labeled bigots if they speak up. Look at what has happened to those who have. Most athletes just want to concentrate on their sport, they aren't SJW's.

again, if men were in charge, that would have incited a violent counterrevolution by now

although I do think that will be coming at some point

when the entire Western world collapses into a civil disorder in the wake of the feminine cultural revolution

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bear in mind, this state corporate divide & conquer cultural revolution is entirely based on female aggression

which is reputation destruction : you'll be cancelled when they call you a "racist"

nothing will change until the society itself implodes under the weight of it

then the pendulum will swing violently back to male aggression

the male apex predator will close with and destroy his enemies in a catastrophic civil war

for an historical analogy,

I would suggest something like the fearsome Thirty Years War between the Protestants & Catholics

because the conflict being incited now is in fact a religious war in the making

there are two distinct faiths, and they are diametrically opposed, with no mercy nor quarter

World War Three will look like something out of the 17th century therein

think ; Northern Ireland, except everywhere in every Western country at the same time

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This is all happening because at some point governments got into the business of making people lie.  A man cannot be a woman and vice versa.  Recognizing trans women as women or trans men as men is based on a wish to change reality. The results are in.  Women’s rights are being ignored to placate the wishful thinking of people who want to be another gender.  We really need a third “trans” category if we’re going to make this work.  Some trans people won’t like being called trans, but that’s what they are.  Pretending otherwise causes bigger problems than not caving into the unrealistic and unreasonable wishes of some people with dysphoria.

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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

This is all happening because at some point governments got into the business of making people lie.  A man cannot be a woman and vice versa.  Recognizing trans women as women or trans men as men is based on a wish to change reality. The results are in.  Women’s rights are being ignored to placate the wishful thinking of people who want to be another gender.  We really need a third “trans” category if we’re going to make this work.  Some trans people won’t like being called trans, but that’s what they are.  Pretending otherwise causes bigger problems than not caving into the unrealistic and unreasonable wishes of some people with dysphoria.

I would suggest the catalyst was the Global Financial Crisis

the jig was up, the emperor was exposed as having no clothes

the masses were required to bail the investment banks out

that was the threshold of a general revolt

so governments and corporations set out to deflect that class war into a war of anything other than class

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

but it's the women who are doing this to themselves

it's the women who are most agreeable, compliant & docile in the face of the cultural revolution

it's the women who are demanding that these "trans women" be accepted as women

there is nothing we as men can do to save the women from themselves

the women have destroyed men's sports as well, this is a female cultural revolution in progress

if men were in charge, there would have been a violent counterrevolution by now

That’s true, even if not all women support the cultural revolution.

It’s funny, all of the predictions of traditionalists are coming true about how abandoning traditional roles would divide and ultimately make our society fall apart. It raises questions about whether women should be in charge and makes sense of why the Catholic Church won’t let women be priests. I say all this as someone who doesn’t believe in discrimination on the basis of gender, as long as the person can do the job.

The big divide opening up isn’t so much about left versus right or even the religious versus atheist or a clash of religions as it is about listening to nature and following wisdom versus tearing apart the traditional family and social mores   I think we had a middle ground that the revolutionaries will no longer accept, so now reasonable people are finally saying enough is enough: Not all of your failings can be blamed on the patriarchy, colonialism, race, normative gender, “Christi-fascism”, or other long established cross-cultural norms.   


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10 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I would suggest the catalyst was the Global Financial Crisis

the jig was up, the emperor was exposed as having no clothes

the masses were required to bail the investment banks out

that was the threshold of a general revolt

so governments and corporations set out to deflect that class war into a war of anything other than class

Absolutely.  The Covid privations heightened the malaise of the masses, what the British elites call the underclass.   The elites have grasped for every excuse for the excesses of the 1%: racism, colonialism, gender normativity, non-compliance with “public safety”.   This attempt has come mostly from the liberal elites. The unsophisticated activists have taken the bait.  

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7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

That’s true, even if not all women support the cultural revolution.

it's not about individuals

women as a collective have certain inherent characteristics

for the governments & corporations, these characteristics are useful for a divide & conquer strategy

until of course, the whole economy & society melts down as a result

then they all burn in a fire of their own making

when the males, with nothing left to lose,  resort to militarized revanchism

Weimar Republic becomes the Third Reich

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19 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Absolutely.  The Covid privations heightened the malaise of the masses, what the British elites call the underclass.   The elites have grasped for every excuse for the excesses of the 1%: racism, colonialism, gender normativity, non-compliance with “public safety”.   This attempt has come mostly from the liberal elites. The unsophisticated activists have taken the bait.  

yet in this pagan wilderness

the light of civilization itself burns brightest

the light over Damascus

Jesus of Nazareth

now is the time for the males to turn to HIm

not to conquer, for salvation, peace

Christ leads the apex predator males from the darkness to the light

only then, will the women follow

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

it's not about individuals

women as a collective have certain inherent characteristics

for the governments & corporations, these characteristics are useful for a divide & conquer strategy

until of course, the whole economy & society melts down as a result

then they all burn in a fire of their own making

when the males, with nothing left to lose,  resort to militarized revanchism

Weimar Republic becomes the Third Reich

Yes, and Ukraine is the new Weimar.  Putin is marketing himself as the traditionalist and calling the radical woke West out on their cultural depravity.  Of course both sides are ultimately in a territorial battle that speaks to old colonial wishes and claims.  I do agree with RFK Jr. that this was avoidable if the West kept to its original commitment under James Baker not to expand NATO eastward.  If Russia was incorporated into NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union, I think we’d see a more democratic Russia.  We have essentially radicalized Putin (though he made his own bad choices too).

Back to the original arguments: I think that when a society loses touch with basic morality and the fundamental building blocks of a strong and healthy society, such as the family unit and good male and female role models, rapid decline is inevitable.  Sodom and Gomorrah are the results.  The question now is whether sanity can be restored and how to do it.

When a former politician is convicted for calling a trans woman a man and a Catholic couple can’t adopt because the adoption agency is afraid that the parents won’t adopt radical gender/sexuality ideology, we have clear cut signs of societal collapse. Sadly, this ideology is rife in all corporations and organizations, government and non-governmental, as well as in many religious sects.

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15 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes, and Ukraine is the new Weimar. 

I don't see it

the Ukrainian men are the least Weimar of all

they have no time for Transgenderism

they are choosing nationalism over Chinese Communism

there is no more masculine nation on earth than Ukraine now

the true Cossack nation

Russia is the failing empire resorting to militarized revanchism

Ukraine is simply refusing to surrender in the face of it

Slava Ukraini, Geroyim Slava

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19 hours ago, Goddess said:

It's like me bragging about winning the grade 3 spelling bee or kicking the crap out of a bunch of 5th graders in dodgeball.

Thats the issue. We have created an environment where people are afraid to speak up. The consequences for doing so, would be dire.

We are raising kids to believe they can slap a dress and a pair of fake t**s on and automatically, this allows them to bogart women's sports and be the spokesperson for women sanitary products.

Heck, they don't even need to anymore. They just need to declare their womanhood.

If you don't support a 6'4 270lb trans woman smoking women a fraction of their size in tackle football, you're one sick and twisted bigot.

Judging her by her beard and man hands ignore her character.

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12 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I don't see it

the Ukrainian men are the least Weimar of all

they have no time for Transgenderism

they are choosing nationalism over Chinese Communism

there is no more masculine nation on earth than Ukraine now

the true Cossack nation

Russia is the failing empire resorting to militarized revanchism

Ukraine is simply refusing to surrender in the face of it

Slava Ukraini, Geroyim Slava

Until the Ukrainians come here fleeing war and we turn their kids trans.  It’s a spiritual battle, I believe.  Politics are downstream from the spiritual.  I’m not sure the West has moral leadership anymore, not that it’s clear any other places have it.  I’m concerned about how to restore it.  I’m not sure it’s possible and the Plan B for me is to do what I can for my family and social circle if nothing can be done politically.  

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25 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

 Putin is marketing himself as the traditionalist and calling the radical woke West out on their cultural depravity. 

Putin has no ideology other than self preservation

he was perfectly happy to cozy up to the Woke West when it suited him

now he cozies up to the Chinese who have utter contempt and enmity for the Russians

the KGB is a void, they stand for nothing, fight for nothing

it's an abomination which must be stopped in its tracks wherever it attempts to advance

if the Ukrainians fall

then stand by the British Crown for war

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

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6 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Putin has no ideology other than self preservation

he was perfectly happy to cozy up to the Woke West when it suited him

now he cozies up to the Chinese who have utter contempt and enmity for the Russians

the KGB is a void, they stand for nothing, fight for nothing

it's an abomination which must be stopped in its tracks wherever it attempts to advance

if the Ukrainians fall

then stand by the British Crown for war

Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

I’m not sure I share your confidence, Dougie.  I wish I did. The values behind the Crown aren’t as valued anymore as the ceremonial features.  The same has happened to the Catholic Church and the Canadian nation state. In fact even the ceremonial aspects are being rejected by some countries and people. It wouldn’t be tragic if they were being replaced by something better, but they are not. We just have more nihilism and materialism.

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13 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Until the Ukrainians come here fleeing war and we turn their kids trans.  It’s a spiritual battle, I believe.  Politics are downstream from the spiritual.  I’m not sure the West has moral leadership anymore.

the Ukrainian men are going over the top into the forlorn hope

against a Kaiser run amok

just as the Canadians did,  from the Ypres Salient to Mons

Vimy Myth

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Well trust dougie to turn int into a thread about how terrible Canada is.  Pretty scummy but whatever.

In the meantime - i note that the number of stories about complaints about trans women in sports is going up and the number of articles  defending it appears to be going down.

I think public opinion on this is changing and that people realize this isn't really fair.



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24 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’m not sure I share your confidence, Dougie.

ah, but we are old men now

we have already lived lives of adventure & discovery

and the God of the Hebrews is with us

so there is nothing to fear

nec aspera terrent : no fears on earth

with failing hands we throw the torch

then rejoice at the coming of the angel of death

return whence we came, to the foot of the Lord

pilgrims on the road to Calvary

soul making machines

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31 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well trust dougie to turn int into a thread about how terrible Canada is.  Pretty scummy but whatever

Canada was great when it was a Confederation of the British Empire

but now that Canada has rendered itself into a godless atheist left wing lunatic asylum run by imbeciles

I of course refuse to chain myself to that dead weight, and make no apologies for it

God save the King from the Communist treason of Canada

Rule Britannia

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