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Why are democrats lying about officers being killed on January 6th?

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24 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Just out of curiosity, how many years did BLMers go to jail for when they used automatic weapons to overrun a police station in Seattle? Thank God they didn't smash any windows or they'd be locked up forever, hey? 

I don’t know, why don’t you tell us?

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

"For some reason..." Lol

They DID pack the court with Trump-appointed justices (and cheated to do it). And what makes you think that a man who proposed suspending the constitution to regain power is going to listen to the courts? He already tried to overturn the will of the voters, from which all power is supposed to originate.

You're making excuses for behavior that was truly beyond the pale, hand-waving it away because it probably wouldn't have worked or some other entity would surely have stopped the madness.

A. The idea that someone might have stopped the coup does not excuse the attempt.

B. Even a failed coup is a grevious and irreparable harm to the institution and the people.

C. Every fallen democracy starts with naivete and a lack of vigilance. "It'll never happen here!"

Regardless of what you think might have eventually happened, something terrible and harmful DID happen and we were on the verge of far, far worse.




First you ask what would happen if the Eastman plan was executed successfully. Answer.... it would be challenged and fall into the laps of the courts. Then you question what the military would do, or which side they would take. Answer.... they would do nothing and wait for the court's decision. Now it appears you're asking what if the court's ruled the plan as being unconstitutional and Trump still refused to hand over power. Well he doesn't have too many options now does he? He's sort of run out of them.  I would guess the next step would be something like congress empowering some agency to physically remove him from the white house. Putting it another way, this 'plan' had all the markings of going nowhere fast. And if it were anyone else other than Trump I would have been shocked and a lot lot more surprised. So you figure this has done 'irreparable harm to the institutions and people do you? Well you are probably right. But let's not overlook the democrats weaponizing the judicial system against political opponents and average americans, referring to almost half of US voters as domestic terrorists,  and coercing high tech companies into censoring a great deal of political opposition which is a gross violation of the most important amendment of all. Is this not doing irreparable harm to the institutions and country? Admit it is and I would have to say you're worth listening to.

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34 minutes ago, suds said:

First you ask what would happen if the Eastman plan was executed successfully. Answer.... it would be challenged and fall into the laps of the courts. Then you question what the military would do, or which side they would take. Answer.... they would do nothing and wait for the court's decision. Now it appears you're asking what if the court's ruled the plan as being unconstitutional and Trump still refused to hand over power. Well he doesn't have too many options now does he? He's sort of run out of them.  I would guess the next step would be something like congress empowering some agency to physically remove him from the white house. Putting it another way, this 'plan' had all the markings of going nowhere fast. And if it were anyone else other than Trump I would have been shocked and a lot lot more surprised. So you figure this has done 'irreparable harm to the institutions and people do you? Well you are probably right. But let's not overlook the democrats weaponizing the judicial system against political opponents and average americans, referring to almost half of US voters as domestic terrorists,  and coercing high tech companies into censoring a great deal of political opposition which is a gross violation of the most important amendment of all. Is this not doing irreparable harm to the institutions and country? Admit it is and I would have to say you're worth listening to.

Difference between Trump and the last guy was the last guy fired up fake allegations to committ a coup against a sitting president thru fake collusion allegations

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


Just out of curiosity, how many years did BLMers go to jail for when they used automatic weapons to overrun a police station in Seattle? Thank God they didn't smash any windows or they'd be locked up forever, hey? 

Automatic weapons my ass. Does your whataboutism mean you actually approve of BLM did? I don't know how you can approve of one thing and not the other as well.


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54 minutes ago, suds said:

Then you question what the military would do, or which side they would take. Answer.... 

I'm pretty sure that the US military is forbidden from being used on US soil, hence - the National Guard. 

Leftists love to say "Having guns is a waste of time, you can't defeat the US military (Nat Guard) with a bunch of rifles" but it's actually a lot easier than they'd like you to believe. It's even important for people to believe it's really hard, or there would probably be coup attempts, which is bad for democracy. 

Sure, tanks are awesome vs infantry, but tanks need close infantry support or they don't last long. Hellfire missiles are awesome vs people on the ground with rifles, but it's not easy to use them in urban environments, and like Biden proved recently, sometimes you kill aid workers and families instead of insurgents. Oopsie!

There are a million cops in the US, but there are 340M Americans, and the cops are Americans too. If even 10% of them take the side of American citizens...

The easiest way to control us peons now is actually with digital currency - "We don't like your FB posts, you can't buy groceries anymore" - is a pretty powerful tool for controlling information, punishing the masses, and nipping things in the bud. 

Justin Trudeau's one and only service to Canadians was showing us all just how bad it would be for the gov't to assume complete ownership of every dollar we own.

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15 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Automatic weapons my ass. Does your whataboutism mean you actually approve of BLM did?

I actually love it when dummies reply to my posts.



I don't know how you can approve of one thing and not the other as well.

When did I ever say that I approved of the Jan 6th near-riot, genius? Never.

I just pointed out that Trump never talked about rioting, he never even raised his voice, he even told people to stay peaceful before and during the protest (multiple times).

I pointed out that in years of massive riots causing billions in damage, dozens of murders and countless assaults the Dems and the MSM they control never did anything but fan the flames to make the riots worse. Now all of a sudden they're in charge of morality? Gimme a break. They need to commit some more crimes with the FBI and STFU. 

FYI I'm the one pointing out the hypocrisy here in case you hadn't noticed. You're just being a hypocrite.

Leftards fully supported the BLM riots and the lack of criminal charges. Now they think that this one unarmed, low-damage, fully-walled-off-by-armed-police mostly peaceful protest caused PTSD and was an abomination only rivalled by Pearl Harbour and 9/11. Huh? Do I need to show you some pictures of Pearl Harbour? Do you know how many American servicemen burned to death or drowned that day? 

Leftists make me sick.  

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I actually love it when dummies reply to my posts.


When did I ever say that I approved of the Jan 6th near-riot, genius? Never.

I just pointed out that Trump never talked about rioting, he never even raised his voice, he even told people to stay peaceful before and during the protest (multiple times).

I pointed out that in years of massive riots causing billions in damage, dozens of murders and countless assaults the Dems and the MSM they control never did anything but fan the flames to make the riots worse. Now all of a sudden they're in charge of morality? Gimme a break. They need to commit some more crimes with the FBI and STFU. 

FYI I'm the one pointing out the hypocrisy here in case you hadn't noticed. You're just being a hypocrite.

Leftards fully supported the BLM riots and the lack of criminal charges. Now they think that this one unarmed, low-damage, fully-walled-off-by-armed-police mostly peaceful protest caused PTSD and was an abomination only rivalled by Pearl Harbour and 9/11. Huh? Do I need to show you some pictures of Pearl Harbour? Do you know how many American servicemen burned to death or drowned that day? 

Leftists make me sick.  

I believe the words they used were "give them room to loot" and then said something to the effect of "its just stuff"

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3 hours ago, ironstone said:

The one's that engaged in violence should be charged. Anyone that went there and simply protested in an entirely peaceful manner should not face any kind legal repercussions. Peaceful protest is a right. Rioting is not. Anyone that incited others to engage in illegal activities should be charged. I know you'll respond by bringing up Trump, but he did not incite anyone. You guys seem to have absolutely no problem with Ray Epps. 

You state-all that entered=traitors. I must point out that Antifa/BLM have also entered federal buildings and caused extensive damage. The political left went out of their way to try and get these guys out on bail ASAP. In a Portland protest, a federal courthouse was barricaded with officers still trapped inside, and then attempted to burn it down. Silence from the political left.

The FACT is, Trump DID INCITE the violence. And PROVED that's what he WANTED by doing NOTHING to STOP IT, until it was CLEAR that it FAILED.

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11 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Considering you were a witness to NONE of what HAPPENED, "your eyes" mean NOTHING.

Err...I actually watched the coverage that day, and most of us have seen the footage available. 

If I'm not mistaken, one of the things the new Republican congress is hoping to do, is have all the available video made public.

That should prove interesting. 

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58 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I actually love it when dummies reply to my posts.


When did I ever say that I approved of the Jan 6th near-riot, genius? Never.

I just pointed out that Trump never talked about rioting, he never even raised his voice, he even told people to stay peaceful before and during the protest (multiple times).

I pointed out that in years of massive riots causing billions in damage, dozens of murders and countless assaults the Dems and the MSM they control never did anything but fan the flames to make the riots worse. Now all of a sudden they're in charge of morality? Gimme a break. They need to commit some more crimes with the FBI and STFU. 

FYI I'm the one pointing out the hypocrisy here in case you hadn't noticed. You're just being a hypocrite.

Leftards fully supported the BLM riots and the lack of criminal charges. Now they think that this one unarmed, low-damage, fully-walled-off-by-armed-police mostly peaceful protest caused PTSD and was an abomination only rivalled by Pearl Harbour and 9/11. Huh? Do I need to show you some pictures of Pearl Harbour? Do you know how many American servicemen burned to death or drowned that day? 

Leftists make me sick.  

You keep making excuses for Jan 6 and maintain the rioters were somehow victims. Trump knew exactly what he was doing.d

Your pictures mean nothing without context and AR-15's are not fully automatic.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Are you stupid?

An alt-leftist was just talking about someone "trying to kill a cop" (by opening a door 'murderously', I suppose?), as if it was a bad thing. The official position of leftists for years was that it's ok to try to kill cops. They deserve it. 

Oh, sorry, I forgot. You live in a fantasy world and simply make up straw men, because straw arguments are the only thing you are fit to debate.

And as is also entirely predictable, when your arguments are destroyed you fire up the insults, deployed with all the wit and grace of a pimply pre-teen.




Of course I wasn't lying, why would I need to lie when I'm talking to leftards? You're all low-hanging fruit, boy. 

Of course you WERE lying. And again, you'd need stilts and a stepladder to get anywhere near me. 

Proof you were and ARE lying: "How stupid does one have to be to believe that a handful of people tried to "violently overthrow the US gov't without so much as a single gun or a knife"?"

Did you think people wouldn't notice? lol. You're such a joke.



Did anyone fire a gun in this attempted violent coup genius? Did anyone show someone a gun? Did anyone point a gun at someone? 

Aside from those 3 guns that "might have been there", there are two more that might have been brought to Washington. 

Guess what Einstein, Americans own around 400 million firearms, GOP supporters own at least half of those. Are you saying that they brought somewhere between 0-5 guns, didn't even crack off 1 round, and that constitutes attempting to "violently overthrow the government and end democracy"?

Again, you're a fool if you think people are going to believe your lies and let them slide. I can only assume you don't have capacity for shame to be so brazenly dishonest.


“I don’t f*cking care that they have weapons,” Trump said angrily to Ornato. “They’re not here to hurt me. They can march to the Capitol from here.

Despite the president being “effin’ furious,” his staff didn’t listen to him and the magnetometers remained. 

In total, the Secret Service confiscated “42 canisters of pepper spray, 269 knives or blades, 18 brass knuckles, 18 tasers, 6 pieces of body armor, 3 gas masks, 30 batons or blunt instruments, and 17 miscellaneous items likes scissors, needles, or screwdrivers'' from the 28,000 people who went through the magnetometers to enter the protest grounds at the Ellipse. 

Many others refused to enter or hid their bags so they wouldn’t have their weapons confiscated. "

Those are just the folks who were scanned and caught. Obviously the gun toters who we KNOW entered the capitol didn't submit to scanning. 

WestCanMan says: "Not a single gun or knife." --- Pathethc



Ashley Babbit didn't even have a gun and you specifically accused her of trying to "violently overthrow the government and end democracy"...

That the dumbest thing you've ever said by far on this forum, and you're easily in the top 5 dumbest posters here. Maybe top 3.

There are HOURS of footage of violent insurrection. Is it your assertion (bald-faced lie) that this wasn't a violent event? And there is zero question that there was an attempt to overthrow the government and democracy. It's the express intent of the Eastman plan, which Trump believed would be served by his mob of rubes. 

Ashli Babbitt (you could at least spell your hero's name correctly) may not have been carrying a gun, but there is zero question that she was at the vanguard of a violent mob on a mission to keep Trump in power after he lost the election. They were literally smashing through doors and windows to get at the legislators. 



Grow up Hodad. I'm not factually wrong at all. So far you identified one guy who might have had intent to kill. FYI that doesn't mean that Ashley Babbit had intent to kill, and it definitely doesn't mean that there was an attempt to "end democracy".

Grow up yourself, liar. You are factually wrong. If you were mature and honest enough to simply acknowledge it and learn I wouldn't need to rub your nose in it, but you're neither of those things, so I'm dropping this gem here again:"How stupid does one have to be to believe that a handful of people tried to "violently overthrow the US gov't without so much as a single gun or a knife"?"



So he had a gun, never even pulled it out it when confronting an armed police officer, he didn't bring it into the capitol building, and yet he's the strongest piece of evidence that you have for your stupid comment that Ashley Babbit was attempting to "violently overthrow the government and end democracy"?

Mazza had two guns, FYI. They weren't there to kill police officers. They were there to kill Pence, Pelosi and who knows how many others. He told as much to LEO after his arrest. I know you're bummed out that he didn't get to follow through, but I'm still going to call you out for the commited, if inept, defense of the indefensible. 


Forget the top 3 dumbest, dude. You don't even have 500 posts here yet and somehow you managed to rocket past people with as many as 30,700 posts here to take the #1 spot. 

I literally laughed aloud when I read this. I gotta tell you, it hurts my feelings about as much as a "little person" telling me I'm the shortest man in the room. You're not Reason10 dumb, but you'd need 20 more IQ points to play in my league. Maybe tone it down a notch if you want to be taken seriously.

After all...

 "How stupid does one have to be to believe that a handful of people tried to "violently overthrow the US gov't without so much as a single gun or a knife"?"?

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4 hours ago, suds said:

First you ask what would happen if the Eastman plan was executed successfully. Answer.... it would be challenged and fall into the laps of the courts. Then you question what the military would do, or which side they would take. Answer.... they would do nothing and wait for the court's decision. Now it appears you're asking what if the court's ruled the plan as being unconstitutional and Trump still refused to hand over power. Well he doesn't have too many options now does he? He's sort of run out of them.  I would guess the next step would be something like congress empowering some agency to physically remove him from the white house. Putting it another way, this 'plan' had all the markings of going nowhere fast. And if it were anyone else other than Trump I would have been shocked and a lot lot more surprised. So you figure this has done 'irreparable harm to the institutions and people do you? Well you are probably right.

Yes, irreparable harm. Or perhaps it can be repaired, but I don't see how. The bar has been lowered so far that it will be difficult to raise again. America has been a model for democracies worldwide, and it appears that is still true, as Brazilian followers of Trump-ally Bolsonaro staged their own Jan 6 riot today


But let's not overlook the democrats weaponizing the judicial system against political opponents and average americans, referring to almost half of US voters as domestic terrorists,  and coercing high tech companies into censoring a great deal of political opposition which is a gross violation of the most important amendment of all. Is this not doing irreparable harm to the institutions and country? Admit it is and I would have to say you're worth listening to.

I would admit those things were harmful, had they happened, but I reject the premises. 

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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

The one's that engaged in violence should be charged.

The ones that actually engaged in violence, absolutely. And although Garland's crackerjack troop of storm-troopers have been able to locate and charge perps like little grandmothers that did little more than walk around snapping photos there are a number of individuals the new American version of the Stasi don't seem interested in.

Ray Epps tops that list but there are number of other criminals who were actually committing crimes on camera Garland's finest could care less about.

There's a great description on the pre-arranged strategy of how 9-11 was laid out HERE that starts about half way down the page:


The “Big Bang” moment that kicked off the riot was when a small “breach team” of just a few dozen people violently knocked over the first set of metal barricades between 12:50-12:53 p.m. They forced back the police, and therefore opened a clean walkway entrance to the crowd behind them.



The tactical importance of this breached location is that it was the very first walkway entrance into the Capitol grounds that every Trump supporter would arrive at first as they walked from the Trump rally to the Capitol.

The Breach Team had the amazing foresight to pry open the one walkway entrance that no one could avoid.


The breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.

Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing.

Moreover, the giant main component of Trump protesters would not arrive at this Capitol entrance until 50 minutes after the Breach Team opened up the walkway—Trump had 20 minutes left in his speech, and it took 30 minutes to walk to the Peace Monument. This giant component arrived at the entrance and saw hundreds of people already inside the Capitol grounds. They would no longer stage their protest back behind the fencing, because the Breach Team booby-trappers had already hauled most of it away before they got there. The giant component therefore walked all the way up to the Capitol building itself.

As we described in more detail in our October 10 report, the Breach Team thus set up what may amount to the largest legal booby-trap in American history.

Indeed, when the DOJ indicted Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown in September for “trespassing on restricted grounds” (18 US Code § 1752), the Justice Department explained that any January 6 protester who stepped foot within the red line below had committed a federal crime and could be kept in prison without bail until a criminal trial 12+ months away."

The perps in what he's calling the "Breach Team" are all identifiable on video. You can see the videos and instructive graphics on the site. Any interested have at least one of the names from a separate incident the police attended the previous night. But authorities have shown no interest in identifying these perps or even looking for them.

There's also the "Scaffold Commander" who was waiting atop a media scaffold at the end of the walkway the trump ralliers had been herded down. He was shouting pleas and commands to anybody within earshot to enter the capitol building. Garland has shown no interest in finding him.

The FBI also is not interested or incapable of what should be an easy snag of the guy who supposedly planted a pipe bomb. It was supposedly discovered just before it was time to herd the Trumpers down the walkway thus insuring less of a police presence. Capitol police had to attend.

But yeah the one's engaged in violence should be charged. Also the ones who actually set the chaos of Jan 6 up. And it wasn't Trump. A for real bipartisan committee might be necessary to get actual investigators looking for them.




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2 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

The ones that actually engaged in violence, absolutely. And although Garland's crackerjack troop of storm-troopers have been able to locate and charge perps like little grandmothers that did little more than walk around snapping photos there are a number of individuals the America new version of the Stasi don't seem interested in.

Ray Epps tops that list but there are number of other criminals who actually committing crimes on camera Garland's finest could care less about.

There's a great description here on the pre-arranged strategy of how 9-11 was laid out HERE that starts about half way down the page:


The “Big Bang” moment that kicked off the riot was when a small “breach team” of just a few dozen people violently knocked over the first set of metal barricades between 12:50-12:53 p.m. They forced back the police, and therefore opened a clean walkway entrance to the crowd behind them.



The tactical importance of this breached location is that it was the very first walkway entrance into the Capitol grounds that every Trump supporter would arrive at first as they walked from the Trump rally to the Capitol.

The Breach Team had the amazing foresight to pry open the one walkway entrance that no one could avoid.


The breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.

Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing.

Moreover, the giant main component of Trump protesters would not arrive at this Capitol entrance until 50 minutes after the Breach Team opened up the walkway—Trump had 20 minutes left in his speech, and it took 30 minutes to walk to the Peace Monument. This giant component arrived at the entrance and saw hundreds of people already inside the Capitol grounds. They would no longer stage their protest back behind the fencing, because the Breach Team booby-trappers had already hauled most of it away before they got there. The giant component therefore walked all the way up to the Capitol building itself.

As we described in more detail in our October 10 report, the Breach Team thus set up what may amount to the largest legal booby-trap in American history.

Indeed, when the DOJ indicted Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown in September for “trespassing on restricted grounds” (18 US Code § 1752), the Justice Department explained that any January 6 protester who stepped foot within the red line below had committed a federal crime and could be kept in prison without bail until a criminal trial 12+ months away."

The perps in what he's calling the "Breach Team" are all identifiable on video. You can see the videos and instructive graphics on the site. Any interested have at least one of the names from a separate incident the police attended the previous night. But authorities have shown no interest in identifying these perps or even looking for them.

There's also the "Scaffold Commander" who was waiting atop a media scaffold at the end of the walkway the trump ralliers had been herded down. He was shouting pleas and commands to anybody within earshot to enter the capitol building. Garland has shown no interest in finding him.

The FBI also is not interested or incapable of what should be an easy snag of the guy who supposedly planted a pipe bomb. It was supposedly discovered just before it was time to herd the Trumpers down the walkway thus insuring less of a police presence. Capitol police had to attend.

But yeah the one's engaged in violence should be charged. Also the ones who actually set the chaos of Jan 6 up. And it wasn't Trump. A for real bipartisan committee might be necessary to get actual investigators looking for them.




It's strange to charge people for trespassing by entering a public space. Only lefty stasis would support that

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39 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

I will tell you my opinion

Anyone that runs away from communist leaders and finds freedom in the West to achieve success, for them to follow a man such as Trump, Bernie Sanders, any man as a matter of fact, it means in my view they have not learnt anything about the pains of communism. If this is what she got after living under a dictator, to come into Canada and sympathise with other "strongmen", this is something that I will never understand.  I think I kind of do, when your entire life your reference point was a dear leader, some constantly look for another leader to replace the void. Others like me, take a different approach. 

Please don't tell me how Trump is different than Bernie Sanders. Just take a look at you -> Trump fanatics on this board, you talk exactly like far left folk do, advocating for "the people" to rise up against a so called "elite".

Proof once more than the Horseshoe theory is real. The more you travel on the far right you meet your brethren from the far left. Political spectrum is not a line, is a sphere. 

You're the only other person I know of who sees the political spectrum as I do...a circle. At the top, conservative and liberal meet to "compromise". At the bottom, they all become dictators.

Having agreed on this, let's do an experiment. Name one thing Trump actually did, that leads you to believe he's a "fascist" of some sort.

Remember...we're gonna deal with reality here...not MSNBC or NYT sound-bytes.

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21 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

You don't understand the main issue it seems. 

Of course Trump can not practice what he really wants to practice because the engineers of the United States of America in my view have seen the populistic threats in the future and designed a system in such an individual CAN NOT have power to become a fascist. 

But in my opinion if someone like Trump, like Bernie, oh if they had the strings as Putin has in Russia, if they had the system which Putin is working with they would be like him is my estimation. The only thing restraining them (and their fanatical followers which surround them) is the system that we have in the West. 

So for that reason, when one knows where it leads having been through a dictatorship why does one gives their full support to a man? Yes, I agree he is not a fascist because he can't like I mentioned above, but one that has been through communism or an oppressive system should know better than to give their support to a person. That was the original issue in the mainland. Trusting one man, one creature. So why risk supporting populistic forces? So I can go back to oppresion?

I like the status quo elites. ?

Anyhow talking to the wind, I am not a preacher, for that you can visit the religious program at Fox News. 

So you can't name a single thing except that you "feel" that he'd be a dictator if he could be. Pretty much as I'd expected.

Here in Canada, we have a soft spoken little guy who has trampled on the common folk.

In the USA they have a mindless puppet who has trampled on the common folk.

In Europe they have the EU which has trampled on the common folk.

Actions speak much louder than words...and your "feelings"...I'm afraid. 

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19 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Is not "feelings" that is the currency which you and the other side (left wing brethren populists) deal in currency. 

Is more intuition and experience having seen enough charlatans in my life. 

You are just a spoiled westerner which has an opinion. Your experience? A wife from Eastern Europe and you think you know all about loss of freedom. Oh yes and the outdoor party in Ottawa which was broken up as your main point of "oppresion."

This is who I am having discussions with. Anyhow, we argued enough on this topic. We will argue on other threads. ?

Right. Once again...actions speaking louder than words.

Do all Polaks run away this easily?

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20 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Just from things that don't matter, like the perspective of a spoiled western with has no idea about international politics, but we have to be inclusive, in Canada they taught me about being inclusive in a work seminar once. 

I initially thought is to include some socialists that can't keep up. It seems it includes all sides, so even though you post a bunch of non-sense, perspective based from unknown sources frequented by Russians, I will continue to be inclusive and maintain faith in you towards being a future centrist. ?


Look Contrarian...you have no idea the depth of my "experience" in international politics...but so we're on even ground...I served my nation for almost 5 years with our international bureaucracy called DFAIT. I was actually there when the NATO Generals were enticing the Central European nations to join...against the agreement NATO had made with Russia. Everyone knew then, that what they were doing was gonna anger Russia. But they continued anyway, justifying by simply saying..."Russia Bad". Besides that...at the time (early '90's) the Russians were in disarray and couldn't do anything about it.

Now...You claim the position I have taken and the sources I get information from are "non-sense". Yet when pushed to name a single thing to support your assertion that Trump is a fascist, you can't. Instead you say its your finely honed instincts. Instincts that evidently also tell you that any opposition to your finely honed instincts, must be..."non-sense".

I find this interesting because...its the same BS that the Soviets used. A bombardment of propaganda and a dismissing of opposing ideas. Tell me...Mr. Freedom...gonna hail for jailing any opposition next?

IMO...you're not a leftist nor the centrist you claim to be. What you are is LOST. Do yourself a favour. Actually READ and UNDERSTAND the messaging from both sides of the political circle and then tell me...

Which side of the circle sounds more...Stalinesque...to you?

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On 1/7/2023 at 9:11 AM, Contrarian said:

Name callers? What are you talking about? 

You are a Canadian which supports a movement lead by one Donald Trump which tried to overthrow the great system of the United States of America that brought hope to me and millions around the world. 

So if we are to play by name callers in my estimation is: traitor x 2. 

I am not a lefty to call you a fascist or a nazi, those are fake terms used by people which are the same in thinking as you on the opposite side. 

what is next? you will call me a traitor because of some international conspiracy? 

but in traitor terms. I vote here, pay my taxes here and respect Canada even though I don't like some of the political class.

You promote material of a criminal movement that tried to overthrow a legal FOREIGN governmenent (not even yours).

Who is the traitor?


America was overthrown by 2000 Mules, who manufactured an electoral victory that Pedophile Joe did NOT win at the ballot box with legal votes.

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17 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

The ones that actually engaged in violence, absolutely. And although Garland's crackerjack troop of storm-troopers have been able to locate and charge perps like little grandmothers that did little more than walk around snapping photos there are a number of individuals the new American version of the Stasi don't seem interested in.

Ray Epps tops that list but there are number of other criminals who were actually committing crimes on camera Garland's finest could care less about.

There's a great description on the pre-arranged strategy of how 9-11 was laid out HERE that starts about half way down the page:


The “Big Bang” moment that kicked off the riot was when a small “breach team” of just a few dozen people violently knocked over the first set of metal barricades between 12:50-12:53 p.m. They forced back the police, and therefore opened a clean walkway entrance to the crowd behind them.



The tactical importance of this breached location is that it was the very first walkway entrance into the Capitol grounds that every Trump supporter would arrive at first as they walked from the Trump rally to the Capitol.

The Breach Team had the amazing foresight to pry open the one walkway entrance that no one could avoid.


The breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.

Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing.

Moreover, the giant main component of Trump protesters would not arrive at this Capitol entrance until 50 minutes after the Breach Team opened up the walkway—Trump had 20 minutes left in his speech, and it took 30 minutes to walk to the Peace Monument. This giant component arrived at the entrance and saw hundreds of people already inside the Capitol grounds. They would no longer stage their protest back behind the fencing, because the Breach Team booby-trappers had already hauled most of it away before they got there. The giant component therefore walked all the way up to the Capitol building itself.

As we described in more detail in our October 10 report, the Breach Team thus set up what may amount to the largest legal booby-trap in American history.

Indeed, when the DOJ indicted Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown in September for “trespassing on restricted grounds” (18 US Code § 1752), the Justice Department explained that any January 6 protester who stepped foot within the red line below had committed a federal crime and could be kept in prison without bail until a criminal trial 12+ months away."

The perps in what he's calling the "Breach Team" are all identifiable on video. You can see the videos and instructive graphics on the site. Any interested have at least one of the names from a separate incident the police attended the previous night. But authorities have shown no interest in identifying these perps or even looking for them.

There's also the "Scaffold Commander" who was waiting atop a media scaffold at the end of the walkway the trump ralliers had been herded down. He was shouting pleas and commands to anybody within earshot to enter the capitol building. Garland has shown no interest in finding him.

The FBI also is not interested or incapable of what should be an easy snag of the guy who supposedly planted a pipe bomb. It was supposedly discovered just before it was time to herd the Trumpers down the walkway thus insuring less of a police presence. Capitol police had to attend.

But yeah the one's engaged in violence should be charged. Also the ones who actually set the chaos of Jan 6 up. And it wasn't Trump. A for real bipartisan committee might be necessary to get actual investigators looking for them.




No. What “kicked off” the rioting was the sitting President of the United States telling his supporters, without evidence, that the election had been “stolen,” and that his followers needed to march to the US Capitol to STOP THE STEAL.  They marched to the Capitol peacefully and then erupted in violence.  

This thing was not “a few dozen people.”  We all saw the videos.  How could it be that a few dozen people caused 150 police officers to be hospitalized, leading to five officer deaths and several permanent disabilities?  36 or 48 people put 150 in the hospital?  No, you are lying. 

Hundreds have been criminally charged and many have been convicted, although America’s Most Wanted remains at large. 

Edited by Rebound
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