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The new gun bill

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On 5/31/2022 at 4:51 PM, WestCanMan said:

So, the guy who froze the bank accounts of people who just donated small amounts of money to the truckers now wants the power to red flag people who are "deemed a threat"..... Not much chance for government overreach there. 

Here's how that's gonna go down:

-cops will show up at your door and say "give up your guns, you've been deemed a threat"

-you'll say "But why? I've never done anything wrong."

-Cops say "Your name came up on the computer. You can fight this in court. Here's some official-looking paper."

-You think about saying "...to wipe my ass with", but you bite your tongue.

-You try to navigate their idiotic new website, come to a bunch of dead ends (like on the Svc Canada website), give up, try to call in, be put on hold for 2 hours, navigate some more, give up to try another day when you have time during the week, a couple weeks later

-try the site again, then send in a letter. Wait 4 weeks

-You finally get a letter in the mail, a login for their site, you'll pay for an application for an online hearing, but they don't have a time yet. You'll wait a few more weeks for that.

-after the weeks have passed, they will ask you a bunch of personal questions and about your financial history, exactly why and where and how often you use your guns, your financial status, your family and any history of depression there, etc. 

-If anyone on FB ever called you a name, you might not qualify to get your guns back. If you have too many FB posts which are critical of our dear leader, you might not qualify to get your guns back. 

-after a few months you have a 50% chance to get your guns back, but you'll never find out why they were taken in the first place.


I've been on this earth 54 years now, I know how this shithole country works. 

Holy crap man, you could be a script writer for very bad B level movies LOL

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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Holy crap man, you could be a script writer for very bad B level movies LOL

It seems like "B-level movie material" right now, but....

-did you ever think that you'd see police officers in Canada holding a man down and ruthlessly beating him after he surrendered peacefully, when his only crime was protesting peacefully? 

-did you ever think that a PM and a majority of MPs would support such a drastic overreach of power that the Senate would suddenly have to make themselves useful? It's like a Golden Retriever that jumps up to attack a bad guy after just licking people and jumping up on them for 100 years.

-did you ever expect to see a PM call 15% of the population racists and misogynists just because they refused a controversial medical treatment? 

-did you ever expect that our mainstream media would back a bigoted rant from our own PM? 

What I wrote looks like "B-movie material" because our country is a treasure trove of B-movie material right now. 

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8 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

What "war measures"?  The one in your imaginations?? LOL

Oh, the drama, the drama LOL So tiring to be so dramatic LOL

The poster was actually quite correct to say "war measures power" because that's what it was. 

Technically, saying "invoked the War Measures Act" would be incorrect because the WMA has been slightly retooled and had its name changed, but to say that "the PM used war measures power" is absolutely correct, because Canadians know what "war measures power" means, and it's what the PM did. 

"War Measures Act" was never a derogatory term until its power was abused by Pierre Trudeau. Similarly; "The Emergencies Act" wasn't a derogatory term either, but in ten years the term will be seen as ugly because The E-Act's power was abused by Justin Trudeau.  

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Prime Minister Trudeau recommended the War Measures Act be invoked at the request of Premier Bourassa. The kidnapping of Mr. Cross and Minister LaPorte by the FLQ fulfilled the definition of an "apprehended insurrection." Unlike the Emergencies Act, the War Measures Act suspended civil liberties. 

Years later, it was pointed out to Prime Minister Trudeau that, had he not been Prime Minister at the time, he would have been one of the people arrested under the War Measures Act. To which he replied, "Yah, but I wouldn't have bitched about it."

Thanks captain history. I like hearing anecdotes of what the elite think about themselves.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

 Apparently, rumor has it that BC is being allowed to legalize Fentanyl on the streets of BC very soon.


You can get yourself a dart gun and shoot darts loaded with Fentanyl - it will work almost the same as an ordinary gun.  Problem solved.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It seems like "B-level movie material" right now, but....

-did you ever think that you'd see police officers in Canada holding a man down and ruthlessly beating him after he surrendered peacefully, when his only crime was protesting peacefully? 

-did you ever think that a PM and a majority of MPs would support such a drastic overreach of power that the Senate would suddenly have to make themselves useful? It's like a Golden Retriever that jumps up to attack a bad guy after just licking people and jumping up on them for 100 years.

-did you ever expect to see a PM call 15% of the population racists and misogynists just because they refused a controversial medical treatment? 

-did you ever expect that our mainstream media would back a bigoted rant from our own PM? 

What I wrote looks like "B-movie material" because our country is a treasure trove of B-movie material right now. 

so old, so boring, so B move BS.

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It seems like "B-level movie material" right now, but....

-did you ever think that you'd see police officers in Canada holding a man down and ruthlessly beating him after he surrendered peacefully, when his only crime was protesting peacefully? 

-did you ever think that a PM and a majority of MPs would support such a drastic overreach of power that the Senate would suddenly have to make themselves useful? It's like a Golden Retriever that jumps up to attack a bad guy after just licking people and jumping up on them for 100 years.

-did you ever expect to see a PM call 15% of the population racists and misogynists just because they refused a controversial medical treatment? 

-did you ever expect that our mainstream media would back a bigoted rant from our own PM? 

What I wrote looks like "B-movie material" because our country is a treasure trove of B-movie material right now. 

The stampede, where the native woman was trampled by a horse was the one that got to me.

Now THAT is leadership.

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12 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You people are clearly fools and feed off each others BS.

There was no one charged under the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT.

All those of the truckers debacle that were charged were charged under previously existing laws. If you have evidence and proof of any charges that were laid under the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT, provide them. You cannot because there aren't any.

Fools living in each others BS pool LOL

Oh and, if you know there is no war measures act, why eat that BS? Are you7 really one of those fools??


I don't know what you're going on about. But maybe no one does...

They used it for something or else they wouldn'ta bothered invoking it, for all it cost them. It allows the Fed to step in with all their resources.

The fact that they didn't need to use it to press charges, since those charges are covered by existing laws only proves they should not have invoked the act in the first place. OTHER THAN it allowing them to send in the RCMP, because the local forces and local tow trucks refused to do it. They were with the people, not government chivatos.

Who are you with, fella?

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10 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

How can a rational person refuse to get vaccinated in the middle of a deadly pandemic?

Because it's dangerous, and some fear it. Because it doesn't work terribly well. And if they are truly concerned about "saving lives"... that age-old fall back for the ultimate virtue signalling dunderheads, we could have a long talk.

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6 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I don't know what you're going on about. But maybe no one does...

They used it for something or else they wouldn'ta bothered invoking it, for all it cost them. It allows the Fed to step in with all their resources.

The fact that they didn't need to use it to press charges, since those charges are covered by existing laws only proves they should not have invoked the act in the first place. OTHER THAN it allowing them to send in the RCMP, because the local forces and local tow trucks refused to do it. They were with the people, not government chivatos.

Who are you with, fella?

That is my entire point.

You guys keep playing games with the Emergency Measures Act and finally you agree it was not used. That has been my point all along.

There are lots of laws and rules and regulations out there that are rarely or ever used but, they are there, if needed. So, the Emergency Measures Act was there if needed but, fortunately not used.

I am glad you come to realize that is was not used....as I have been saying.

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33 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

That is my entire point.

You guys keep playing games with the Emergency Measures Act and finally you agree it was not used. That has been my point all along.

There are lots of laws and rules and regulations out there that are rarely or ever used but, they are there, if needed. So, the Emergency Measures Act was there if needed but, fortunately not used.

I am glad you come to realize that is was not used....as I have been saying.

I already explained how it was used.

You are wrong

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24 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I already explained how it was used.

You are wrong

You explained diddly squat.

You admitted it was not used.  "The fact that they didn't need to use it to press charges, since those charges are covered by existing laws only"

RCMP were already on site as they are responsible for NCC property and Parliamentary District. No EMA needed for them to be there.

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21 hours ago, Army Guy said:

And who or what authorized a drone surveillance mission over the area, was that done under the emergencies act

No you cannot talk to deaf, point to blind and hope to explain to deliberately obtuse, or brainwashed. This would be nonsense, a logical and practical impossibility.

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16 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

so old, so boring, so B move BS.

Your posts are completely devoid of facts, insights and anything else that could be of the slightest value to a meaningful conversation.

FYI we don't care what your imaginary friends think about the Pflacebo or gun laws or anything else. None of them saw Csaba Vizi get beaten like a dog in the street after he surrendered on his knees, and they all refuse to look. None of them are able to see the stats for covid deaths in Canada by Pflacebo status because they refuse to look.

You're irrelevant here. A troll at best. Thanks for chiming in though. 

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17 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

so old, so boring, so B move BS.

And most of all, freezing peoples bank accounts where they then had to go run to a family member or friends for some money to be able to eat and help pay their rent. How much more communist can that hoofus-goofus get? 

You are old, you are boring, and you are so full of bs, comrade. So, when are you going to do us all a favor and go fly off into oblivion? Just wondering. ?

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13 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I don't know what you're going on about. But maybe no one does...

They used it for something or else they wouldn'ta bothered invoking it, for all it cost them. It allows the Fed to step in with all their resources.

The fact that they didn't need to use it to press charges, since those charges are covered by existing laws only proves they should not have invoked the act in the first place. OTHER THAN it allowing them to send in the RCMP, because the local forces and local tow trucks refused to do it. They were with the people, not government chivatos.

Who are you with, fella?

It is hard to imagine that here in Canada today that truck towing outfits were pretty much ordered to start towing trucks and vehicles away or else during the convoy protest. There is no length as to how far this Marxist hoofus-goofus in Ottawa will go. This fool might be trying as hard as he can to try and implement his masters WEF globalist great reset agenda but it must not be allowed to happen. We all have seen what covid has done to rights and freedoms 

I can only say it again, and that is that this fool needs to be arrested and charged with crimes against Canadians(I wish)and most of all crimes against humanity and thrown in jail. This fool is no leader. He is just a WEF useful idiot follower. They tell him to jump, and he asks, how high. 

We all have seen as to how far our politicians can go thanks to the covid lie and hoax. Can we imagine what Canada will look like if that fool and his globalist buddies can get their great reset all setup and ready to go in Canada? It will truly be hell on earth if that ever happened. ?

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Your posts are completely devoid of facts, insights and anything else that could be of the slightest value to a meaningful conversation.

FYI we don't care what your imaginary friends think about the Pflacebo or gun laws or anything else. None of them saw Csaba Vizi get beaten like a dog in the street after he surrendered on his knees, and they all refuse to look. None of them are able to see the stats for covid deaths in Canada by Pflacebo status because they refuse to look.

You're irrelevant here. A troll at best. Thanks for chiming in though. 

More old old stuff.

Talk about a troll. You are the person that keeps on with old useless irrelevant stuff. LOL

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30 minutes ago, taxme said:

And most of all, freezing peoples bank accounts where they then had to go run to a family member or friends for some money to be able to eat and help pay their rent. How much more communist can that hoofus-goofus get? 

You are old, you are boring, and you are so full of bs, comrade. So, when are you going to do us all a favor and go fly off into oblivion? Just wondering. ?

poor 260 fools that allowed themselves to be identified. Regardless, they got it all back.

Once again, resting on old stuff that is completely irrelevant today.

Some of you just have no life so gotta live in your inglorious past LOL

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On 6/1/2022 at 2:56 PM, cougar said:

They took away our freedom of movement with their COVID passports.  Took away our job security with their vaccination mandates.  Took away our right to protest with invoking emergency measures for bogus reasons.

Now you are worried about the guns they will take away from present and potential future criminals.

Your pleas are falling on deaf ears as far as I am concerned.

There was no loss of you damn freedom, wearing a mask protected yourself, you family, your friends and your co-workers from a deadly virus.  

The proposed control legislation takes no firearms away from either.

I just love MAGA Meat Head hysteria, it is so fracking amusing.

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On 5/31/2022 at 1:51 PM, WestCanMan said:

So, the guy who froze the bank accounts of people who just donated small amounts of money to the truckers now wants the power to red flag people who are "deemed a threat"..... Not much chance for government overreach there. 

Here's how that's gonna go down:

-cops will show up at your door and say "give up your guns, you've been deemed a threat"

-you'll say "But why? I've never done anything wrong."

-Cops say "Your name came up on the computer. You can fight this in court. Here's some official-looking paper."

-You think about saying "...to wipe my ass with", but you bite your tongue.

-You try to navigate their idiotic new website, come to a bunch of dead ends (like on the Svc Canada website), give up, try to call in, be put on hold for 2 hours, navigate some more, give up to try another day when you have time during the week, a couple weeks later

-try the site again, then send in a letter. Wait 4 weeks

-You finally get a letter in the mail, a login for their site, you'll pay for an application for an online hearing, but they don't have a time yet. You'll wait a few more weeks for that.

-after the weeks have passed, they will ask you a bunch of personal questions and about your financial history, exactly why and where and how often you use your guns, your financial status, your family and any history of depression there, etc. 

-If anyone on FB ever called you a name, you might not qualify to get your guns back. If you have too many FB posts which are critical of our dear leader, you might not qualify to get your guns back. 

-after a few months you have a 50% chance to get your guns back, but you'll never find out why they were taken in the first place.


I've been on this earth 54 years now, I know how this shithole country works. 

No that won't happen.  But I find you henny penny the sky is falling very amusing.

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90% of the American People support Universal Backgrounds and closing the Gun Show Loophole.  

The Legislative Branch has duty and the right regulate firearms, "A Well Regulated Militia".  NO firearms will seized, that pure ConJob hysteria...which is funny.

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4 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

poor 260 fools that allowed themselves to be identified. Regardless, they got it all back.

Once again, resting on old stuff that is completely irrelevant today.

Some of you just have no life so gotta live in your inglorious past LOL

Those 260 patriotic Canadians should have never had their bank accounts frozen in the first place. How would you like it if that Marxist government in Ottawa froze your bank account? I will bet that you would not be very happy about it happening to you just because you attended a protest, eh? Come on, comrade, this was communism in action. 

Everything that our politicians did to Canadians during covid was an attack on our rights and freedoms, and we must never forgive and never forget as to what our politicians have done to all Canadians during covid. Only buffoons and idiots will agree with what those dictators in Ottawa did to our COR rights and freedoms in Canada. They committed many COR violations, and they committed many crimes against humanity. so, go away dictator with your WEF globalist great reset plans for Canada. I want nothing to do with it.You can kiss my big fat white arse hole. Works for me. ? 

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10 minutes ago, traveler52 said:

No that won't happen.  But I find you henny penny the sky is falling very amusing.

Well, I must say that you are one hell of a "woke" fool for me. This is all about trying to grab guns from Canadian gun owners. The Marxist government in Ottawa has been trying for decades and they have been pretty much unsuccessful up to now. But the Marxist government in Ottawa keeps trying, and keeps wasting time, effort and tax dollars in trying to take away all guns from gun owners. 

i guess that you must have heard that hand gun sales went up in Canada after that Marxist in Ottawa decided to try and bring in more anti-hand gun restrictions. When will these stupid politicians in Ottawa ever get the bloody picture that people do not want THEIR government to be telling them what to say or do or buy. We need to get all of those lefty liberals and NDP socialists out of government. All they ever think about is more control and more power over we the people. ?

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