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Black Privilege in Canada is a Problem

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The elephant in the room isn't going away.  It is getting bigger and bigger. In Canada, there are more supports and programs for Black people than any other settler group yet this is the least successful of all immigrants.  The problem is not " systemic racism " which does not exist or the " legacy of slavery " in a country that never had slavery. 


Even worse, the governments across the land continue to throw more money at the problem and claim this group is victimized and marginalized more than everyone else.  Yes,  the group that receives the most support is the country's greatest victim.


The only argument for " racism " is disparity.  This group is at the bottom of all categories and therefore suffer from " racism ". Despite the fact that racialized groups are at the top of every performance data point, we are to believe the systems are at fault and not anything wrong with this group.

How can  a system be so intricate to make some racial groups at the top while subjugating one group that is 3.5 % of the population?


0nly this group has the government helping them buy houses and start businesses based on their race.




Toronto has the Black Center of Student Excellence and the Africentric Alternative School which are dedicated just for Black students.  No other immigrant group has these programs. 





The Ontario government had special Graduation Coaches but only for one group of immigrants.  It doesn't matter if you need help to graduate,  it matters if you have Black privilege to get tax funded support.

The City of Toronto has the " anti black racism " office and offers programs just for Black people. This includes job training,   courses, programs, and funding for people based on their colour. These are exclusive services just for Black people and no other group has their own city department dedicated to their success.





We could go on and on describing the racist government practices that serve one racial group over others but I'm sure you have seen it too.


TDSB data, TTC data, Police data, incarceration rates,  all data shows the most difficult interactions are with one group. If this is racism why are the other settler groups underrepresented?




What is more likely that every institution takes the time and effort to systematically and systematically discriminate against one group, and one group only,  despite the risk of the media and public opinion and law suits or there is a problem within some elements of this group? The same group that has the highest rate of homicide despite being 3% of the population? Why can't we have an honest discussion so we  can fix the problems in this community?

If there is systemic racism to favor whites and disadvantage racialized people why are groups, like Asians, underrepresented? When a racialized group that makes up almost 20% of the population is under 6% of the incarceration rate , it seems racialized is not a factor. But, when 3.5 % of the population makes up 7% of the incarceration rate then it " must be systemic racism "? How?


Third generation Japanese, Korean, South Asian, and Chinese men are the highest earners in the land. For females, the highest earners are

Third generation Korean,  Chinese,  Japanese, Arab, South Asian, and other groups all earn more than white women. This makes it difficult to believe there is systemic racism.


The biggest concern is that violent crimes are being ignored. People are being shot and killed at record rates but no one will discuss this.  We know who is doing the shooting and killing but as opposed to protecting our citizens and children,  we cry out against Nazis and the Proud Boyzz and the Confederate flag. 

Only one settler group has the privilege to shoot and kill at disproportionate rates with impunity.  Hate Crimes, targeted attacks, bullying by Blacks are ignored.  Consider the Black on Asian attacks that the government and media ignore. Think about predominantly Black countries in which homosexuality is illegal. We want to collect race-based data,  okay let's start with how many shootings are attributed to Black males 16 to 40. This group is about 1% of the population and are responsible for over half of the shootings and a large percentage of all violent crimes. Will anyone release that information? If we want to end the shootings,  don't we need to know who the shooters are?

We have Bill 67 in Ontario looking to expand the powers of CRT in schools and Bill C6 looking to lower sentencing for violent crimes so we have less black people in jail. Ontario cancelled math qualification exam for teachers because Black candidates could not pass and now gifted programs are removing entrance standards so more Black students can enroll.  How much money and social  cost is there to Black privilege? What is the end game? Remove all standards until statically Blacks are earning more than Whites and are in jail less than Whites? Is that the ultimate goal? What do we have to lose to reach that objective?


Let's stop blaming the greatest system in the world,  the one that provides free health care,  OW , ODSP, free education,  OSAP etc, for why a small percentage of 3 % of the population failing. Many Blacks excel and find great success so their race is not an obstacle. Let's end the privilege and end racist programs that divide the  country. 



Edited by Bill67
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I always ask: How is it that Asians and Indians and others can come from a foreign country, English is not even their first language, and they are a great success, while blacks who are born here choose to live in poverty - and YES they do choose it.


Simple. Those Immigrants have an ethic of hard work and family and they succeed. Its a very conservative ethic. A majority of Black Americans are democrats and have bought into the propaganda that they are all victims and their bad situation is someone else's fault, not their own, and they seek handouts as recompense instead of working hard.

This video is great (from an American POV)


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2 hours ago, Great American said:

I always ask: How is it that Asians and Indians and other can come from a foreign country, English is not even their first language, and they are a great success, while blacks who are born here choose to live in poverty - and YES they do choose it.


Simple. Those Immigrants have a ethic of hard work and family and they succeed. Its a very conservative ethic. A majority of Black Americans are democrats and have bought into the propaganda that they are all victims and their bas situation is someone else's fault not their own, and they seek handouts as recompense instead of working hard.

This video is great (from an American POV)


We have the same questions for about Canadian Indigenous. Everybody, can do and do better than our natives because of our apologetic society.

Immigrants will stand on their own. While immigrants get assistance, it is not a guaranteed income and housing and anything they want for ever like our natives.

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The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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1 hour ago, Faramir said:

yeah....I honestly never thought there was such a thing as mentioned in this title...

....black-white relations in Canada are pretty good.  

They were good in America too. They were almost healed in the 80's. Americas favorite dad was Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson was King of pop, I remember we all got along.

But with success comes the realization that conservatism is better, Democrats started losing voters, and thats when the democrats campaign of hate and division and race-baiting began, spreading fear into blacks, just like they did when they invented the KKK. Most race hate today is manufactured, pure astro-turf, based on lies and falsehoods.

Racism is the new Marxist tool to sow division.


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4 minutes ago, Great American said:

They were good in America too. They were almost healed in the 80's Americas favorite dad was Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson was King of pop, I remember we all got along.

But with success comes the realization that conservatism is better, Democrats started losing voters, and thats when the democrats campaign of hate and division and race-baiting began, spreading fear into blacks, just like they did when they invented the KKK. Most race hated today is pure astro-turf, based on lies and falsehoods.

Racism is the new Marxist tool to sow division.


I noticed the exact same thing.  When I grew up in the 70s and 80s black culture was pretty much in line with mainstream American culture.  The past seemed to be the past.  But then Democrats had to ruin everything with the race card.  The cop hating of the last decade is the absolute worst of it.  

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It seems that blacks are featured in 5 out of 6 TV commercials in Canada now when they comprise 3% of the population.

The other marketing lie is the number of mixed race or homosexual “couples” in commercials as though that’s “normal”. All of this amounts to indoctrination of youth - and not so bright left leaning adults.

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2 hours ago, RedDog said:

People  like you are dangerous.

Agreed.  I won't let toxic ideology persist, so you have to 'destroy' me to shut me up just like Great American suggested.


Looks like more Black privilege was on display in Buffalo NY today as ten were murdered in a black neighbourhood mass shooting.


Man, they sure do get all the attention...

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It seems the shooter in Buffalo NY is a white male so I doubt he'll get the benefit of low bail thanks to a George Soros funded DA. Crime coverage in the news depends largely on the ethnicity of the perpetrator, not so much with the victims. Is the perpetrator white? Wall to wall coverage. If the perpetrator is black, nothing to see here, just move along. Even BLM doesn't give a rats ass about black on black crime.

I think every fair minded person favours equal opportunity and not the equality of outcome nonsense pushed by the left.

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"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." Thomas Sowell

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2 minutes ago, RedDog said:

I just got back from errands. Right on cue, first two commercials back to back mixed race couples, as though that’s normal.

Ad agencies all want to be "woke" and as a result no un-woke ads are made to balance the numbers.

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18 minutes ago, Great American said:

Ad agencies all want to be "woke" and as a result no un-woke ads are made to balance the numbers.

I suspect there’s money involved for lying. A generally naive and uninformed populous are being played like sheep.

Btw, my entire working life was with ad agencies.

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Yes in fact Black privilege was at work this week. Did you hear about the Black on Asian hate crime in Dallas on May 11? No? Are you outraged in defense of Asians? No? Do you have any logic or facts to support anything you say or just call people racist?




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Representation is always important.  Merit is always what’s most critical. In an organization where management doesn’t reflect ethnic representation staff-wise, and two job candidates have equal merit but one is black and one is white, and there are fewer managers as a proportionate representation of the general public, of course give the job to the black candidate.  Of course.  We must never lose merit though, or we decline.  

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On 5/14/2022 at 6:00 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Agreed.  I won't let toxic ideology persist, so you have to 'destroy' me to shut me up just like Great American suggested.


Looks like more Black privilege was on display in Buffalo NY today as ten were murdered in a black neighbourhood mass shooting.


Man, they sure do get all the attention...

Let's explore...

"toxic ideology"

The facts in the OP, paint a picture of gross racial divisiveness. But do any of the libbie minds actually ask "why" black people tend to turn to crime? What is the difference between other denominations and black people? IMO, the simple answer is in the saying..."Who's ur daddy?"

As for the Canadian natives...they chose this path.

Libbie "intellect" may sound liberating and thus positive. But when you liberate people from things like Family, Honour, Responsibility...

THEN...your undoing the seams of a civil society. Such is inherently destructive and indeed should be identified for what it really is...

"toxic ideology".

Edited by Nationalist
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Its so lonely in m'saddle since m'horse died.

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15 hours ago, RedDog said:

Incredible black festival in Nordstrom ads. I’m a Nordstrom customer in 3 US stores. I’ve never seen a black customer there in either.

More indoctrination lies.

So they shouldn't reach out to other markets? This is the weirdest cancel culture yet.

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15 hours ago, RedDog said:

Incredible black festival in Nordstrom ads. I’m a Nordstrom customer in 3 US stores. I’ve never seen a black customer there in either.

More indoctrination lies.

I find that designer clothes are prized in American black culture

I would say that Nordstrom is just not exclusive enough

if you're looking for black Americans buying designer labels

they're probably buying Burberry these days

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