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War In Ukraine

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watching the Russians flail here

it is quite obvious that they

a) don't know how to conduct battle procedure

b) don't know how to conduct reconnaissance operations

c) don't know how to fire & maneuver

d) don't know how to operate in combined arms above battalion level

e) don't know how to conduct logistics at all

this is a dumpster fire at the fundamental level

at the core of it all, the cause of the rot

is moral, ethical, spiritual & intellectual failure at the strategic level

totalitarianism is the cancer in the bones of their entire state
the Russian army is junk, they can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag
they don't stand a chance against NATO professionals

they can even handle lightly armed barely trained Ukrainian civilians


Edited by Dougie93
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The destruction of the Buk air defense system of the armed forces of Ukraine by the Russian operational-tactical complex Iskander. The Iskander missile attack was carried out after receiving intelligence data from a Russian UAV patrolling an area in the Kiev region.


A colossal explosion, a powerful rocket attack on the Retroville shopping center in Kiev. The missile strike was carried out after Russian intelligence received evidence that Ukraine was harboring Grad multiple launch rocket systems and other equipment at civilian facilities. In the video, a Ukrainian rocket launcher fires a salvo at Russian troops, after which it leaves for a shopping center



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15 hours ago, Dougie93 said:
watching the Russians flail here

it is quite obvious that they

a) don't know how to conduct battle procedure

b) don't know how to conduct reconnaissance operations

c) don't know how to fire & maneuver

d) don't know how to operate in combined arms above battalion level

e) don't know how to conduct logistics at all

this is a dumpster fire at the fundamental level

at the core of it all, the cause of the rot

is moral, ethical, spiritual & intellectual failure at the strategic level

totalitarianism is the cancer in the bones of their entire state
the Russian army is junk, they can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag
they don't stand a chance against NATO professionals

they can even handle lightly armed barely trained Ukrainian civilians



Russia is weak but it is also desperate. That's a dangerous combination. 

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2 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Russia is weak but it is also desperate. That's a dangerous combination. 

I don't see a path to strategic victory for them regardless

they could double down on escalation dominance, but I expect that would just make things worse for them

they are already in over their heads now, they've already taken the tiger by the tail


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Either way they will lose. Even if they can overthrow the Ukrainian regime they would have to stay there in order to secure their installed puppet-regime which wouldn't last a day without Russians supporting it and that costs a lot of money while the sanctions are eating away the Russian economy.

A lose-lose for Putin all around.

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9 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

Either way they will lose. Even if they can overthrow the Ukrainian regime they would have to stay there in order to secure their installed puppet-regime which wouldn't last a day without Russians supporting it and that costs a lot of money while the sanctions are eating away the Russian economy.

A lose-lose for Putin all around.

they can't overthrow the government, because they can't take Kyiv

they only had 225,000 troops total to start with

they have already lost something like 25,000 of them in just a month

and they can't add more troops, because they don't have the logistics for that

they have already given up on taking Kyiv

the Russians are at this point just trying to salvage the situation, by trying to hold on to the Donbass

they have already lost the war, Ukraine is already on trajectory to be the Lion of Eastern Europe

Putin is the father of a new Ukrainian nation, forged in the fires of a great patriotic war of their very own


Edited by Dougie93
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this is how all Westphalian nation states are made

it's called a formation war

Canada was made this way as well

the United Empire Loyalists here never called themselves "Canadians"

until James Madison launched an invasion in 1812

same kind of war

the Americans thought taking Canada would be a walkover

then they were stopped upon the Heights of Queenston, at Fort Detroit & Chateaugay

then the Americans resorted to just burning the place down

they went around Upper Canada burning homes & farms

and that was the threshold where the colonists here stopped using the English title of "Americans"

and adopted instead the French title of "Canadians"

there was no border before the war, the War of 1812 made the border between Americans & Canadians

God save the Queen & Her Mohawk Warriors


Edited by Dougie93
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23 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

1. Putin is the father of Ukraine, he has made the Ukrainian nation state

Ukraine is lost to the Russian empire forever therein

2. Russia is once again isolated behind an Iron Curtain

the damage to the economy will take decades to repair

3. Russia is now totally reliant on China

when China is actually their mortal enemy

4. Putin has united NATO

the alliance has purpose again, Cold War Two ftw

5. the Russians have been exposed as being paper tigers

their adversaries see that they can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag

Slava Ukraini

Urah ! Urah ! Urah !


Putin has India on his side, and many NATO countries have no desire to fight an American made war with Russia. Many European countries are still going to do business with Russia because their economies depend on working with Russia.

China is stuck in the middle. They have America on one side and Russia on the other side. Both of those countries do not like America. America is both their enemy They will stick together if need be against the warmongers in Washington. 

Despite what the liars in the American and Canadian media have to say, Russia is not a communist country anymore. The people are free from communism. 

Maybe the world thinks that Russia is nothing more than a paper tiger, but who is just willing to take them on? They don't use toy guns in the military, don't you know. They now have and can use big toys now. 

Stop listening to the liars in the MSM. They are mostly all bought and owned by the warmongers in America. It is for dam sure that we are not going to get or hear from an honest media anymore in America or Canada. But thank gawd we still do have an alternative media that is able to give us the other side of the story that the bought off media does not want us to hear and know about. Try it some time will you. They do not bite, I promise you. ?


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Regardless of the political outcomes in Russia, humiliation can be a dangerous thing. The Russian army, like any army, does not like to lose and they are going to be analysing all the things that went wrong. Some changes, such as a culture of centralized control and the disincentive to act on initiative will be a difficult thing to overcome.

It could be better to let President Putin get some sort of face saving "win" out of all this because experience shows when a stongman is toppled, the next guy is either worse or you end up with a failed state. One with nuclear weapons in this case.

It is interesting that the three great super powers have all had the experience of getting beaten by a small country that they invaded. The US in Viet Nam and Afganistan, China in its invasion of Viet Nam and now Russia in the Ukraine. (Although I still expect the Russians will eventually grind the Ukraine into the dust.)

Edited by Queenmandy85
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20 minutes ago, taxme said:

Stop listening to the liars in the MSM.

I don't even watch the MSM

I draw from a network of OSINT analysts of which I am one

certainly the press profits from war hysteria

but even in the context of that

the Russians have lost the war at the strategic level already

this whole fiasco is backfiring on the Kremlin catastrophically

that can be extrapolated by logical deduction alone, the preponderance of evidence is overwhelming

Slava Ukriani ; velyka vitchyznyana viyna


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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Now he's doing this the Dem/Lib way, CBC must be gushing. 

The CBC will always gush and wet their undies over all things Marxist or fascist. They constantly report that the Ukranian army are kicking Russian asses, but are they really? Or is it just more lies and bull shit coming from that gang of CBC traitors in Canada.

The Canadian MSM has proven many times over that lying is not a problem for them to do. They thrive on lying. The CBC is not called the communist broadcasting system for nothing, don't you know. 

There have been reports that 15,000 Russian troops have been killed in this Russian/Ukranian feud. Yeah sure. If the MSM says this is so, then there has to have been just as many Ukranian casualties if not more. But we we will never be told or find out, now will we. Can't make the fascists look like they have casualties, now can they. They are now kicking Russian asses and winning the battle. Okay, if the lying media says so. ?

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Russia must be  absolutely beaten to the ground.  Their citizens must be given the same treatment as the Germans were after WW 2 which is to brainwash them to hate themselves.

Meanwhile China, Japan and India will negotiate how to break Russia east of the Ural-mountains.   

Edited by -TSS-
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Just now, -TSS- said:

Russia must be a absolutely beaten to the ground.  Their citizens must be given the same treatment as the Germans were after WW 2 which is to brainwash them to hate themselves.


although they are inflicting this upon themselves by default

they are casting themselves back to 1991, without much if any Western intervention at all

sic semper tyrannis


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13 minutes ago, taxme said:

The CBC will always gush and wet their undies over all things Marxist or fascist. They constantly report that the Ukranian army are kicking Russian asses, but are they really? Or is it just more lies and bull shit coming from that gang of CBC traitors in Canada.

The Canadian MSM has proven many times over that lying is not a problem for them to do. They thrive on lying. The CBC is not called the communist broadcasting system for nothing, don't you know. 

There have been reports that 15,000 Russian troops have been killed in this Russian/Ukranian feud. Yeah sure. If the MSM says this is so, then there has to have been just as many Ukranian casualties if not more. But we we will never be told or find out, now will we. Can't make the fascists look like they have casualties, now can they. They are now kicking Russian asses and winning the battle. Okay, if the lying media says so. ?

It's bizarre that if their own propaganda is true, and there really are only 1,035 dead Ukrainians and 15,000 dead Russian soldiers, it would mean that the Russians have been exercising amazing restraint, but they follow those numbers up with "The Russians are massacring people" and acting like it's a genocide. 

I'd like to see a comparison between their coverage of the war in Iraq and Ukraine, and how they reacted to the respective death tolls. Iraq was a bloodbath by comparison, and it was based on total lies, and the body count was staggering. I don't recall hearing about it being a genocide though, or constant questions about "Will the US use bioweapons or chemical weapons, or *shudder* even nukes in Iraq?"

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39 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I don't even watch the MSM

I draw from a network of OSINT analysts of which I am one

certainly the press profits from war hysteria

but even in the context of that

the Russians have lost the war at the strategic level already

this whole fiasco is backfiring on the Kremlin catastrophically

that can be extrapolated by logical deduction alone, the preponderance of evidence is overwhelming

Slava Ukriani ; velyka vitchyznyana viyna


So, just how do yuo know that the Russians have lost the war? What? Do you have some kind of personal contact with Putin? I personally believe that it is the Ukranian army that is losing the war because the lying media keeps telling me that the UK'S are winning the war. 

When the lying media tells me to go to the left, I will always go to the right. Live with it. ?

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25 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's bizarre that if their own propaganda is true, and there really are only 1,035 dead Ukrainians and 15,000 dead Russian soldiers, it would mean that the Russians have been exercising amazing restraint, but they follow those numbers up with "The Russians are massacring people" and acting like it's a genocide. 

I'd like to see a comparison between their coverage of the war in Iraq and Ukraine, and how they reacted to the respective death tolls. Iraq was a bloodbath by comparison, and it was based on total lies, and the body count was staggering. I don't recall hearing about it being a genocide though, or constant questions about "Will the US use bioweapons or chemical weapons, or *shudder* even nukes in Iraq?"

The CBC picks and chooses as to what it will report. There have become a very one sided leftist liberal news lying outfit. They are not worth listening to anymore. They lie. ?

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11 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, just how do yuo know that the Russians have lost the war? What? Do you have some kind of personal contact with Putin? I personally believe that it is the Ukranian army that is losing the war because the lying media keeps telling me that the UK'S are winning the war. 

When the lying media tells me to go to the left, I will always go to the right. Live with it. ?

Putin is out of the loop, bro

he obviously had no clue what a dumpster fire his military actually was

since he never would have impaled himself on this fiasco if he knew

Russia is so corrupt & dysfunctional, they don't even know how pathetic they actually are


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11 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Россия должна быть абсолютно сбита с ног. С их гражданами нужно обращаться так же, как с немцами после Второй мировой войны, то есть промывать им мозги, чтобы они ненавидели себя.

Тем временем Китай, Япония и Индия будут договариваться о том, как сломить Россию к востоку от Уральских гор.   

Where do you get this delusional analytics from, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that it supports Russia, China will soon seize Taiwan and it needs Russia's support

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13 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Either way they will lose. Even if they can overthrow the Ukrainian regime they would have to stay there in order to secure their installed puppet-regime which wouldn't last a day without Russians supporting it and that costs a lot of money while the sanctions are eating away the Russian economy.

A lose-lose for Putin all around.

Where do you get the information. The operation has slowed down because big cities want to take without bombing and big casualties. A part of Ukraine will be annexed to Russia, and benefits in rubles are already being paid to Ukrainians in the liberated territories.  There was information about the holding of a referendum on joining Russia in some territories of Ukraine in the near future. The sources where you get the information are incompetent

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The Russian army used new weapons for the first time in Ukraine, the work of the remote mining engineering system "Agriculture" was filmed near Kharkov. The video shows the moment of remote installation of minefields. The operation of this installation is similar to the work of the Grad MLRS. The difference is that instead of the warhead of a 122 mm rocket, they carry cassettes with mines. After the installation of mines, this territory is plotted on an electronic map, there is no need to carry out mine clearance manually, mines can be remotely deactivated.

Movement of a column of Russian military equipment of airborne units to the area of combat missions in the Kiev region



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Just now, -TSS- said:

I have absolutely no idea where that Russian troll has got those quotes in Russian and made them as if I have posted them. I haven't. I don't speak any Russian. 

he didn't change what you said, he just quoted you in Russian

"Россия слаба, но и в отчаянии. Это опасная комбинация"

translation :

"Russia is weak, but also in despair. This is a dangerous combination."

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the thing about Russia to understand

is that despite the Bolshevik revolution and subsequent collapse of

nothing has really changed

it is still the infallible Czar

his Princes

then the Boyars

then the Serfs

Russia is still run the same way it has ever been run

they just call the Czar "President of the Russian Federation" now

so that is how they have trapped themselves in this catastrophe

it's like Nicolas II's Russo-Japanese War, fused with Stalin's Winter War, both catastrophes in one

this is the doom of the Russians, and has been for centuries now


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