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My Foray Into Conspiracy Theories

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So there's this thing going around social media, it's about a guy who predicted all of these covid events a while ago, or got the info from some Klaus Schwab book or whatever. I didn't read it because it all looked like BS. Someone could have easily written it recently, printed it, and then just acted like it was from a long time ago, blah, blah, blah. I mostly disregarded it, don't even remember where I saw it.

I don't know if the Ukraine/Russia war was mentioned in it, I just remember that the last part of it was about a huge cyberstrike that's gonna wipe out world banking or something and make covid look like no big deal.

This is all vague for me because I didn't really care, but all of a sudden the cyberstrike thing seems to make sense.

I'm not saying that it's likely to happen or at least be successful, but I can see the motive for it now, and I think that an attempt is likely. Faith in the legitimacy of our banking system has suddenly come into question from right here in Canada of all places. Now there are wealthy Russians being dispossessed of their belongings.

For people who believed that the truckers were all white supremacists and that Ukraine was a great neighbour to Russia who never provoked an attack, maybe this all sounds great, but just know that at any time when the powers that be decide that you're backing the wrong thing, you can and will be dispossessed without recourse. Which means, you don't actually own a single thing right now. You just have some stuff because the gov't lets you.

Has a hacker group in Russia been pissed off enough to do a cyberstrike? Are these people who suddenly have the power to seize everyone else's money just gonna pretend that there was a cyberstrike and wipe out all of our possesssions? 

The thought that we can all be dispossessed of everything that we've "earned" with the stroke of a keyboard is suddenly a fact of life. 

The New World Order stuff that all sounded like idiocy a few weeks ago suddenly seems to make more sense than believing in the status quo that we knew back in 2019. Was that the zenith of our western civilization? 

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What’s afoot isn’t actually a conspiracy.  The template for worldwide enslavement is openly shared and has much support.  The move started with the pandemic but the levers are established.  We have vaccine passports and a safety technocracy ready to shut down freedom based on data collection.  The state has demonstrated that it will remove constitutional rights at will.  Your constitutional rights are somewhat of an illusion.  The struggle to retain and restore freedoms will likely be an ongoing battle, because states will reference all forms of “crisis” to justify oppression.  Sadly, enough of the population is cowardly or simply too scared to push back.  Getting back to “normal” is hard.  Very few jurisdictions have the strength and courage to resist.  

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Today Zelinski meets the US Senate. He's gonna try to convince the Americans to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.  Should he succeed, the potential for all sorts of crap become very real.

I know this is hard to watch but, the US and NATO have got to stay out of it. Should they get directly involved and things degrade, it won't just be the banking system in jeopardy. 


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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

These things are written and passed around by people with no idea how the world works.

Bank runs are yet another risk that we have to contend with because useful idiots on this board spread disinfo.


Bank runs aren't the fault of people on this board or anywhere else spreading disinfo, they're a reaction to what's actually happening.

There's no point in having a bunch of money in the bank if you can't even buy groceries with it. It's less than useless at that point.

FYI money itself is an abstract concept. The idea that you can trade a piece of paper for a bicycle or a car takes faith in the monetary system. I personally still can't imagine buying a car with crypto.

With the governments in 2022 so quickly and thoroughly reducing the value of people's currency to zero, with no trial and no recourse whatsoever, suddenly the faith in digital (and to a lesser extent paper) currency has been eroded to great extent.

Investing in gold, silver and diamonds isn't a bad idea right now. People always need to have something on hand to trade and digital currency simply can't be relied upon. 

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6 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Today Zelinski meets the US Senate. He's gonna try to convince the Americans to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.  Should he succeed, the potential for all sorts of crap become very real.

I know this is hard to watch but, the US and NATO have got to stay out of it. Should they get directly involved and things degrade, it won't just be the banking system in jeopardy. 


We don’t have enough information in our media about the neo-Nazi movements in Ukraine that are also involved in this conflict.  They’re concerning.  Of course Russia’s invasion is deeply troubling.  

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Bank runs aren't the fault of people on this board or anywhere else spreading disinfo, they're a reaction to what's actually happening.

There's no point in having a bunch of money in the bank if you can't even buy groceries with it. It's less than useless at that point.

FYI money itself is an abstract concept. The idea that you can trade a piece of paper for a bicycle or a car takes faith in the monetary system. I personally still can't imagine buying a car with crypto.

With the governments in 2022 so quickly and thoroughly reducing the value of people's currency to zero, with no trial and no recourse whatsoever, suddenly the faith in digital (and to a lesser extent paper) currency has been eroded to great extent.

Investing in gold, silver and diamonds isn't a bad idea right now. People always need to have something on hand to trade and digital currency simply can't be relied upon. 

He’s not tuned into what’s happening, but maybe that’s just how it’s going to be for many people, especially older people.  Hopefully they’ll get to finish out their lives without being heavily impacted by loss of freedoms and other problems.  They already are, but the pandemic fear factor has justified much of the infringement on rights in their eyes.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

He’s not tuned into what’s happening, but maybe that’s just how it’s going to be for many people, especially older people.  Hopefully they’ll get to finish out their lives without being heavily impacted by loss of freedoms and other problems.  They already are, but the pandemic fear factor has justified much of the infringement on rights in their eyes.  

Some people see this new bank-freeze thing through the same lens that they see socialism. 

They only saw the bank freeze used against people that the gov't told them to hate, so they don't think about how frivolous the reason actually was. Similarly, some people see socialism as something that might be more beneficial than harmful to them personally, so in both instances they're 100% in. 

Those people are incapable of thinking about how the bank-freeze could impact them or someone they love down the road, for anther frivolous reason, or what someone like Trump or Hillary could do with the god-like power of socialism.

The MSM told them "It's all rainbows and puppy dogs forever" and all they can do is nod their bobbly heads.

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53 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Some people see this new bank-freeze thing through the same lens that they see socialism. 

They only saw the bank freeze used against people that the gov't told them to hate, so they don't think about how frivolous the reason actually was. Similarly, some people see socialism as something that might be more beneficial than harmful to them personally, so in both instances they're 100% in. 

Those people are incapable of thinking about how the bank-freeze could impact them or someone they love down the road, for anther frivolous reason, or what someone like Trump or Hillary could do with the god-like power of socialism.

The MSM told them "It's all rainbows and puppy dogs forever" and all they can do is nod their bobbly heads.

I just worry that we’re going to see much more government control on a permanent basis.  I hope that this period of opening up isn’t an interlude.  If there’s major economic damage, governments will provide support, but this won’t come without a price.  The cost of admission could mean accepting conditions and a level of control we’ve never experienced.  Actually we’ve already had a two year test-run.  The population is conditioned to accept directives that are a total gutting of constitutional rights.  We have to make sure that as new “crises” arise further overreach doesn’t become a fixture in our lives. The danger is real and our government is playing with very concerning and undemocratic ideas.  Freeland is a Trustee on the WEF.  That means something. The reaction to the protests was scary.  The freezing of bank accounts is unprecedented. Trudeau still won’t even discuss the removal of vaccine mandates and passports. 

Edited by Zeitgeist
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The road we're traveling and the ultimate endpoint is nothing new. It's obvious, therefore the "progressive" mindset can't see it. They've become allergic to the obvious. 

The goal is obvious, only the strategies of how this or that power structure take us there is up for grabs. The different strategies of how authoritarians might take us to a totalitarian state can be seen as "conspiracy theories." Where were going though is blatant. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. 

Might banking be a tool? Sure, why not? I'm not sure our crystal balls of conspiracy theories can even imagine exactly how they'll use it though. Going by their previous MO whatever they do will be presented as a problem extraneous to them (even though they'll be like the little boy vigorously shaking his head "no" with cookie crumbs all around his mouth and a broken cookie jar on the floor) then they'll supply the solution which will be more control for them, none for you.

The general goal is glaring however the precise endpoint might be a conspiracy theory. You'll own nothing and you'll eat bugs. That's mine.


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How we get there is the conspiracy theory. Where we're going is not.

Not to worry though, there will be no more talk of "climate change" or "covid" when we reach our ultimate destination.

You'll still have bad weather and new flus. You just won't be allowed to talk about them anymore. Everything will always be perfect in the new state.


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23 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Ok here's one:

McConnell and Rand Paul helping an oligarch, and getting the Kentucky Pension fund invested in a Russian banks


And here's one for you. Russia is financing climate activists:


Why? Did you want to have a conspiracy contest? Left against right? Could be fun.

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12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not saying that it's likely to happen or at least be successful, but I can see the motive for it now, and I think that an attempt is likely. Faith in the legitimacy of our banking system has suddenly come into question from right here in Canada of all places. Now there are wealthy Russians being dispossessed of their belongings.

Faith in our banking system is unchanged.  If people want to benefit from a rules-based global economy, they should be prepared to play by those rules.  Outside of the dictators, authoritarians and rogue states, the only people upset about this are the crypto bros and conspiracy clowns.   

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27 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Faith in our banking system is unchanged.  

It's impossible for you to be right because I know a lot of people who feel the exact same why I do about the freezing of bank accounts during the freedom convoy. 


Outside of the dictators, authoritarians and rogue states, the only people upset about this are the crypto bros and conspiracy clowns.   

That makes no sense. It's not a conspiracy that people had their accounts frozen for no reason at all.

I know you think that your post comes off like a cool insult but it's just a brutal display of ignorance and/or stupidity.

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31 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Faith in our banking system is unchanged.  If people want to benefit from a rules-based global economy, they should be prepared to play by those rules.  Outside of the dictators, authoritarians and rogue states, the only people upset about this are the crypto bros and conspiracy clowns.   

What happens when the rules-based country removes constitutional rights?   How far does your trust of our government extend?   I’d argue that we’re seeing a lot of cowardice and misplaced trust of dubious government these days.  It’s not even especially hidden.  People are in denial because too much has happened for many people to process.  Just getting accurate information is hard now.  All I know is we should be wary of attempts to strip away rights, and there have been attempts, some successful.  Sadly, I think even those who are worried about government overreach are naive because we don’t have explanations from leaders.  It’s all dismissed as conspiracy nonsense from the “tinfoil hats” people.  

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8 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

We don’t have enough information in our media about the neo-Nazi movements in Ukraine that are also involved in this conflict.  They’re concerning.  Of course Russia’s invasion is deeply troubling.  


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12 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

In other news, Russia looking to buy more gold.


Things get a little... different... in war.

Mr. Trudeau has declared war on his own people.

We, the anti-science, misogynist rapists.

Gotta buy gold if your money isn't worth anything anymore and you have to pay off your men somehow to keep them from doing a coup on you when all their assets have been frozen in the West.

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Some conspiracies might be true.  There's been all sorts of false flags to start wars throughout history.  The problem is the layman getting good evidence on theories.  Things kept behind the scenes will often be kept there.  The bigger problem is not going nutty from paranoia buying into all this stuff when you can't prove a lot of it.

Following politics is almost a fools errand.  We don't know what's real, and we can't change policies anyways so WTF is the point?  We get a vote every few years and that's it.  We are all useful idiots, sad to say.  We'll be controlled by someone one way or another, it's always been the case.  Democracy gives us some choice, but a lot of it is also an illusion of choice.

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12 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

What happens when the rules-based country removes constitutional rights?   How far does your trust of our government extend?  

I disagreed with the Emergencies Act.  It was unnecessary, set a bad precedent and was a shameful chapter in our history.  It was an equally shameful blotch on the efficacy of our law enforcement in how it the protests were handled to get to that point though.   Freezing people's bank accounts isn't unconstitutional and it gets done with Court orders often enough that it's not really remarkable.  What was concerning was circumventing the warrant/Court process with the Emergency Act.  

This was a loud but temporary blunder and hopefully puts future politicians on notice that it's not to be trifled with.  I'll vote against Trudeau next election on this issue alone (provided there's anyone but Jagmeet Singh or Pierre Poilievre to vote for).  

12 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

All I know is we should be wary of attempts to strip away rights, and there have been attempts, some successful.

Yes, you're right.  

12 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Sadly, I think even those who are worried about government overreach are naive because we don’t have explanations from leaders.  It’s all dismissed as conspiracy nonsense from the “tinfoil hats” people.  

You bring that on yourselves with your conspiracy theories and inflammatory rhetoric.  Whatever good points you have to make get drowned out in hyperbole and people aren't interested in listening to tantrums.  I'm not saying that to troll you either.  

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