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Trucker's Convoy


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6 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

How so ?

Do you expect 'the system' to reach out and deny people their rights in dictating how they deal with their own lawyers and so on ?

Or are you just angry that the divisive politics that has fueled this whole convoy thing is now affecting people who were on the fence about the whole thing ?  

If this is culture war, then it's culture war.  Pat King could be punished prejudicially still, if the powers that be want it.  I don't know that we're there yet.

If and when he (they) goes to trall, he will either be guiltily and get off with time served or, charges will be dropped and he will have spent months in jail for no reason.

A real hero LOL

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4 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

 A real hero LOL

I actually feel sorry for him.

He stumbled into the spotlight and wasn't mature enough to appreciate the consequences of what was happening.  They thought they were 'bringing down Trudeau' but they were being used by people who knew full well that they could achieve their goals and the system itself would mangle Pat King without touching them.

Poilievre comes to mind.  "standing with the convoy" was a nice little boost to get O'Toole out and pull him up in the eyes of convoy supporters without having to do anything other than say a few words.  What else would you expect from someone whose entire career has been lived in the House of Commons.

Poor guy - I hope he is wisened by the experience.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

How so ?

Do you expect 'the system' to reach out and deny people their rights in dictating how they deal with their own lawyers and so on ?

Or are you just angry that the divisive politics that has fueled this whole convoy thing is now affecting people who were on the fence about the whole thing ?  

If this is culture war, then it's culture war.  Pat King could be punished prejudicially still, if the powers that be want it.  I don't know that we're there yet.

I expect people in a western civilization not to be applauding the imprisonment of a man over his politics. 

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8 minutes ago, dialamah said:

He wasn't imprisoned over politics; he was imprisoned for inciting to commit mischief.  

Pat King would be considered a hero to you folks if he organized a truck rally over one of your lefty causes. So yeah he is in jail for speaking poorly about PM Blackface

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5 minutes ago, West said:

Pat King would be considered a hero to you folks if he organized a truck rally over one of your lefty causes. So yeah he is in jail for speaking poorly about PM Blackface

Don't speak for me; you've no idea what I think.  For instance, I think being in jail for months is overkill for his charge.  But I prefer accuracy and honesty - hysterical hyperbole that he was imprisoned because he's a political opponent is neither accurate nor honest.

If you really believed that this government will jail people for their political views, you wouldn't be on here hyperventilating and calling Trudeau "PM Blackface."

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

How so ?

People who are in a position where they have to reply to questions indirectly and untruthfully, or dodge, lie and slither, but still keep on blathering as if they're in a position to pontificate, are disgusting to conservatives. 

Lies about Russian collusion, Smollett, Sandman, M Brown, R Brooks, the Waukesha car crash, WE, SNC, Convoy Naziism, blocked ambulances at hospital protests, vaccine efficacy, vaccine side effects, etc are just fine for you guys. You like them, you repeat them, you disgust decent people. 

That's how. 

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54 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1. People who are in a position where they have to reply to questions indirectly and untruthfully, or dodge, lie and slither...

2. Lies about ...Y

3. You like them, you repeat them, you disgust decent people. 


1. 2.  The Convoy leaders LIED more than the sneaky MSM misdirection or political hopscotch deceptions.  If you don't know how to lie properly, stay out of politics.  This is a lesson for Lich, Pat King et. al.  

3. Not me.  I sleep soundly at night.  If you want to build a system where persuasion is illegal, advertising is banned and so on I'm very interested in how you would put that together.

As it is, though, you hate Trudeau and anybody who doesn't also hate Trudeau it seems and so it's just all anger.  One can criticize (or defend) the system without having to like or hate it.

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2 hours ago, West said:

I expect people in a western civilization not to be applauding the imprisonment of a man over his politics. 

Who is applauding?

The fact is he is in jail for minor charges, mischief and a few others. There were others that were charged. All others with exception of Lich spent no time in jail and were out on bail. Lich is out on bail.

This guy and his buddy are sitting there on minor charges because they cannot get bail and cannot get a lawyer to work with them.

This has nothing to do with western civilization, this has nothing to do with politics, this has everything to do with Pat King himself.

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39 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Trudeau has covid.  Again. ?

How are those vaxes working out for ya?

And why the mandates when the majority of covid spreaders are vaxxed?

You just don't get it.

The vaccine was never promised to eradicate covid, it was to lessen the effects and prevent death in those with jeopardized heath situations. And it did that. It ws never to be a cure.
It is a known fact that covid is not going away.

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

This is about the government trying to find excuses to unfairly put down political protests.  The government treats our Constitution like it’s a suggestion.

Oh geez, cry me a river of BS.

There are political protests almost every day.

It has been asked of you time and time again what part of the constitution was breached and you cannot provide any response. Just constant useless whining about it.

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7 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Oh geez, cry me a river of BS.

There are political protests almost every day.

It has been asked of you time and time again what part of the constitution was breached and you cannot provide any response. Just constant useless whining about it.

Did you miss the memo the rest of the world got?  Trudeau looks like a ridiculous hypocrite in international circles, touting democracy in Ukraine while bringing in martial law at home against political opponents and treating the unvaccinated like second class citizens.  

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4 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Then why did the CDC and all the governments have to walk back the claim that the vaccines would eliminate covid?

You forget that we were all lied to in the beginning.  And now you lie for your masters and say they were never meant to cure covid.  That is a big fat lie - and you know it.  FFS - just read some of the threads on here - the vax fanatics were tearing their hair out and screaming how everyone HAD TO get vaxxed to eliminate covid from the earth!!!!!!   GAH!!!!!   MUST. GET. VAXXED. IT. CURES. COVID.

Don't even pretend you don't remember they hyped up lies.

And don't even bother trying to re-write history with those of us who have been paying attention from the beginning.

CDC walks back claim that vaccinated people can't carry COVID (nypost.com)

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27 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Trudeau has covid.  Again. ?

How are those vaxes working out for ya?

And why the mandates when the majority of covid spreaders are vaxxed?

Our clown prince and princess of vaxxing, Justin & Mrs Bieber, have both had symptoms which are common side effects of vaxxing as well (yes, leftards, the Pflacebo has known side-effects). 

The Biebs is denying that the vaccine had anything to do with his diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, but the vaccine is known to cause shingles, and shingles is one of the causes of RH Syndrome. https://www.besthealthmag.ca/article/covid-vaccine-and-shingles/



There have been multiple cases of individuals experiencing shingles—a painful skin rash caused by the same varicella-zoster virus responsible for chicken pox—after receiving COVID-19 vaccines. 


Both chickenpox and shingles are caused by the same virus, the varicella zoster virus (VZV). After a person has had chickenpox, the virus rests in the body’s nerves permanently as it cannot be eliminated. For many people, it remains dormant in the nerve roots, but approximately 30 percent of all people who have been infected with chickenpox will later develop herpes zoster, commonly known as zoster or shingles.


The two biggest risk factors for reactivating the virus is age (particularly after the age of 50 years) and people with an immune system that is not working properly because of their medical conditions or medications. These two categories of individuals are also the ones we are targeting with the COVID-19 vaccine because they are also at risk of complications from the COVID-19 virus.


Another hypothesis which has yet to be proven by science, is that activation of the immune system after getting the COVID-19 vaccine triggers the shingles flareup. This phenomenon can occur with other autoimmune diseases as well such rheumatoid arthritis.

Biebs isn't 50 yet, so does he have a weakened immune system? If so, from what? Not good.


Mrs. Biebs had a blood clot in her brain at the tender age of 25. Blood clots in the brain are quite rare at her age, but blood clots caused by the vax are not uncommon at all. 


Of course it's a distinct possibility that the Pflacebo caused their symptoms, regardless of whether or not they'll admit it, but is it probable that the vax caused them? they're really young to have either symptom, so it's a yes. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Our clown prince and princess of vaxxing, Justin & Mrs Bieber, have both had symptoms which are common side effects of vaxxing as well (yes, leftards, the Pflacebo has known side-effects). 

The Biebs is denying that the vaccine had anything to do with his diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, but the vaccine is known to cause shingles, and shingles is one of the causes of RH Syndrome. https://www.besthealthmag.ca/article/covid-vaccine-and-shingles/

Biebs isn't 50 yet, so does he have a weakened immune system? If so, from what? Not good.


Mrs. Biebs had a blood clot in her brain at the tender age of 25. Blood clots in the brain are quite rare at her age, but blood clots caused by the vax are not uncommon at all. 


Of course it's a distinct possibility that the Pflacebo caused their symptoms, regardless of whether or not they'll admit it, but is it probable that the vax caused them? they're really young to have either symptom, so it's a yes. 

Did you hear about the over 2000 elites in Europe  -  INCLUDING BIG PHARMA EXECUTIVES - who paid thousands of dollars to get a saline water shot instead of the actual covid shot?

Huge scandal.

But yeah, elites getting fake shots is only a "conspiracy theory." ?

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Did you miss the memo the rest of the world got?  Trudeau looks like a ridiculous hypocrite in international circles, touting democracy in Ukraine while bringing in martial law at home against political opponents and treating the unvaccinated like second class citizens.  

This is not about Trudeau, this is about 2 clowns sitting in jail for almost 4 months because they cannot get a lawyer and post ball on a charge that would probably be dropped or gotten a small fine but, there they sit.

As for the vacciantion, as I said, it was never promised to be a cure.

As for touting democracy in Ukraine"? Huh? When? By who" Prove that.

As for Canada's support to the Ukraine are you insinuating that Canada stop or does not support Ukraine?

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3 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Did you hear about the over 2000 elites in Europe  -  INCLUDING BIG PHARMA EXECUTIVES - who paid thousands of dollars to get a saline water shot instead of the actual covid shot?

Huge scandal.

But yeah, elites getting fake shots is only a "conspiracy theory." ?

Oh geez, do you swim in conspiracy water pools??  It soaks into every pore of your body LOL

You are one saaaad puppy .

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40 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. 2.  The Convoy leaders LIED more than the sneaky MSM misdirection or political hopscotch deceptions.  If you don't know how to lie properly, stay out of politics.  This is a lesson for Lich, Pat King et. al.  

1.2.) The convoy leaders didn't lie at all, especially compared to our hypocritical, chickenshit PM and MSM (n case you've forgotten, you go sucked into repeating the MSM's lies about the Freedom Convoy).

They convoy talked quite honestly about the vaccine mandates and all of the lies and deception from our government.

I know that you know how to lie, but it's weird that I have to explain to you that liar is a pejorative word. 


3. Not me.  I sleep soundly at night.  If you want to build a system where persuasion is illegal, advertising is banned and so on I'm very interested in how you would put that together.

3) You sleep soundly at night because lying doesn't bother you. That's well-established here. 

I don't understand how you can look at that laundry list of known MSM lies and then go on to change the subject to "the legality of persuasion" lol. You're just twisted. 


As it is, though, you hate Trudeau and anybody who doesn't also hate Trudeau it seems and so it's just all anger.  One can criticize (or defend) the system without having to like or hate it.

I just laugh at people who are too stupid to see Trudeau for what he is, I don't hate them. I hate liars. 

You're not defending "the system", you're defending "lying". 

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