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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Scarily familiar. 

And remember when the government was pushing the jabs on pregnant women and you and I were saying, "Wait, there are no long term studies on pregnancy, its still experimental, even animal trials are not completed, maybe you should wait and see." and a bunch of others here called us idiots and anti-vaxxers and science deniers?

Ahhhh, fun times.....

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Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’ – NYCBC News (notcbc.ca)



In a video interview Wednesday with WND, a former Wall Street executive whose analysis of CDC data shows an alarming rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout said he’s hoping to start a national conversation that will penetrate an establishment media “blackout” by emboldening people across government and private industry to speak out.

“That’s my goal, to just change the conversation, to give people cover,” said Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock.

The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality over that period, Dowd found. It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year – seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85.


Early COVID-19 treatments should not be ignored | Washington Examine




One of the most striking examples of this was the infamous May 2020 Lancet paper that claimed hydroxychloroquine is dangerous to COVID-19 patients. It was based on faked data, and the journal retracted it, with the Lancet editor later dubbing that paper a "monumental fraud." There was this past summer’s reporting on ivermectin, with cable news and the CDC itself promoting the notion that it is strictly a veterinary medicine (it is not). It was also claimed that emergency rooms have been overwhelmed with Ivermectin overdose patients (they were not).

Recently, there has been some excitement over the Merck antiviral pill. A study with 775 volunteers reportedly showed its use reduced the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization or death by half. But in July 2020, the press and public health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, were almost uniformly dismissive of excellent studies conducted by the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit and the Mount Sinai Health System in New York, which showed a similar reduction in COVID-19 mortality with the use of hydroxychloroquine. Those observational studies included over 2,500 patients and over 6,000 patients, respectively.


The fraud being orchestrated in this whole fiasco infuriates me.

Message me if you want to know how to make HCQ at home.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’ – NYCBC News (notcbc.ca)

Early COVID-19 treatments should not be ignored | Washington Examine


The fraud being orchestrated in this whole fiasco infuriates me.

Message me if you want to know how to make HCQ at home.

I would be interested in how to make HCQ at home. Message me. Thanks. 

All that is going on today with energy prices, with gas and oil prices skyrocketing, the supply chain of products and services broken down, due to China's lock down or deliberate lock down, and the possibility of a food shortage coming this year sometime, says to me that this just did not kick in and happen just like that. There has to be some kind of conspiracy going on here by those WEF globalists as far as I am concerned. We the peasants never can seem to see the end of crisis's anymore. They just keep coming and coming and coming. First the covid crisis, then the climate change crisis, now the Ukraine crisis, and no doubt more crisis viruses to come along this fall or sooner and maybe even a shortage of food. Strange indeed. 

With gas prices high in America, what does BiDumb do? He stops all leases on land to drill for any new oil and gas developments like BiDumb just did in Alaska. Everything that this guy touches, he makes a bloody mess of it, not that our dear Marxist dictator in Ottawa is any better. Everything that he touches he screws it all up. 

Just to show you how stupid and dumb these woke leftist liberals are, in some school in some state, they decided that they would put a tampon dispenser in the boys bathroom. LIKE WHAT? Do transgender boys need to have access to tampons now in their boys bathrooms. This is just how insane these leftist woke liberals are. And they pretty much run everything these days. It's no wonder that we cannot find anymore common sense in Canada anywhere. ?

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On 5/12/2022 at 1:29 PM, Aristides said:

Your decision not to get vaccinated had nothing to do with mandatory vaccination. Entering a restaurant is not your right. A restaurant can still require a vaccine passport if they wish, even though there is no longer a requirement to do so. A business can also require masks if they so choose.

Are you nuts? The decision to not get vaccinated was a decision that I did make for myself, but I was being forced or mandated to get vaccinated in order to visit my sick wife in a care home. It was mandatory that I be fully vaccinated in order to visit my wife. This had everything to do with forced mandated vaccinations. 

Again, are you nuts? I know that it is not my right to enter a restaurant if the owner does not want me in their restaurant. But that is not the case here. Most restaurants, like my wife's care home. that I first tried to enter told me that they would allow me in if it were not for me not being fully vaccinated. It's not the right of any government bureaucrat to deny me or anyone else the right to enter a restaurant or any other business or restaurant just because they were not fully vaccinated.

Anyway, you can keep ass kissing and protecting all of the covid mandates all you want too. I much prefer to keep my smiling white colored face white and beautiful, rather than having to walk around with a brown ass kissing looking face. LOL. 


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On 5/12/2022 at 8:45 AM, myata said:

Right, only in normal democratic countries they rule at the time the unreasonable and unconstitutional measures are imposed, not months and decades belated. And justice system is turning into another inept imitation, with independent free media illusion evaporated by Covid. What next?

What's next, you say? Communism and dictatorship for we the peasants of Canada. That is what's next. With our lying Canadian politicians, and the lying Canadian media, who the hell needs enemies. ?

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5 hours ago, Goddess said:

It's the silencing and blacklisting of doctors and scientists who disagree with the official narrative that is equally disturbing.

In China, Mao once went with his preferred "advisors" and had all the sparrows killed because they lowered grain yields, but when the locusts showed up in the summer, there were no birds to eat them and it resulted in a massive famine.  This happened because the party chose the "experts" who agreed with them and then censored and demonized any expert who disagreed.

Sound familiar?

The word "experts" is bandied around and used way too much these days. Yes, there may be some experts on some things out there, but which expert are we supposed to believe? In the world that we all live in today, sadly, there are two kinds of "experts" around. Those who tell the truth, and those who do not tell the truth. 

This is where we the peasants have to start doing our own research, and most importantly listen to both sides of any story, and not just the one side of the story that the MSM party puts out. The MSM have become well known liars and bullshit spreaders along with our dear Mao leaders. Just saying. ? 

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Once again though, what is Health Canada budget? Isn't it supposed to procure and oversee delivery of critical supplies for what it's paid, or what is it paid for, if not Tam's crucial instructions on how to have it in the mask? So why do we need another in-between, pad company for the q-vaccines, complete with tax havens for generated"" profits? Can someone explain, please?

Let's get it straight, so we spend unimaginable loads of dough on products mandated by the government; mandated even now when it makes exactly zero sense; then give it to a shady pad company to deliver it; and we aren't even interested who's sitting in it and counting profits, just because it's supposed to be clean as it has to be because it has to? And that's it? What country was it, please remind us, did you say Panama or Honduras?

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7 hours ago, myata said:

There's no simple and quick fix.

How do you know that exactly when no one has even tried?

Making public the lobbying of public officials about matters in the public's domain that impact the public's interest doesn't really seem that complicated. Except all too sadly and mystifyingly the public will to make it happen.

The technology to properly monitor for compliance has been on the shelf for decades. It's much the same technology governments use to monitor us in fact.

Remember we're talking about 38 million of us keeping an eye on 338 MP's vs the other way around. How hard can it be?

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

How do you know that exactly when no one has even tried?

Because it's obvious? When someone ruled happily with no checks or limits for decades and centuries and you close them one door would it fix all problems magically? Keep dreaming. The answer is not in superficial fixes but reengineering and revamping the entire system of public governance on the principles of transparency; accountability and direct responsibility. No easy fixes.

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11 hours ago, taxme said:

. . . . In the world that we all live in today, sadly, there are two kinds of "experts" around. Those who tell the truth, and those who do not tell the truth . . . .

That is a FACT

The same goes for scientists and doctors.

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Can't believe what I just heard on CBC regarding dropping mask mandates in Quebec: those with weakened immune system are still recommended to wear face mask (not medical, special mask) to protect against possible infection (very near original).

Isn't it common specialist knowledge that face cloth masks provide only minimal protection to the wearer? How is it possible to broadcast official information to the population that is incorrect, wrong and could be dangerous by creating a false expectation of security? Have we really moved past any obligation of truth and responsibility by the governments in this country?

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2 hours ago, myata said:

The answer is not in superficial fixes but reengineering and revamping the entire system of public governance on the principles of transparency; accountability and direct responsibility. No easy fixes.

no easy fixes indeed, since there is no public rule in Canada

Canada is not a republic

Canada is not subject to "reegineering the entire system"

as that would mean revolution

but as a monarchy, Canada is fundamentally counterrevolutionary

the Government of Canada is not actually accountable to you

the Government of Canada is only accountable to Elizabeth Windsor, personally

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13 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

the Government of Canada is only accountable to Elizabeth Windsor

Just the kind of pompous nonsense that repeated millions of times makes you begin thinking it could mean something. But no, nothing still, zero. Only convenient cover for total and patent irresponsibility. Like Elizabeth cared. Like she would or could do something. But who cares, anything goes. Open season on common sense.

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6 minutes ago, myata said:

Just the kind of pompous nonsense that repeated millions of times makes you begin thinking it could mean something. But no, nothing still, zero. Only convenient cover for total and patent irresponsibility. Like Elizabeth cared. Like she would or could do something. But who cares, anything goes. Open season on common sense.

that's just how the Canadian constitution is written

Canada is not an idea, Canada is simply an agreement

Canada is the Confederation

if you want out of that, then you end up an American republican by default

not that I have any quarrel with that

but Canada in fact does have a quarrel with that, explicitly stated in the Canada Act 1982

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to illustrate how this functions in pratice

Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister with Parliamentary Supremacy, is wielding the power of Elizabeth Windsor

Justin Trudeau is invoking the trucker protests as being "foreign"

a "threat to the Crown of Canada"

thus he is turning the power of the Queen against Canadians in the streets

by calling these protests an "American invasion" for all intents & purposes 

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10 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

but Canada in fact does have a quarrel with that, explicitly stated in the Canada Act 1982

I understand but no need trying to look original. The idea was invented by priests in Egypt some 5 thousand years back. We rule you here but respond only to the Exalted Ones far far away and no you can't call them. With sufficient repetition even makes sense as pretty much anything.

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5 minutes ago, myata said:

I understand but no need trying to look original. The idea was invented by priests in Egypt some 5 thousand years back. We rule you here but respond only to the Exalted Ones far far away and no you can't call them. With sufficient repetition even makes sense as pretty much anything.

you have no other country to invoke

there is no such thing as the Republic of Canada

if you don't adhere to the constitution, then there is no Canada to save

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11 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Justin Trudeau is invoking the trucker protests as being "foreign"

Sure the benevolent ones are cutting the pie and appointing themselves prerogatives and privileges, in free time defending the lowly populace from the foreign threats that couldn't care less, all is clear and good. Just what's new, original here? Isn't it like the place has been since the times immemorial?

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1 minute ago, myata said:

Sure the benevolent ones are cutting the pie and appointing themselves prerogatives and privileges, in free time defend the lowly populace from the foreign threats that couldn't care less, all clear, good. Just what's new, original here? Isn't it like the place has been since the times immemorial?

well at the trucker protests I found the protestors to be quite monarchist actually

they were invoking their rights under Canada Act 1982 as per the oath to the Queen

Veterans for Freedom Canada is certainly quite monarchist

all the brothers I have spoken to with VFF adhere to a monarchist principle

"the oath to the Commander-in Chief never expires"

Justin Trudeau is usurping the power of the monarch for nefarious purposes

it is a duty as a Loyalist Canadian to protest therein, on behalf of the Queen against a usurping tyrant

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

it is a duty as a Loyalist Canadian to protest therein, on behalf of the Queen against a usurping tyrant

Do they care to notice that it's another, different country for like a century? Or another autopilot just a different, better one? No, not good for the evolution.

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Just now, myata said:

Do they care to notice that it's another, different country for like a century? Or another autopilot just a different, better one? No, not good for the evolution.

it's all the same country

British is not a race, British is not a place

British is a system of governance called Parliamentary Supremacy

founded by the Queen's ancestor, William of Orange, in the Glorious Revolution of 1688

the founding of the modern British liberal state

hence why the truckers assembled on Parliament Hill

the place that connects them to that history, the story of their people


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This thread has become (or maybe always was) a conspiracy theory haven.

One theorist feeding the other theorist and the feeding frenzy never stops.

Throw a little meat out and it goes on for pages LOL

Hugely entertaining now that Trump is not on everyday day news :)

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27 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

This thread has become (or maybe always was) a conspiracy theory haven.

One theorist feeding the other theorist and the feeding frenzy never stops.

Throw a little meat out and it goes on for pages LOL

Hugely entertaining now that Trump is not on everyday day news :)

Writing so many valid concerns off as conspiracy theory is exactly how the Liberals have handled protests against their policies.  It’s a cop out.  There are plenty of good reasons to question this government over its use of mandates, overreach, freezing and seizing of bank accounts, Emergencies Act, vilifying Canadians, etc.  Trudeau’s support of WEF policies and the WEF’s “penetration of Cabinet” (WEF head’s own words) are not a bunch of conspiracy nonsense when we see our PM maintaining digital vax passes without a clear scientific or constitutional reason, impose more carbon taxes when fuel is already brutally expensive, and so on.   The conspiracy theory line in this context comes across as dismissive.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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