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January 6, 2021 and The Big Lie

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

But wait, there's more!

Like I said the way to properly rig an election is to legalize the rig. 


Do you know what 'begging the question"  is? Not the new Prog perversion of the term but the original meaning. Originally 'begging the question' was what they call a rhetorical fallacy. 

It's when you introduce an unproven suggestion as fact, then you offer up that little bit of imaginative zippity do dah as proof of something else you wish was true.

It's what you did up there when you put some unqualified proposals from the Brennan center forward as factual proof of another unproven proposal.

Basically: YSeIfvY.jpg

Here's who the Brennan center are:


The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School is a nonprofit law and public policy institute generally considered liberal[2][3][4] or progressive in its policy positions and views.[5] 

The Brennan Center advocates for a number of progressive public policy positions, including raising the minimum wage, opposing voter ID laws, and calling for public funding of elections.[6][7]

Here's what happened in 2020. Democrats their lawyers and their NGO's got a bunch of new or "improved" rules pushed through for 2020 that were supposed to be workarounds for the pandemic. Things like Ballot box pick ups by who knows who or ballots sent indiscriminately through the mail without restrictions. You could gather ballots for others. Another thing they did that was particularly egregious was what the Brennan center calls "public funding of elections." This allowed leftist billionaires like Zuckerberg to skate around election laws.

2020 ‘Zuckerbucks’ dumped in eight states, 90% to Biden counties

But that was the pandemic year of 2020. In 2021 the Republicans wanted to plug the holes in the election process that had been opened up under cover of pandemic confusion. In some states and districts they did that. Nothing they did "degrades democracy." They plugged new holes in the process that allowed new exploits in 2020. 

The Progs of the Brennan center and apparently Eyeball don't like that. Tough. Happy midterms.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

The solicitous fear you mean.

What unsolicited mail in ballots?

"A Michigan court ruled in favor of the state’s top election official Wednesday, allowing her to mail unsolicited absentee ballot applications to registered voters statewide, a decision that comes as states across the nation are seeking to make it easier to vote by mail amid the coronavirus pandemic."


Progressive media - in particular what they like to call "fact checkers," refused to make the distinction Trump did between the established practice of solicited "mail-in" votes and unsolicited "mail-out" votes. Trump liked mail-in votes from authentic absentee voters. He'd used the method himself. He opposed mail-outs to any place with an address, so to speak.

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36 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

It's what you did up there when you put some unqualified proposals from the Brennan center forward as factual proof of another unproven proposal.

No, what I did was put up an account of legislatures changing election laws on the basis of the unproven lie that Biden stole the election from Trump.

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That's something you'd like to believe, of course, but that doesn't make it a fact. And what you'd like to believe proves the sum total of nothing.

BTW, if you'd like to see another example of Progressives pushing for unsolicited mail-out ballots you might want to check out the link you gave to the Brennan center on the previous page.

They give a list of what they call restrictive bills they oppose that the Republicans want to push through.

Here's one:

"prohibiting sending out unsolicited mail ballot applications (e.g., MI H.B. 5268)"

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13 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

"A Michigan court ruled in favor of the state’s top election official Wednesday, allowing her to mail unsolicited absentee ballot applications to registered voters statewide, a decision that comes as states across the nation are seeking to make it easier to vote by mail amid the coronavirus pandemic."


Progressive media - in particular what they like to call "fact checkers," refused to make the distinction Trump did between the established practice of solicited "mail-in" votes and unsolicited "mail-out" votes. Trump liked mail-in votes from authentic absentee voters. He'd used the method himself. He opposed mail-outs to any place with an address, so to speak.

Trump's distinction was ignored because it was completely baseless. Mail in and mail out ballots are well established and secure and have been used for years in many states.  Care to show me even one that was documented as being intentionally and criminally fraudulent?

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8 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

That's something you'd like to believe, of course, but that doesn't make it a fact. And what you'd like to believe proves the sum total of nothing.

Like I just asked you, show me a fraudulent vote that was proven and documented as such. I mean you don't just believe they exist you know they exist right, you've seen them with your own eyes?

So show me one. 

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

What will end democracy in America are the feverish changes to voting laws that Republican controlled state legislatures are making right now to limit voter participation in future elections.  The only way to properly rig elections or stage a coup in America is to make it all perfectly legal to do so.

That's not reality, it's just a Dem talking point.

Do you have a single example of a proposed law that will actually disenfranchise a single legitimate voter? 

I have examples of laws proposed by Dems that will make it easier for voter fraud to occur, and every fraudulent vote that's counted devalues your legitimate vote.

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32 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Like I just asked you, show me a fraudulent vote that was proven and documented as such. I mean you don't just believe they exist you know they exist right, you've seen them with your own eyes?

So show me one. 

Here's one of the furthest-left news outlets in the US acknowledging that 475 actual fraudulent votes were found. 


The problem is that there are tens of thousands of questionable votes in places like Maricopa county that aren't being investigated to a reasonable extent.

Mail-in ballots were treated with all the care of bugs on a front bumper. Random dudes were grabbing massive bags of ballots and then they were out of sight for days before they got counted. Then tens of thousands of votes would show up with no votes on the down-ballot. 

The people who like to pretend that there were good reasons for the Russian collusion witch hunt, even after the FBI already determined in January 2017 that it was bogus, like to pretend that there was never a single reason to question the integrity of the Dems (who are 100% known to have been caught cheating 3x on the 2016 election), or to even look into the voting irregularities in 2020. 

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Classless Dems used the stooges from the cast of Hamilton to memorialize the Jan 6th farce, if you recall they were from the theatre company that dressed up their Caesar like President Trump for the back-stabbing scene.

 It was just another example of leftists being thrilled by violent and seditious anti-GOP propaganda from people like Madonna, Johnny Depp, Kathy Griffin, etc. Then those scumbags tried to pretend that their violent rhetoric wasn't responsible for the Steve Scalise shooting. They're maggots.

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Greg Gutfeld from The Five constantly makes the comment that Dems and the alt-left MSM don't care about crime until it hits their doorstep and nothing could be more true in this instance.

The Dems were all in favour of rioting, looting, murder and arson for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2020 when it was other people's homes and neighbourhoods being destroyed, then when it happened for 90 minutes in the Capitol it was sudddenly a crime.

Dems literally did everything that they could to incite riots, and to get violent criminals back on the street to riot some more for the better part of 4 years, then they went apoplectic when rioting affected them. 

I was glad to see leftists suddenly realize that rioting was a crime, but the double standard barely fits inside of our solar system.

Kamala "I love rioting, looting, assaults, murders and arson" Harris told a harrowing story of her worthless minions using filing cabinets to block their doors for 90 minutes, while they had armed policemen guarding them, but that c___ didn't give a crap about the everyday peons whose homes and businesses were subjected to far worse violence for months at a time. The prospect of seeing tens of thousands of other people's lives being ruined by violence made her giddy, she didn't want it to end:

This video is incontrovertible proof of the fact that Kamala Harris is a disgusting loser.

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

The solicitous fear you mean.

What unsolicited mail in ballots?





Ya know...big font does not mean jack...jack.

If there's no election fraud then voter ID and no mail in ballots shouldn't bother you. After all...there's no cheating...right?

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Here's one of the furthest-left news outlets in the US acknowledging that 475 actual fraudulent votes were found. 


Now we're finally getting somewhere.  So do you only trust the part of your article that confirms there was fraud? What about where it says there was no widespread fraud?


“Every credible examination has shown there was no widespread fraud” in the 2020 presidential election, Hovland said. “Time and again when we have heard these claims and heard these allegations, and when you do a real investigation you see that it is the exception and not the rule.”


I'd be really interested in knowing how many of these fraudsters were Republican.


The cases could not throw the outcome into question even if all those votes were for Biden, which they were not, and even if those ballots were actually counted, which in most cases they were not.


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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

If there's no election fraud then voter ID and no mail in ballots shouldn't bother you. After all...there's no cheating...right?

Not on a scale that justifies the scope of changes to make voting more difficult that are being proposed and passed in Republican legislatures.  Not even close.

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41 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Now we're finally getting somewhere. 

Right. This is the part where you admit that there was fraud.


So do you only trust the part of your article that confirms there was fraud? What about where it says there was no widespread fraud?

This is the way with leftist news. They'll admit to the fact that "some people did something" but they'll always lie about the extent of it.

E.g., leftists completely ignore the extent of the cheating in the 2016 election. They were 100% caught cheating 3 times. They were the 2016 election cheaters, bigtime, but if the topic of 2016 election cheating comes up they will act like Trump cheated and 'that's the whole story'. 

The actual undisputed truth is that Hillary colluded with Russian spies. Her lawyer was charged with a crime relating to collusion. The FBI and Dems committed several crimes including unmasking and lying to the FISA court. The House Intel Committee Chair lied directly to the American people over and over about every aspect of collusion, exactly the way that Goebbels drew it up on the board and leftists went for it hook, line and sinker.  

Russian collusion was a huge scandal for the FBI, Dems, and their media lackeys but you'd never know it from listening to their stooges talk about the 2016 election. They're THE most brainwashed people on the planet. 


I'd be really interested in knowing how many of these fraudsters were Republican.

OMG, all of a sudden you're interested in actual election fraud!!!! WTF????


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11 hours ago, eyeball said:

Trump's distinction was ignored because it was completely baseless. Mail in and mail out ballots are well established and secure and have been used for years in many states.  Care to show me even one that was documented as being intentionally and criminally fraudulent?

I'm not familiar with that one about that one about how "Mail-out" votes were well established before 2020. I'm talking about where ballots were indiscriminately mailed out to unconfirmed or unrequested possible voters. Not until 2020 anyway. If you know of some evidence as to it being what you call "well established," as opposed to say an example of it being tried out in a couple of places I'd love to see it, but I won't hold my breath.

I think I did hear about them trying it out once in Nevada. And as I recall there were complaints.

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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

Like I just asked you, show me a fraudulent vote that was proven and documented as such. I mean you don't just believe they exist you know they exist right, you've seen them with your own eyes?

So show me one. 

And as I made clear I wasn't talking about criminal fraud. I gave you multiple examples of how the vote was rigged during the 2020 election by legally creating exploits within the rules under the chaos of the pandemic. Zuckerbucks was an example. Pushing through the policy of unsolicited ballots was another.

My point was those new pandemic rules were exploited. What the Republicans are trying to do is plug those holes to make elections secure, fair and open.

You and your leftist Brennan center buddies want to keep those easily exploited 2020 pandemic holes in the election process open.

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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

So we're not...forensic enough? Maybe we could get some scrutineers and dip  our fingers in election dye too.

No we are not really all those points cover is that you live in Canada, not that your a citizen or eligible to vote, and really i think most of the rules are based on common sense, and if that is going over board, then maybe flipping the coin is the next step 

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27 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

No we are not really all those points cover is that you live in Canada, not that your a citizen or eligible to vote, and really i think most of the rules are based on common sense, and if that is going over board, then maybe flipping the coin is the next step 

Wouldn't work. Liberals would find a way to slip in a 2 headed coin and arrange to have the rules say they always called first.

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17 hours ago, eyeball said:

Making it a crime to give a voter a drink of water when waiting in line to vote.

I don't think anyone who believes giving a voter a drink of water is an election crime has the ethical background that's required to ask such questions.  But even more pointedly anyone who thinks the last election was stolen is simply too corrupt, partisan and morally debased to give credible opinions on the subject of voting, elections or democracy, even in general terms. 

So anyone that thinks the 2020 election was stolen is corrupt, partisan and morally debased to give credible opinions on the subject of voting and so on.

Does that same standard also apply to the people that think the 2016 election was stolen?

How about all the other elections that Democrats claim were stolen?

I have yet to hear one single credible explanation why Democrats can always complain about elections they lose and challenge the results but Republicans do not have this same right. Why is that?


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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

Like I just asked you, show me a fraudulent vote that was proven and documented as such. I mean you don't just believe they exist you know they exist right, you've seen them with your own eyes?

So show me one. 

Are you suggesting there is not even one single case of voting irregularity  in the 2020 election? Every single solitary vote was totally legit?

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Right. This is the part where you admit that there was fraud.

Sure looks like it alright.  So now to the next part, show me the widespread criminal fraud.  The election was stolen that means a crime was committed. 


OMG, all of a sudden you're interested in actual election fraud!!!! WTF????

Not the picayune examples provided above but the organized fraud that resulted in the crime that was allegedly committed.

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16 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Are you suggesting there is not even one single case of voting irregularity  in the 2020 election? Every single solitary vote was totally legit?

No there are petty irregularities in every election around the planet, there have been forever and there will be too.

There have been dictatorships that have successfully risen to power based on exaggerating similar irregularities to fan fears of election fraud, stolen elections and of course dictators.  Some fairly serious voices coming from around the world are wondering how and why America is following a similar path. 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

No we are not really all those points cover is that you live in Canada, not that your a citizen or eligible to vote, and really i think most of the rules are based on common sense, and if that is going over board, then maybe flipping the coin is the next step 

In our case they're primarily based on a single common set of rules whereas in the US they have 52 sets that are often not common at all.  In any case and again I keep coming back to the point when there is so much partisan disagreement and widespread distrust in the election process and results, that outside impartial help to run their election(s) is the appropriate course of action.  That said, they'll still need someone else to flip a coin if that's what it comes to.       

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

So anyone that thinks the 2020 election was stolen is corrupt, partisan and morally debased to give credible opinions on the subject of voting and so on.

Does that same standard also apply to the people that think the 2016 election was stolen?

Where the same shoddy standard for evidence is the same, sure.


How about all the other elections that Democrats claim were stolen?

Well I don't know, are we talking rhetorically stolen or criminally stolen? What's the standard? 

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I gave you multiple examples of how the vote was rigged during the 2020 election by legally creating exploits within the rules under the chaos of the pandemic.

Over 50 court judgements found that Trump lost when they were presented with the same multiple examples you're giving me. How do you explain that?



And as I made clear I wasn't talking about criminal fraud.

But you were talking about theft.  You're saying theft isn't a crime?

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