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Chinese-Canadians obeyed Beijing and snubbed Tories


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This is not the first I had heard that China was working to get Trudeau re-elected, preferring to have a weak man at the helm here. But it is disturbing to see that it might have had this much impact. CSIS warned us years ago that virtually all Chinese language media in Canada were controlled by pro Beijing businessmen with ties to the Communist party and were reproducing the Chinese Communist party line. If Chinese Canadians are paying attention this and voting by it we're in trouble. and I don't expect much attention to this from the media or from the Trudeau government, who will be quite content with the help.

But as Canadians we need to look long and hard at a system which brings in hundreds of thousands of people from foreign countries which are hostile towards Canada without doing anything to ensure they switch loyalties to us, or that they are removed from the influence of their 'home' government. Now we seem to have a pro-China minority group actively working for and voting on behalf of China and against Canadian interests.


Defeated Conservative MP fears attacks by pro-Beijing forces swung votes against him

There was evidence that China’s focus turned during the election to the Conservatives, whose platform outlined a multi-pronged approach to confronting Beijing

It’s impossible at this point to determine what factors caused results in individual ridings, but Chiu was not the only Conservative incumbent to be defeated in seats with large Chinese-Canadian populations, people exposed to such ethnic-Chinese media.

Though not all the votes had been counted Tuesday, Alice Wong appeared headed for defeat in Richmond Centre, next to Chiu’s riding, despite having held the seat through four previous elections.

Bob Saroya lost the Toronto-area riding of Markham-Unionville — where almost two thirds of residents are ethnic Chinese — to Liberal Paul Chiang after taking the previous two elections.


Of the many obstacles that have been strategically placed in the path of the voting public’s comprehension of where the parties situate themselves in the federal election campaign that’s just now heading into its final lap around the track, there’s nothing quite so peculiar as the cordon sanitaire Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have been allowed to construct around any serious discussion of foreign policy.

The Liberals are similarly counting on voters not to notice that what distinguishes their own foreign policy is the thing that has caused the Chinese government and its network of diplomats and well-connected friends in Canada to be rather too obvious in their enthusiasm for a Liberal re-election. So enthusiastic, in fact, that they’re already coming close to violating Canadian laws intended to safeguard federal elections from foreign interference.

It began on Aug. 25, when Chinese ambassador Cong Peiwu, without explicitly naming him, insinuated that Erin O’Toole was placing his party’s “political interests” ahead of fruitful Canada-China relations. After an obligatory throat-clearing to the effect that it was not his intent to comment on or interfere in the election, Cong said China would oppose anyone “hyping up issues related to China or smearing China.”

Since then, Vancouver-East New Democrat MP Jenny Kwan and Steveston—Richmond East Conservative Kenny Chiu have been targeted by Beijing-friendly individuals and organizations that have served as megaphones for China’s brutal crackdowns in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. The two candidates have been vocal in calling attention to Beijing’s genocidal repression of Xinjiang’s minority Muslim Uyghurs and Xi Jinping’s brutal repression of Hong Kong’s democratic movement.


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Der Krieg ist vorbei. The war is over. It appears that Madam Meng WanZhou will be released. If all goes well, the Canadians held hostage in China will be deported and relations with China can return to normal.

It is naive to believe other nations don't try to influence elections to suit their own interests. In 1963, the CIA its rumoured to have assisted Mike Pearson to defeat Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Besides leaking information regarding the Conservative Governments's refusal to accept nuclear weapons in Canada. Pearson is alleged to have used classified information provided by the CIA in the 1963 campaign. Just as the CIA used Mafia proxies to attack, Castro, the Mafia also heavily contributed to the Liberals through such people as Lucien Rivard and George LaMay.

China does it, Russia does it, the UK does it, the USA does it and, yes, Canada does it. Everybody does it. Fortunately, in most cases, nobody does it very well.


Edited by Queenmandy85
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Just now, Queenmandy85 said:

Der Krieg ist vorbei. The war is over. It appears that Madam Meng WanZhou will be released. If all goes well, the Canadians held hostage in China will be deported and relations with China can return to normal.

It is naive to believe other nations don't try to influence elections to suit their own interests. In 1963, the CIA its rumoured to have assisted Mike Pearson to defeat Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Besides leaking information regarding the Conservative Governments's refusal to accept nuclear weapons in Canada. Pearson is alleged to have used classified information provided by the CIA in the 1963 campaign. Just as the CIA used Mafia proxies to attack, Castro, the Mafia also heavily contributed to the Liberals through such people as Lucien Rivard and George LaMay.

China does it, Russia does it, the UK does it, the USA does it and, yes, Canada does it. Everybody does it. Fortunately, in most cases, nobody does it very well.


Good points.

Don’t Canada/Canadians support pro-democracy factions in China?

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53 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Der Krieg ist vorbei. The war is over. It appears that Madam Meng WanZhou will be released. If all goes well, the Canadians held hostage in China will be deported and relations with China can return to normal.

There is absolutely no way relations with China can return to the way they were. We need to start out by officially banning her company from Canada, then removing Chinese agents and influencers from Canada. That includes closing down the 'Confucius institutes' at a number of schools.

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1 minute ago, Argus said:

removing Chinese agents and influencers from Canada. That includes closing down the 'Confucius institutes' at a number of schools.

Good luck with that. Do you have any idea how many Political Officers there are on any major university campus? Removing Chinese agents is a futile endeavour. Then, what do you think the response would be? 


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4 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Good luck with that. Do you have any idea how many Political Officers there are on any major university campus? Removing Chinese agents is a futile endeavour. Then, what do you think the response would be? 

I could not care less. Australia is standing up for itself. It passed laws to thwart Chinese political interference and banned Confucius groups. Even though 30% of their trade is with China.

Only 6% of our trade is with China and most of that is one way, with China selling stuff here, and yet Canada's Liberal government acts like little bitches, bowing and scraping and licking Chinese boots in hopes of being tossed a scrap or two.

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Why do you single out China among all the countries that are running spy rings in Canada? Russia is a much greater threat and the US has far more influence and interferes more than any other foreign power. For the last 70 years, we have been subjected to a persistent drumbeat of republicanism. I'm not saying China is all rainbows and unicorns, but they are not the worst. That title goes to Russia.

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5 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Why do you single out China among all the countries that are running spy rings in Canada? Russia is a much greater threat and the US has far more influence and interferes more than any other foreign power. For the last 70 years, we have been subjected to a persistent drumbeat of republicanism. I'm not saying China is all rainbows and unicorns, but they are not the worst. That title goes to Russia.

Not according to the US or NATO allies, China is the priory threat now, And they all are now shifting focus , but not forgetting Mother Russia 

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Yet, our seeking warmer relations with China was the result of a request by the US. Once we get out hostages home, we should order all Canadians out of both China and Russia. As long as they have access to hostages, they have us by the...

The Royal Navy has offered to help Canada patrol the Arctic, but the Canadian government has not accepted yet. As a sister to the RCN, we should be jumping at the chance.

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18 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Yet, our seeking warmer relations with China was the result of a request by the US. Once we get out hostages home, we should order all Canadians out of both China and Russia. As long as they have access to hostages, they have us by the...

The Royal Navy has offered to help Canada patrol the Arctic, but the Canadian government has not accepted yet. As a sister to the RCN, we should be jumping at the chance.

I agree Queen, Canada is responsible for it's own foreign policy, while we should take US policy into account, at the end of the day we should decide ourselves... i personal think Australia is going about it the right way, start finding new trading partners and entice big business to take their slave labor else where.

This should have been a slap in the face for most Canadians, we already depend on the US for 90% of our defense, and now we can not patrol OUR Artic, How lazy/ greedy  do we have to be to stop and take on our own responsibilities ... I find the whole thing disgusting ,embarrassing, and shameful. For a nation that use to produce some of the finest warriors on the planet to be reduced to begging on the street for our defense needs.

Edited by Army Guy
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I agree with what you say but the current situation is far better than between the wars. While our official Defence was based on Brown's Defence Scheme #1 from 1920 to 1930, we had nothing to back it up. 

Changing our Defence posture is going to be over-whelmed by the problem of climate change. Taxme is concerned with a mere 100 thousand immigrants. When global warming really begins, we will be taking in hundreds of millions of climate refugees coming from Brazil to Idaho. No military force will stop that.

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On 9/24/2021 at 7:29 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

We certainly see things differently. BTW, how many Australian hostages are being held by China? Serious question.

China did actually grab a couple of Australians but I vaguely recall the Aussies got them released somehow. It sure didn't make them cringe and kneel the way it did Canada.

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23 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The Royal Navy has offered to help Canada patrol the Arctic, but the Canadian government has not accepted yet. As a sister to the RCN, we should be jumping at the chance.

Won't happen. The Liberals would be afraid this would point out how utterly defenseless and without any abilities we are in the north, and they don't want to spend any money to improve that.

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On 9/24/2021 at 7:39 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

Why do you single out China among all the countries that are running spy rings in Canada?

Does Russia control all the Russian language media in Canada? Are tens of thousands of Russians coming to live here every single year? 

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23 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Not according to the US or NATO allies, China is the priory threat now, And they all are now shifting focus , but not forgetting Mother Russia 

How could a war be winnable if army guys didn't know where enemy was??

Mammals rose to rule the planet after dinosaurs fell. But dinosaurs didn't get extinct because of mammals, but because they couldn't evolve themselves to adapt the changing world.  

If you compare the speech of President Not Sure in 2006 film Idiocracy with Trump's, you will find the fabricated future US in film even better than the current real US, since at least the the fabricated US president is trying to solve his country's problems, not to avoid facing them.



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23 hours ago, xul said:

How could a war be winnable if army guys didn't know where enemy was??

Mammals rose to rule the planet after dinosaurs fell. But dinosaurs didn't get extinct because of mammals, but because they couldn't evolve themselves to adapt the changing world.  

If you compare the speech of President Not Sure in 2006 film Idiocracy with Trump's, you will find the fabricated future US in film even better than the current real US, since at least the the fabricated US president is trying to solve his country's problems, not to avoid facing them.


Every War is winnable, the question should be is there going to be anyone left to celebrate the win...

Army guys always know where the threats are, it is the majority of the country that don't know and don't care. 

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I've remarked before about the similarity between the dishonest, narcissistic phony Justin Trudeau, and the dishonest, narcissistic phony Donald Trump. And one of the ways I'm thinking they're similar is that like Trump, Trudeau will be smiling inside with delight at getting help in elections from a government hostile to his country. I expect him to do nothing whatsoever about this, much as Trump never attempted to do anything about Russian interference helping his campaign.

But it shows have dictators do their best to ensure western countries are led by pliable weaklings they can control.

There is growing evidence that for some voters, foreign matters played a key role, not due to personal preference, but foreign interference. And that interference had a direct impact on votes, seat count, and the shape of the 44th Parliament.

It started on August 25, when Chinese ambassador Cong Peiwu implied that Conservative leader Erin O’Toole preferred to advance the Conservatives’ “political interests” over our country’s relationship with China. Cong added that his country would oppose “hyping up issues related to China or smearing China.”

Suddenly, Chinese language social media platforms such as WeChat were rife with falsehoods smearing Conservative candidates, even suggesting that the party was planning to ban WeChat itself. Websites attacking Conservative candidates, including Kenny Chiu, Alice Wong and Bob Saroya sprang up. All three held ridings with a heavy concentration of Chinese-Canadian voters, and all three lost their seats to their Liberal opponents.

This disinformation appears to have had the desired effect. Quito Maggi, president and CEO of Mainstreet Research, noticed a shift in the preference of Chinese-Canadians early on. Forty-three per cent said they’d vote Liberal, while 25 per cent picked the Conservatives and 24 per cent backed the NDP. “More than two-thirds … supporting non-Conservative candidates was highly unusual,” Maggi said. While some observers believe Chinese Canadian voters switched their vote due to anti-Chinese prejudice, or out of personal concern over the Conservatives’ stance on China, the size of the swing alone suggests that something else was at play.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So now we have a group calling itself the Chinese-Canadian Conservative Association calling on the party to change its views on China, who they clearly regard as a fine, upstanding world citizen to be admired not criticized. I had fairly soft thoughts on the loyalty of a lot of Chinese Canadians even prior to the newest bullying of Canada Choina has engaged in. But their actions obeying China in who to vote for, and the number of Chinese-so-called-Canadians coming out in support of China are rapidly hardening my views into saying outright that we should accept no further immigrants from China and should be investigating a lot of these public spokespeople to see just how close their contacts are with the Chinese Communist Party.

At a surprising news conference for local press recently, spokesman Joe Li — a regional councillor north of Toronto and three-time former Tory candidate — said the two Michaels were detained after “Canada started the war,” that China had a right to fly its planes into Taiwan’s air-defence zone and Canada should not publicly criticize Beijing’s human-rights abuses.


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Both our countries (USA and Canada) are littered with interests and politicians who want to sell us out to China.  In the USA it would be most Democrats and a good chunk if not most of the GOP as well.  The GOP and Democrats have their own selves or interested parties raking in cash by manufacturing in China.  There was an anti-Trump Congressman in the GOP whose tool company makes tools there.  I mean in Canada or the USA when have you ever had a politician criticize China?  Not very often if at all.

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