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Canada at the start of Delta dominated fourth Covid wave, so get vaccinated to save lives.

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Re: my reply to Argus above, I didn't even mention how the MSM overlooked it when Chris Cuomo was in covid quarantine, went out and got in a fight, and then made a hokey video about "Here I am coming out of covid quarantine for the first time in weeks" lol. Uhhhhhhh, we're not retarded fuck-fuck. We saw the video of you walking around outside the other day. 

I also forgot how Andrew Cuomo forced thousands of people who were still infected back into care homes when he had other options, he forbade anyone from testing them for C19, and then he forced his minions to fudge the number of care home deaths and/or record them as 'hospital deaths', and he got an Emmy for that. You just couldn't make leftists care about the people that he killed while he was acting like "the covid god who led us all to safety while Trump was killing people" ?. It took the Emmy-tards almost a year to take away after he was outed. They waited until the ass-grabbing scandal took him down so that they could quietly remove their name from the covid euthanasia scandal.

Why is it that no leftists care about the Cuomos' covid scandals? Like, not a teensy little bit? Is it a scandal? Is it just part of the vast array of covid bullshit that we've just gotten used to? 

Fact: leftist are nothing more than useful idiots. 

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3 hours ago, cougar said:

By my calculation 1 X 100% of the population (when all were unvaccinated and we had the less transmissible strain) is more than 1.6 X 20%  (when only 20% are unvaccinated and you have the Delta strain  - which according to you is 60% more transmissible)

In other words, I still have no explanation.


We were in lockdown last September but now we are in stage 3 reopening which means a lot more contact than last year, 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


Hint: there wasn't even 1 person in Ontario that was dbl-vaxxed for the first two months of the study, and those are the two peak months for every flu season. There were 14M people who weren't dbl-vaxxed during those two months. Do you get it?


January to August (period of study) is 8 months. In my mathematics 8 is 6 months more than 2!!.

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7 hours ago, Argus said:

You think all fact checking sites are 'lefty biased'.

Compared to you? You betcha.

Yeah, that would be the part. It didn't. It simply continued forward an ongoing ban on all non-eu travel. Israel is just one of the countries involved but your far right web site pretended it was them the ban was targeted at.

And like here, most of them are among the unvaxxed. Big surprise your alt-right conspiracy site never mentioned that!


All I can to is shake my head...and oh, I don't know...maybe chuckle.

How can somebody be so wrong about absolutely everything and be so proud of himself?

I gave you a link to a source. You didn't read it, did you? It was the Times of Israel. That's a mainstream newspaper with a readership of about 9 million unique users every month. They consider themselves Independent. It's not alt right. It's not far right. I know you didn't read it because if you had you'd know you're wrong about everything you said.

Here it is again. Try reading it this time. See, cause if you don't at least read it you're going to have a rough time selling the one about your superior intelligence to anybody who did read it. 

Portugal, Sweden slap COVID entry ban on Israelis, including those vaccinated

The Swedish ban will take effect on Monday. And it is a ban - an actual complete ban.

"Portugal and Sweden have decided to bar entry to Israeli nationals amid soaring coronavirus infections in the Jewish state"

Did you read that bit about "soaring coronavirus infections" this time?

How about this bit?

Their decisions came after the European Union on Monday removed Israel from a list of nations deemed “epidemiologically safe.”  

The EU didn't ban anybody. It took Israel and 5 other countries off a list of countries it wasn't advising restrictions on. (Restriction like, for instance, demanding vaccination certificates for entry.)

Sweden did ban Israeli travelers - vaccinated and unvaccinated. They did so amid "soaring coronavirus infections" in Israel.

So Sweden - a country that didn't and doesn't impose mask mandates or lockdowns is imposing a ban on Israel, a country that did and does. That was the original article's point. You wanting to believe it wasn't doesn't change the fact. Facts don't change just because you don't want to believe them. 

And it's really not that difficult to understand. I don't understand why you're having such a problem with such a simple series of facts.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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14 hours ago, Argus said:

None of you has been able to suggest a reason why the entire medical and scientific world and every government as well as all mainstream media would collude in some kind of massive deception just to get you to wear a mask and have a vaccination. Give me a reason. Give me the motivation.

There is historical precedent to show it is possible, has happened before. In 2009 swine flu pandemic there was an investigation against the WHO. They were accused of coming under the influence of financially powerful groups and scaremongering the public to obtain vaccines that were hardly tested. The EU council concluded it was true, and gave a warning about the WHO for future pandemics.

Here is a link. You may google further to advise yourself. Fill one's boots, as it were.

Handling of the H1N1 pandemic: PACE calls for safeguards against ‘undue influence by vested interests’

Strasbourg, 24.06.2010 – At the end of a debate on the handling of the H1N1 pandemic, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) today endorsed the conclusions of its Health Committee, which were published on 4 June last.

According to the Assembly, the handling of the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), EU health agencies and national governments led to a “waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public”. The adopted text says there was “overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO”, resulting in a distortion of public health priorities.

The report concludes:
The parliamentarians identified... “grave shortcomings” in the transparency of decision-making about the outbreak, generating concerns about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on decisions taken.
The Assembly did set out a series of urgent recommendations for greater transparency and better governance in public health, as well as safeguards against what it called “undue influence by vested interests”.

The report has a lot more information about what went down back in 2009. It sounds exactly like what is happening today.

I trust the example, and the source of the link are good enough for you.   ;)


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10 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

We were in lockdown last September but now we are in stage 3 reopening which means a lot more contact than last year, 

How exactly there's "a lot more of it" than in the early fall of 2020 or this summer when case numbers went practically to zero? Why would one ever stop dumping loads of nonsense if it costs them nothing? What it looks like is yet again they put all bets on one option, it isn't working as expected and nobody has a clue why and what to do.

Except one option, maybe: creative propaganda and funny work on the statistics. That always worked, unlike managing the pandemic. Somebody has yet to explain that more than 100% jump in ICU, according to the government's numbers. Can we still hope?

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Ain't it funny how people still get infected with Covid even after their first or second innoculation?

Not really.

I thought I heard them say that one dose was already really good, but TWO doses provides the ideal protection, greater than 90%. Yet the virus prevails.

Because I thought I heard that. Yes, I remember. I have a memroy.   ;)

Now I think I'm hearing that the third shot will be advised. It provides the ideal protection, greater than 90%.


Edited by OftenWrong
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9 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Now I think I'm hearing that the third shot will be advised. It provides the ideal protection, greater than 90%.

Aka the donkey and a carrot stick. Always move on, never think of what was done and what was the result. Apparently, we already have it in public healthcare. Just imagine when the idea and the method will be adopted everywhere. How cool would it be.

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10 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

How can somebody be so wrong about absolutely everything and be so proud of himself?

I gave you a link to a source. You didn't read it, did you? It was the Times of Israel.

And I already posted both the fact that Israel is not the focus of this rule change, that it involves numerous other countries, and the reasons why Israel is having an upsurge in infections - and data that the serious infections are mainly among the unvaccinated. But your shrill fanaticism on this subject is incapable of accepting any information which goes against your paranoid delusions.

You seriously need therapy. You've become an obsessed conspiracy wack job as bad as the Qanon loonies.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

There is historical precedent to show it is possible, has happened before. In 2009 swine flu pandemic there was an investigation against the WHO. They were accused of coming under the influence of financially powerful groups and scaremongering the public to obtain vaccines that were hardly tested. The EU council concluded it was true, and gave a warning about the WHO for future pandemics.

That was not a worldwide thing which went on for two years. There is an old saying that two can keep a secret when one is dead. There is no precedent for millions of people keeping a secret about a vast conspiracy. Powerful interests can keep things covered up for a brief time, but not two years. Not on this scale.

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9 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

UK's numbers are nothing to write home about either, yet look at Israel soar past them. No wonder Sweden banned those poor infected Israelis. They need some monoclonal antibody treatments, I think. Joe Rogan and Kirstie Allie say Ivermectin with a few additives worked for them.

Then I suggest you go find yourself some horse dewormer and take as much as you want. Quaff it down, boy! Enjoy the buzz! 

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With probably over 90% of eligible population with strong protection against Covid by now (remember, a single vaccine doze and having recovered provides strong protection or so we were told) we should be feeling way more confident and hopeful than last fall. Do we?

School has not started yet, and the case counts are at multiple of same time, last year. And due to some yet unknown effect experts are busy looking at (or should?) ICU numbers are double of the last fall's.

Do you feel more hopeful and confident now, that a great majority of the eligible population have strong protection or should have, if the numbers and stories are to be believed?

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13 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

January to August (period of study) is 8 months. In my mathematics 8 is 6 months more than 2!!.

It actually started on Dec 14th, the very first day when Canadians started getting vaccinated. 

During the first two months of the study, 0% of the people in the study were dbl-vaxxed. Are you still with me? Let's call this point #1

During a normal flu season (see 'flu season' below), you would expect hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people to get infected during those months. Do you still follow? #2.

The very vast majority of Ontarians still weren't vaccinated during the last week of February through March. The numbers of vaxxed were rising quickly, but they were behind by 14M to zero at the start, and people aren't considered 'fully-vaxxed' until 14 days after their first shot. Get it? #3.

Early spring - the end of the flu season - is from March 21st to mid-April. The number of Ontarians vaccinated by the middle of May, a month after the flu season was over, was still less than 500,000.  ( Number of vaxxed in Ontario: https://twitter.com/COVIDSciOntario/status/1431340263524425728/photo/1 ) So, now you know that the unvaccinated outnumbered the vaccinated by 13,500,000 to 500K. 6.5 to 1. And that's a month after the flu season was over. Get it? #4.

The flu isn't a consideration in June and July, and those are the months where the number of vaxxed started to approach 50/50. Get it? #5

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in Dec was 7M (14M people by 1/2 a month). Zero dbl vaxxed. Follow? #6

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in Jan was 14M. Zero dbl-vaxxed. Follow?

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in Feb was 14M. Zero dbl-vaxxed. Follow?

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in Mar was 14M. About 100K dbl-vaxxed. Follow?

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in Apr was 14M. About 200K dbl-vaxxed. Follow?


This marks the end of flu season. At this point there were 14M unvaxxed people exposed to the flu for 4.5 months. That's like 63M month-long chances to get the flu. There were about 150,000 dbl-vaxxed people exposed to the flu for about 2 months. That's about 300,000 people. So during flu season unvaxxed Ontarians 63M month-long chances to get the flu, and dbl vaxxed people had 300,000 chances. #7

There were 210x as many unvaxxed people exposed to the flu, during Ontario's flu season. 210 to 1. If I compared the number of home runs by 210 major leaguers to Bryce Harper, I think that you'd find that those 210 people hit the majority of home runs. #8


The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in May was 13.5M. 500K dbl-vaxxed. Follow?

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in Jun was 10M. 4M dbl-vaxxed. Follow?

The number of unvaxxed people exposed to the flu in July was 6M. 8M dbl-vaxxed. Follow?

Even after flu season was over, from May through July, there were 29.5M month-long chances for unvaxxed people to get the flu and only 12.5M month-long chances for dbl-vaxxed to get the flu. #9


I think that people knew before they did that 'study' that the numbers were going to look pretty good for the vaxx.


Flu Season: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-feature/flu-season


Influenza (Flu) Season


Influenza, also called the flu, is an infection of the upper airway caused by an influenza virus. Every year there is a period of time when there are more outbreaks of the flu. This is called the flu season. The flu season generally occurs during the fall, winter and early spring.

Understanding the seasonal flu, including the health complications the flu can cause and who is at risk, can help prevent you and your family from becoming sick.

Getting sick with the flu can put you at risk of getting other infections. These include viral or bacterial pneumonia, which affects the lungs. The risk of complications can be life-threatening. People at higher risk of complications include

  • Senior 65 years and older
  • Very young children
  • People who have lung or heart diseases, certain chronic health conditions or weakened immune systems

In Canada, thousands of people are hospitalized and may die from the flu and its complications during years with widespread or epidemic influenza activity.


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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Not much use when you don't know how to think.

Read, you mean? 

Because if you can't or won't do either (read or think) then you are in a pickle. Tell you what...how about pictures. I know you'll look at pictures because at one time you were really big on posting pictographs of 2 weeks of claimed Ontario data to suggest to us it proved everything that was or ever could happen in the world.

Death rate is the stat that matters so let's look at that for Israel and Sweden. Seeing as those are the two countries discussed in the article you started this argument about.

This the daily deaths graph for Sweden:


Here's Israel:


Do you see the difference? C'mon man...even you are going to have to admit you see why Sweden a country that doesn't have, nor has it had mandates or lockdowns might want to ban travelers from Israel, a country that has had and is re-imposing mask mandates and a lockdown.

And that's it. That was the point of the original article you dumped on, calling it far right and therefore one would assume incapable of discerning an obvious fact.

They could and did. They were right and you were wrong (a situation you would should be getting used to by now.)

Admit it and we can move on to your strawmen. I'll explain to you why it doesn't matter if the EU took 5 countries off a list of countries it wasn't advising restrictions for.

I'll show you how unvaccinated versus vaccinated stats can and are manipulated in general and with Israel stats in particular and again doesn't matter relative to the original point anyway.

But first admit you're wrong about the original point. Liberty Daily was right. You're wrong.


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3 hours ago, myata said:

With probably over 90% of eligible population with strong protection against Covid by now (remember, a single vaccine doze and having recovered provides strong protection or so we were told) we should be feeling way more confident and hopeful than last fall. Do we?

I feel like the general fear mongering and the ostracism of the unvaxxed will continue until we are all cowed into getting Big Pharma's vaccines. 

Life will definitely return to normal once we all accept the jab. 


School has not started yet, and the case counts are at multiple of same time, last year. And due to some yet unknown effect experts are busy looking at (or should?) ICU numbers are double of the last fall's.

Covid fear is like heroin. Last year's dose of heroin wouldn't get a 2nd year junkie as high as they need to be, and last year's covid numbers wouldn't keep the Karens screaming and the population cowed.


Do you feel more hopeful and confident now, that a great majority of the eligible population have strong protection or should have,

Noooooo, delta threw them a curve (shouldn't that be a change-up? Nerd humour) . And now there are other variants out with even cooler-sounding names like tau (2nd time the virus changed) and epsilon (voted best name for a variant). 


if the numbers and stories are to be believed?

No, they're not. 

After all the times the experts gave us ridiculous advice that turned out to be wrong, did things that appeared counter-intuitive and were later proven to just be stupid, used anecdotes to try and show that the stats were wrong, or put out stats that were misleading our just plain false, we lost our ability to suspend our sense of disbelief.

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6 hours ago, Argus said:

That was not a worldwide thing which went on for two years. There is an old saying that two can keep a secret when one is dead. There is no precedent for millions of people keeping a secret about a vast conspiracy. Powerful interests can keep things covered up for a brief time, but not two years. Not on this scale.

That was 2009. There is little question that powerful financial groups/ persons have tried to manipulate it before, and are just as interested in it now. This is not a conspiracy theory. Very basically human greed, and covid is its own economy now with momentum.

Always happy to clarify, with links. ;) 

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Why all the commotion seems to be about the race for the last 2 percent, while no one seem to be worried about a dramatic jump in ICU admissions, compared to the similar period last year (when if we still remember there was no vaccinations)? Over 100% increase, same number of cases! Almost two thirds of hospitalizations apparently (if the numbers are to be believed) go to ICU. The infection is becoming catastrophically more dangerous (according to the numbers) though there doesn't seem to be much scientific evidence for that. A real mystery. Experts, are you still there?

Or does someone know something we don't?

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1 hour ago, myata said:

Why all the commotion seems to be about the race for the last 2 percent, while no one seem to be worried about a dramatic jump in ICU admissions, compared to the similar period last year (when if we still remember there was no vaccinations)? Over 100% increase, same number of cases! Almost two thirds of hospitalizations apparently (if the numbers are to be believed) go to ICU. The infection is becoming catastrophically more dangerous (according to the numbers) though there doesn't seem to be much scientific evidence for that. A real mystery. Experts, are you still there?

Or does someone know something we don't?

It’s probably that Delta is spreading like wildfire but mostly impacting the unvaccinated.  If 10’s or even 100’s of thousands of vaccinated people are being infected with Covid, it’s likely that while most of them won’t know it because they’re asymptomatic or having mild symptoms, that there will be some breakthrough cases.  Ultimately this virus will spread until it has nowhere to go.   What matters now is resistance and treatment.  Restrictions will slow it at a great and unnecessary cost.  

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This is a very informative piece (by University of California, San Francisco) with some good data and explanations on the delta variant. Yes it is significantly more contagious. Yes vaccines are effective in reducing severity of cases, but not clear by how much the transmission and unlikely prevents it completely in vaccinated. No, it has not been confirmed that it's catastrophically more dangerous.

And it's clear that we do have a very serious problem on our hands because regardless of the level of vaccination it appears that this is a very contagious virus with transmission that cannot be controlled. And very likely it means that it will be here, and just by the simple law of evolution, the next variant that would come about at some point will me more contagious and possibly, vaccine-resistant. The shotgun approach has been tried and for all it looks like, miracles aside, it did not work.

And that means that as a society we need to start thinking what to do next. And it means that we'll need full, accurate and honest information (that we don't have) and the results of different, targeted and specific methods of controlling the problem, besides blank population-wide shotguns and panaceas that, apart from vaccines, have been barely looked at.

Either that, finding out, thinking, understanding and finding working solutions; or locking ourselves by default and silent concession, into an indefinite cycle of total dependence on the virus and big pharma. Line up here to get your next mandatory booster, for the next three to six month. Have we already read it somewhere?

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23 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:


Death rate is the stat that matters so let's look at that for Israel and Sweden.

What is the obsession the alt-right has with Israel? Is it just because they're Jews?

Israel is the 33rd most highly vaccinated country. It's about 61% vaccinated vs Sweden at 58%. But unlike Sweden Israel has a problem with religious freaks, mostly Orthodox Jews and Arabs, who live in big families and are vaccine hesitant. The death rate is highest among them and children, it's among the unvaccinated. I've already explained this but your obsession remains.

Since April, Israel has fallen from first to 33rd in Bloomberg’s vaccine tracker of populations considered fully vaccinated. The program plateaued amid hesitancy from some in the Orthodox Jewish and Arab communities. About 61% of Israelis have been given two doses, lower than in European laggards earlier in the year such as France and Spain.

Infections jumped because of the prevalence of cases among the unvaccinated, especially children. There were also so-called breakthrough infections in those who have been vaccinated, and the drop in efficacy of vaccines.

That said, unvaccinated people account for more than 10 times as many serious cases as those who have received two doses, showing that even with immunity waning, shots are providing protection.

The highest rate of new cases in recent weeks is among children under the age of 12, according to Ran Balicer, chair of the expert advisory panel to the government. There’s also a record level of testing.


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