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No more forced vaccinations allowed in Canada.

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

Do you ever read anything said to you? I just told you that there has been many deaths from the people who took the jab in Israel. Did you not bother to check out that fact for yourself like I did on the internet? Of course not. Try doing what I just told you I did? It's all there for you to read and weep. 

I just busted your Covid virus lying bubble. Gotcha!! :lol:

You say a lot of crap that you either can't or won't back up.

Everyone here seems able to post links except you. Why is that?

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15 hours ago, Aristides said:

You say a lot of crap that you either can't or won't back up.

Everyone here seems able to post links except you. Why is that?

Come on Aristedes. You post links to CNN and their flunkies who use anonymous sources for bold headlines and then just make nearly invisible retractions weeks or months later, if ever. Do you really consider a precious CNN link to be more useful than a comment from a person with thousands of posts here? 



Also, this wasn't hard to find Aristedes: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html . I just googled "covid vaccination deaths" and it was the top hit.

I get that people need to post links with incredible claims that are hard to verify, but that was completely not the case here. So, in a nutshell, instead of getting off your ass and doing the most basic google search imaginable, you chose to insult someone.


VAERS received 3,848 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine

Back on topic: is 3,848 "a lot"? That answer is undoubtedly either yes, no, or maybe - just like almost every other C19 stat we get. 

Does that stat mean 'within a half hour of getting the vaccine people keeled over from something crazy'? They died within a week? And from with what symptoms, exactly? How many of them already had co-morbidities, and were over 95 yrs of age? How many already had covid (normally people don't get a flu vaccine when they're already sick, but no one knows if they already have covid)? Were any of them young, healthy people who stood no chance of dying from covid? 

The only thing I was able to glean from that is that none of those deaths were from allergic reactions. None of the subsequent links shed much light on anything else, unless maybe you go really deep, but if they were going to leave it 'buried' there's not much sense wasting a bunch of time looking for it. It's probably not there for a reason if they're not mentioning it.



Side note - here's a little bit of insight into how many vaccine deaths you can expect to see reported as "deaths attributed to vaccinations": https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-19/coronacheck-vaccine-misinformation-debunked/13258256


Claims that a number of elderly people died as a result of the jab in Norway, for instance, have been debunked [libspeak for 'fuck stats'] by the country's health officials, who said the deaths were likely to be coincidental.

Covid 'science': if someone has a week to live because they have heart disease, kidney failure and a tumour the size of a watermelon, and they sneeze right before they die, "IT WAS COVID!!!", but if someone dies after taking the vaccine "it was likely coincidental. Shhhhhh.". 

(To be fair regarding the whole covid BS topic, my guess is that Texas could be reporting far more covid deaths if they wanted to, they just don't want to.)

Covid 'stats' are bullshit at best, but the one thing that they've never been able to hide, even with stats, is that healthy people are at no risk from covidAnyone who doesn't want to take the jab shouldn't have to, and all the leftists who say "preggers can kill healthy fetuses because of the "my body, my choice' rule" need to stfu because their opinion is already carved in stone on this topic. 

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18 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

healthy people are at no risk from covid

Tell that to the many families who've had healthy family member die of Covid.  There are many examples of that, but you are so deep in denial and conspiracy that you are blind to the reality. 

As if medical care professionals around the world are in cahoots with politicians and ordinary citizens to lie about what have killed people in order to ... What exactly?  That's where you conspiracy nuts fail; the reasons you give for this vast conspiracy simply do not make sense.

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27 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Tell that to the many families who've had healthy family member die of Covid.  There are many examples of that, but you are so deep in denial and conspiracy that you are blind to the reality. 

I've heard anecdotes to that extent but the stats don't support it.

The normal seasonal flu kills more young people than covid. 

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3 hours ago, dialamah said:

As if medical care professionals around the world are in cahoots with politicians and ordinary citizens to lie

Not all medical professionals and politicians agree with the over-the-top response taken against covid. Their voices are either not heard, or ignored.

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27 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Not all medical professionals and politicians agree with the over-the-top response taken against covid. Their voices are either not heard, or ignored.

The minority is not right merely by virtue of being a minority.   The preponderance of evidence supports the seriousness of this disease; your continued attempts to downplay that seriousness is reminiscent of cigarette companies denying evidence while pointing to their small group of handpicked (and paid) scientists.  

In any case, those "experts" you tout aren't being ignored.  In places like India and Brazil, they're the drivers of government policy.  Take a look at how those countries are doing.

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4 hours ago, dialamah said:

Tell that to the many families who've had healthy family member die of Covid.  There are many examples of that, but you are so deep in denial and conspiracy that you are blind to the reality. 

As if medical care professionals around the world are in cahoots with politicians and ordinary citizens to lie about what have killed people in order to ... What exactly?  That's where you conspiracy nuts fail; the reasons you give for this vast conspiracy simply do not make sense.

I can't be bothered anymore with these morons, who are just going to try to shout down anyone who tells them the obvious: we're in the middle of a pandemic with NO end in sight! Because little or no effort has been made in either Canada or the US to try to eradicate this new disease before it spreads through the whole country. 

Instead, what we get is 'we need to FLATTEN the curve.... meaning cut infection and fatality rates just enough so that hospitals aren't overcrowded and the media starts talking about other things.

As for family, my in-laws teenage daughter (about 16) got sick back in February for a short time and then was released. She has been doing the zoom-chat homeschooling system ever since. Because she has apparently been caught up in the group known as Long Covid or long haul covid cases. In her case, when she first came down with flu-like symptoms before going to the hospital, the first clear covid warning sign was losing her sense of smell. That may have been an early indicator of what was to come: severe headaches (someone who never had headaches before), occasional blurred vision, losing mental focus, frequent joint pains and chest pains....I may be missing a few, but it's not going away, at least not YET after more than two months since she got sick. 

Now, her symptoms, however long they last, are not nearly as severe as what some people have gotten after a bout with Covid-19. And since it's estimated that one out of seven Covid-19 cases that require hospitalization become long covid sufferers, all of the clowns living in denial, and more important - those in positions of responsibility, in government, are ultimately responsible for grossly underestimating the dangers the entire world population faces...except of course for the few countries that realized that an unknown disease with unknown effects needed to be eradicated as quickly as possible, regardless of money and economic numbers! 

And now that even official government spokesmen are admitting that the ages of those being hospitalized along with the deaths of those struck by new Covid variants is getting younger, it would be a good time to recall that during the last global pandemic, a little over 100 years ago, the second and third waves of the misnamed "Spanish Flu" disproportionately killed young people, who may have got sick from the first outbreak, but were making up most of the deaths later, until it finally ended near the end of the year 1920!

And, add on that since it was a flu outbreak, once it was over, most of the survivors, except for those with other medical conditions recovered and got on with their lives. If we end up with thousands and then millions of disabled who can no longer work or function normally, then every nation like Canada and the US that decided to just wait for vaccines to take care of the problem, will be permanently disabled as a society and culture!

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

The minority is not right merely by virtue of being a minority.   The preponderance of evidence supports the seriousness of this disease; your continued attempts to downplay that seriousness is reminiscent of cigarette companies denying evidence while pointing to their small group of handpicked (and paid) scientists.  

In any case, those "experts" you tout aren't being ignored.  In places like India and Brazil, they're the drivers of government policy.  Take a look at how those countries are doing.


2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Their voices are either not heard, or ignored.


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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

What does a dog say? Woah Woah

What does a cat say? Meaow Meaow

What does a sheep say? Wear a mask!

What does a complete prat say:

"What does a dog say? Woah Woah

What does a cat say? Meaow Meaow

What does a sheep say? Wear a mask!"

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What is it about masks that frighten people so? 

I can understand some people being scared of vaccinations.  Needles are sharp!

But masks are soft and gentle, and won't hurt at all.

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50 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

What is it about masks that frighten people so? 

I can understand some people being scared of vaccinations.  Needles are sharp!

But masks are soft and gentle, and won't hurt at all.

I do wear a mask where it is required and I consider it a no big deal. 

However, since covidism has become something of a religion for some people I enjoy making fun of their religion as they react like all religious people do when their religion is being ridiculed. 

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50 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

I do wear a mask where it is required and I consider it a no big deal. 

However, since covidism has become something of a religion for some people I enjoy making fun of their religion as they react like all religious people do when their religion is being ridiculed. 

No, that's not it.  Basic safety precautions do not a religion make. 

Fear and loathing of them do, though. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 1:58 PM, Aristides said:

You just confirmed what I said.


India is close to the equator. Brazil is right on the equator. It is always hot there.

It is a well known fact that the sun kills all viruses. Viruses cannot stand the heat. There is more going on here than meets the normal. India and Brazil have been going real heavy on this covid vaccine. Many alternative doctors and scientists and health experts have all said that this Covid vaccine is going to kill millions of people world wide. It looks like this has started in India and Brazil already. Hey, we never know, eh?  

Look up the Georgia Stones on the internet. A conspiracy like globalist Gates to hell plan to eliminate billions of people on earth. It appear to be starting in India and Brazil. It will be interesting to take note as to how many people they are living on earth today and as to how many people will be living on earth in say a year or two. Let's all watch and wait and see what happens. If it does start to happen then we will all know that this Covid vaccine is responsible for all the deaths coming. ;)

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On 4/28/2021 at 3:34 PM, Right To Left said:

Then maybe you would prefer Fully Automated Luxury Communism. As envisioned by Aaron Bustani:

A different kind of politics for a new kind of society--beyond work, scarcity and capitalism

In the twenty-first century, new technologies should liberate us from work. Automation, rather than undermining an economy built on full employment, is instead the path to a world of liberty, luxury and happiness—for everyone. Technological advance will reduce the value of commodities—food, healthcare and housing—towards zero.

Improvements in renewable energies will make fossil fuels a thing of the past. Asteroids will be mined for essential minerals. Genetic editing and synthetic biology will prolong life, virtually eliminate disease and provide meat without animals. New horizons beckon.

In Fully Automated Luxury Communism, Aaron Bastani conjures a vision of extraordinary hope, showing how we move to energy abundance, feed a world of 9 billion, overcome work, transcend the limits of biology, and establish meaningful freedom for everyone. Rather than a final destination, such a society merely heralds the real beginning of history.

Now personally, I'm not a member of that club, which sounds like they have been inspired by the first Star Trek series of what life would be like in the 25th century. I wonder if Star Trek creator - Gene Rodenberry was a secret communist! Because the original Star Trek had no examples of money or currency exchanges of any kind...living in a world of free or at least near free energy and everything you want and need can be created in a flash in a "replicator" machine, which is programmed to build 3D copies of everything from food to tools and guns....whatever fits in the microwave oven-size replicator can be constructed by a machine that sets up all of the atoms needed to construct the materials in an instant. Who needs factories and assembly lines when you have this kind of technology! 

But, my own position is to be highly skeptical of all promises made about new tech and proposed innovations, because they are accompanied by often unforeseen environmental consequences or placing excessive demands on scarce exotic "rare earth" minerals, whose extraction and refinement carry large environmental costs. (this is the key problem with so called green tech like high efficiency lithium batteries, solar panels and windmills).

That all depends on where you were living 500 years ago! There were few contagious diseases of any kind before the age of animal husbandry-where farmers started living in close proximity to the animals they were harvesting for meat, milk and eggs. Crowded farms, with animals and their wastes in too close proximity to people, in China and other nations of the Far East are considered one of the main reasons for annual flu outbreaks that spread around the world. And in more recent times, large rural and urban populations living in places with often contaminated water supplies is the main vector for disease spread. 

But back, half a millennia ago, there was a sizable gap between the life spans of peasants and the small professional and ruling classes that owned almost everything. So, in feudal times in Europe, before the bubonic plagues of the 14th and 16th centuries, the "better" classes who were considered important enough to have their births and deaths recorded in the local church registry were surprisingly close to the average today. This modernist notion that their lives were all "nasty, brutish and short" is figured by estimating and factoring in infant mortality and early childhood mortality figures, since very young children and newborns are the most vulnerable to sickness than older children and adults. So, old age may have come a little earlier to most people than today. But this notion that few if any lived past 40 is absurd! And it's worth noting that life spans shrunk most at the start of the industrial revolution in England in the late 1700's, when millions of English men and women were forced off the farms by "the closing of the commons" and lived hellish Hobbesian existence in London, Manchester and other factory towns where they had lousy food, polluted water and foul air to breathe, and maybe they were lucky to make it past their 40th birthdays, but those who live closer to nature always live better than those stuck in an artificial urban environment...even the cleaner ones we have today! 

Now, I got to ask what kinds of vaccines were they developing back in the 15th century?

Cut to the chase, since in spite of enormous outbreaks in the tropics - Brazil and India, you still think Covid-19 can't handle being with us when it's hot outside. And if you can breathe without possibly spreading any pathogens, then you never need to wear a mask at all! But, if you're going to throw a tantrum about both simple protective gear like masks and advise against any vaccines developed also, you're a complete idiot! I'm sure you'll change your tune if you get sick and can't breathe, and want to be rushed into a hospital emergency room!

And I'm not the one who's planning out rules for Covid passports and ID cards. That's where my skepticism kicks in, because I don't believe any vaccine is going to last long enough to stop the spread of this disease everywhere, so new hybrid variants will come along every few months for the extended future and the vaxxes will be like flu shots that have to be renewed when the next outbreak happens!  In the meantime, I just see masks and vaccines as better than doing nothing at all, which is pretty much all the rightwing has to offer! Just let the weak get sick and die off (unless they are among the weak) and everyone else, get out there and jump-start the economy that my stock portfolio depends on!


Dream on. There is only one conspiracy going on in this world today. Maybe you should join the Bill Gates World Economic Forum. There you may be allowed to live and enjoy the rest of your life in freedom if you become a member. You will not have to take any vaccine jabs nor will you need to have a vaccine passport wherever you go. You will be travelling by private jet and be able to go off to your favorite holiday destination without quarantining, wearing a mask and no social distancing.

Your belief in this Covid conspiracy is what may just kill you one day especially for those who took the jab. Hey, we never know, eh? :D 


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31 minutes ago, taxme said:

It is a well known fact that the sun kills all viruses. Viruses cannot stand the heat. There is more going on here than meets the normal. India and Brazil have been going real heavy on this covid vaccine. Many alternative doctors and scientists and health experts have all said that this Covid vaccine is going to kill millions of people world wide. It looks like this has started in India and Brazil already. Hey, we never know, eh?  

Look up the Georgia Stones on the internet. A conspiracy like globalist Gates to hell plan to eliminate billions of people on earth. It appear to be starting in India and Brazil. It will be interesting to take note as to how many people they are living on earth today and as to how many people will be living on earth in say a year or two. Let's all watch and wait and see what happens. If it does start to happen then we will all know that this Covid vaccine is responsible for all the deaths coming. ;)

Who the hell is Georgia Stones?

You really are a wing nut. 

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26 minutes ago, taxme said:

Dream on. There is only one conspiracy going on in this world today. Maybe you should join the Bill Gates World Economic Forum. There you may be allowed to live and enjoy the rest of your life in freedom if you become a member. You will not have to take any vaccine jabs nor will you need to have a vaccine passport wherever you go. You will be travelling by private jet and be able to go off to your favorite holiday destination without quarantining, wearing a mask and no social distancing.

Your belief in this Covid conspiracy is what may just kill you one day especially for those who took the jab. Hey, we never know, eh? :D 


I plan on travelling as soon as I can. You can stay in your hole hiding from devil vaccines. 

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3 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I do wear a mask where it is required and I consider it a no big deal. 

However, since covidism has become something of a religion for some people I enjoy making fun of their religion as they react like all religious people do when their religion is being ridiculed. 

Please, you are disturbing our sleep...


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On 5/2/2021 at 3:26 PM, taxme said:

Dream on. There is only one conspiracy going on in this world today. Maybe you should join the Bill Gates World Economic Forum. There you may be allowed to live and enjoy the rest of your life in freedom if you become a member. You will not have to take any vaccine jabs nor will you need to have a vaccine passport wherever you go. You will be travelling by private jet and be able to go off to your favorite holiday destination without quarantining, wearing a mask and no social distancing.

If you bothered reading this or any other post I've written, you would already be aware that I am not with Gates Foundation or other billionaire dogooders, who want to save the world and make a shitload of money while they're at it!


Your belief in this Covid conspiracy is what may just kill you one day especially for those who took the jab. Hey, we never know, eh? :D 


How many die from these vaccines....any of them? vs how many die from Covid-19? 

It takes a pretty high level of stupidity and trust in the intelligence and abilities of our political and corporate leaders to believe in a conspiracy theory that global political and business leaders can turn pandemics on and off like a light switch! And are bent on forcing you to have a vaccine! 

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On 4/30/2021 at 8:29 AM, dialamah said:

Tell that to the many families who've had healthy family member die of Covid.  There are many examples of that, but you are so deep in denial and conspiracy that you are blind to the reality. 

As if medical care professionals around the world are in cahoots with politicians and ordinary citizens to lie about what have killed people in order to ... What exactly?  That's where you conspiracy nuts fail; the reasons you give for this vast conspiracy simply do not make sense.

There may have been some people who have lost some loved one or two or some friend from this so called Covid virus. I would say that if someone or anyone for that matter who knows of dozens of people that they know of who have died from Covid then I would say that ya we have a serious virus crises on our hands. But that is not the case. Myself, and so many other people that I know do not know of anyone that they know of that has died as of yet from Covid. Some have been told that they have it but they did not die. It was just another case of some flu virus dropping by on them. 

The numbers are not so high as the lying politicians and the fake media want them to be made out to be. Cases of this so called Covid virus are just numbers. The PCR tests have been proven to not be all that accurate. Just because you may know of someone that has died from Covid does not mean that everybody out there knows of anyone who has died from Covid. 

This conspiracy Event 201 Covid hoax will slowly start to unravel and it will be people like you who will be made a big fool of. I will have the last laugh on you, Covid conspiracy boy. :D

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On 4/28/2021 at 9:29 PM, Aristides said:

You say a lot of crap that you either can't or won't back up.

Everyone here seems able to post links except you. Why is that?

Are you that dumb? I just showed you as to where you can go on the INTERNET for the information that you said that you wanted to see. I am pretty dam sure that if I were to link a post of where I got my information from you would know doubt say that the information that I gave you is information coming from some right wing/white supremacist website. I cannot win either way with you. So, I told you as to where to go and get it from the horses's mouth as they say. if you are too bloody lazy to do a little typing and to go check it out for yourself as I did well that is to bloody bad for you. 

And as if you never post crap here also or supply a link from one of your bull chit leftist liberal links all the time, eh? go away, will you. You bore me. Just saying. :P

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On 5/2/2021 at 12:51 PM, Aristides said:

Who the hell is Georgia Stones?

You really are a wing nut. 

By the way, lefty, the Georgia Stones is not a name of some person. It's the name of a place. Look it up on the internet. It is so easy to do that even a no minded leftist liberal like yourself should be able to do with ease. Of course. maybe nothing is all that easy for a lefty liberal like you to do, eh? Lol. 

You really are a left wing nut. Touche.  :lol:

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On 5/2/2021 at 12:54 PM, Aristides said:

I plan on travelling as soon as I can. You can stay in your hole hiding from devil vaccines. 

Enjoy your trip to your bodily injury or death trip. Hey, we never know, eh? I am going to wait and see what happens to suckers like you who will take an experimental gene therapy vaccine. Only fools and idiots will take an experimental vaccine that has not really been tested for it's effectiveness yet.

But please do let me know if you suffer from any injury effects or die within the next year from taking this devil vaccine, eh? Some have already died after taking the Convid 1984 vaccine. It's on the internet, don't you know? :lol:

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On 5/3/2021 at 1:00 PM, Right To Left said:

If you bothered reading this or any other post I've written, you would already be aware that I am not with Gates Foundation or other billionaire dogooders, who want to save the world and make a shitload of money while they're at it!

How many die from these vaccines....any of them? vs how many die from Covid-19? 

It takes a pretty high level of stupidity and trust in the intelligence and abilities of our political and corporate leaders to believe in a conspiracy theory that global political and business leaders can turn pandemics on and off like a light switch! And are bent on forcing you to have a vaccine! 

It takes sheer stupidity for anyone to believe that a virus can go on living for a year. And then we are told that there are more variants of this virus. I guess that we can now expect every year now that there will be dozens of new Covid variants to come along in the next decade, eh? We can take all the vaccines that one wants to but this Covid virus nonsense will never end. Even after we take the two vaccine Covid shots there will be more to come. That is the globalist plan if you want to be able to renew your vaccine passport every year. You will be hooked on the vaccine line that you will never be able to unhook yourself from ever again. 

Just because so many people do not believe in conspiracies does not mean that they never happen or do not exist. Only fools and idiots think that conspiracies do not exist. Event 201 was the biggest conspiracy event of them all. Believe it or not. :D

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