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The Trump Second Impeachment Thread

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9 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Here's some different opinions than G's that Nikki Haley's betrayal means she's become some sort of heroic representative of the right:

Opportunist Nikki Haley betrays Trump and his supporters as she reserves her seat in The Swamp

"When Nikki Haley left her role as United States Ambassador to the United Nations and did not take another role in the White House, I smelled a rat. There seemed to be only two viable possibilities as I gamed out how it all went down. Either she was a loyal patriot who was being prepared to replace Mike Pence as the second term Vice President or she was distancing herself. I hoped for the former but suspected the latter.

She was at the top of my list of people who were likely working from within the White House to take down President Trump as the internal “resistance.” In retrospect, I do not believe she was, opting instead to simply stay out of the mix so she could reposition herself as a separate “moral” leader within the GOP. Now that impeachment is happening, she’s securing her place in The Swamp by attacking President Trump in a recent interview with POLITICO.


Haley is positioning herself as a leading GOP Establishment candidate for a 2024 run. It’s that simple. She is sending out the flares to Lincoln Project sycophants and RINO-loving big donors that despite her time working with President Trump, she’s not a fan. In fact, she’s never been a fan even when she worked for him. She opposed Trump during the 2016 primaries, bouncing around between candidates every time her preferred Republican nominee fell off. It was surprising that she was offered a role in the White House at all.

Conservatives on Twitter were not impressed:

A once-promising career for Nikki Haley evaporated today as she swore allegiance to The Swamp. Her 2024 candidacy should be short despite Republican Establishment mega-donors pushing for her. America will have better choices."

Did it finally dawn on her that the proud boys and other white supremacists will not support her in 2024?  .  She's playing to the born agains that stuck with Trump in 2020 but thought his behavior since losing was abhorrent and moderate suburban republicans that left Trump long ago after first supporting him in 2016.  

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Apl your nonsense post tells me is that you know as little about the stock market as you do about anything else.

You claim Trump made Wall Street billions but Wall St is  against him because.......why?  Your blah blah GameStop doesn’t have much to do with Trump or anything else either. 

No. I claim the economy improved. Certainly some on Wall st. got lucky with good bets. But the House doesn't bet, and the House never loses. Unless you stop allowing them to make the rules. Then they're just in the trenches like everybody else. Those guys - the lobbyists, the Warren Buffets, the Tom Steyers and the George Soros types weren't happy. The guys that made out like bandits during the housing crisis weren't happy.

Just like the guys that got caught for a loss when average guys got together and started betting against the House when it was betting short. Those big-shot short sellers weren't happy. They needed some new rules to stop the average guys from winning. So they got Robin Hood to give them some new rules. Trump wouldn't do it. Biden will though.

But you tell me you're the expert. Very well show me the evidence the movers and shakers of Wall street were satisfied with everybody else doing so well. Tell me why so many (I'd say the majority) flipped and started putting their money into Democrat campaigns.

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18 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

The guys that made out like bandits during the housing crisis weren't happy

LMAO Your opposite-of-reality stories never cease to entertain!  Trump had one of those housing crisis tycoons in his cabinet as Treasury Secretary. He had more billionaires and multimillionaires in his cabinet than any other president in history. Trump gave away billions to corporations with massive tax cuts that caused the deficit to explode to record levels.   Crying chicken little over the debt and deficit has been a favourite conservative hobby horse  for decades but you didn’t hear a peep during the Trump era as it mushroomed year after year due to corporate giveaways. 

Corporations and Wall Street loved Trump.  Like all Republicans and most Democrats, he was a servant to  their cause.  But as he has become increasingly erratic and unstable there were better options for them, and since he lost the election he is of no further use to them. 

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oh my, some Rs close to Trump are lying? which ones? well, of course we know Trump is serial liar but..

House Republican pleads for Pence, Trump aides to speak out on Jan. 6 insurrection

"Herrera Beutler issued the statement amid a new wave of attention on a story she has been telling since last month: that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy relayed details of a phone call he had with Trump while the violent mob was ransacking the Capitol.

In Herrera Beutler's telling, McCarthy urged Trump to call off the mob, to which Trump initially responded that he couldn't because it was made up of left-wing extremists — a falsehood that has been debunked by federal investigators.

When McCarthy refuted Trump, the former president responded, "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are," according to Herrera-Beutler."

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8 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

LMAO Your opposite-of-reality stories never cease to entertain! 

Then why do you sound so frustrated? Facts giving you a problem?


Trump had one of those housing crisis to his cabinet as Treasury Secretary. He had more billionaires and multimillionaires in his cabinet than any other president in history. Trump gave away billions to corporations with massive tax cuts that caused the deficit to explode to record levels.   Crying chicken little over the debt and deficit has been a favourite conservative hobby horse  for decades but you didn’t hear a peep during the Trump era as it mushroomed year after year due to corporate giveaways. 

Corporations and Wall Street loved Trump.  Like all Republicans and most Democrats, he was a servant to  their cause.  But as he has become increasingly erratic and unstable there were better options for them, and since he lost the election he is of no further use to them. 

I love the way you guys like to claim the rise in the economy was a carryover from the Obama regime (even though it wasn't) but you don't have the same explanation for the debt and deficit (even though it was.) I guess you thought we wouldn't notice. And I imagine you thought we didn't hear Trump when he told us he would build up the economy first then deal with the deficit. He'd come through on his other campaign promises so he deserved the benefit of the doubt.

As to corporations and Wall Street loving Trump one would hope at least some of them noticed things were improving. And I imagine some did, but the larger movement was leftward.

Big Pharma, Silicone valley including Social Media, Big Media, the corporate news, Big Money Managers and Wall Street campaign donations were already left or going there...even the last Koch brother was going anti-Trump. There's more but before I offer them up let's see your list of Corporations and Wall Street donors moving right.

Like I said Big money goes where their bread is buttered - where they can move the rules to benefit themselves. Trump wanted to deregulate and weaken China's hold on the American economy. The corporates with the Globalists didn't want that so they moved left and now they run the American Presidency. The Corporate Left.

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But not sure any of that even matters anymore because this happened:


Trump and the America First crowd won. Chuck, China, the globalists, the corporates, RINO traitors, the Progressive Socialists and their hateful TDS supporters lost. 

A thread on the second Impeachment farce is now meaningless.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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6 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Thanks for the 4 years anyway Mr. President. Nobody can righteously doubt your courage. Trump and a bunch of kids to grannys in red MAGA hats up against the world.

Well, nobody insane anyway.  The rest of us know he was a despicable tw@t.

What about all that courage he showed when he told that "bunch of kids to grannys in red MAGA hats" that he was going to be with them as they went to the Capitol Building, and then he took off to the White House so he could watch on TV while they all tried to find Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi?

Yeah, that's bravery personified right there.

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Trump told his supporters listening at his rally to go to the capitol building to "PEACEFULLY" protest. Eventually he would join them. Unfortunately provocateurs were already at the Capitol building stirring things up while Trump was speaking. By the time Trump's supporters made it to the Capitol grounds the Instigator types had already made it through the gates and were encouraging the new crowd of Trump supporters to follow them into the building. Some of the less clearly thinking followed them. That is not what Trump promised to join, but I suppose you're disappointed that he didn't. Too bad for you and yours, I guess.

But that was then, this is now:


President Donald J. Trump issued a statement after his historic second impeachment acquittal for ‘inciting a riot’ at the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6th.


Our cherished Constitutional Republic was founded on the impartial rule of law, the indispensable safeguard for our liberties, our rights and our freedoms. 

It is a sad commentary on our times that one political party in America is given a free pass to denigrate the rule of law, defame law enforcement, cheer mobs, excuse rioters, and transform justice into a tool of political vengeance, and persecute, blacklist, cancel and suppress all people and viewpoints with whom or which they disagree. I always have, and always will, be a champion for the unwavering rule of law, the heroes of law enforcement, and the right of Americans to peacefully and honorably debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate. 

This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our Country. No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago. 

I also want to convey my gratitude to the millions of decent, hardworking, law-abiding, God-and-Country loving citizens who have bravely supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times.  

Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it!

We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future. 

Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish. 

We remain one People, one family, and one glorious nation under God, and it’s our responsibility to preserve this magnificent inheritance for our children and for generations of Americans to come.

May God bless all of you, and may God forever bless the United States of America."

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5 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Then why do you sound so frustrated? Facts giving you a problem?

I love the way you guys like to claim the rise in the economy was a carryover from the Obama regime (even though it wasn't) but you don't have the same explanation for the debt and deficit (even though it was.) I guess you thought we wouldn't notice. And I imagine you thought we didn't hear Trump when he told us he would build up the economy first then deal with the deficit. He'd come through on his other campaign promises so he deserved the benefit of the doubt.

As to corporations and Wall Street loving Trump one would hope at least some of them noticed things were improving. And I imagine some did, but the larger movement was leftward.

Big Pharma, Silicone valley including Social Media, Big Media, the corporate news, Big Money Managers and Wall Street campaign donations were already left or going there...even the last Koch brother was going anti-Trump. There's more but before I offer them up let's see your list of Corporations and Wall Street donors moving right.

Like I said Big money goes where their bread is buttered - where they can move the rules to benefit themselves. Trump wanted to deregulate and weaken China's hold on the American economy. The corporates with the Globalists didn't want that so they moved left and now they run the American Presidency. The Corporate Left.

OMG “corporations don’t want deregulation”. The latest idiotic Fisdledog nonsense 



Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in US History, which began in June 2009 and lasted tp February 2020:


The debt and deficit exploded under Trump. Vague promises to somehow magically male it all disappear someday at an indeterminate point doesn’t change that.   I guess it must be with his promised magical health insurance plan that was supposed to cover 100% of every expense for 100% of the population and costs absolutely nothing 

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Though the outcome was never in doubt, the intellectually challenged but ever self-righteous arbiters of woke aka the democrats chose to waste precious house time, putting aside all other matters of importance including addressing the ever increasing death toll due to the pandemic, the need for a stimulus bill to be passed and every other matter of note in order to hold their petty little trial that turned out to be little more than a theater of the absurd complete with home movies.  If this is an example of how democrats will govern America than there is nothing on Earth or in the 'heavens' that can help Americans. 

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1 hour ago, mowich said:

Though the outcome was never in doubt, the intellectually challenged but ever self-righteous arbiters of woke aka the democrats chose to waste precious house time, putting aside all other matters of importance including addressing the ever increasing death toll due to the pandemic, the need for a stimulus bill to be passed and every other matter of note in order to hold their petty little trial that turned out to be little more than a theater of the absurd complete with home movies.  If this is an example of how democrats will govern America than there is nothing on Earth or in the 'heavens' that can help Americans. 

Criminals need to face justice. Bullies must be stood up to.  Even when the outcome is already certain because the criminals have friends on the jury and bullies have stooges to hold their coat

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

OMG “corporations don’t want deregulation”. The latest idiotic Fisdledog nonsense 

Not sure what you're saying there. They do want deregulation or they don't?

Not sure what you think but as usual seem to think you know what I think and as always you don't.

Sheesh man...why don't you just ask?

Sometimes regulation is good for a company sometimes not so much.

Here, I'll give you an example.

Do you know what section 230 is? Basically it's a regulation that allows social media companies a pass on the regulation that would otherwise make them responsible for what posters do on their service. It makes them a platform rather than a publisher.

If President Trump was still President something would be done about that regulation. He doesn't like it. Zuckerberg put almost 400 million dollars into seeing that leftists managed the election and vote count structure to make sure Trump didn't win.

Now, did he do that because he's a Republican. No. Because he isn't. He did it because he's part of the corporate left that didn't want to lose his Section 230. 

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Section 230(c)(1), as identified above, defines that an information service provider shall not be treated as a "publisher or speaker" of information from another provider. Section 230(c)(2) provides immunity from civil liabilities for information service providers that remove or restrict content from their services they deem "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected", as long as they act "in good faith" in this action.


So basically they want to eliminate censorship so the duke boys can rebuild their klan.  

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Doesn't matter facistbook and Twittler are safe to censor and book-burn for at least 2 years then they'll have to come up with another billion or so dollars to rig the next vote too. They'll have their section 230 until then in any case.

Meanwhile back at the thread topic did you hear the news? Trump won. Chuck and Nancy lost. Again...


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“Armed with a collection of visuals, Schoen showed how an important tweet by Trump appeared to have been significantly altered and how numerous videos involving the former president had been cleverly doctored to transform exculpatory evidence into incriminating evidence. If this were a court of law, the prosecutors would be held in criminal contempt and tossed in the hoosegow”

Shows how you people have been duped. The prosecution are liars.

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12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Criminals need to face justice. Bullies must be stood up to.  Even when the outcome is already certain because the criminals have friends on the jury and bullies have stooges to hold their coat

What a bullshit post coming from a leftist.

The Dems supported rioting, looting, arson, and murder for years and you didn't talk about the need for anyone to face justice at all.

You have no credibility whatsoever on the issue of crime and punishment beave.

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11 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

Section 230(c)(1), as identified above, defines that an information service provider shall not be treated as a "publisher or speaker" of information from another provider. Section 230(c)(2) provides immunity from civil liabilities for information service providers that remove or restrict content from their services they deem "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected", as long as they act "in good faith" in this action.


So basically they want to eliminate censorship so the duke boys can rebuild their klan.  

That makes perfect sense.

Can you explain to me why https://www.insurgenceusa.com is still a website then, and why Anderson Cooper gave a known insurrectionist a national platform on CNN?

CNN's screen even acknowledges that the guy is a full-blown traitor.

You know what's scary is that it used to be really easy to find the video of John Sullivan in front of an angry mob, yelling for them to remove Trump from the Whitehouse, now it's gone.

You can find videos of Sullivan being interviewed and talking about 'power to the people' etc, they're literally whitewashing this sick bastard's history.

You're leftist cannucklehead, can you tell me how you honestly feel about this? 

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