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America Under pResident Biden

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On 2/1/2021 at 12:42 PM, Infidel Dog said:

Thank god common sense prevailed. 

Those little white-privilege devils would have stormed the capitol, wielding toboggans and sleds for the glory of Trumpism.

Pelosi outsmarted them though, so they must be from the 4th grade and lower.  

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14 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Thank god common sense prevailed. 

Those little white-privilege devils would have stormed the capitol, wielding toboggans and sleds for the glory of Trumpism.

Pelosi outsmarted them though, so they must be from the 4th grade and lower.  

There were no fences there prior to Jan 6. Who made that necessary?

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2 hours ago, Aristides said:

There were no fences there prior to Jan 6. Who made that necessary?

No one made it "necessary". 

The 25,000 troops are there because they're the only evidence that Americans have of the existence of the alt-right bogeyman. 

"Look retards: we have garlic, a cross, some holy water and a wooden stake to fight off the vampires! I think we might be safe from this existential threat now!!!!!!!" - Schumer & Pelosi

"Praise be to Pelosi and Schumer!!!!!!" - the leftists dolts.

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Troops = part of the big lie

There must be a threat if there are troops and there are troops because there is a threat.

Reichstag Fire 2.0 as I said.

Burn it down yourself...then blame your opponent.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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9 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Joe Biden stealing the election made all this and more possible. Let's give him a hand...

Nonsense! In actual fact, electoral fraud is a bipartisan activity in the US!  And the problem with Trump allies going at Democrats for dubious voting machines is that the same questions about voting machines with no audit trails can be asked about Republican districts where the GOP controls local government that's in charge of the vote. 

The Bernie supporters who took his 2020 campaign seriously, were already informed about the DNC rigging the kickoff Iowa Caucus for Mayo Pete by using a brand new app for no reasons (other than hiding evidence of fraud) that just happened to have been created by a company created by Hillary2016 Campaign workers called Shadow Inc. (seriously, that's what they called their startup company....why not We Commit Fraud.com?...maybe it was already taken). 

So, election fraud has been allowed and encouraged by both parties....besides tossing provisional ballots and poll rigging, the Republicans have started using a cross-referencing voter registration tactic called Cross-check-an interstate data-sharing system started by Kansas Sec. of State- Kris Kobach, based on his claims of widespread voter fraud, the system...which exposed many voters to hacking of personal information, compared names on voting lists of participating states. And most of what they found was people who moved and had to change addresses, as well as college students staying at dorms form part of the year. 

As Cross-Check devolved and unraveled because of controversy surrounding this practice, it started becoming obvious that the intentions were dishonorable from the start, with Kobach and other Republican officials deciding to double down with their shrinking white, older, middle class voting base, rather than looking to add POC's who were wealthier and older, and would be more likely to be brought in to a more moderate Republican approach. Something that Dubya tried back in 2000.

Right now, things are looking so bad and so many non-rich people are facing such extreme hardships now, I think the likely outcome might be for both parties to split apart. Who knows, if there isn't some sort of authoritarian, militaristic takeover of the federal government, real democracy might break out in America...of all places!

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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Thanks for your reply.

Tens of millions of Americans and untold numbers of non-US citizen say STOLEN. Unfortunately, your say-so is unlikely to change that.

No doubt! But the Republican politicians and media wags who acted as Trump enablers should have been a lot more careful instead of running off their mouths about Democrat Voter Fraud. Because they created a large, implacable Trump base of supporters with a vanguard made up of the most aggressive and unreasonable frontliners, all looking for action! And they got it. 

To me, this is very similar to Q-Anon, which I think was a deliberately created and set up fraud, and likely not even made by those within conservative and rightwing groups, but instead created by opponents who support Democrats and institutional authorities in Washington. My suspicions are aroused by the very fact that a few independent investigators of Jeffrey Epstein's hobbies have noted that pedophilia and the sexual grooming of minors is a bipartisan affair among men of wealth and power.

As soon as Q-anon said Trump would lead the godly, rightwing forces in America against Democrat sexual predators and stop their preying upon children....well then the whole narrative should have been understood as idiotic propaganda...even without the added prophecies. And having actual elected officials join on and proclaim their belief in the Q-Anon cult that bad things would happen if they ever went to Washington after Trump refused to recognize the results!

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1 hour ago, Right To Left said:

No doubt!


I've repeatedly noted that "Q" seemed more a thing of the Trump opposition...they know far more about it that I ever will...or will ever BOTHER to know. As I've stated, my volunteer work with the Trump rallies let me have a good look at most of them. No weird shaman guys dressed as cows...just saying.

Sea of red hats?? By golly yes to that one...

But, Democrats having weird parties in the Hollywood Hills (et al) involving drugs, children and Satan worship? I'm supposed to be shocked and surprised? They call that Tuesday in that particular circle...

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12 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Nonsense! In actual fact, electoral fraud is a bipartisan activity in the US!  And the problem with Trump allies going at Democrats for dubious voting machines is that the same questions about voting machines with no audit trails can be asked about Republican districts where the GOP controls local government that's in charge of the vote. 

The Bernie supporters who took his 2020 campaign seriously, were already informed about the DNC rigging the kickoff Iowa Caucus for Mayo Pete by using a brand new app for no reasons (other than hiding evidence of fraud) that just happened to have been created by a company created by Hillary2016 Campaign workers called Shadow Inc. (seriously, that's what they called their startup company....why not We Commit Fraud.com?...maybe it was already taken). 

So, election fraud has been allowed and encouraged by both parties....

It seems as though all of the fraud that you're pointing out there was by Dems, aside from one sentence that lacks a cite. 


besides tossing provisional ballots and poll rigging, the Republicans have started using a cross-referencing voter registration tactic called Cross-check-an interstate data-sharing system started by Kansas Sec. of State- Kris Kobach, based on his claims of widespread voter fraud, the system...which exposed many voters to hacking of personal information, compared names on voting lists of participating states. And most of what they found was people who moved and had to change addresses, as well as college students staying at dorms form part of the year. As Cross-Check devolved and unraveled because of controversy surrounding this practice,

Seems like a bit of fear-mongering (some people were HACKED!) along with a side of common sense.

It actually does make sense to find out if people are registered and voting in more than one state.

Sucks for John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt of Texas and John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt of Georgia because they keep getting accused of fraud, but they're both a-holes anyways. There's a reason why people always shout at them. 


it started becoming obvious that the intentions were dishonorable from the start, with Kobach and other Republican officials deciding to double down with their shrinking white, older, middle class voting base, rather than looking to add POC's who were wealthier and older, and would be more likely to be brought in to a more moderate Republican approach. Something that Dubya tried back in 2000.

The Republicans aren't courting the POC vote because that's racist. They're courting the POCS vote because they're counting on voters actually thinking for themselves, like they did in 2016. (People of Common Sense)


Right now, things are looking so bad and so many non-rich people are facing such extreme hardships now, I think the likely outcome might be for both parties to split apart. Who knows, if there isn't some sort of authoritarian, militaristic takeover of the federal government, real democracy might break out in America...of all places!

The people who support leftists are 1) the poor people who got sucked in by their virtue-signalling and 2) the people who are wealthy enough to value cheap immigrant labour.

When illegal aliens come across the border do you think that they take jobs away from guys like Zuckerberg and Bezos, or do they take jobs away from recent legal migrants and low-income Americans? 

Do they compete with Zuckerberg and Bezos for homes, or do they try to get homes in the same neighbourhoods that recent legal migrants and low-income Americans are trying to find homes in? What happens to the rents that wealthy elites can charge for shithole apartments?


Here's how it works:

1) Wealthy people convince poor people (a lot of immigrants fit into this category) that massive immigration is great, because your whole extended family can come here. They also say that 'only racists want to stop a flood of immigrants to live in your country!' 

2) Illegal immigrants drive down the price of entry-level wages by working for small amounts of cash.  If the same employers were to pay legals and Americans 'on the books' they'd have to meet min wage requirements, and pay into things like vacation pay, worker's comp, etc. If legals get hurt they can get benefits and that can drive up ins costs. Not only that, if the business owners are trying not to declare any income at all, they don't want to even acknowledge to the government that they have employees in the first place. 

3) Illegals compete for low-cost housing with legal migrants and low-income Americans. (There are at least 11M illegals in the US right now, estimates are that it could even be in the high 20s. If they weren't there, what do you think would happen to the cost of low-income housing? What effect would it have on homelessness rates?) 

So the Dems flood the country with illegals, it creates a lot of poor people who want to work for rich people for next to nothing, and when the people who live in poverty get upset because they live in shitholes and make no money who do the wealthy elites blame? 


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President Joe Biden confirmed on Thursday that he’d sign an executive order to dramatically increase refugee admissions, speaking at a State Department event following the confirmation of his Secretary of State nominee, Anthony Blinken.


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27 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

During a speech at the State Department earlier Thursday, Mr. Biden said the objective is to set a 125,000-person cap for fiscal year 2022, which starts in October.


Fake news.  Vaccine will be well distributed by then.  

You're fake news for implying anybody said anything about the Chi-Com in what I quoted. However, "Mr. Biden also said he directed the State Department to consult with Congress "about making a down payment on that commitment as soon as possible," hinting that he may move to raise the 15,000 cap for the current fiscal year."


And the complaint in the original article is larger than Chi-Com flu concerns:


Refuge resettlement has been criticized as a waste of resources that deter refugees from returning home after times of war. The cost of resettling refugees in the United States is far more expensive than working with international partners to provide them safe haven closer to their home nations, a policy that’s proved more effective in enabling them to eventually return home.

Center for Immigration Studies analysis has determined that the admission of the average refugee under the program’s standards will ultimately cost the American taxpayer by $60,000 throughout their lifetime. It’s likely that this figure will grow even greater during Biden’s presidency, as the federal government moves to bring in as many refugees as possible-including those with dubious claims of persecution.


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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

These open border policies are nuts, and Circle-back Psaki hasn't even heard about them. This is who's supposed to be informing the American Public:

"I will circle back and try to answer these softball questions tomorrow." - Jen, uh, I think my last name is Psaki 

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On 2/4/2021 at 4:34 PM, WestCanMan said:

Calling people names is bad, but you can deny them an education.

There will be a serious side-effect of discriminating against white and asian applicants at top universities in the states, and I don't know whether it's intended or unintended.

That being the fact that, now when black people graduate from those schools, people will naturally wonder if they earned their spot to get in there or if they were gifted that spot over other kids who had far better grades.

There will basically be an asterisk beside the diplomas of black people who graduate from there now. Aaaand that will be another excuse to cry racism.

 It will really suck for the black kids whose marks were actually high enough to get in on their own merits, but if you ask any black person who gets accepted there, will the beneficiaries of the diversity policy even know that they didn't really earn it?

Then again, how many diplomas from there shouldn't come with asterisks? The number of kids whose way was paved with dollar bills is probably even bigger. 

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There's an interesting contention in the story below that China is moving to control Space and Biden is making moves to prevent public and private American challenges to China's plans of extra-terrestrial control.

Biden cancels Elon Musk's adventures in space

Way to go "big guy." Future generations will thank you, I'm sure.



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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

Yes and an American citizen too but she is a Czech anyway.

Are you talking about Ivanka's mother, Ivana?

She was a Czech, but Ivanka was born in the USA.

Ivanka would have a hard time becoming President though because she's Jewish. The Dems and their supporters are too bigoted against Jews to let that happen.  


Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 3.54.46 PM.png

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


Ivanka would have a hard time becoming President though because she's Jewish. The Dems and their supporters are too bigoted against Jews to let that happen.  



Please provide examples of the Democratic Party being antisemitic. 

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