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America Under pResident Biden

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

That was the consensus opinion of all the experts at the time. Nobody was advocating foe masks least of all you right wing tards half of whoyare still anti-masks like your friend TaxMe. Trump undermined masks long after it became accepted:

April 3, at the White House: “The C.D.C. is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as an additional voluntary public health measure. So it’s voluntary. You don’t have to do it. They suggested for a period of time, but this is voluntary. I don’t think I’m going to be doing it.”


“I just don’t want to be doing — I don’t know, somehow sitting in the Oval Office behind that beautiful Resolute Desk, the great Resolute Desk. I think wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens — I don’t know, somehow I don’t see it for myself. I just, I just don’t.”

May 21, touring a Ford plant: “I wore one” — a mask — “in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.”

And don’t forget all the times  your fucktard idiot of an idol told people COViD would go away on its own “in April with the warm weather” and “go away like a miracle”


FYI I knew it was idiotic the second the WHO came out with it and that’s documented here dozens of time Beave. 

Trump and his team also knew better than to tell people not to wear masks. 

FYI Beave the whole point of electing a leader is to pick someone smart enough to make the right choices. Not someone dumb enough to make catastrophic decisions like Trudeau did. 

We could have elected anyone to just go out there and learn from their mistakes. Fact is there was literally no room to elect anyone worse than Trudeau. 

And FYI flu season always goes away in summer. It’s normal. Not magic. When Obama was Potus they did literally nothing at all to slow the spread of swine flu. It was a huge debacle and they were just lucky that there weren’t millions of deaths.

If Trump treated Covid like Obama treated Swine Flu you actually would see millions of deaths. Trump shut down travel when there were about 10 deaths. He ahut down the greatest economy the US ever had when there were less than 100 deaths. 

You should be thankful that Trump was POTUS, not Obama, or millions of Americans would be dead. 

Class dismissed. Next time you post I expect to see some more understanding of Trump, Trudeau and Covid. 

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3 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:
If i met trump I would ask him what the tally is now.  

If you meet Obama/Biden why don't you ask them why they never lifted a finger when Swine Flu came to America....?

61M people in the US were infected with swine flu and almost 2,000 children died from it while the Duhnamic duo did bupkis.

When you consider that the mortality stats for covid deaths are right around the avg life expectancy for the people who died from it, it really isn't that much of an actual health risk.

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If you meet Obama/Biden why don't you ask them why they never lifted a finger when Swine Flu came to America....?

61M people in the US were infected with swine flu and almost 2,000 children died from it while the Duhnamic duo did bupkis.

When you consider that the mortality stats for covid deaths are right around the avg life expectancy for the people who died from it, it really isn't that much of an actual health risk.

The United States mounted a complex, multi-faceted and long-term response to the pandemic, summarized in The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010. On August 10, 2010, WHO declared an end to the global 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. However, (H1N1)pdm09 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year.



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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI I knew it was idiotic the second the WHO came out with it and that’s documented here dozens of time Beave. 

Trump and his team also knew better than to tell people not to wear masks. 

It’s a lie that Trudeau told people not to wear masks and  its a lie that Trump supported masks when the WHO and other experts didn’t. 

Unlike Trump Trudeau never tried to insert his own personal beliefs into his public statements but he did use his platform to repeat the advice already given to the public by health experts. The expert advice on the effectiveness of masks evolved  as new data became available because that’s what happens in the real world.  

 Trump meanwhile continued to peddle lies and myths about COViD, undermine masks and distancing guidelines, hold superspreader events, encourage anti-maskers telling people that it will go away on its own  “like a miracle”  and  “in April with the warm  weather”and he and his ilk continue to peddle conspiracy theories.

Even you are trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth, sometimes claiming that COViD is an overblown nothingburger and at other times claiming that its a very important issue Trudeau failed to take seriously enough 

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4 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

The United States mounted a complex, multi-faceted and long-term response to the pandemic, summarized in The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010. On August 10, 2010, WHO declared an end to the global 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. However, (H1N1)pdm09 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year.



Obama and Biden did nothing, and where does it say anywhere that their program was successful?

61M people were infected. 2000 kids died. That's not a success, is it Cannucklehead....

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Obama and Biden did nothing, and where does it say anywhere that their program was successful?

61M people were infected. 2000 kids died. That's not a success, is it Cannucklehead....

By your logic we should get rid of MADD since there are still dui's out there.  


If they did nothing as you say how could they be responsible for the failure?  




“‘Listen, we need to be aggressive early on this,’” Biden announced, according to Brennan.

The next week, Biden made good on his pledge — and set off a deluge of criticism. In an interview on NBC’s “Today,” Biden said he wouldn’t advise his family to fly on planes or ride the subway.


“I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places right now," Biden said. "It’s not that it’s going to Mexico, it’s that you are in a confined aircraft. When one person sneezes, it goes everywhere through the aircraft.”

Airlines angrily accused Biden of fearmongering. Media reports noted that Biden’s pessimism contrasted sharply with the reassurances President Barack Obama had given a day earlier, when he said there was no need to panic even as he declared a national health emergency.


And early on with covid what was trump doing?  Downplaying it, which we later found out how he knew about the severity beforehand.  


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5 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

The United States mounted a complex, multi-faceted and long-term response to the pandemic, summarized in The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010. On August 10, 2010, WHO declared an end to the global 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. However, (H1N1)pdm09 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year.



He admits they did everything wrong, was pure luck it wasn’t worse.


Edited by Shady
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31 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:


Watch the video.  He even admits he wasn't directly involved in it.  

Lol, yes, you know more than somebody that worked in the White House, during that time, with direct communication with the president and vice president!  :lol:

Trump derangement syndrome is a terrible disease. :lol:

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s a lie that Trudeau told people not to wear masks

You are lying again. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-dr-tams-about-face-on-masks-damages-trust-at-a-crucial-time/

Canada's position on masks until April was that 'masks weren't beneficial'. 

Here's Trudeau on May 20th telling Canadians that he has just started wearing a mask https://globalnews.ca/video/6963865/coronavirus-outbreak-trudeau-explains-his-personal-mask-wearing-policy/


and  its a lie that Trump supported masks when the WHO and other experts didn’t. 

I said that Trump was mask neutral. He never recommended against the wearing of masks, unlike our government.



The expert advice on the effectiveness of masks evolved  as new data became available because that’s what happens in the real world.  

So you're admitting that I'm smarter than the 'experts' then? Thanks Beave. I think you're finally onto something. 


 Trump meanwhile continued to peddle lies and myths about COViD, undermine masks and distancing guidelines, hold superspreader events, encourage anti-maskers telling people that it will go away on its own  “like a miracle”  and  “in April with the warm  weather”and he and his ilk continue to peddle conspiracy theories.

All lies and BS.

1) Trump never spoke out against masks to the degree that our gov't did,

2) the people who spoke out against social distancing were people like DeBlasio, who was out telling people to ride the subway and eat in restaurants like usual long after the travel bans were initiated by Trump, and Pelosi who made a point of showing herself in the midst of a massive gathering of people in Chinatown as late as Feb 24.

3) the first 'superspreader events' to occur after social distancing guidelins were put in place were riots, which were encouraged by Dems only. 

4) the Swine Flu outbreak under Obama and Biden ended "like a miracle" as all flu outbreaks do. It had literally nothing to do with anything that Obama/Biden did. That's how flus go. It could just be that C19 would have run it's course by now if we didn't get social-distancing and mask crazy. 


Even you are trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth, sometimes claiming that COViD is an overblown nothingburger and at other times claiming that its a very important issue Trudeau failed to take seriously enough 

I don't blame you for not understanding this complex issue. Here's a breakdown for you:

1) At the beginning of this debacle, we were shown pictures of Chinese people laying dead in the street, so the severity of it was quite overblown, and we had no way of knowing that C19 was only killing people who were very near death already. 

2) Some of the most deadly viruses of the past targeted young, healthy people moreso than older people. The Spanish Flu for example killed pregnant women and 28 yr olds. The Swine Flu under Obama killed a lot of children. There was good reason to believe that C19 could kill healthy people, and our society can't function when healthy people can't go outside because there's good reason to believe that they will die.

3) At the very beginning of this viral outbreak, there was a chance to keep C19 from getting a firm foothold in our country. Countries like Japan did that very effectively, and anyone who understands the meaning of old maxims like "A stitch in time saves nine" and "avoid it like the plague" understands exactly why our initial response to fighting the virus was crucial.

You don't, and I understand that, but hopefully by the time you have read this post in it's entirety you'll have somewhat of an epiphany.

4) If you look back at our initial C19 response, you have to admit that our gov't seemingly did literally everything in their power to ensure that our entire country was infected. IE, we allowed C19 flights to pour in, we didn't screen, we didn't enforce quarantines, people from covid hotspots walked every inch of our country with no restrictions whatsoever until it was far too late to stay ahead of the curveIn short, IT WAS AN ABYSMAL FAILURE. 



5) C19 has turned into an overblown nothingburger from the POV that we now know that healthy people aren't at risk. We only have to protect a relatively small minority of our population from C19, and a very high majority of them aren't in the workforce or going to schools.

The damage that is being done to our country from lockdowns is now outweighing the damage that's being done to 85+ yr olds with co-morbidities. Eg, Fentanyl was still killing more people in BC than C19 was at the very height of the 'pandemic'. This is not the massive health crisis that it's being made out to be.

I personally don't know anyone who knows anyone who was really sick with C19, let along anyone who died. I know that the secretary in the school by our house had a son in his early 20s who died from Fentanyl, a guy I played ball with had a son who nearly died from it, I have another friend from ball whose best friend was one of 3 people who did some cocaine together and she died, they were fine. I know quite a few other people who have a Fentanyl story, and they're all tragic. I don't consider it the same type of tragedy when an 85 yr old dies in February instead of March. 

In short, there are far more deaths from Fentanyl than covid, and pretty much every Fentanyl death is an extreme tragedy. A small minimum of C19 deaths are a 'tragedy', and like I said, there aren't as many.

Our country is going $300B into debt to fight C19 and we're doing almost nothing to fight C19.

Get it?

And Fentanyl is just one thing, there are plenty of other 'things'. 

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1 hour ago, Cannucklehead said:

By your logic we should get rid of MADD since there are still dui's out there.  


If they did nothing as you say how could they be responsible for the failure?  




“‘Listen, we need to be aggressive early on this,’” Biden announced, according to Brennan.

The next week, Biden made good on his pledge — and set off a deluge of criticism. In an interview on NBC’s “Today,” Biden said he wouldn’t advise his family to fly on planes or ride the subway.


“I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places right now," Biden said. "It’s not that it’s going to Mexico, it’s that you are in a confined aircraft. When one person sneezes, it goes everywhere through the aircraft.”

Airlines angrily accused Biden of fearmongering. Media reports noted that Biden’s pessimism contrasted sharply with the reassurances President Barack Obama had given a day earlier, when he said there was no need to panic even as he declared a national health emergency.


And early on with covid what was trump doing?  Downplaying it, which we later found out how he knew about the severity beforehand.  


1) Biden has a good Swine Flu quote. Wow. Let's have a parade lol. What else did he do????????????

Cue the Crickets.......

2) Did you read the red part? 

Why did you go on prattling about Trump just after you breezed past the part about Obama saying "Party on Garth!!!" Do you see the glaring hypocrisy there? Do yo see the hypocrisy of saying "Trump did nothng" after he shut down the economy, blocked travel from several countries, etc? 

WTF did Obama do again, exactly, when all those children were being killed by swine flu????? 

Cue those crickets again......

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You are lying again. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-dr-tams-about-face-on-masks-damages-trust-at-a-crucial-time/

Canada's position on masks until April was that 'masks weren't beneficial'. 

Here's Trudeau on May 20th telling Canadians that he has just started wearing a mask https://globalnews.ca/video/6963865/coronavirus-outbreak-trudeau-explains-his-personal-mask-wearing-policy/

I said that Trump was mask neutral. He never recommended against the wearing of masks, unlike our government.


So you're admitting that I'm smarter than the 'experts' then? Thanks Beave. I think you're finally onto something. 

All lies and BS.

1) Trump never spoke out against masks to the degree that our gov't did,

2) the people who spoke out against social distancing were people like DeBlasio, who was out telling people to ride the subway and eat in restaurants like usual long after the travel bans were initiated by Trump, and Pelosi who made a point of showing herself in the midst of a massive gathering of people in Chinatown as late as Feb 24.

3) the first 'superspreader events' to occur after social distancing guidelins were put in place were riots, which were encouraged by Dems only. 

4) the Swine Flu outbreak under Obama and Biden ended "like a miracle" as all flu outbreaks do. It had literally nothing to do with anything that Obama/Biden did. That's how flus go. It could just be that C19 would have run it's course by now if we didn't get social-distancing and mask crazy. 

I don't blame you for not understanding this complex issue. Here's a breakdown for you:

1) At the beginning of this debacle, we were shown pictures of Chinese people laying dead in the street, so the severity of it was quite overblown, and we had no way of knowing that C19 was only killing people who were very near death already. 

2) Some of the most deadly viruses of the past targeted young, healthy people moreso than older people. The Spanish Flu for example killed pregnant women and 28 yr olds. The Swine Flu under Obama killed a lot of children. There was good reason to believe that C19 could kill healthy people, and our society can't function when healthy people can't go outside because there's good reason to believe that they will die.

3) At the very beginning of this viral outbreak, there was a chance to keep C19 from getting a firm foothold in our country. Countries like Japan did that very effectively, and anyone who understands the meaning of old maxims like "A stitch in time saves nine" and "avoid it like the plague" understands exactly why our initial response to fighting the virus was crucial.

You don't, and I understand that, but hopefully by the time you have read this post in it's entirety you'll have somewhat of an epiphany.

4) If you look back at our initial C19 response, you have to admit that our gov't seemingly did literally everything in their power to ensure that our entire country was infected. IE, we allowed C19 flights to pour in, we didn't screen, we didn't enforce quarantines, people from covid hotspots walked every inch of our country with no restrictions whatsoever until it was far too late to stay ahead of the curveIn short, IT WAS AN ABYSMAL FAILURE. 



5) C19 has turned into an overblown nothingburger from the POV that we now know that healthy people aren't at risk. We only have to protect a relatively small minority of our population from C19, and a very high majority of them aren't in the workforce or going to schools.

The damage that is being done to our country from lockdowns is now outweighing the damage that's being done to 85+ yr olds with co-morbidities. Eg, Fentanyl was still killing more people in BC than C19 was at the very height of the 'pandemic'. This is not the massive health crisis that it's being made out to be.

I personally don't know anyone who knows anyone who was really sick with C19, let along anyone who died. I know that the secretary in the school by our house had a son in his early 20s who died from Fentanyl, a guy I played ball with had a son who nearly died from it, I have another friend from ball whose best friend was one of 3 people who did some cocaine together and she died, they were fine. I know quite a few other people who have a Fentanyl story, and they're all tragic. I don't consider it the same type of tragedy when an 85 yr old dies in February instead of March. 

In short, there are far more deaths from Fentanyl than covid, and pretty much every Fentanyl death is an extreme tragedy. A small minimum of C19 deaths are a 'tragedy', and like I said, there aren't as many.

Our country is going $300B into debt to fight C19 and we're doing almost nothing to fight C19.

Get it?

And Fentanyl is just one thing, there are plenty of other 'things'. 



More than 10,300 Canadians lost their lives between January 2016 and September 2018.


More than 13,000 from covid in less than a year now.  

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16 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:



If i met trump I would ask him what the tally is now.  


2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Biden has a good Swine Flu quote. Wow. Let's have a parade lol. What else did he do????????????

Cue the Crickets.......

2) Did you read the red part? 

Why did you go on prattling about Trump just after you breezed past the part about Obama saying "Party on Garth!!!" Do you see the glaring hypocrisy there? Do yo see the hypocrisy of saying "Trump did nothng" after he shut down the economy, blocked travel from several countries, etc? 

WTF did Obama do again, exactly, when all those children were being killed by swine flu????? 

Cue those crickets again......

Not even on a different page in this thread.   Did trump shut it down because he wanted to or because the gop did?  

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2 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:



More than 10,300 Canadians lost their lives between January 2016 and September 2018.


More than 13,000 from covid in less than a year now.  

First of all, you're quoting stats from 4 years ago up until 2 years ago, and Fentanyl deaths haven't been dropping. They've been going up.

You do know that the C19 stats are all from 2020, right?

Secondly, I said that "in BC more people died from Fentanyl" and it's true. Less than 600 people died of C19 here this year. I don't know the Fentanyl numbers for this year, but there were 995 Fentanyl deaths here last year and the number keeps going up.

In our worst month ever for Covid in BC so far there were less than the 170 Fentanyl deaths we had that month. 

And re: the Canada-wide stats, even if C19 is a bit higher, sorry but when 20 yr olds die I call that a huge tragedy. The death of an 85 yr old with co-morbidities is sad but no one is calling that a tragedy.

Think of a 22 yr old you love, and think of an 85 yr old you love. If you only had the budget to save one of them, which one would you rather keep alive? Would one of them would say "Take my life first, gladly....", and if so, who would that be?

From Jan to March of this year 1,018 people died from Fentanyl in Canada. I don't have access to stats after that, but we're spending 300B to fight C19 and how much to fight Fentanyl deaths? 


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6 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s a lie that Trudeau told people not to wear masks and  its a lie that Trump supported masks when the WHO and other experts didn’t. 

Unlike Trump Trudeau never tried to insert his own personal beliefs into his public statements but he did use his platform to repeat the advice already given to the public by health experts. The expert advice on the effectiveness of masks evolved  as new data became available because that’s what happens in the real world.  

 Trump meanwhile continued to peddle lies and myths about COViD, undermine masks and distancing guidelines, hold superspreader events, encourage anti-maskers telling people that it will go away on its own  “like a miracle”  and  “in April with the warm  weather”and he and his ilk continue to peddle conspiracy theories.

Even you are trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth, sometimes claiming that COViD is an overblown nothingburger and at other times claiming that its a very important issue Trudeau failed to take seriously enough 

You overestimate masks and social distancing. First of all, it is a free country. People can wear it if they want. Also, states can make it mandatory if they want. It has little to do with POTUS. In fact, people know wearing mask is important now. Somehow, we see a big jump of deaths and coronvirus cases in last month. I understand that it is Dems talking pt. So, it is what it is


I don't like Trump, but you cannot blame everything on him :)

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2 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:


Not even on a different page in this thread.   Did trump shut it down because he wanted to or because the gop did?  

You're really reaching now to take umbrage with Trump's actions lol.

"Uhhhh, ok, he did way better than Trudeau, but did he do it because he wanted to or because his party wanted him to?" LMAO.

Why don't you ask this instead: "Why did Trudeau do exactly not one single worthwhile thing for the first 2 months of Covid? Was it because he didn't want to, because his party didn't want him to, because the people of Canada didn't want him to.....? Was it because he's incredibly stupid?"

You can sort that out within your own head. I don't care, it makes no difference to me.

I'm judging him by his actions and there's no reasonable excuse for our PM, with all the medical advisors he has, to not be able to at least copy the actions of the US or Japan.

I'm not even asking that he figure it out for himself (of course that's too much to ask from that wee fool), or for our medical professionals to figure it out by themselves, but when they see other people taking the basic, obvious precautions, just have an a-ha moment instead of criticizing their reasons for doing it. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You are lying again. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-dr-tams-about-face-on-masks-damages-trust-at-a-crucial-time/

Canada's position on masks until April was that 'masks weren't beneficial'. 

Here's Trudeau on May 20th telling Canadians that he has just started wearing a mask https://globalnews.ca/video/6963865/coronavirus-outbreak-trudeau-explains-his-personal-mask-wearing-policy/

I’m not lying, you’re just fucking stupid and don’t understand what you’re being told. The expert medical opinion was initially that masks aren’t beneficial. Then the expert medical opinion change. Trudeau wasn’t the one deciding that, he simply repeated what the experts said . Meanwhile your hero Trump wouldn’t wear a mask until July and made fun of Biden for wearing one.   So whenn the medical community determined that people should wear masks, Trudeau followed their advice and Trump didn’t. Your lying and gaslighting doesn’t change that fact:

But when the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in April began recommending people wear masks or cloth coverings in public to help stop the spread of the virus, Mr Trump told reporters he would not follow the practice.


I don't think I'm going to be doing it," he said back then. "Wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens - I just don't see it."

Some media reports have suggested aides have repeatedly asked the president to wear one in public.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month, Mr Trump suggested some people might wear masks to signal disapproval of him.

He also said he took issue with people touching their faces after taking their mask off. 

"They put their finger on the mask, and they take them off, and then they start touching their eyes and touching their nose and their mouth. And then they don't know how they caught it?" he said.



im just going to respond in caps to each of your comments 

3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Here's a breakdown for you:

1) At the beginning of this debacle, we were shown pictures of Chinese people laying dead in the street, so the severity of it was quite overblown, and we had no way of knowing that C19 was only killing people who were very near death already. 


2) Some of the most deadly viruses of the past targeted young, healthy people moreso than older people. The Spanish Flu for example killed pregnant women and 28 yr olds. The Swine Flu under Obama killed a lot of children. There was good reason to believe that C19 could kill healthy people, and our society can't function when healthy people can't go outside because there's good reason to believe that they will die.  



3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

3) At the very beginning of this viral outbreak, there was a chance to keep C19 from getting a firm foothold in our country. Countries like Japan did that very effectively, and anyone who understands the meaning of old maxims like "A stitch in time saves nine" and "avoid it like the plague" understands exactly why our initial response to fighting the virus was crucial.

You don't, and I understand that, but hopefully by the time you have read this post in it's entirety you'll have somewhat of an epiphany.



3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

4) If you look back at our initial C19 response, you have to admit that our gov't seemingly did literally everything in their power to ensure that our entire country was infected. IE, we allowed C19 flights to pour in, we didn't screen, we didn't enforce quarantines, people from covid hotspots walked every inch of our country with no restrictions whatsoever until it was far too late to stay ahead of the curveIn short, IT WAS AN ABYSMAL FAILURE. 




5) C19 has turned into an overblown nothingburger from the POV that we now know that healthy people aren't at risk. We only have to protect a relatively small minority of our population from C19, and a very high majority of them aren't in the workforce or going to schools.



3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The damage that is being done to our country from lockdowns is now outweighing the damage that's being done to 85+ yr olds with co-morbidities. Eg, Fentanyl was still killing more people in BC than C19 was at the very height of the 'pandemic'. This is not the massive health crisis that it's being made out to be.

I personally don't know anyone who knows anyone who was really sick with C19, let along anyone who died. I know that the secretary in the school by our house had a son in his early 20s who died from Fentanyl, a guy I played ball with had a son who nearly died from it, I have another friend from ball whose best friend was one of 3 people who did some cocaine together and she died, they were fine. I know quite a few other people who have a Fentanyl story, and they're all tragic. I don't consider it the same type of tragedy when an 85 yr old dies in February instead of March. 

In short, there are far more deaths from Fentanyl than covid, and pretty much every Fentanyl death is an extreme tragedy. A small minimum of C19 deaths are a 'tragedy', and like I said, there aren't as many.

Our country is going $300B into debt to fight C19 and we're doing almost nothing to fight C19.

Get it?

And Fentanyl is just one thing, there are plenty of other 'things'. 





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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

I’m not lying, you’re just fucking stupid and don’t understand what you’re being told. The expert medical opinion was initially that masks aren’t beneficial. Then the expert medical opinion change. Trudeau wasn’t the one deciding that, he simply repeated what the experts said . Meanwhile your hero Trump wouldn’t wear a mask until July and made fun of Biden for wearing one.   So whenn the medical community determined that people should wear masks, Trudeau followed their advice and Trump didn’t. Your lying and gaslighting doesn’t change that fact:

But when the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in April began recommending people wear masks or cloth coverings in public to help stop the spread of the virus, Mr Trump told reporters he would not follow the practice.


I don't think I'm going to be doing it," he said back then. "Wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens - I just don't see it."

Some media reports have suggested aides have repeatedly asked the president to wear one in public.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month, Mr Trump suggested some people might wear masks to signal disapproval of him.

He also said he took issue with people touching their faces after taking their mask off. 

"They put their finger on the mask, and they take them off, and then they start touching their eyes and touching their nose and their mouth. And then they don't know how they caught it?" he said.



im just going to respond in caps to each of your comments 





It’s much harder to address all of your lies like this.

FYI Trudeau and Tam did recommend no masks, Trump didn’t chime in. 

Trudeau and Tam are just not as smart as I am, nor are you. 

What happened in May, after the damage was already done, is largely irrelevant. 

Trump did say many times that he wears a mask, he just didn’t make a big deal of it or wear it when he didn’t need to. 

He also didn’t hide in his basement. 

FYI people over 65 or with diabetes don’t have a high risk from covid. 

Healthy young people do not get hospitalized over covid. That was swine flu. 2000 children died from that, remember? 

It’s completely retarded that you won’t admit that Trudeau did literally nothing until March 16th. The rest of the world knows, but apparently you won’t acknowledge it until CBC says it.

‘Various reasons’ lol. The main ones being blocking travel and telling people to wear masks. Trump was 45 days ahead on travel and he didn’t tell people not to wear masks. Do you really fail to understand that? Lmao. That’s pathetic eyeball (yeah we all know).


We all know that C19 isn’t a total nothingburger, but what we do know for sure is that the current level of lockdowns is overblown.

We went from doing literally nothing when it was crucial to take action, to locking the door, putting plywood on the windows, burning all the trees and grass, and wrapping the house in bubble wrap after we already brought the disease inside of it. 

If you don’t understand how “wide open Canada” when the virus wasn’t here yet, and “lock down everything including outdoor parks in Canada now that the virus is here” is stupid that’s no surprise eyeball. 

Yeah Fentanyl isn’t contagious lol. You’re full of useful information ?

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I think this is more significant:

5 Things Trump Did for the Left That They Refused to Thank Him For

The details are in the link but here's the list by item.

1. Ending the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and replacing NAFTA. 

2. Criminal Justice Reform.

3. Ending wars in the Middle East.

4. Lowest black poverty and unemployment rates ever.

5. Elevating women and minorities.

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