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Pipeline protestors need to be jailed


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Just now, Army Guy said:

Altama Desert combat boots image 0Here is what we got issued for Afghanistan, complete garbage, I spent 500.00 and bought some Danners, which lasted me for one tour...

Ye olde Panama Sole.   Remember when Jungle Boots were high speed ?

I had Danner's too, Acadia's, but I sent them into Danner because they had a lifetime guarantee back then, and they refurbished them. 

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Oh they also came out with a combat eng version with v shaped tread, meant to deflect the blast except they did not cover the big toe or little toe.... and they worked as long as the Taliban did not use more than a 1/4 stick of C-4....after that it did not matter if you had full metal steel boots the blast would force your feet up through your ass....kind of like wearing a bomb suit to disarm a 1000lb bomb.

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9 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Ye olde Panama Sole.   Remember when Jungle Boots were high speed ?

I had Danner's too, Acadia's, but I sent them into Danner because they had a lifetime guarantee back then, and they refurbished them. 

You know it was bad when we thought the jungle boot was all that, the coolest boot in the army....you were a rookie if you didn't have a pair...most uncomfortable boots ever...but they looked cool.

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13 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

You know it was bad when we thought the jungle boot was all that, the coolest boot in the army....you were a rookie if you didn't have a pair...most uncomfortable boots ever...but they looked cool.

I got into gear early on when I went to the UK and saw all the gear candy at Survival Aids and Special Air Sea Services.

The problem always being what could you get past the RSM and what was going to be useless because they wouldn't let you use it in the field.

Special Air Sea Services actually made British smocks in Canadian green with Canadian buttons, so they were RSM stealthed.

Guys kept asking us where they came from and we just said they were issue,  then they wanted to know when they were getting them.

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On 2/11/2020 at 2:35 PM, Shady said:

I’d just have the ministry of finance enforce the fine and garnish wages.

I say fine them all and then throw them all in jail, and not just for a day, but for at least a month. These terrorists always appear to always get off lightly. Our politicians, and judges and police appear to not know the criminal code at all. If they did, they would know as to what needs to be done. Enforce the bloody criminal code. They will enforce the criminal code on me if I dared to do what they are allowed to get away with doing.  Once again a small minority of terrorists gets to ruin the day of the majority. It's alright to protest but when one starts to interfere in the movement of merchandise, traffic and people, than that is where a line needs to be drawn. Sadly, those three misfits I mentioned above will not enforce the criminal code as it should be enforced. The law is being an ass of, and no one in the government or police appears to give a chit. Enough already. Do something you lazy bunch of over paid batards. The criminal code is being broken in front of your own eyes, and all you batards do is stand there with your fingers up your butts. What a radical looking country this Canada has become. Anarchy rules this country today. :unsure:

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12 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The troops are still way better equipped now than we were back in the 80's, when an American issue rain jacket was the "high speed" kit.

I said "why do a I need an American rain jacket?"

Then I saw the Canadian rain jacket, and it all made sense.

Yes , today they got it all....except a few things, Tac vest is useless with only room for 5 mags...first thing we did in Afghanistan was dump them and buy modular ones that could hold 12 to 14 mags...M203 rounds, frags, and smoke grenades , good one cost about 500.00 but worth it all...live saving actually, along with a good med pouch and all the med stuff inside, Trauma kit another 400.00, 

I remember the upgraded rain gear , they made it rip proof....ya having something rain proof was over rated, what we really needed was rip proof....... we bought tons of stuff off the kit shop, fall boots with Gortex liners sown in, gortex bivy bags, gortex boot liners, helmet pads ( para pads),  rifle slings, 

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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

Yes , today they got it all....except a few things, Tac vest is useless with only room for 5 mags...first thing we did in Afghanistan was dump them and buy modular ones that could hold 12 to 14 mags...M203 rounds, frags, and smoke grenades , good one cost about 500.00 but worth it all...live saving actually, along with a good med pouch and all the med stuff inside, Trauma kit another 400.00, 

I remember the upgraded rain gear , they made it rip proof....ya having something rain proof was over rated, what we really needed was rip proof....... we bought tons of stuff off the kit shop, fall boots with Gortex liners sown in, gortex bivy bags, gortex boot liners, helmet pads ( para pads),  rifle slings, 

I actually stopped wearing rain gear after my Recce course, Recce Patrolman ; no rain gear, no slings.


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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Did Ottawa miscalculate or did first nations change the rules, at one time the elected council was enough,

Who told you that?  You think it's 1st Nations responsibility to point out Ottawa's ignorance?


they spoke for everyone, and now they added another layer to the approval process, was it there all the time, and if it was why even bother with the elected council ? if they can only decide on matters with in the reserve.... I mean the already took the companies money , is this just a way to hold out for more....Thats what it sounds like to me...

Well as we all know, ignorance is no excuse. It was there all the time and Ottawa certainly knew this going in but that's Ottawa for you I guess.  


Canada does recognize it, they just wont put it into action....first nations will have to deal with that....

And that's exactly what they're doing.


Ya, there will be consent the money man will sprinkle some more cash around everyone will be fat and happy, and the next day first nations will be telling the enviro squaddies to buzz off...this is all about money and nothing to do with the environment...

What makes you think the environmentalists will do that?  They speak for human beings and the entire planet not just a few unceded lands here and there and will just as happily blockade anyone they need to protect it.

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

Who told you that?  You think it's 1st Nations responsibility to point out Ottawa's ignorance?

Well as we all know, ignorance is no excuse. It was there all the time and Ottawa certainly knew this going in but that's Ottawa for you I guess.  

And that's exactly what they're doing.

What makes you think the environmentalists will do that?  They speak for human beings and the entire planet not just a few unceded lands here and there and will just as happily blockade anyone they need to protect it.

I find it hard to believe that Ottawa who has been dealing with first nations since we landed here, would make such a huge mistake, and not just cut to the chased and bypass the council, and talk only to the chiefs...It makes more sense that this is a late new rule to the game , invented for this occasion because someone missed out when the money man was at the table. 

One day the government is going to reach down and be shocked they actually have balls, and when that happens there are many different options to deal with first nations...money, RCMP, Military, or civil discord directed towards them , the list goes on...

Not the environmentalist, but first nations once they get there money they'll lock out the tree huggers and be done with them. And the RCMP will arrest white people when ever they want... 

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15 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I actually stopped wearing rain gear after my Recce course, Recce Patrolman ; no rain gear, no slings.


It made to much noise...use to drop it for patrolling or raids, but standing around doing VCP, OP's etc  it was nice to be semi dry....

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12 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Not the environmentalist, but first nations once they get there money they'll lock out the tree huggers and be done with them. And the RCMP will arrest white people when ever they want... 

I can't think of anything that would reinforce the sense of native invulnerability faster than arresting white people as soon as natives were bought off and out of the way.

You just wrote the prescription for an endless intifada.

Not to mention you also seem to be casting natives as little more than greedy self-serving opportunists with little to no difference of opinions and few if any environmentalists amongst them.  You're plain wrong if you think that.

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Think about that for a second, remember Toronto, during the G-8 conference, you think they would have done that on a first nations reserve...no way... but down town Toronto, giddy up...

Intifada is only going to happen when the cancel poggie checks and cancel all NHL games...OH lets not forget the liquor store if they close it they'll be war... anything else good luck getting them out of the house...

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26 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

It made to much noise...use to drop it for patrolling or raids, but standing around doing VCP, OP's etc  it was nice to be semi dry....

Yeah, that's the thing, my Recce course was run by the Pathfinders, Ed "Chuck" Barnsley (RIP) was the course warrant, so it was tough.

But, all that dismounted Recce technique was largely irrelevant to a Recce Platoon in a mechanized battalion and the kind of operations Canada actually conducts.

The best thing about the Recce course is that it prepared me for ISCC, since most guys on my ISCC failed in the patrolling phase, but I got through.,

Passing ISCC is probably my proudest moment in the army, that was a hard course,  over 100 men started, 14 passed, I was number 14

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You can see the path to militarization with this blockading of the railways.

The OPP are basically refusing to enforce court orders because they know they will get thrown under the bus as "White Supremacists" if they use any force at all.

At some point, with the police ducking it, the army is the only force the government has which has to obey orders and take action.

Not that I think these protests are the main event, this is just nascent, but once the lefties see that they can get away with something, they tend to push their luck.

I don't think the average Indian wants a confrontation with the army, but once they are drafted by the Thunberg Cult, they could get dragged into one by the SJW whypipo

I believe this is called Red Washing, where the white leftists hold the Indians up as a prop to justify their Extinction Rebellion.

Like I say, back in 1990 I sympathized with the Mohawks, they got backed into a corner by an overzealous SQ

This however, is going expeditionary, this is not defensive, they are going offensive, and in doing so, they are backing the government into a corner, bad juju.

In military terms, this is where you need to reassert deterrence and draw the red lines clearly, so everybody knows where they are.

Because if you don't, you can end up in an unplanned meeting engagement and that's where the fur can fly.

The Crown cannot allow legislation from the streets, if the Liberals won't do anything, they will get tossed out, so at some point, even they will be forced to use force.

The whole leftist doctrine of overthrowing the results of elections by rabble rousing in the streets is delusional, that doesn't work in knee jerk authoritarian Canader.

The net result is not going to be "Reconciliation"  rather we will just end up with bubble head Peter McKay replacing bubble head Trudeau as PM.

Nobody ever gets voted in, the other guy just gets voted out, turns the ball over on downs

So this is the path back to power for the Phony Cons when the lefties jump the shark.

Doesn't matter who the leader is, McKay is completely useless, but he will simply get the job handed to him by Liberal paralysis default.

This is not the Liberals of yore, Chretien wouldn't have put up with this sort of rabble rousing, but these Liberals have made themselves into the Other NDP

That's outside of their wheelhouse as the Natural Governing Party, so they could blow themselves up along this trajectory.

Chretien knew not to let the Liberals become beholden to the NDP base, you have to keep the Blue Liberals and Red Tories onside, to maintain the Benign Dictatorship.

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On 2/13/2020 at 5:25 PM, jacee said:

The right to dissent is the only thing that matters in democracy. 

It does, jacee.  What is not nor ever will be a right is the blockading of our rail lines and the thugs and wanna-be significant types doing so need to be removed immediately and thrown in a jail cell.

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On 2/13/2020 at 5:39 PM, jacee said:

Dissent includes civil disobedience.

Standing beside the tracks on public property, not blocking road or rail ... pretty civil, and not even disobedient. Lol

No laws broken. 

Standing beside the tracks?  FFS, where do you get your news from?  They are BLOCKADING the tracks.  They have effectively shut down our rail lines preventing goods from being transported to communities in need.  So get off your silly little soap box and start looking at the situation as it is.  Thugs and mobs are holding our country to ransom.

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There's actually readily available military technology which can clear the tracks without having to even arrest.

It's called the Active Denial System, it's a directed energy weapon which causes extreme pain, but does no permanent damage.

The frequency it uses heats up the moisture just below the skin, it's unbearable pain, you will move involuntarily to get out of the beam.

The Chinese and Russians use their own versions of them on their protestors.

DND could acquire them from the Pentagon by Foreign Military Sale at a cost of $5 million USD each.

It's a very Canadian weapon system, because it's brute force, but wrapped in a velvet glove, with a smiley face on it.

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23 hours ago, Argus said:

Jonathan Kay lays out just how we've come to this, with years of paternalistic, patronizing government congratulating themselves on their sensitivity, and paying lip service to ridiculous native claims about being 'nations', while tolerating all the crap from activists about what a horrible country Canada is and how we've committed 'genocide' on natives (whose population continues to increase somehow).  Now even trying to disagree or push back against claims made by natives is seen as sacrilege by liberals, which leaves them helpless at doing anything to control the situation which currently exists. How can you show leadership while constantly genuflecting?

If you find yourself astounded by the current situation in Canada, whereby protesters have been allowed to shut down a rail network that remains a backbone of passenger travel and industrial transport (and whose coast-to-coast completion in 1885 became a symbol of national unity), it’s useful to revisit the accumulation of symbolic gestures that have steadily destroyed the moral authority of our governments to push back at any assertion of Indigenous rights and grievances. For years, our leaders offered reflexive acquiescence to increasingly expansive claims that Canada remains a white supremacist dystopia, culminating in last year’s campaign to convince us not only that modern Canada is a “genocide” state, but that even the act of expressing disagreement with this description makes you a sort of metaphorical train conductor on the rails to Canadian Dachau. Having publicly tattooed their guilty settler souls with every imaginable hashtag, our leaders now apparently find themselves stopped from restoring the rule of law.

The push to recognize Indigenous sovereignty over ancestral lands stretches back generations, an effort rooted in very real constitutional and treaty rights. But what I am describing here is not this formally bounded legal campaign, but rather the more general insistence that the entire country remains stained by original sin, and so must be purified by an open-ended, quasi-spiritual process of “decolonization.” This project began in earnest in 2017 as a counter-reaction to the perceived jingoism of the Canada 150 celebrations. Within the rarified corners of the literary and arts milieus (in which I found myself embedded at the time), decolonization quickly became a sort of state religion, complete with decolonization-themed sensitivity training and confession rituals.


Absolutely on point article by Jonathan Kay, Argus.

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The latest pop up blockade is on the Confederation Bridge from PEI

That's what the RCN needs, some sort of maritime component to these blockades.

Then they can spring into action aboard the HMCS Harry DeWolf

They should mount the Active Denial System on it.

Armed Constabulary is the only path forward for the CAF, they have to steal work from the Mounties.


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21 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


True, but just guess how long such protesters would last on U.S. railroad tracks ?

During the Dakota Access Pipeline protest, the "government" used bulldozers, pepper spray,  police dogs, and national guard troops to evict all the happy protesters.

...because that's how we roll down here with "British common law"...American style.

The pipeline was completed in April 2017.

And after they removed all the thugs and outside interlopers, they had to spend thousands of dollars cleaning up the toxic mess left by the so-called 'defenders of the land and water'.  Same bullshit that goes on with any protest here in Canada - the worst polluters are always those that say they are there to 'defend' something. 

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17 hours ago, eyeball said:

Who told you that?  You think it's 1st Nations responsibility to point out Ottawa's ignorance?

Well as we all know, ignorance is no excuse. It was there all the time and Ottawa certainly knew this going in but that's Ottawa for you I guess.  

And that's exactly what they're doing.

What makes you think the environmentalists will do that?  They speak for human beings and the entire planet not just a few unceded lands here and there and will just as happily blockade anyone they need to protect it.

All the while leaving mountains of filth and garbage in their wake for other clean up.  Yeah they really care about the land.  Sheesh.

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The Trudeau government yet again disguising their fear and impotence with feel good rhetoric.  At what point do the railways, grain companies, and other businesses launch a class action lawsuit against the OPP, federal government, and other so-called police forces for failure to enforce the law?  They’re basically ignoring court orders.  


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