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Majority of Canadians are in favour of our current immigration system


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On 11/8/2019 at 3:31 PM, Army Guy said:

Sorry to let you down, I live in Fredericton NB , where the green party has elected, that should tell you everything..... the PPC party here picked up very little votes, I voted conservative to help to keep the liberals out of town. Who knew that everyone else was voting for the greens...… Had the PPC had a chance I would of voted for them. 

Climate change has really hit you guys in that area. Looks like many people were feeling the effects of climate change firsthand and it explains why it was their priority and how it effected their voting.

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On 11/8/2019 at 8:49 AM, Argus said:

In fact, only about 15 to 17 per cent of the annual flow consists of immigrants selected because they have skills, education and experience. Because of the pressure to get high numbers, few of these workers are seen or interviewed by visa officers. The selection is done by a paper review. The remainder of the movement is made up of the spouses and children accompanying the workers, family members sponsored by relatives in Canada, immigrants selected by the provinces (who do not have to meet federal selection criteria ), refugees and humanitarian cases.


I can't find that information in any actual statistics. Just some opinion piece with nothing to cite his numbers. Have you looked into the validity of this information?

Also, the writer wants the rest of the family of the principal applicant to be qualified the same way? Like the children of the principal applicant should be assessed on their skills, education and experience? You know how ridiculous that sounds?

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On 11/10/2019 at 8:46 PM, PPC2019 said:

I would say at least 25% of Canadian are moderately racists, but the will never admit it.

So I post a picture of three beautiful girls, to make a case against racism, and now you accuse me of warning to start concentration camps to kill the ugly immigrants?

I read and appreciate lots of your stuff. I don't appreciate the cheap shot.

It's not only you but some of the others that have crossed the line in this topic, the others we already know are racist.... 

second point is your name PPC2019, the PPC already have an image problem, and your racist comments are not doing the party any favors except solidifying  their opinions we are ALL racist....we don't need any more racists in the party, your rants are only going to attract more racists, and wingnuts. I'm sure that was not the intention of Mr. Bernier. Nor was it the intent of his platform...

3 rd  you didn't stop at racism , you had to throw in the pictures as well, crossing another line...

I've read your postings on this topic and didn't appreciate them, and I'm not the only one... as evident by other comments on this post...grow the F*** up...

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19 hours ago, marcus said:

Climate change has really hit you guys in that area. Looks like many people were feeling the effects of climate change firsthand and it explains why it was their priority and how it effected their voting.

NO the river has been flooding here for over 60 years, it has nothing to do with climate change, during spring the reversing falls restricts the amount of water that can be drained from the  ST John river....forcing it to flood up stream....since the reversing falls in a major tourist attraction they are not going to widen it.. Lots of people have been convinced it all is tied into climate change, so they have someone to blame.. so they can make their claims to have their homes repaired from flood damage....Some of these people have had their homes flooded every year for well over 50 years...How many times does it need to happen before the province stops giving these guys money and instead force them to move....

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29 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

NO the river has been flooding here for over 60 years, it has nothing to do with climate change, during spring the reversing falls restricts the amount of water that can be drained from the  ST John river....forcing it to flood up stream....since the reversing falls in a major tourist attraction they are not going to widen it.. Lots of people have been convinced it all is tied into climate change, so they have someone to blame.. so they can make their claims to have their homes repaired from flood damage....Some of these people have had their homes flooded every year for well over 50 years...How many times does it need to happen before the province stops giving these guys money and instead force them to move....

Of course the area has been flooding for years, but it's getting worse. Much worse. Many say it's due to climate change and urbanization and they have statistics to back up their opinion.

The world is warmer due to human activity and a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which leads to heavier rain and snowfall events in shorter periods of time.

These people will need to move. So will many millions of people who are experiencing an unprecedented levels of flooding in Canada and around the world. This is going to cost billions of dollars.

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Pomeroy said it’s “virtually certain” flooding will continue to get worse across Canada. “Every indication from the coming climate models is that our floods are going to get larger, more frequent and more destructive in the future.”

There is no doubt flooding is worse here in New Brunswick. Towns in the lower Saint John River basin have flooded in each of the last three years, and three of the four worst floods in the province’s history have occurred since 2008. Looking at Maugerville specifically, the village officially flooded just three times between 1962 and 2004, according to the province’s historic flood data (which goes back to 1962). It has flooded eight times since then.



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1 hour ago, marcus said:

Of course the area has been flooding for years, but it's getting worse. Much worse. Many say it's due to climate change and urbanization and they have statistics to back up their opinion.

The world is warmer due to human activity and a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which leads to heavier rain and snowfall events in shorter periods of time.

These people will need to move. So will many millions of people who are experiencing an unprecedented levels of flooding in Canada and around the world. This is going to cost billions of dollars.

The province is looking at widening the reversing falls area, but they have been studying this for decades, widening the falls would take care of most of the flooding that occurs...I grew up here as a kid, we have always had problems every year with flooding, always in the same areas, yes some years a worse than others, but most of those homes that are in your link have always flooded...and yet every year those home owners rebuild in the same place....every year they get hand outs, it's just another form of welfare...if they took it seriously they be gone by now....

I can remember getting 6 to 8 feet of snow every winter, shoveling roofs was a common practice, we had flooding back then and we have flooding today when we get 1/2 that in snow of rain....The dam controls the river levels here well that and the water flow restrictions in St John....that contribute to the flooding....you can call it what you want, We dammed up the river without really doing a full assessment.... and after 50 years they are looking to solve the problem... 

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Guest PPC2019
On 11/12/2019 at 12:19 PM, Army Guy said:

It's not only you but some of the others that have crossed the line in this topic, the others we already know are racist.... 

second point is your name PPC2019, the PPC already have an image problem, and your racist comments are not doing the party any favors except solidifying  their opinions we are ALL racist....we don't need any more racists in the party, your rants are only going to attract more racists, and wingnuts. I'm sure that was not the intention of Mr. Bernier. Nor was it the intent of his platform...

3 rd  you didn't stop at racism , you had to throw in the pictures as well, crossing another line...

I've read your postings on this topic and didn't appreciate them, and I'm not the only one... as evident by other comments on this post...grow the F*** up...

Actually Caucasians make 7% of the worlds population. We have the lowest fertility rates, while non-Caucasians have the highest. Demographers project Caucasians to be at 1% by 2100, so we won't be going extinct, but that's pretty low numbers.

You might have 96% Caucasian in New Brunswick, but whites are a minority in Canada's biggest cities.

The total number of white people in the world is declining right now, and there will be a steep drop off after the baby boomers die.

Facts are facts, but for the sake of keeping the peace around here, i'll tone it down. I don't like being confrontational, and I want to try and respect other members in the forum.





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On 11/9/2019 at 3:59 PM, Argus said:

Authoritarian Marxists love to throw around racial insults because that's all they got to use. It's not like facts or reality are on their side.

No, the exception does not prove the rule. But it's not an exception, now is it? All the street gangs in our big cities are made up of immigrants and their kids. They're the people doing all the street crime. A check with the most-wanted list for the Toronto or Ottawa police, or the RCMP will show as much. I think the Ottawa Police most wanted list has 23  people on it and 19 are visible minorities. Is that an exception?

The government in Canada does not track crime rates among immigrants except to the point they gain their Canadian citizenship. As for unemployment rates, it's higher for immigrants in Canada than for Canadian born.

1. Authoritarian Marxist is a contradiction in terms; since the goal of Marxism is collective rule by workers and farmers...who made up a large percentage of the general population in 20th century Russia and China. 

Regardless, since communist governments had to establish ruling hierarchies similar to capitalist nations, they became hybrids, somewhere between communism and capitalism. 

But, white supremacist is not a "racial insult!" It's a statement of fact if someone believes their tribal origins from Europe make them superior and deserving to rule over people from other parts of the world. 

2.  ALLLL the street gangs are immigrants! Except in my city (Hamilton) apparently. Cities that have high levels of gang activity also have huge gaps in income and wealth.....wonder if that's any part of the equation. 

I hear this all the time from stories about immigrant youth gangs in European cities. But on the flipside, England, France, Sweden and Germany are also nations where pluralism and multiculturalism are just empty slogans! Since immigrants from Asia, let alone Africa, are never considered REAL British, French or Swedish by the general population.

3. https://canadaimmigrants.com/immigrants-and-employment-january-2018/

The charts on this page that have near complete information from all provinces shows that immigrants who have been in Canada over 5 years, mostly have lower unemployment rates than native Canadians.

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Guest PPC2019

I live in a high immigrant population, but it's mostly middle class Asian. I like having them around as immigrant. They came in the 90's an intergrated into our society. They worked very hard in school, and were good role models for the rest of Canadians.

Now i'm heared about recent immigrants turning to gangs. What's going wrong? It seems like we randomly take people, and we no longer select the best.

Anyways part of me is heading away from Racism. I might abandon it all together. I'm not worried about my self, but I might influence the wrong person.

I also don't want responsible immigrants being made scapegoat for a few fools in gangs.

This is something I personally struggle with... by I'm leaning on the side of letting go of all my racism

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4 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

1. Authoritarian Marxist is a contradiction in terms; since the goal of Marxism is collective rule by workers and farmers...who made up a large percentage of the general population in 20th century Russia and China. 

Regardless, since communist governments had to establish ruling hierarchies similar to capitalist nations, they became hybrids, somewhere between communism and capitalism. 

But, white supremacist is not a "racial insult!" It's a statement of fact if someone believes their tribal origins from Europe make them superior and deserving to rule over people from other parts of the world. 

2.  ALLLL the street gangs are immigrants! Except in my city (Hamilton) apparently. Cities that have high levels of gang activity also have huge gaps in income and wealth.....wonder if that's any part of the equation. 

I hear this all the time from stories about immigrant youth gangs in European cities. But on the flipside, England, France, Sweden and Germany are also nations where pluralism and multiculturalism are just empty slogans! Since immigrants from Asia, let alone Africa, are never considered REAL British, French or Swedish by the general population.

3. https://canadaimmigrants.com/immigrants-and-employment-january-2018/

The charts on this page that have near complete information from all provinces shows that immigrants who have been in Canada over 5 years, mostly have lower unemployment rates than native Canadians.

That’s why I don’t really think the issue is immigration in terms of hard working people entering Canada from a wide range of cultures.  The issue is cultural and economic adjustment, both for newcomers and the settled population. When immigration happens too fast in certain areas of the country, the strain on services and the growing pains of absorbing so many newcomers are genuine concerns.  Toronto and Vancouver are the prime examples.  ESL levels in schools become too high to manage with existing resources, newcomer populations can tend to remain isolated in ghettos, transportation and housing infrastructure can’t keep up, and high home prices climb higher.  The changes are simply too fast and furious to accommodate, and that’s without considering the real possibility of cultural conflict that can arise through lack of understanding or resentment over the increased sharing of resources.  That has nothing to do with skin colour and only relates to religion/culture if the cultural beliefs of the newcomers are incompatible with the rights and freedoms supported by our laws and institutions.  

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On 11/9/2019 at 4:04 PM, taxme said:

The reason for the decline in our health care system is because we have way too many new immigrants being allowed to immigrate to Canada, and they are all taking up spots that born and raised Canadians should be getting in their own Canadian hospitals first. A country that brings in way too immigrants than it can handle, along with tens of thousands of legal and criminal illegal so called refugees, whom will all be sucking off our medicare system for free, and for years.is not the answer. If Canadians were not being so taxed to death, one could probably be able to stay at home, with the Canadian governments help, and be able to afford to take care of their parents at home. Why are there so many Canadians who think that more immigration is good and great for Canada? Those people look to me like they are running very low on logical and common sense brain cells. It's not those so called "white/nationalist racists" that you like to blame and who are the ones causing the problems, it is those anti-white/nationalist  leftist liberal Marxist fools that are the ones that have created and who are causing all our problems. More immigration has not solved the unemployment problem, only added to it. It is mass immigration that is causing high unemployment numbers in Canada. But who cares, eh? 

Our government in Ottawa is the problem. They are more concerned about the rest of the world rather than with their own Canadian people. Canada does not need too bring in over 400,000 new legal and illegal immigrants into Canada every year. We need a lot less. The assault on our resources, environment, health care and social services, more housing/businesses, and infrastructure damage, and more traffic gridlock on the roads is what Canada is now getting more of thanks to mass third world immigration that is not doing a dam thing to try and make and help keep Canada great, but is making everything worse. Everything in Canada today appears to be coming more majority minority looking. Where have all the Western looking people gone? 

Anyway, stop blaming white nationalists for the problems that they never created in the first place. The ones that are causing all the problems are the elite liberal globalist ilk that you appear to support. Globalist liberalism is and never will be able to solve the problem. They create problems, and then pretend that they will try to fix them up. They prefer to keep it the way it is, in a mess. Only real and true conservatism is the answer. Sadly, there are just too many that will not listen too common sense and logic anymore. They would prefer to live on emotion and foolish leftist liberal Marxist talk. No one is listening, no one really cares anymore. My rant for the day. :D


I can guarantee you one thing after reading the first part of your rant: get rid of all the immigrants and good luck trying to find a doctor if and when you need one!

No, the reason for the decline and rising costs of health care is excessive treatment, drugs and testing. I told my doctor, the last time I was in, if I'm feeling good and still able to work out and do all the things I like to do, I'll wait until I start feeling sick before I check in for a whole battery of tests, age or not!

My rant is: if people ate right, got proper exercise (stretching, weight resistance and aerobic) and got plenty of sleep, and no screwing around with drugs, smoking and drinking, they'd live healthier longer. BUT you have to want to do it, and incorporate it into your routine. 

Remember, doctors are there to treat your illnesses, not make you healthy! You have to do that. But your body is a self-healing organism, NOT a machine, so staying healthy is not as hard as it seems to a lot of people who've taken on too much and are stressed out buring the candle at both ends these days!

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13 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

I can guarantee you one thing after reading the first part of your rant: get rid of all the immigrants and good luck trying to find a doctor if and when you need one!


There's already a shortage of doctors,  and it has nothing to do with immigration, socialist medicine is bread line medicine, without profit motive, there is no expansion.

 I'll just go to America and skip the bread lines.

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4 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

There's already a shortage of doctors,  and it has nothing to do with immigration, socialist medicine is bread line medicine, without profit motive, there is no expansion.

 I'll just go to America and skip the bread lines.

I have dual citizenship through my mother, who grew up in Michigan and moved to Canada after the end of WWII, and I've been over many times and talked to enough of my relations to know that the US has the worst of all possible worlds when it comes to healthcare! It's twice the cost of what we pay for, and it provides less coverage, and you're still likely to lose your insurance coverage if they find out you have developed a major medical condition.

So, hospitals and doctors are lousy enough here without imitating another one of America's bad examples!

So, on election day, I always make sure that the Conservative candidate has no realistic chance of winning before I cast a vote for a 3rd or 4th party!

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1 minute ago, Right To Left said:

I have dual citizenship through my mother, who grew up in Michigan and moved to Canada after the end of WWII, and I've been over many times and talked to enough of my relations to know that the US has the worst of all possible worlds when it comes to healthcare! It's twice the cost of what we pay for, and it provides less coverage, and you're still likely to lose your insurance coverage if they find out you have developed a major medical condition.

So, hospitals and doctors are lousy enough here without imitating another one of America's bad examples!

So, on election day, I always make sure that the Conservative candidate has no realistic chance of winning before I cast a vote for a 3rd or 4th party!

I have no problem getting service in America, I can book an appointment for practically any medical procedure, suits me just fine.

The hospitals in America are top notch as far as I'm concerned,  way better than the socialist bread line hospitals in Canada.

It's not true that Canadians pay less, they simply pay the premiums through confiscatory taxes.


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28 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

That’s why I don’t really think the issue is immigration in terms of hard working people entering Canada from a wide range of cultures.  The issue is cultural and economic adjustment, both for newcomers and the settled population. When immigration happens too fast in certain areas of the country, the strain on services and the growing pains of absorbing so many newcomers are genuine concerns.  Toronto and Vancouver are the prime examples.  ESL levels in schools become too high to manage with existing resources, newcomer populations can tend to remain isolated in ghettos, transportation and housing infrastructure can’t keep up, and high home prices climb higher.  The changes are simply too fast and furious to accommodate, and that’s without considering the real possibility of cultural conflict that can arise through lack of understanding or resentment over the increased sharing of resources.  That has nothing to do with skin colour and only relates to religion/culture if the cultural beliefs of the newcomers are incompatible with the rights and freedoms supported by our laws and institutions.  

Yes, there should be some strings attached with immigration...like sending new immigrants to less populated regions of the country would be a good idea. 

When it comes to adjusting, one good Tory idea I was glad it got killed, was a notion to extend school funding dollars to religious and private schools a few years back. Everyone bitches and complains about public schools, BUT one thing they do that is really important is putting children from all different backgrounds together in their early, formative years. The worst mistake is the route England and the US are travelling: giving public school funding to charter schools, and entrench those divisions.

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I have no problem getting service in America, I can book an appointment for practically any medical procedure, suits me just fine.

The hospitals in America are top notch as far as I'm concerned,  way better than the socialist bread line hospitals in Canada.

It's not true that Canadians pay less, they simply pay the premiums through confiscatory taxes.


I have rarely been in need of medical services in my life: 3rd degree burns from a serious work accident almost 40 years ago...a few minor things over the years, and recently  a cut above my right eye from a fall while I was out for a run. So, I can't speak personally with any expertise on this subject, but I keep seeing the 2 to 1 cost ratio between Americans and Canadians from Bernie Sanders and every other member of the growing list of candidates over there who want a "medicare for all" system for basic medical needs, and then you rich sick people with money to burn can pay the private practitioners for whatever luxuries you need to keep yourselves living a little while longer.

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Also, just point out, the idea that OHIP is unlimited and you can't be denied insurance is a false claim.

My father had cancer, he was denied the surgery, which is the same rescission as any other insurance denial.

Canada's great socialist public healthcare system is a big lie.

Millions of Canadians have no doctor right now, IIRC five million in Ontario alone.


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Just now, Right To Left said:

I have rarely been in need of medical services in my life: 3rd degree burns from a serious work accident almost 40 years ago...a few minor things over the years, and recently  a cut above my right eye from a fall while I was out for a run. So, I can't speak personally with any expertise on this subject, but I keep seeing the 2 to 1 cost ratio between Americans and Canadians from Bernie Sanders and every other member of the growing list of candidates over there who want a "medicare for all" system for basic medical needs, and then you rich sick people with money to burn can pay the private practitioners for whatever luxuries you need to keep yourselves living a little while longer.

Bernie Bros can die in a fire and burn in hell after, communist traitors to the republic should be hung from the nearest tree.

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6 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Bernie Bros can die in a fire and burn in hell after, communist traitors to the republic should be hung from the nearest tree.

Medicare for all is garbage. Killing private health insurance is even more socialist than Scandinavia ffs. American lefties have gone off the deep end, to a place were even the Scandi's they champion as the model to follow wouldn't follow.

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2 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Medicare for all is garbage. Killing private health insurance is even more socialist than Scandinavia ffs. American lefties have gone off the deep end, to a place were even the Scandi's wouldn't follow them.

They will impale themselves on their  tranny commie agenda, Millennial McGovernism is a gift : self immolation.

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2 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Medicare for all is garbage. Killing private health insurance is even more socialist than Scandinavia ffs. American lefties have gone off the deep end.


Agreed...a majority Americans would/will not tolerate the lack of health care capacity and resulting long wait times seen in many parts of Canada.   Maybe the new immigrants under Trudeau just don't know any better ?

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Also, just point out, the idea that OHIP is unlimited and you can't be denied insurance is a false claim.

My father had cancer, he was denied the surgery, which is the same rescission as any other insurance denial.

Canada's great socialist public healthcare system is a big lie.

Millions of Canadians have no doctor right now, IIRC five million in Ontario alone.


I know all this, as do most Canadians who have plans similar to OHIP. 

My mother couldn't get an operation for macullar degeneration to stop her from going blind in her last 2 years of living. Then again, she was 101 when she died! And that gets to the larger point of whether costly medical services should go to those who need it most and will benefit most......certainly younger people, OR should it go to whoever can pay the most money and buy the care they want?

Personally, I agree with a widely renowned US surgeon (I forget the name) who shocked readers and audiences when he stated as he was nearing 75 that he felt 75 should be a cutoff age for major medical interventions like cancer and artery bypass operations, because odds of survival decline at advanced age.

When my father collapsed from what was diagnosed  as a stroke and turned out to be an aneurysm at age 83, he was operated on, but refused operations to fix other 'leaks' like one in the gut, because it came with high odds of paralysis from the waist down. The specialists insisted he only had 3to 4 months to live, so he walked out and died four years later one day when he was out walking the dog!

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