Argus Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said: Scheer is going to lose, the soft NDP and Green supporters will vote strategically to stop Scheer and the Liberals will win. The polls being so close actually works against the Conservatives, especially with a slight lead. I don't think so. It's clear that the NDP will hold the balance of power and they've already said they won't support the Tories so unless the Tory votes surges by about ten percent in the next week there's no chance of a tory govenrment. We will see a Liberal-NDP coalition. NDP voters have no reason to switch to Trudeau. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
bush_cheney2004 Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 1 minute ago, Argus said: Clearly the guy with the stupidly unpronouncable name doesn't understand that red tories are further to the left than other tories and should go back to talking about his fawning devotion to Donald Trump. Interesting....devotion to foreign presidents Barack Obama or Donald Trump pays political dividends in Canada. Why is that ? Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
Argus Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 2 hours ago, -1=e^ipi said: In any case, I am not a conservative, have never voted conservative, and will never vote for parties that want to conserve bad ideas like a dairy cartel. The NDP and Liberals support it too. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
taxme Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 1 hour ago, Army Guy said: It is not only the dairy cartel, they are also tied to eggs, chicken, and a few other products, The government sells permits to the dairy industry, according to mad max numbers it cost 3.5 bil per year to almost 15,000 farmers . no permit no selling milk to the Canadian public, to put these into perspective in 1976 before the cartel moved in their was almost 95,000 dairy , today there is only less than 15,000 farming pay for these permits farmers pass on the cost to consumer as additional protection the government imposes high import tariffs on all imported products. The tariffs range from 202 per cent (skim milk) to 298 per cent (butter) with cheese, yogurt, ice cream and regular milk within that range. once again to protect Canadian farming corporations . The government has been doing this for decades imposing high cost permits on a lot of resource we have, fish, dairy, chicken, lumber I'm sure there is a lot is all control by a one cartel of sorts.So why is it a big deal, well with out dairy products would decrease by x3, chicken and eggs would fall in price as well, not to mention other things that are controlled by cartels... it would also allow the little farms a means to make extra money, with out having to pay huge amounts of money for permits... Todate the only one with elimination of the dairy, eggs and chicken cartels is Mad max.. Scheer has already come out in support of the cartels, Justin not on his radar, nor the other wingnuts.. One can only get the feeling that we are all living in a socialist/communist country here in Canada. There is so much government, so many rules and regulations, so many taxes, and freedom hardly exists anymore in Canada. Socialism pretty much rules and regulates and runs Canada today, and every year it seems to get worse. But sadly there are still too many fools out there who will still vote for liberals and socialists whom they think will save their day, their tax dollars, and their country. Our politically correct puppet on a string politicians all work now for the corporate globalists who do not have we the people in their hearts or minds. In Canada, it is all about making money and profits for globalists. Dam we the sheeple. Quote
taxme Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 4 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said: Interesting....devotion to foreign presidents Barack Obama or Donald Trump pays political dividends in Canada. Why is that ? Why or how does Canada keep on going is the real question. The only thing that keeps Canada together today has to be bull chit glue that our dear leaders keep applying to keep it all together. Nobody cares or gives a chit if Canada goes belly up. If they did they would not keep voting for the idiots that they keep voting for every four years. IMHO, I think that most Canadians are clueless about politics. They only get involved in politics at election time, and then after that, they go back about their business as usual, and not care what happens to Canada for the next four years. Then they will vote again, and put in the same bunch of useless rascals, and have said their peace, which was nothing anyway, and it will be back to business as usual. The only politicians that I have devotion for are Maxine Bernier and Donald Trump. Two real and true conservatives who do know as to how to get the job done right. Quote
taxme Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 19 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said: That would be the final nail in the coffin of conservative party. Peter MacKay was the architect of new prostitution laws in Canada (even though he was taking instructions from Harper who wanted to preserve his ultra conservative and religious fanatic votes at any cost rather than being concerned about safety and well being of many thousands of sex workers). The manner in which he (MacKay) pushed the new laws and got them through Parliament was very deceiving and undemocratic only expected in dictatorships. The sex workers were banned from speaking (even though it was supposedly meant to protect them), and pre-selected speakers made fake presentations in support of the new laws in Parliament and the conservatives abused their majority to push it through and make them laws. He brought in laws even worse than the ones already struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada as bad laws and pushed them through parliament in a deceiving manner. The new laws are also likely unconstitutional as the issue of safety for workers was not addressed and as a result f these laws by MacKay they have to face criminals in their daily work and unable to screen out potential bad clients as their clients refuse to provide personal info or references or report those workers abused of forced thanks to his laws making them criminals. I am not debating the laws themselves. That is another big debate but rather the manner they were pushed through and the reasons I am in total agreement with making prostitution legal. Trying to keep it back and hidden in the alley way some where is not the answer. At least prostitution can be taxed, and the thieves in the government can suck off more dollars from we the people. If Canada can make homosexuality legal, then they can make prostitution legal. The bible pushers were forced to accept homosexuality, and have accepted it, but they will not accept prostitution. I don't get that at all. I remember one time many moons ago where the topic of prostitution was being discussed on this TV talk show. They had a man who came on the show, and he explained as to how prostitution was great for him and should be made legal. He said that he was not all that very good looking, and that most women would ignore or reject him because of his looks, and the only people that he could turn too were prostitutes who would satisfy his needs and desires for sex. One can only imagine as to what this guy might try to do if this guy were not able to get sex from a prostitute. What would he do to try and get the sex that he needed? Continue to masterbate himself or go possibly rape some innocent women. After watching that show, I then realized that it probably is now the time to legalize prostitution just because of what this guy was saying on that TV talk show. It might help to save a few rapes here and there against women. Hey you never know, eh? It is time for prostitution to be allowed out of the closet, and made legal. It is time for conservatives to get off their high morals on this one. Enough already. 1 Quote
CITIZEN_2015 Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, taxme said: I am in total agreement with making prostitution legal. Trying to keep it back and hidden in the alley way some where is not the answer. At least prostitution can be taxed, and the thieves in the government can suck off more dollars from we the people. If Canada can make homosexuality legal, then they can make prostitution legal. The bible pushers were forced to accept homosexuality, and have accepted it, but they will not accept prostitution. I don't get that at all. I remember one time many moons ago where the topic of prostitution was being discussed on this TV talk show. They had a man who came on the show, and he explained as to how prostitution was great for him and should be made legal. He said that he was not all that very good looking, and that most women would ignore or reject him because of his looks, and the only people that he could turn too were prostitutes who would satisfy his needs and desires for sex. One can only imagine as to what this guy might try to do if this guy were not able to get sex from a prostitute. What would he do to try and get the sex that he needed? Continue to masterbate himself or go possibly rape some innocent women. After watching that show, I then realized that it probably is now the time to legalize prostitution just because of what this guy was saying on that TV talk show. It might help to save a few rapes here and there against women. Hey you never know, eh? It is time for prostitution to be allowed out of the closet, and made legal. It is time for conservatives to get off their high morals on this one. Enough already. The important thing is that paid sex is consensual between adults and as the former Prime Minister of Canada (and the father of current one) said well that government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.. Sex should be allowed as long as it is consensual however I do agree totally that forced prostitution, trafficking, underage prostitution and pimping must be outlawed and those responsible must be severely punished by the law but what was stupid was that MacKay did extend the ban on also consensual sex (to keep conservative voters happy) and hence seriously endangered the sex workers for reasons I stated before in new laws and pushed it through parliament using undemocratic tactics. The version they have in New Zealand is working fine and it could have been implemented in Canada too. Btw, the need for sex workers may not be limited to very bad looking men but also those handicapped, or needing extramarital affairs or unable to find female companions for any reason or businessmen too busy to look for female companion or virgin men wishing to try first time but too scared or wishing to gain experience and many other groups. Workers in NZ also regularly tested for STD when their licences are renewal hence avoiding diseases to be transmitted. Ad they are much safer in there than here because they are able to screen out bad clients and ask for references and personal info and unlike here they don't have to face criminals every day in their jobs who refuse to provide info as who they are. Edited October 12, 2019 by CITIZEN_2015 Quote
Queenmandy85 Posted October 12, 2019 Author Report Posted October 12, 2019 1 hour ago, taxme said: If Canada can make homosexuality legal, then they can make prostitution legal. Prostitution is legal in Canada. Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
WestCanMan Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 23 hours ago, Argus said: Let me suggest a more rightward platform which would not turn off most centrist Canadians. 1) On immigration. We would be cutting immigration in half (63% of Canadians want lower immigration) but also holding a study, done by unbiased experts, to determine what exactly immigration is capable of doing for us, what it is presently doing for us, and how to best adjust our immigrant mix and level for best results. This would include wide input from average Canadians (as opposed to biased interest groups), demographics experts and economists 2) On Health Care. We would be eliminating the Canada Health Act. We will instead adopt the best of European health care systems. This will include talks with the provinces to centralize health care financing so that there is just one health insurance payment system for all Canadians, and centralizing the purchase of drugs. We will be working with the provinces to increase the number of doctors and the number of senior care facilities 3) On Taxation. We will be reorganizing the tax system into a graduated flat tax, and increasing the GST, which would play a larger role in taxation as income tax drops. 4) On The military. The world is getting more dangerous and alliances have become shaky. We would immediately buy 100 F-35s, new APCs for the army, and would pressure shipbuilders to speed up construction of new warships. 5) We would work to remove agents of China's United Front, close down Confucius institutes, and work towards lowering the number of Chinese students in Canada. We would also put tariffs on Chinese imports and begin to restrict those imports unless China stops targeting Canadian imports, releases Canadians held unjustly in prison, and acts to restrict fentanyl exports to Canada. Chinese companies would not be permitted to buy out Canadian companies. 6) On natives. We would work to eliminate the Indian Act, and start working on relocating natives (voluntarily) who live on uneconomical reserves towards urban centres where they can find work. This might involve buying up land closer in towards urban centres, and possibly creating more 'urban reserves'. We would redirect money now paid to band offices to individual band members, who could then be taxed by their bands. Their homes would become their property, along with the land under them. 7) We would use federal powers to eliminate interprovincial trade barriers, which are estimated to cost the economy $130 billion per year. 8) End all marketing boards 9 lower corporate taxes but also eliminate dividend deduction and capital gains deduction for dividends or capital gains from equities over $250k per year. 10) Require evaluations of resource projects to be completed within a maximum of two years. 11) On guns. Minimum 2 year sentence (no parole) for anyone smuggling weapons into Canada or selling weapons illegally. Second offense raise that to 5 years. Third offense to 10 years. Just because your talking points are good doesn't mean that you wouldn't get completely eviscerated by the MSM. It's hard to win an election with CBC and CTV calling you the anti-christ. The media leave Berner alone because he's taking votes away from the CPC. 1 Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
Queenmandy85 Posted October 12, 2019 Author Report Posted October 12, 2019 As H.L. Menken said, "Democracy is the philosophy that states people should get the government they want...good and hard." Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
CITIZEN_2015 Posted October 12, 2019 Report Posted October 12, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said: Prostitution is legal in Canada. Wrong. Prostitution was legal prior to December 2014 before the Conservatives and in particular Peter MacKay screwed it all up. Only solicitation in public place like streets and being found in a bawdy house was illegal but sex for money was legal. MacKay and his idiot Cons imported failed laws from Sweden and pushed them through parliament using undemocratic tactics I described before. Since then those paying for sex will be charged as criminals and any type of communications (not limited to public places) and advertisement will be criminal too. Those selling sex are immune from prosecution as they are seen as victims and buyers charged as criminals and rapists. The worse part is that the pimps can now get away posing as so called bodyguards or drivers!!!! A one sided law where selling is legal but buying is criminal just imagine if they had same laws for illicit drugs!!!!! These are laws based on conservative ideology and NOT evidence base. The old laws was challenged and ruled unconstitutional because it endangered the lives of sex workers but the new laws pushed through by MacKay and Harper are by far worse and endanger sex workers a lot more and until it is again declared unconstitutional (in decades as it is a very long process) God knows how many more sex workers have to be assaulted raped or even murdered thanks to those who imported and pushed these laws in an undemocratic manner in 2014. Edited October 12, 2019 by CITIZEN_2015 Quote
Argus Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 16 hours ago, WestCanMan said: Just because your talking points are good doesn't mean that you wouldn't get completely eviscerated by the MSM. It's hard to win an election with CBC and CTV calling you the anti-christ. The media leave Berner alone because he's taking votes away from the CPC. The MSM already call Scheer the anti-Christ, so what would be the difference except the Conservative party would actually be promoting some popular positions? Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 16 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said: Wrong. Prostitution was legal prior to December 2014 I stand corrected. Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 20 minutes ago, Argus said: The MSM already call Scheer the anti-Christ, so what would be the difference except the Conservative party would actually be promoting some popular positions? I've racked my brain to remember when the CBC, Global, CTV or the Star Phoenix called Mr. Sheer the anti-Christ. Could you help me out with some references? I read a lot of accusations on this and other forums about how the MSM never critisizes Mr. Trudeau but they came down on him after the Idia trip and absolutely hammered him during the SNC Lav. affair. As for Mr. Sheer, they gave him a hard time over his reluctance to clarify his personal beliefs regarding choice and LBGT rights, but as soon as he did, they let it go. The MSM was pretty harsh on Mr. Singh until he began to show his abilities during the campaign. All in all, I think the MSM have been fairly even handed in holding the candidates to account. Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
Argus Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said: I've racked my brain to remember when the CBC, Global, CTV or the Star Phoenix called Mr. Sheer the anti-Christ. Could you help me out with some references? I read a lot of accusations on this and other forums about how the MSM never critisizes Mr. Trudeau but they came down on him after the Idia trip and absolutely hammered him during the SNC Lav. affair. As for Mr. Sheer, they gave him a hard time over his reluctance to clarify his personal beliefs regarding choice and LBGT rights, but as soon as he did, they let it go. The MSM was pretty harsh on Mr. Singh until he began to show his abilities during the campaign. All in all, I think the MSM have been fairly even handed in holding the candidates to account. Bullshit. The mainstream media are all, without exception, progressives. The instant the Liberals started raising the ridiculous bugaboo about white supremacists the CBC and other mainstream media jumped on it and began to put out story after story to scare Canadians about the evil far right which apparently are EVERYWHERE in Canada, even if, well, there are no groups with any numbers that the media can find. The CBC must have devoted hours of time to the non-story by now. And they've all been eager to insinuate Scheer has ties to the far right. You do this in the media by repeatedly demanding he deny it until people get it. They also instantly jumped on the abortion nonsense, even though everyone knows that Scheer's position is no changes to abortion law, even though the majority of the Tory caucus are pro-choice, even though there wasn't the slightest chance that it would make any difference. Every conservative belief Scheer has ever uttered (back in the far past, when he had some) has been trotted out by pundits with sad eyes and shaking heads about how un-woke he is. Meanwhile Trudeau's hypocrisy and doublespeak has been ignored. They certainly haven't trotted out some of the things he's said in the past, and have been quite happy to accept him saying one thing in English and another in French without mentioning it. For example, did you know that it was fine to use value testing for immigrants? Well, not in English, of course. The very idea is horrifically racist and unCanadian and xenophobic! In English. In french, yeah, no big deal. The media are always willing to give the Left wing politicians every possible benefit of a doubt, while jumping on conservative, or purportedly conservative politicians like Scheer. After the election I guarantee you the 'danger, danger, white supremacy!" media stories will end. Their only intent, after all,w as to push the Liberal agenda. The media did not 'hammer' Trudeau. Give me a break. Trudeau continues to deny access to documents and people involved even to the RCMP. When was the last time you saw any mention of that in the press? The media could care less. Meanwhile, the CBC launches a lawsuit against the Conservatives just ahead of an election for using brief clips from the leaders debate in advertising. Funny, they didn't have that issue last election when the Liberals did it. No complaints, no lawsuits. As for being hard on Singh? Who? When? Nobody has been hard on Singh. Singh is brown. The media wouldn't dare be hard on him or ask him hard questions. That would be racist! Has anyone in the media ever asked him about his campaign to get Sikhs from temples across Canada to join the NDP in order to vote him in as leader? Nope. Has anyone ever asked him why someone so devoted to Sikhism that he ostentatiously wears a turban (which he didn't do before entering politics) is also a proud and sanctimonious pro choice advocate even though Sikhism considers abortion sinful? Nope. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
Rue Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 On 10/11/2019 at 5:36 PM, Argus said: Let me suggest a more rightward platform which would not turn off most centrist Canadians. 1) On immigration. We would be cutting immigration in half (63% of Canadians want lower immigration) but also holding a study, done by unbiased experts, to determine what exactly immigration is capable of doing for us, what it is presently doing for us, and how to best adjust our immigrant mix and level for best results. This would include wide input from average Canadians (as opposed to biased interest groups), demographics experts and economists 2) On Health Care. We would be eliminating the Canada Health Act. We will instead adopt the best of European health care systems. This will include talks with the provinces to centralize health care financing so that there is just one health insurance payment system for all Canadians, and centralizing the purchase of drugs. We will be working with the provinces to increase the number of doctors and the number of senior care facilities 3) On Taxation. We will be reorganizing the tax system into a graduated flat tax, and increasing the GST, which would play a larger role in taxation as income tax drops. 4) On The military. The world is getting more dangerous and alliances have become shaky. We would immediately buy 100 F-35s, new APCs for the army, and would pressure shipbuilders to speed up construction of new warships. 5) We would work to remove agents of China's United Front, close down Confucius institutes, and work towards lowering the number of Chinese students in Canada. We would also put tariffs on Chinese imports and begin to restrict those imports unless China stops targeting Canadian imports, releases Canadians held unjustly in prison, and acts to restrict fentanyl exports to Canada. Chinese companies would not be permitted to buy out Canadian companies. 6) On natives. We would work to eliminate the Indian Act, and start working on relocating natives (voluntarily) who live on uneconomical reserves towards urban centres where they can find work. This might involve buying up land closer in towards urban centres, and possibly creating more 'urban reserves'. We would redirect money now paid to band offices to individual band members, who could then be taxed by their bands. Their homes would become their property, along with the land under them. 7) We would use federal powers to eliminate interprovincial trade barriers, which are estimated to cost the economy $130 billion per year. 8) End all marketing boards 9 lower corporate taxes but also eliminate dividend deduction and capital gains deduction for dividends or capital gains from equities over $250k per year. 10) Require evaluations of resource projects to be completed within a maximum of two years. 11) On guns. Minimum 2 year sentence (no parole) for anyone smuggling weapons into Canada or selling weapons illegally. Second offense raise that to 5 years. Third offense to 10 years. I would tell you buy Griphens not F35's. I would say on immigration do away with the current refugee/protection process in its entirety and instead provide financial aid to refugee camps. I would say in regards to immigration we match economic needs to economic classes of migrants we bring in to enable the economy to keep growing. In regards to guns I think hand guns should only be allowed in gun clubs and they must remain in gun clubs in safes in the gun clubs. I think all the talk on assault rifles is bullshit as we already regulate them. I believe we should give municipalities more say in their regulatory powers how they want to handle hand guns and rifles so there can be variations in cities and rural areas. Rural people and farmers need rifles out of necessity. I am not sure on your no.5. I am not sure your Charter of Rights (notice I said piss you off) would make that easy. Otherwise I like it but I challenge anyone to call the above right or left. Its Canadian. Its a bit of everything. I myself now after listening closely see zero difference between Sheer and Trudeau and I am disappointed Canadians will forgive Trudeau over this ethical violations, Lavalin, deficits, and continuous mistakes and mismanagement not to mention his absolute betrayal of war veterans and his patently dishonest out and out lying about carbon emissions control. Trudeau's legacy was to reconstruct the Bloc Quebecois, alienate the West and make it clear he is a person of no moral code, a blatant shallow opportunist who places Quebec interests first. He is no national leader. He is a Quebec rump politician who has pandered to Quebec and who he thinks are visible minorities and he can't be both as he is finding out in Quebec which loves Bill 21. Quote I come to you to hell.
Zeitgeist Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 (edited) I agree with most of Argus’s points, except that I’d say on immigration that it isn’t as much a numbers issue as a geographical distribution problem. Redirecting settlement northwards and to areas that need population for resource development and to make essential infrastructure economically viable would be preferable in my opinion, though implementation might be difficult. On your fifth point, while it’s clear that the Indian Act is racist and the reserve system has created a kind of two-tier citizenship, the staunchest support for the status quo comes from vested Indigenous interests who profit from the current system. It’s obvious to most people that when you don’t have private ownership of property you don’t have as much personal investment in or pride of ownership of land. Moreover, without local tax collection these communities continue to be heavily reliant on outside support by taxpayers off the reserve. Hardly self-determination. Having Indian Status smacks in a way of diplomatic immunity because of the tax savings and benefits it provides. Really, Indigenous should have the right to privatize their land as well as the right to collect their own taxes, but as Argus said, that solution has to come from Indigenous, and there are too many Indigenous who want to maintain the current dysfunctional system. I agree that government should offer to help desperate remote communities to relocate if that’s what they want. Nothing controversial there. There still remains the issue of Indian Status. The special privileges should be grandfathered because of the unhealthy discriminatory two-tier citizenship they maintain, but few Indigenous would give up that benefit, so I don’t see the Indian Act going anywhere. Perhaps Indigenous will seek reforms. Who wants to give up freebies? Edited October 13, 2019 by Zeitgeist Quote
CITIZEN_2015 Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 (edited) On 10/11/2019 at 4:36 PM, Argus said: Let me suggest a more rightward platform which would not turn off most centrist Canadians. 1) On immigration. We would be cutting immigration in half (63% of Canadians want lower immigration) but also holding a study, done by unbiased experts, to determine what exactly immigration is capable of doing for us, what it is presently doing for us, and how to best adjust our immigrant mix and level for best results. This would include wide input from average Canadians (as opposed to biased interest groups), demographics experts and economists 2) On Health Care. We would be eliminating the Canada Health Act. We will instead adopt the best of European health care systems. This will include talks with the provinces to centralize health care financing so that there is just one health insurance payment system for all Canadians, and centralizing the purchase of drugs. We will be working with the provinces to increase the number of doctors and the number of senior care facilities 3) On Taxation. We will be reorganizing the tax system into a graduated flat tax, and increasing the GST, which would play a larger role in taxation as income tax drops. 4) On The military. The world is getting more dangerous and alliances have become shaky. We would immediately buy 100 F-35s, new APCs for the army, and would pressure shipbuilders to speed up construction of new warships. 5) We would work to remove agents of China's United Front, close down Confucius institutes, and work towards lowering the number of Chinese students in Canada. We would also put tariffs on Chinese imports and begin to restrict those imports unless China stops targeting Canadian imports, releases Canadians held unjustly in prison, and acts to restrict fentanyl exports to Canada. Chinese companies would not be permitted to buy out Canadian companies. 6) On natives. We would work to eliminate the Indian Act, and start working on relocating natives (voluntarily) who live on uneconomical reserves towards urban centres where they can find work. This might involve buying up land closer in towards urban centres, and possibly creating more 'urban reserves'. We would redirect money now paid to band offices to individual band members, who could then be taxed by their bands. Their homes would become their property, along with the land under them. 7) We would use federal powers to eliminate interprovincial trade barriers, which are estimated to cost the economy $130 billion per year. 8) End all marketing boards 9 lower corporate taxes but also eliminate dividend deduction and capital gains deduction for dividends or capital gains from equities over $250k per year. 10) Require evaluations of resource projects to be completed within a maximum of two years. 11) On guns. Minimum 2 year sentence (no parole) for anyone smuggling weapons into Canada or selling weapons illegally. Second offense raise that to 5 years. Third offense to 10 years. 1 - You have very good points on immigration however, even after cutting in half we must vigorously screen out immigrants for adaptability to our Western democracy. Your past posts indicated that you wish a regional screening (for example screen out all those from Middle East or Africa), that I don't agree because we deprived many good potential citizens for something they have no control of. We have t preserve this Western democracy therefore screen out vigorously those who have no respect for our values or have no respect for women and yes that includes a large portion of Middle East and African population but not all. On immigration none of the major parties have the balls to do the right thing and cut down on numbers and improve the quality for the fear of being labelled as racist. It is however an important issue for the future and well being of this country. 2 - Allow PRIVATE health care system for those who can afford it (or wish it ) will have to pay (certain income threshold) and private doctors and clinics visiting patients at home for a charge. This way publicly funded health care would remain for those who really can't afford it and overall our very sick health system would be much improved with lots of funding and incentives to take care of our sick and elderly. on 3 and 4 I agree. On 5 I totally agree and long overdue. On 6 to 10 I don't have enough knowledge to comment. on 11, make guns totally illegal with harsh punishment for violators. Guns are for killing and I see no use for them. I do not support hunting. It is taking a life for fun. It is unacceptable. One day human race will evolve to the extend that all types of killings will be prohibited. You can be ahead of time by having this in your agenda. Let me know what party stands for all these and I will move my Liberal vote to that party. Edited October 13, 2019 by CITIZEN_2015 Quote
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 Regarding Argus' platform on the military, if you are only going to have a token military, the money is wasted. 100 F-35's are a token and therefore a joke. You can bet the computer systems in any US designed combat equipment for export, incorporates a remote kill switch incase we decide to use them on a mission the Pentagon does not approve of. If your defence policy is not prepared to take on all comers, it is a waste of money. Canadians are not in the mood for a viable military. Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 2 hours ago, Argus said: The mainstream media are all, without exception, progressives. You mean like Peter Kent, Ron Collister, Tashia Kheiriddin, John Ibbitson, Robert Fife, Craig Oliver? Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
Dougie93 Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said: Regarding Argus' platform on the military, if you are only going to have a token military, the money is wasted. 100 F-35's are a token and therefore a joke. You can bet the computer systems in any US designed combat equipment for export, incorporates a remote kill switch incase we decide to use them on a mission the Pentagon does not approve of. If your defence policy is not prepared to take on all comers, it is a waste of money. Canadians are not in the mood for a viable military. The F-35 is indeed software encrypted and locked out at the discretion of the American CinC, but that is the option Canada chose. Canada could have chosen to be a full partner with access to the software codes like the British, but Canada didn't want to pay the premium. As to using force against not American approved targets, the actual restriction is Canada doing away with a logistics tail and becoming entirely a Boutique Military. Canada simply does not have the logistics tail to conduct operations without the Americans, not even domestically, so Canada reports to NORTHCOM by default. Quote
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 23 minutes ago, Dougie93 said: Canada simply does not have the logistics tail to conduct operations without the Americans, not even domestically, so Canada reports to NORTHCOM by default. So we are wasting our money and serving as an arm of the US military. Our grandfathers and fathers who struggled to be separate from the British Army at Vimy would roll over in their graves to see the Canadian Armed Forces swallowed up by somebody else. Canadian voters do not wish to make the sacrifices required to have a defence policy. The voter is always right. It would be better to re-direct those billions into healthcare. Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 Once again, back to the original question, has Peter MacKay hurt himself by publicly stabbing Mr. Sheer in the back? Anybody? Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
Yzermandius19 Posted October 13, 2019 Report Posted October 13, 2019 4 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said: So we are wasting our money and serving as an arm of the US military. Our grandfathers and fathers who struggled to be separate from the British Army at Vimy would roll over in their graves to see the Canadian Armed Forces swallowed up by somebody else. Canadian voters do not wish to make the sacrifices required to have a defence policy. The voter is always right. It would be better to re-direct those billions into healthcare. They didn't fight to be separate from the British Army, they fought gladly for the British, they didn't care about being swallowed up by someone else. You are projecting your own beliefs on those who were there, based on revisionist history. Quote
Queenmandy85 Posted October 13, 2019 Author Report Posted October 13, 2019 1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said: They didn't fight to be separate from the British Army, they fought gladly for the British, they didn't care about being swallowed up by someone else. You are projecting your own beliefs on those who were there, based on revisionist history. Sir Arthur Currie would disagree. Quote A Conservative stands for God, King and Country
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