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Snopes is Utter Crap/Kamala Harris is Likely Descended from Slave Owners.

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17 minutes ago, Boges said:

So you concede he lies. That's progress. 

Joking around or not. It's racist. It's also racist to claim that they "Hate America" because they criticize him. By the continued logic MAGA is an example of hatred for America. 


Ahh so the state of one's district only matters when they are criticizing him. Gotcha! I'd like to see Trump be consistent and criticize poor white states/cities then. 


I have always conceded that he lies.

It's not racist to criticize Baltimore or Elijah Cummings. It's not racist to claim The Squad hates America either, their policies make that quite clear, they might even think they love America, but they are lying to themselves if so. Has nothing to do with them criticizing Trump.

Trump takes shots at all the Democrat run cities doing a poor job, regardless of the demographic make up. Not taking aim at major Republican run cities is not a fair criticism, because all the big cities lean and vote Democrat consistently. Besides even if there was, attacking Democrat failures wins him more voters than attacking Republican failures, so why would he not focus on Democrat problems?


Edited by Yzermandius19
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1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

It's not racist to criticize Baltimore or Elijah Cummings. It's not racist to claim The Squad hates America either, their policies make that quite clear, they might even think they love America, but they are lying to themselves if so. Has nothing to do with them criticizing Trump.

Perhaps you should expand on that. How are socialist policies anti-American? 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

Perhaps you should expand on that. How are socialist policies anti-American? 

America is not socialist, and socialist policies would make America worse, they will hurt the very minorities the socialists claim to want to help. Counter-productive virtue signaling is not sound policy.

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

I just read the Snopes article. They report on what her father said. But that's not proof. There's not documentation that verifies that this person did own slaves. Therefore it's "unproven". 

Probably the safest avenue to go. 

More important however, Why does her lineage matter at all? 

The word “Unproven” is a false semi-exoneration in that context. It gives the impression that the claim lacks the credibility required for one to cite it in reasonable conversation.

“Yet to be disproven” is far more accurate. The head of her family made the claim, and he’s the leading expert on planet earth. What he says about his own not-so-distant family history stands as a point of fact until disproven or until there is at least reasonable doubt.

He’s a man of high standing, he made a credible claim, no one on earth gave good reason to doubt him. (Remember how many people, you included, put far more weight on Dr Ford’s claim which was completely vague and 100% uncorroborated?)

If the claim that his genealogy wasn’t traced that far back was backed up with the claim that Jamaican birth records from the 1800s were impeccably kept that would be something. The fact that they can’t say either way leads me to believe that accurate birth records do not exist. 

So, her father’s claim is the ultimate authority at this point in time.


It matters because Kamala is a SJW who acts like she’s better than everyone else and like she’s a victim of her skin colour. She’s just a victim of her own family karma.


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25 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It matters because Kamala is a SJW who acts like she’s better than everyone else and like she’s a victim of her skin colour. She’s just a victim of her own family karma.

Cite how she acts better than everyone else? 

She's still a Minority her parents place of birth means she's a first generation American. Does that make her less American that people descended from Slaves? 

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33 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

America is not socialist, and socialist policies would make America worse, they will hurt the very minorities the socialists claim to want to help. Counter-productive virtue signaling is not sound policy.

Cite the policies and why they'd make America worse. Right now you're speaking in the abstract. 

Are these policies not ones that are already common place in the rest of the developed world? 

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How about the Green New Deal? That's would run America right into the ditch.

Many of the socialist policies that are common place in other developed nations hold those nations back. The amount of socialism The Squad advocates for is not desirable, and anyone running on such a platform will never become POTUS.

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8 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

How about the Green New Deal? That's would run America right into the ditch.

Many of the socialist policies that are common place in other developed nations hold those nations back. The amount of socialism The Squad advocates for is not desirable, and anyone running on such a platform will never become POTUS.

Such as? Does Healthcare for all hold countries back? She Canada abolish it? 

Should countries do nothing in the face of Climate change? Should they not look to reduce dependance on petroleum fuel? 

I'd love to tackle the Green New Deal because the rhetoric around it an what it actually is are very different. But this is some serious Thread Drift. 

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

Cite how she acts better than everyone else? 

She's still a Minority her parents place of birth means she's a first generation American. Does that make her less American that people descended from Slaves? 

A direct reply to my direct and accurate response to your question would have been nice. I gave you the curtesy of an answer to yours Boges.



 “It was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose bussing. There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bussed to school every day.”

Then, the killer line: “That little girl was me.”


Here's Kamala, in her finest hour, throwing down the victim of racism card. And you should be aware that when she's the victim, America - the country of white privilege as per the Dem party line, is the villain.

Here's the irony of it all. When Americans (mostly white republican Americans) were fighting in an actual [civil] war (against Democrats - the party that gave rise to the KKK) and dying to abolish slavery, her ancestors were slave owners who were fighting to keep their slaves. Her father is a highly-educated man, where did the money for his education from? Now she's a victim because she rode a bus to get her free education?

How many "white-priviliged Americans" were drafted to fight and die or get injured in Viet Nam? Tens of thousands. WWI, WWII, Korea, Iraq, etc. Where's the privilege in that?



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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

A direct reply to my direct and accurate response to your question would have been nice. I gave you the curtesy of an answer to yours Boges.

Here's Kamala, in her finest hour, throwing down the victim of racism card. And you should be aware that when she's the victim, America - the country of white privilege as per the Dem party line, is the villain.

Are you familiar with Red-Lining? 




In the 1930s, government surveyors graded neighborhoods in 239 cities, color-coding them green for “best,” blue for “still desirable,” yellow for “definitely declining” and red for “hazardous.” The “redlined” areas were the ones local lenders discounted as credit risks, in large part because of the residents’ racial and ethnic demographics. They also took into account local amenities and home prices.

Neighborhoods that were predominantly made up of African Americans, as well as Catholics, Jews and immigrants from Asia and southern Europe, were deemed undesirable. “Anyone who was not northern-European white was considered to be a detraction from the value of the area,” said Bruce Mitchell, a senior researcher at the NCRC and one of the study’s authors.



Busing was seen as a solution to the problem created by not allowing minorities in the Real Estate market. 


Here's the irony of it all. When Americans (mostly white republican Americans) were fighting in an actual [civil] war (against Democrats - the party that gave rise to the KKK) and dying to abolish slavery, her ancestors were slave owners who were fighting to keep their slaves. Her father is a highly-educated man, where did the money for his education from? Now she's a victim because she rode a bus to get her free education?

Yeah and now those racists see common cause with the GOP and Trump. Times have changes. 


How many "white-priviliged Americans" were drafted to fight and die or get injured in Viet Nam? Tens of thousands. WWI, WWII, Korea, Iraq, etc. Where's the privilege in that?

Black people didn't fight in these wars? 

Trump was certainly priviliged enough to draft dodge. 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

Nope. You still haven't commented on my reply.


Busing was seen as a solution to the problem created by not allowing minorities in the Real Estate market. 

I must have missed that part of the article that said that. Can you show me?

Also, mortgages and all other loans come with a risk. Areas with a high default rate are a greater risk. And the areas that you're talking about had "Christains, Jews, etc...." so they're not even an example 


Yeah and now those racists see common cause with the GOP and Trump. Times have changes.

Smart racists vote for the Dems. Their policies keep blacks in poverty.


Black people didn't fight in these wars? 

You missed the point, intentionally. The Dems' holier-than-thou party line is bunk, and highly insulting.


Trump was certainly priviliged enough to draft dodge. 

He said he had bone spurs. Millions of people "dodged" in the same ways. 


Back to the topic at hand, Snopes is complete crap, as per my comments in the OP and subsequent posts which substantiated them. Deal with it.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Back to the topic at hand, Snopes is complete crap, as per my comments in the OP and subsequent posts which substantiated them. Deal with it.

Snopes did not write anything inaccurate. You could say misleading but that's up for debate. 

Cite another example where they did something similar. 

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53 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Back to the topic at hand, Snopes is complete crap, as per my comments in the OP and subsequent posts which substantiated them. Deal with it.

Snopes is to facts what SPLC is to justice. 

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On 7/19/2019 at 7:01 AM, Michael Hardner said:

Exactly.  The new right hates objectivity.

Exactly not. Give up on your right wing hatred nonsense. Where is all this right wing hatred you keep talking about anyway? I never see it? I see the leftists committing plenty of violence though. The left wing hates to hear the truth or anybody who is not of their thuggery ilk. It's always the people on the right that are the haters and racists, and never those darlings called leftist liberals, like those communist ANTIFA red guard thugs and bullies. The leftist liberals are far from showing any "objectivity" towards anyone whom they hate. The left will say that person is a racist, and that is it because we say they are. The leftist liberals are the fascists of today. Snopes is just another leftist liberal outfit and what they say most times should not always be believed. 

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

Snopes did not write anything inaccurate. You could say misleading but that's up for debate. 

Cite another example where they did something similar. 

They wrote an inaccurate/misleading rating, and then neglected to put a rating on a similar topic, in both instances this occurred when an accurate rating was going to be damaging to sitting leftist politicians. Then they tried to put a ridiculous spin on the articles.

How many times do you let a news source or fact checker spin falsehoods to you before you put them into the "requires more than just a grain of salt" category?

There are two there. That's plenty for a fact-checker.


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

As I said, they were pioneers in surfacing internet bullshit and their objectivity is renowned.  People who want to see them go down want FOX News and The Rebel to be the new Pravda.


Yeah, so they may have done a good job at one time. I don't care how good they were 10 years ago, or 6 years ago, or 3 years ago because that's neither here nor there. I'm talking about how pathetic they are right now. Hitler was Time's "Man of the Year" in 1938. Are you going to say that he was awesome too?

Get up to speed MH. I caught the "fact checkers" chucking around non-facts & spin. That's where we stand right now.

Why don't you try to defend the content of their posts instead of making baseless accusations? We both know why that is - you don't have anything else. You go with what ya got.

I'll take the position that Fox News is more accurate than Snopes. Let's go. Everybody loves to diss Fox here and no one ever tries to come back with facts. No one. 

Fox News predicted things that CNN didn't even report on after the fact, like Andrew McCabe's firing, Peter Strzok's problems... etc. The only people known to have committed crimes related to Russian collusion and during the course of the investigation so far are Dems and FBI officials. 

How did CNN's Russian collusion predictions go? The only one to get it right was Van Jones when he was caught on a hidden camera saying "Russian collusion is a big nothingburger". CNN got it right ONE SINGLE TIME IN OVER TWO YEARS. LMAO.

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On 7/28/2019 at 11:35 AM, WestCanMan said:

LMAO. Now you're trying to say that you're unaware of anyone ever saying the words "Trump colluded with Russia"? Do you think that they were saying "Trump allegedly colluded with Russia" this whole time? You're telling me now that you and others here were all waiting for the evidence to roll in before you jumped to any conclusions? You don't think that people here were talking about arrests that were made during the investigation as if they had something to do with collusion? 

Talk about an argument falling apart Bubber. That's a lie on top of a lie on top of a lie on top of a lie.

Can you provide one citation from the MSM where someone said unequivocally "Trump colluded with Russia"?

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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Yeah, so they may have done a good job at one time. I don't care how good they were 10 years ago, or 6 years ago, or 3 years ago because that's neither here nor there. I'm talking about how pathetic they are right now. Hitler was Time's "Man of the Year" in 1938. Are you going to say that he was awesome too?

Get up to speed MH. I caught the "fact checkers" chucking around non-facts & spin. That's where we stand right now.

Why don't you try to defend the content of their posts instead of making baseless accusations? We both know why that is - you don't have anything else. You go with what ya got.

I'll take the position that Fox News is more accurate than Snopes. Let's go. Everybody loves to diss Fox here and no one ever tries to come back with facts. No one. 

Fox News predicted things that CNN didn't even report on after the fact, like Andrew McCabe's firing, Peter Strzok's problems... etc. The only people known to have committed crimes related to Russian collusion and during the course of the investigation so far are Dems and FBI officials. 

How did CNN's Russian collusion predictions go? The only one to get it right was Van Jones when he was caught on a hidden camera saying "Russian collusion is a big nothingburger". CNN got it right ONE SINGLE TIME IN OVER TWO YEARS. LMAO.

Time's Man of the Year refers to how newsworthy they were, not how awesome.

Snopes is not inaccurate. You can't provide one example of it being inaccurate. You're very inaccurate, however, when you say no Trump officials commited crimes. They're all in jail for a reason.

Can you provide a cite to CNN's Russian collusion predictions?

I thought not.

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

Exactly not. Give up on your right wing hatred nonsense. Where is all this right wing hatred you keep talking about anyway? I never see it? I see the leftists committing plenty of violence though. The left wing hates to hear the truth or anybody who is not of their thuggery ilk. It's always the people on the right that are the haters and racists, and never those darlings called leftist liberals, like those communist ANTIFA red guard thugs and bullies. The leftist liberals are far from showing any "objectivity" towards anyone whom they hate. The left will say that person is a racist, and that is it because we say they are. The leftist liberals are the fascists of today. Snopes is just another leftist liberal outfit and what they say most times should not always be believed. 

How is Snopes leftist liberal and what have they said that can't be believed?

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20 minutes ago, scribblet said:


Like many institutions, Snopes decided to go 'Orange Man Bad' and become partisan.

The Democrats were delighted...preferring a left wing bias, anyways.

"I see nothing wrong with Snopes...they validate MY biases." 


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