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Time to take on far-right terrorists

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3 minutes ago, egghead said:

hey, we need to understand that "rights to be un-freedom'" is a right too, for instance Hijab :P


I actually agree with that. 

However, I think we both understand how problematic Islam is in terms of the West. This kid doesn't like to share and smacks the other kids when they don't do exactly as they're ordered.

Most in the West are totally unprepared for the rules Islam will hoist upon everybody...Muslim or not.

That some want to play with fire doesn't mean I want the house burned down...

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5 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

 Islam grants fundamental equality and liberates women from the exploitative unjust system of secular liberalism and capitalism.

 “I do not waste the deed of any doer among you, be they male or female. The one of you is as the other” (Quran 3:195)

 “And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable” (2:228)

A man asked the Prophet (saw): What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: “Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not insult them.”


wow, do you know who is Loujain Al-Hathloul? 
it is funny that we see nothing like that in any "Islamic Nations" :lol:

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18 hours ago, Goddess said:

Thank you for finally admitting that.

I've been saying it for years. Thank you for finally noticing.




For normal people, vengeance never gets past the fantasy stage because our rational minds and moral compasses kick in.  And the fear of violent reprisal generally gives pause to vengeance-taking.

Islam is an example of what happens when a religion highjacks the rational mind and the moral compass is no longer pointing due North and violent reprisal is mandated in its teachings.

I've said before - the difference between Christianity and Islam is that very thing - Christianity is afraid to die.  Islam is not.  Martyrdom and vengeance-taking are a very large part of the religion.  

The effectiveness of revenge depends on your beliefs about whether it works.  And for Islam, it works.

Unless we are willing to cave into Islam's demands, like Britain did when it refused to accept Asia Bibi as a refugee due to a well-founded fear of violent Muslim reprisal, then the world is in for a tough time.  We are in for a tough time either way - whether we cave in to their demands or not.  So for that reason - I'm all for not caving in to their demands.


So, we're being moral when we overthrow democracy and sic brutal dictators on Islamic people?  And the rational thing for them is to just cave to our depredation?


Edited by eyeball
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37 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


I actually agree with that. 

However, I think we both understand how problematic Islam is in terms of the West. This kid doesn't like to share and smacks the other kids when they don't do exactly as they're ordered.

Most in the West are totally unprepared for the rules Islam will hoist upon everybody...Muslim or not.

That some want to play with fire doesn't mean I want the house burned down...

I blame this on the leftists. Do we hear "communist-ophobic" before? 

P.S.I am not islamophobic

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51 minutes ago, egghead said:

I blame this on the leftists. Do we hear "communist-ophobic" before? 

P.S.I am not islamophobic


Islamophobia is a word made-up by Islam's supporters.

Thou shalt not criticize Islam. Period. Islam is peace.

Don't make me have to murder you to prove it.


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14 hours ago, jacee said:

Are you saying that 'devoted believers in a religion' are freaking out about foreign born Muslim Canadians? I haven't noticed that to be true. Church and synagogue people are always at the white supremacist rallies to drown out the anti-Muslim hate speech.

I'm saying a lot of people are wary, suspicious, and distrustful of the rising number of foreigners coming into Canada to settle here.

14 hours ago, jacee said:

Has a Christian ever said that the Bible isn't the absolute word of God

Yes, all of them. The bible is not presented as having come directly from God, as the Koran is. It is instead the story of Jesus and his life.

14 hours ago, jacee said:

Yes, we have laws and police to address that, regardless of the perpetrators' religion or lack of. 

And laws can be changed as the values of the population change.

14 hours ago, jacee said:

I don't know what you mean by 'our' values. I don't think all Canadians share the same values. I don't think I share many with you, for example. 

Yes, Canadians DO largely share the same broad values. Your extremism puts you at the far edge of those values in your lack of respect for basic human rights, for example, but you still broadly share those values.

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14 hours ago, jacee said:

That isn't the law here.

Sidebar: It cracks me up that the extreme right in Canada, who consistently and vehemently opposed women's rights, same sex rights, and all rights for anyone but heterosexual white men, are now positioning themselves as the great defenders of equal human rights ... except for Muslims. You guys are hilarious!! :lol:

That's funny. It cracks me up that the extreme left, who have vehemently supported womens' rights, same sex rights, and all rights completely abandon that support when it comes to Islam.

The truth is that even those who might oppose 'some' gay rights, such as marriage rights are more than slightly appalled by the idea of executing gays. There are none who 'oppose' womens rights that I'm aware of. So that's a non sequitur. Unless you're talking about abortion. Were you aware Muslim were strongly opposed to abortion rights, by any chance? Probably doesn't matter,.

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7 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

You don't understand the mindset of these terrorist.

When a Western country goes to endless global war's and invades countless of countries,  resulting in the deaths of millions of people, men, women and children in the name of Democracy, no one is held to account or to apologise.

Except that this doesn't actually happen. No western country 'invades' another country these days unless that country in turn is ruled by a vile murderer who is threatening the West.

There were few casualties in the invasion of Iraq. Most of the casualties happened since then with the locals attacking other locals. Of course, the far left would blame this on the West for removing the dictator, who was a stabilizing force, but they have no answer to how such a nation is to then transit from harsh dictatorship to anything else EVER without violence. So is it their belief all brutal dictators should remain in place forever?

7 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Then, these terrorists would horrendously, un-islamicly and wrongly lash out on civilians

Their behaviour can be justified under the Koran. After all, Muhammed used violence in his attacks on non-believers, and practiced unrestricted warfare on their civilians. Islam divides the world into "The House of Peace" which is comprised of the lands ruled by Islam and "The House of War" which is everywhere else. Muslims can do whatever they want to those infidels living under the house of war for they are the enemies of Allah.


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7 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

 Islam grants fundamental equality and liberates women from the exploitative unjust system of secular liberalism and capitalism.

Spare us. Women are chattel throughout the Muslim world. There are over 50 Muslim states and not one grants equality to women under the law.

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John Robson has an ironic point in his column today. Every time there is a Muslim terrorist attack the Left and politicians rush to assure us this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam and that such perpetrators do not represent Islam and are also probably suffering from mental illnesses.

Now we have this guy killing Muslims and the Left is rushing to blame everyone who is conservative or even dares to criticize Islam. Look at this topic, for example. Some guy in New Zealand kills some people and here come the Lefties, including our perpetually apologetic prime minister, screeching at the 'alt right' in Canada and saying they 'have no place in our democracy!".

Every time there's a horrific Muslim extremist bombing or killing, what do the politicians do? Condemn Muslims? Hell, no! They rush down to the mosque to be seen with them and thunderously insist Islam had nothing to do with it. So why aren't they visiting alt-right people and scowling at the cameras with their arms around their shoulders saying "This terrorism has nothing to do with the alt-right!"

So it’s ideology after all. For years, mass slaughter of civilians prompted politicians to insist it was nothing to do with the killer’s ostensible beliefs and pundits to distinguish mental illness from genuine terrorism. But with the Christchurch, New Zealand mosque massacres nobody said “oh, that’s not ‘real’ white nationalism.” Instead it was pretty much yeah, evil beliefs, told you so.


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57 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Islamophobia is a word made-up by Islam's supporters.

Thou shalt not criticize Islam. Period. Islam is peace.

Don't make me have to murder you to prove it.


C'mon, you are dead wrong; you believe the lefties are Islam's supporters. Islam are victimhood, and lefties are victimology. They are in a "sugar mama/ daddy / baby"  threesome :rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, egghead said:

C'mon, you are dead wrong; you believe the lefties are Islam's supporters. Islam are victimhood, and lefties are victimology. They are in a "sugar mama/ daddy / baby"  threesome :rolleyes:


I agree that the political left is seduced by Islam thinking it is a friend. A friend they can CONTROL.

They're in for a surprise when they're the first to be persecuted when Islam calls the shots in the West.

And it will.

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22 hours ago, Argus said:

John Robson has an ironic point in his column today. Every time there is a Muslim terrorist attack the Left and politicians rush to assure us this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam and that such perpetrators do not represent Islam and are also probably suffering from mental illnesses.

Now we have this guy killing Muslims and the Left is rushing to blame everyone who is conservative or even dares to criticize Islam. Look at this topic, for example. Some guy in New Zealand kills some people and here come the Lefties, including our perpetually apologetic prime minister, screeching at the 'alt right' in Canada and saying they 'have no place in our democracy!".

Every time there's a horrific Muslim extremist bombing or killing, what do the politicians do? Condemn Muslims? Hell, no! They rush down to the mosque to be seen with them and thunderously insist Islam had nothing to do with it. So why aren't they visiting alt-right people and scowling at the cameras with their arms around their shoulders saying "This terrorism has nothing to do with the alt-right!"

So it’s ideology after all. For years, mass slaughter of civilians prompted politicians to insist it was nothing to do with the killer’s ostensible beliefs and pundits to distinguish mental illness from genuine terrorism. But with the Christchurch, New Zealand mosque massacres nobody said “oh, that’s not ‘real’ white nationalism.” Instead it was pretty much yeah, evil beliefs, told you so.


Do we remember the "Charlie Hebdo shooting"? They changed it to a "freedom of speech" issue. Then, they turned all subsequent muslim terrorist attacks into a mental health issue. 

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7 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


I agree that the political left is seduced by Islam thinking it is a friend. A friend they can CONTROL.

They're in for a surprise when they're the first to be persecuted when Islam calls the shots in the West.

And it will.

haha, so you believe the west can defeat China. May be we will see a China vs Islam instead.

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2 minutes ago, egghead said:

haha, so you believe the west can defeat China. May be we will see a China vs Islam instead.


Red China is an entity unto itself. It would gladly line our left up against the wall and offer a blindfold.

China will square-off against Islam in the future if Islam pushes...and it will.

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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Red China is an entity unto itself. It would gladly line our left up against the wall and offer a blindfold.

China will square-off against Islam in the future if Islam pushes...and it will.

Should we be pushing back on Islam here in Canada?


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56 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Should we be pushing back on Islam here in Canada?



We should be pushing the Saudi version of Islam out of the schools and mosques here.  No more Saudi funding, Saudi books, foreign Saudi imams.  And clean house at the same time - get rid of the jihadi books in the school and mosque libraries and kick out imams who preach hate.  Stop the disgusting Al Qud festival that goes on in major Canadian cities every year.  Stop participating in "World Hijab Day".  Stop Islamic schools from segregating the girls and boys (one even did not allow the girls to eat lunch until the boys were finished.)  Start charging parents who take their children out of the country for FGM or who sneak around to have it done here.  Stop paying terrorists. Start revoking citizenship of anyone caught cavorting with terrorists.  Stop spreading the Islamist narrative that Canada is a cesspool of Islamophobia, while ignoring the racism and misogyny that goes on in every Muslim-controlled country.

Edited by Goddess
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On 3/17/2019 at 12:48 PM, QuebecOverCanada said:

Remember when the -obviously- Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan declared after another killing made by Muslims in his own city that this was just part and parcel of living in a big city?

Where did this rhetoric go when a white guy did the same thing?

That rhetoric will never be found if a white guy does the same thing. If a white nationalist commits a crime than all white nationalists are criminals and Muslims like Sadiq would never say that it is just a part of living in a big city. When a Muslim commits a crime well we are told that not all Muslims are bad. It's just a part of living in a big city. It sure does appear to me as though the leftist liberal media is always trying to make all white people look very bad while all others get a free pass. There is something wrong with this picture. Yes/no? 

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12 minutes ago, Goddess said:


We should be pushing the Saudi version of Islam out of the schools and mosques here.  No more Saudi funding, Saudi books, foreign Saudi imams.  And clean house at the same time - get rid of the jihadi books in the school and mosque libraries and kick out imams who preach hate.  Stop the disgusting Al Qud festival that goes on in major Canadian cities every year.  Stop participating in "World Hijab Day".  Stop Islamic schools from segregating the girls and boys (one even did not allow the girls to eat lunch until the boys were finished.)  Start charging parents who take their children out of the country for FGM or who sneak around to have it done here.  Stop paying terrorists. Start revoking citizenship of anyone caught cavorting with terrorists.  Stop spreading the Islamist narrative that Canada is a cesspool of Islamophobia, while ignoring the racism and misogyny that goes on in every Muslim-controlled country.


The Devil's Advocate...he is.

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

Their behaviour can be justified under the Koran. After all, Muhammed used violence in his attacks on non-believers, and practiced unrestricted warfare on their civilians. Islam divides the world into "The House of Peace" which is comprised of the lands ruled by Islam and "The House of War" which is everywhere else. Muslims can do whatever they want to those infidels living under the house of war for they are the enemies of Allah.


The justification lies firmly outside Islam and stems from decades of toxic interference, indiscriminate violence,  post-colonial and Western influence which manifest itself in the phenomenon of Modernism. In short, these terrorist are merely adopting your Western Secular Liberal beliefs and ethics in terms of warfare to justify their retaliatory measures.

Go and read Osama Bin Laden's own words and judge for yourself. (P.S Pointing to the causes of terrorism, does not mean justifying it)



American has not been known to differentiate between the military and the civilians or between men and women or adults and children. Those who threw atomic bombs and used the weapons of mass destruction against Nagasaki and Hiroshima were the Americans. Can the bombs differentiate between military and women and infants and children? America has no religion that can deter her from exterminating whole peoples. Your position against Muslims in Palestine is despicable and disgraceful. America has no shame. ... We believe that the worst thieves in the world today and the worst terrorists are the Americans. Nothing could stop you except perhaps retaliation in kind.




I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom. If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike for example - Sweden?

No, we fight because we are free men who don't sleep under oppression. We want to restore freedom to our nation, just as you lay waste to our nation. So shall we lay waste to yours. 



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On 3/17/2019 at 12:49 PM, Saudi Monitor said:

Correct, most far-right are deracinated trailer trash losers who can't get laid so they troll on the internet and engage in demographics conspiracies and blame Muslims for "overbreeding" and whites for "underbreeding". They just simply can't get laid because theyre ugly and uneducated. It's so easy to see why women reject them and go feminist.

Your silly butt reply sure looks like words of racism towards white people. Would you ever say anything as nasty as what you said above towards any non-white people? I know and you know that you would never dare do such a thing. That would get you called a racist pretty quick here. Did you ever call any Muslim a nasty or derogatory name towards any Muslims that killed white people? NO. Today, anyone can say anything bad and nasty towards and about white people and they will be allowed to get away with it. Label them whatever you want too. White people do not seem to care anyway. So, why not. And why white people put up with that crap and continue to take it is beyond me. They obviously have no pride in their race. All races have their own garbage trash also. But we will keep that just between you and me. :D

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

Your silly butt reply sure looks like words of racism towards white people. Would you ever say anything as nasty as what you said above towards any non-white people? I know and you know that you would never dare do such a thing. That would get you called a racist pretty quick here. Did you ever call any Muslim a nasty or derogatory name towards any Muslims that killed white people? NO. Today, anyone can say anything bad and nasty towards and about white people and they will be allowed to get away with it. Label them whatever you want too. White people do not seem to care anyway. So, why not. And why white people put up with that crap and continue to take it is beyond me. They obviously have no pride in their race. All races have their own garbage trash also. But we will keep that just between you and me. :D


He's doing a fine job showing Islam to be the vile bed of religious racism that it is.

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