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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Betsy, Dogonporch.  I mean we hear these people complain about Islam all the time, but the Saudis get some kind of free pass.

Holy guacamole,  get a grip, Gosthacked!

So what if we  complain about Islam?    If you review threads and status updates, the complaints are more about open borders (taking in so many), and the special privilege that Trudeau bestows on Muslims.  It's not secret either that terrorists are mostly by Islamic jihadists - and they'd inspired others  (including the mentally unstable), to use the same tactics. 


Heck, we complain even more about Trudeau!  Do we tell Trudeau to try his dictatorial luck in an unchartered island somewhere?


Looks like you and Wilber seem to lump all Muslims together - like as if they're all like their leaders!


Edited by betsy
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23 hours ago, GostHacked said:

What's a better way to start that waving bye bye to the Saudis? I am still puzzled as to why critics of radical Islam (and in your view specicfically... ALL of Islam).. would have a problem with the Saudis leaving. 

With me, it's not about the Saudis leaving.   It's about the economic impact that this undiplomatic tweet had caused us.

The amount may not be that much.....but hey, it all adds up!




Some have expressed that private universities would loose out on 400 M of revenue if the Saudi students leave.  

The tuition revenues aren't the only thing that would be affected.   As an economic expert has said, it's hard to put a dollar figure on it.

These students shop!  They live their life here - they spend money here!  And that's just the students we're talking about.  

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Freeland's smug tweet is the gift that keeps on taking....



....We need those Saudi residents, just as we  need all those General Dynamics factory jobs in London, Ont., where Canadian workers proudly build the billions worth of war machines and weapons platforms – or, as Trudeau likes to call them, "Jeeps" —  that help enable Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's campaigns to crush dissent and Shia Muslim nationalism on the Arabian peninsula, particularly Yemen, where the Saudis have escalated a ruinous, bloody civil war.

Bin Salman's army sometimes doesn't do the best job – it managed to slaughter at least 29 schoolchildren in Yemen last week – but you won't hear much about that from Trudeau's ministers.

Discretion, as the Liberals are learning, is profitable. Criticism, however principled, costs money.

The Saudi temper tantrum could land one devastating blow — to Canadian health care: Neil Macdonald


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7 hours ago, betsy said:

With me, it's not about the Saudis leaving.   It's about the economic impact that this undiplomatic tweet had caused us.

Spoken like a true lickspittle - economics trumps virtue.

Presumably its what that douche-bag Jesus would do too.

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27 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Spoken like a true lickspittle - economics trumps virtue.

Presumably its what that douche-bag Jesus would do too.

Nope, it's the mantra of the brainwashed:  Whatever my guy does is awesome and whatever the other guy does is retarded.


Seriously, it's a point of view for hero worshippers only.


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26 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well someone has to say something.  Would you prefer us not to?  Once again, figure out what kind of world you want to live in.


My preference is irrelevant, as were the preferences of impacted Canadians it would seem.

Irrespective of Freeland's grandstanding using American social media (an issue already being pursued via more discrete back channels),  it was refreshing to see another sovereign nation blow that patented brand of Canadian "human rights" smugness right back into her political face.

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18 hours ago, betsy said:

Holy guacamole,  get a grip, Gosthacked!

So what if we  complain about Islam?    If you review threads and status updates, the complaints are more about open borders (taking in so many), and the special privilege that Trudeau bestows on Muslims.  It's not secret either that terrorists are mostly by Islamic jihadists - and they'd inspired others  (including the mentally unstable), to use the same tactics.

Who needs open borders when you invite the terrorists to stay? Remember that 17 of the 19.. 9/11 hijackers were SAUDI nationals.

Let's keep that in mind if you want to talk perspective.


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11 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


My preference is irrelevant, as were the preferences of impacted Canadians it would seem.

Irrespective of Freeland's grandstanding using American social media (an issue already being pursued via more discrete back channels),  it was refreshing to see another sovereign nation blow that patented brand of Canadian "human rights" smugness right back into her political face.

You provide some interesting statistics and you definitely have challenged progressives on here to define and defend their thinking, but on this matter of Canada's legitimate and important criticism of Saudi Arabia on human rights abuses, there can be no equivocating.  You may not like Freeland or Trudeau, but when you make your partisan anti-Trudeau position more important than protecting human rights and supporting an ally that is standing up for democratic freedom, you've lost me completely.  Also, if you don't like the way Twitter has been used outside the U.S., take that up with Twitter.  You don't own it. Trump has made Twitter his message board.  It is a widely used medium for better or worse.  You're complaining about the fact of its use just because some have used it to express views you don't like.  Whatever happened to, "I may disagree with your opinion, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" (Hall re: Voltaire).  You care more about your notion of Canadian "smugness" about defending democratic principles than you do about the importance of defending these principles.  This is what makes your position and the people who agree with you dangerous to the future of democracy and freedom.  Get your priorities straight. 

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

You provide some interesting statistics and you definitely have challenged progressives on here to define and defend their thinking, but on this matter of Canada's legitimate and important criticism of Saudi Arabia on human rights abuses, there can be no equivocating.  You may not like Freeland or Trudeau, but when you make your partisan anti-Trudeau position more important than protecting human rights and supporting an ally that is standing up for democratic freedom, you've lost me completely.


If the protection of human rights was so important to Canada, it would not have such a terrible record of continuing genocide and abuse of native people and land, foreign policy atrocities (e.g. Haiti), or political and economic support of global mining operations that destroy people's lives and their environment.   The "human rights" and "Responsibility to Protect®" scam has been honed with great skill by Liberal Canadian governments to justify interventions and wars far across the ocean; they are the thin veneer that a weak "middle power" needs to bolster its status in the world and pursue its national interests.   Such pablum works for many, but not all Canadians.



Also, if you don't like the way Twitter has been used outside the U.S., take that up with Twitter.  You don't own it. Trump has made Twitter his message board.  It is a widely used medium for better or worse.  You're complaining about the fact of its use just because some have used it to express views you don't like.  Whatever happened to, "I may disagree with your opinion, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" (Hall re: Voltaire). 


You are relatively new to this forum and do not understand the long running, cross-border, cultural dominance game I like to play....any opportunity to point out Canadian embrace of American culture, especially at the highest levels of government, will be exploited.   American social media dominates Canada, and now Canada's foreign minister has her tits in the wringer after carelessly using Twitter to attack an allied nation...made funnier because she was suppose to know better than a tweeting President Trump. 



You care more about your notion of Canadian "smugness" about defending democratic principles than you do about the importance of defending these principles.  This is what makes your position and the people who agree with you dangerous to the future of democracy and freedom.  Get your priorities straight.  


Yes, we are very dangerous and will seek out future opportunities to mock such smugness, especially when it is practiced by NATO deadbeats like Canada who want others to cash the checks that Ottawa writes with its big mouth.     Enjoy the Saudi oil imports...and keep building those LAVs for the Royal Saudi Land Forces...the Liberals need the votes in Ontario.


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Who needs open borders when you invite the terrorists to stay?


EH?    Who's inviting these Saudis to stay? 

Talking about the consequences of undiplomatic tweets by Trudeau admin does not translate to an invitation for terrorists to stay! :rolleyes:

Anyway.....how come they're here?  Do you know?


Yes, let's keep that in mind if you want to talk perspective.  You're losing it, Gosthacked.

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23 hours ago, betsy said:

It's not secret either that terrorists are mostly by Islamic jihadists - and they'd inspired others  (including the mentally unstable), to use the same tactics. 

When it comes to domestic terrorism, in America anyway, the numbers don’t lie: Far-right extremists are behind far more plots and attacks than Islamist extremists. 

There were almost twice as many terrorist incidents by right-wing extremists as by Islamist extremists in the U.S. from 2008 to 2016.

23 hours ago, betsy said:

Looks like you and Wilber seem to lump all Muslims together - like as if they're all like their leaders!

Doesn't DogOnPorch lump all Muslims together and categorizes them with Nazis? Doesn't BC2004 call Palestinians terrorists? 

I'm glad that you're finally starting to see the light. I suggest you begin teaching these two forum regulars what you've learned.

14 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Irrespective of Freeland's grandstanding using American social media (an issue already being pursued via more discrete back channels),  it was refreshing to see another sovereign nation blow that patented brand of Canadian "human rights" smugness right back into her political face.

Was it "refreshing" for you to see Saudi Arabia get into a bizarre political feud and look like an immature child having a temper tantrum after being called out on a pretty simple and understandable position on human rights? Then start spewing total b.s. like Canada oppresses women and calls Jordan Peterson a political prisoner.

Whatever floats your boat BC2004.


Who saw the day when Saudi Arabia, one of the most extreme Muslim countries, where most terrorist comes from, with a vile human rights record is being defended by BC2004, betsy, DogOnPorch, et al?

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


If the protection of human rights was so important to Canada, it would not have such a terrible record of continuing genocide and abuse of native people and land, foreign policy atrocities (e.g. Haiti), or political and economic support of global mining operations that destroy people's lives and their environment.   The "human rights" and "Responsibility to Protect®" scam has been honed with great skill by Liberal Canadian governments to justify interventions and wars far across the ocean; they are the thin veneer that a weak "middle power" needs to bolster its status in the world and pursue its national interests.   Such pablum works for many, but not all Canadians.



You are relatively new to this forum and do not understand the long running, cross-border, cultural dominance game I like to play....any opportunity to point out Canadian embrace of American culture, especially at the highest levels of government, will be exploited.   American social media dominates Canada, and now Canada's foreign minister has her tits in the wringer after carelessly using Twitter to attack an allied nation...made funnier because she was suppose to know better than a tweeting President Trump. 



Yes, we are very dangerous and will seek out future opportunities to mock such smugness, especially when it is practiced by NATO deadbeats like Canada who want others to cash the checks that Ottawa writes with its big mouth.     Enjoy the Saudi oil imports...and keep building those LAVs for the Royal Saudi Land Forces...the Liberals need the votes in Ontario.


The PM you loathe so much has made indigenous rights a priority, to the extent of adding a holiday recognizing its importance. It doesn’t matter to you because you’ll criticize Canada for any measures it takes to address the problems on reserves as giving into special interests. You contradict yourself all over the map.  Mining by companies from western countries has always been contentious.  Canada can stack up its excesses and sins beside the U.S.’s and other countries.  Question is, what are you doing about it?  I’ll tell you, nothing, because you represent strengthening the haves and letting the have nots fall further into decline, but if a government you disagree with on some issues takes an important stance to right a wrong, you simply call them hypocritical to undermine any positive actions.  Not cool. 

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10 minutes ago, marcus said:

Was it "refreshing" for you to see Saudi Arabia get into a bizarre political feud and look like an immature child having a temper tantrum after being called out on a pretty simple and understandable position on human rights? Then start spewing total b.s. like Canada oppresses women and calls Jordan Peterson a political prisoner.

Whatever floats your boat BC2004.


Who saw the day when Saudi Arabia, one of the most extreme Muslim countries, where most terrorist comes from, with a vile human rights record is being defended by BC2004, betsy, DogOnPorch, et al?


Yes...it was very refreshing to see Canada get "bitch slapped" on the international stage for grandstanding the smug "human rights" game with another U.S. ally, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).   Made more so by the overwhelming lack of support for Canada's position/method by other nations.   Freeland must have skipped that class at Harvard.

Long before 9/11, there was an attempted terrorist attack on LAX....from Canada (Millennium Bomber - Ahmed Ressam).

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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The PM you loathe so much has made indigenous rights a priority, to the extent of adding a holiday recognizing its importance. It doesn’t matter to you because you’ll criticize Canada for any measures it takes to address the problems on reserves as giving into special interests. You contradict yourself all over the map.  Mining by companies from western countries has always been contentious.  Canada can stack up its excesses and sins beside the U.S.’s and other countries.  Question is, what are you doing about it?  I’ll tell you, nothing, because you represent strengthening the haves and letting the have nots fall further into decline, but if a government you disagree with on some issues takes an important stance to right a wrong, you simply call them hypocritical to undermine any positive actions.  Not cool. 


I think you have summed up Trudeau/Liberal actions and positions quite well....hypocritical.    "Apologizing" after the fact while continuing to consolidate land and resource gains made through genocide and oppression is the Canadian way.   Convicted war criminals get more compensation in Canada than murdered, stolen, and abused "aboriginals" (what a word !).

Right and wrong don't mean squat in the trenches, particularly when all is expected to be forgiven because of some very late, half-ass apology.

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So now you’re playing the closet liberal card. Okay, if you’re saying that you stand for indigenous peoples and other marginalized segments of society, let’s start seeing posts with constructive recommendations.  All I see from you is a blind pro-Trump, anti-Trudeau algorithm.  Frankly it’s tired.  I’m not a fan of either of these politicians.  If I see either one of these politicians take a position that improves the situation, and not for one group at the expense of others, I’ll affirm it.   Trump was right to do air strikes on Asaad’s regime after the gas attacks.  Trudeau is right to be critical of the Saudis on human rights.  Unless you become constructive, your comments will be rightly  called unhelpful.  Yes, there is hypocrisy and sometimes much more needs to be done.  Let’s hear what needs to be done and what we can realistically do.  Sometimes it involves sacrifice.  Canada’s acceptance of refugees requires some financial sacrifice.  By and large, most Canadians would say it’s worth it.  As always, we have to make contributions in a measured way, so that we don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg.  

Your comments need to be more responsible.  There are too many racists and fascists out there who will seize on any language that empowers them.


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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

So now you’re playing the closet liberal card. Okay, if you’re saying that you stand for indigenous peoples and other marginalized segments of society, let’s start seeing posts with constructive recommendations.


Trust me, I am no closet liberal.   These and other issues have been discussed at length in this forum before you joined.    Recommendation ?   OK....instead of the measly $25,000 average per First Nations' government victims of genocide, residential schools, scoop babies, sterilizations, etc., make it $10.5 million each, for all living survivors and estates.

I would happily take a gig as KSA consultant for past and present Canadian (or American) 'human rights" violations in this propaganda war.



 All I see from you is a blind pro-Trump, anti-Trudeau algorithm.  Frankly it’s tired.  I’m not a fan of either of these politicians. 

Your comments need to be more responsible.  There are too many racists and fascists out there who will seize on any language that empowers them.


Nope...racists and fascists have rights too.   This is the fundamental thing that differentiates our message and methods.

Canada can do as it pleases, and I am free to mock same.

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1 hour ago, marcus said:

When it comes to domestic terrorism, in America anyway, the numbers don’t lie: Far-right extremists are behind far more plots and attacks than Islamist extremists. 

There were almost twice as many terrorist incidents by right-wing extremists as by Islamist extremists in the U.S. from 2008 to 2016.


Sorry.  Cant' take that site seriously. 



Doesn't DogOnPorch lump all Muslims together and categorizes them with Nazis? Doesn't BC2004 call Palestinians terrorists? 

Yooo-hoooo?     Am I DoP or BC?

Anyway, I'm not going to rely on your words alone. Lol.   You're the one who mostly misunderstand what's being said.



I'm glad that you're finally starting to see the light. I suggest you begin teaching these two forum regulars what you've learned.

I don't know what you're on about.



Was it "refreshing" for you to see Saudi Arabia get into a bizarre political feud and look like an immature child having a temper tantrum after being called out on a pretty simple and understandable position on human rights? Then start spewing total b.s. like Canada oppresses women and calls Jordan Peterson a political prisoner.

You're also not getting this, I can see that.  What's this?  Your trademark? :lol:

FYI, I don't care whether KSA looked like a spoiled brat.   That undiplomatic tweet  still costs us - that's what matters.  




Who saw the day when Saudi Arabia, one of the most extreme Muslim countries, where most terrorist comes from, with a vile human rights record is being defended by BC2004, betsy, DogOnPorch, et

See? You got it all wrong again.  :lol:

Edited by betsy
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20 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Right and I agree with you deporting terrorists is a GOOD thing.  Right?

Why don't Canadians just deport all Saudis and Muslims and be done with it and let's all get happy and party and then we can all end this bickering going on here. Canada will somehow still muster on without them all being here. Several decades ago Arabs were a very tiny minority in Canada and Canada survived. We Canadians would be showing them that we do not like their religion and to have to deal and play with a bunch of beheaders like those two appear to enjoy doing to their people and other infidel heads. Works for me. 

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